RX w D2007



Jak zainstalowac komponenty RX w Delphi2007? juz raz mi pomogliscie z prostszymi komponentami, a z tymi nie daje rady, instrukcja do instalacji w delphi 5 jest nastepujaca:

Uninstall previous installed version of RX Library from Delphi 5 IDE.
Remove previously compiled RX packages (if any) RXCTL5.BPL, RXDB5.BPL,
RXBDE5.BPL, DCLRX5.BPL, DCLRXDB5.BPL and DCLRXBD5.BPL from your hard disk.

If you have Delphi 5 Professional or Standard Edition, deactivate the
conditional define {$DEFINE DCS} in the RX.INC file before compiling the

Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open RX' runtime
package RXCTL5.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to
compile packages RXCTL5.DPK. After compiling repeat that for other RX
Library run-time packages RXDB5.DPK, RXBDE5.DPK. Put compiled BPL files
into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS
"PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory).
After compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time
packages into the IDE.

Use "File\Open..." menu item to open RX design-time package DCLRX5.DPK.
In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package
and then click "Install" button to register RX Library components on
the component palette. Repeat that for other RX Library design-time

jak to ugryzc w delphi 2007?, prosze o pomoc


Zainstaluj Jedi VCL - tam masz wszystkie RX-y


poszukaj rxlib-2.7.7.zip

RxLib for Delphi2006

  • Dodaj ściezke rxLib (...RxLib_2006\Units) do:
  • Environment Options
    • Delphi Options
      • Library - Win32 | Library Path
  • Otworz projekt z IDE:
    File->Open: ...\RxLib_2006\Units\Rxlib2006.bdsgroup

  • Kompiluj wszystkie projekty:
    Project-> Build All projects

  • Zainstaluj:
    [Install] (View -> Project Manager):

    dclrx2006.bpl [install]
    dcldb2006.bpl [install]


wszystko pieknie, ladnie sie zainstalowalo ale mam komunikat przy kompilacji dowolnego projektu z uzyciem RX: [DCC Error] Unit1.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'RXCtrls.dcu', wyglada na to ze sciezka w Liblary jest bledna ale wpisalem poprawna, tam gdzie znajduja sie *.pas


Nie, jednak bledna sciezka:) wszystko dziala, dzieki za pomoc:)

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