pomóżcie w zadaniach



prosze o pomoc z tymi zadaniami:

Napisz zdania w formie propozycji, używając słów podanych w nawiasach

  1. I'm going to have chinese food.(some)
  2. there is some orange juice and some coke in the fridge.(which)
  3. I am sorry your head hurts so much.(an aspirin)
  4. There are two little cakes left.(one)
  5. I am going to see the new james bond film tonight.(come with me)

inne w zalacznikach


Coraz ciekawsze tematy się pojawiają.

  1. there is some orange juice and some coke in the fridge.(which)

Which one would you like to have spilled on your head?

  1. I am sorry your head hurts so much.(an aspirin)

Maybe you should try to chop it off, as aspirin won't help you anyway?

  1. There are two little cakes left.(one)

Would you like to glue them together to make them one big cake?

Pierwsze i piąte jest za trudne, wybacz :(

dzek69 napisał(a):

Pierwsze i piąte jest za trudne, wybacz :(

  1. I'm going to have chinese food. (some)

Or me may try to eat some of your dogs if you don't mind?

  1. I am going to see the new james bond film tonight.(come with me)

Would you like to come with me to bed afterwards?


dzieki dzek69

1 użytkowników online, w tym zalogowanych: 0, gości: 1