"exceptionDescription": "Brak sesji."



I am facing below using while checking the token authentication.

url - {{baseUrl}}/online/Invoice/Send

    "exception": {
        "serviceCtx": "srvTEMFB",
        "serviceCode": "20230217-EX-AF274AC509-35A6D7D4FA-A1",
        "serviceName": "online.invoice.invoice.send",
        "timestamp": "2023-02-17T10:38:00.962Z",
        "exceptionDetailList": [
                "exceptionCode": 21149,
                "exceptionDescription": "Brak sesji."

So can someone suggest that, how to validate the token which we generated over the ksef.test.mf.gov.pl


You shoud first open the session with a token generated in app. I think you're adding generated in app token to headers, which is an incorrect way.

1 użytkowników online, w tym zalogowanych: 0, gości: 1