znaczniki <code>


Co to za kratka w tle kodu? Kod powinien być wyświetlony przejrzyście, bez zbędnych ornamentów :-|


Ten element graficzny ma niskie opacity, stad nie powinien przeszkadzac w odbiorze (sprawdzalem na 3 roznych monitorach). Jezeli bedzie to oczywiscie sie to zmieni :) Dla przykladu:

 * A simplified http request.
class HttpRequest {
  virtual ~HttpRequest() { }
  virtual const string& Path() = 0;
  virtual const string& Referrer() = 0;
  virtual const string& Host() = 0;
  virtual const string& UserAgent() = 0;

 * The abstract superclass of http request processors.
class HttpRequestProcessor {
  virtual ~HttpRequestProcessor() { }

  // Initialize this processor.  The map contains options that control
  // how requests should be processed.
  virtual bool Initialize(map<string, string>* options,
                          map<string, string>* output) = 0;

  // Process a single request.
  virtual bool Process(HttpRequest* req) = 0;

  static void Log(const char* event);

 * An http request processor that is scriptable using JavaScript.
class JsHttpRequestProcessor : public HttpRequestProcessor {
  // Creates a new processor that processes requests by invoking the
  // Process function of the JavaScript script given as an argument.
  JsHttpRequestProcessor(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> script)
      : isolate_(isolate), script_(script) { }
  virtual ~JsHttpRequestProcessor();

  virtual bool Initialize(map<string, string>* opts,
                          map<string, string>* output);
  virtual bool Process(HttpRequest* req);

  // Execute the script associated with this processor and extract the
  // Process function.  Returns true if this succeeded, otherwise false.
  bool ExecuteScript(Handle<String> script);

  // Wrap the options and output map in a JavaScript objects and
  // install it in the global namespace as 'options' and 'output'.
  bool InstallMaps(map<string, string>* opts, map<string, string>* output);

  // Constructs the template that describes the JavaScript wrapper
  // type for requests.
  static Handle<ObjectTemplate> MakeRequestTemplate(Isolate* isolate);
  static Handle<ObjectTemplate> MakeMapTemplate(Isolate* isolate);

  // Callbacks that access the individual fields of request objects.
  static void GetPath(Local<String> name,
                      const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
  static void GetReferrer(Local<String> name,
                          const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
  static void GetHost(Local<String> name,
                      const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
  static void GetUserAgent(Local<String> name,
                           const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);

  // Callbacks that access maps
  static void MapGet(Local<String> name,
                     const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
  static void MapSet(Local<String> name,
                     Local<Value> value,
                     const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);

  // Utility methods for wrapping C++ objects as JavaScript objects,
  // and going back again.
  Handle<Object> WrapMap(map<string, string>* obj);
  static map<string, string>* UnwrapMap(Handle<Object> obj);
  Handle<Object> WrapRequest(HttpRequest* obj);
  static HttpRequest* UnwrapRequest(Handle<Object> obj);

  Isolate* GetIsolate() { return isolate_; }

  Isolate* isolate_;
  Handle<String> script_;
  Persistent<Context> context_;
  Persistent<Function> process_;
  static Persistent<ObjectTemplate> request_template_;
  static Persistent<ObjectTemplate> map_template_;

// -------------------------
// --- P r o c e s s o r ---
// -------------------------

Chcialem wprowadzic numerowanie linii. Jednak niestety jest problem z kopiowaniem listingu na IE :( Na Firefoxie jest calkiem OK, tyle, ze gubi wciecia. Tylko na Chrome jest idealnie :)


Chcialem wprowadzic numerowanie linii. Jednak niestety jest problem z kopiowaniem listingu na IE :( Na Firefoxie jest calkiem OK, tyle, ze gubi wciecia. Tylko na Chrome jest idealnie :)

w necie jest chyba więcej niż jedno rozwiązanie do numerowania linii kodu ;)


To trzeba by bylo Geshi wywalic calkowicie w takim razie.


a mi się siatka podoba

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