PageSpeed api v5 nie działa


może mi ktoś podpowiedzieć dlaczego ten kod nie działa? Wyświetla tylko pierwszą funkcję a w konsoli pokazuje błąd "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)".

function psidesktop() {

$url_desktop ="";

$url_json = file_get_contents($url_desktop);
$url_array = json_decode($url_json, true);

$fcp = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['first-contentful-paint']['score'];
$si  = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['speed-index']['score'];
$lcp = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['largest-contentful-paint']['score'];
$tti = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['interactive']['score'];
$tbt = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['total-blocking-time']['score'];
$cls = $url_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['cumulative-layout-shift']['score'];

$totalscore = (($fcp + $si + $lcp + $tti + $tbt + $cls)/6)*100;
$totalscore = ceil($totalscore);
echo $totalscore;

function psimobile() {
$url_mobile ="";

$urlm_json = file_get_contents($url_mobile);
$urlm_array = json_decode($urlm_json, true);

$fcpm = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['first-contentful-paint']['score'];
$sim  = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['speed-index']['score'];
$lcpm = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['largest-contentful-paint']['score'];
$ttim = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['interactive']['score'];
$tbtm = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['total-blocking-time']['score'];
$clsm = $urlm_array['lighthouseResult']['audits']['cumulative-layout-shift']['score'];

$totalscorem = (($fcpm + $sim + $lcpm + $ttim + $tbtm + $clsm)/6)*100;
$totalscoremobile = ceil($totalscorem);
echo $totalscoremobile;

Odpowiedź z api to:

"code": 429,
"message": "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:583797351490'.",

tym samym po przekonwertowaniu tego Jsona do tablicy nie ma w niej kluczy do jakich potem się odwołujesz.
BTW. jesli obie fynkcje różnią się parametrem to warto ten fakt wykorzystać. Możesz ten parametr przekazać do funkcji, a tą wywoływać potem po prostu 2 razy.

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