Qt Android - Building the android package failed!



Zależy mi na skompilowaniu programu w Qt pod Androida

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Kompilator: "Kompilator dla armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.7.0) Release

Cały komunikat kompilatora:

20:16:41: Uruchamianie kroków budowania dla projektu ANDROID_TEST_2...
20:16:41: Konfiguracja niezmieniona, krok qmake opuszczony.
20:16:41: Uruchamianie "D:\Programy\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" 
mingw32-make: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
20:16:42: Proces "D:\Programy\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" zakończył się normalnie.
20:16:42: Usuwanie katalogu \build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build
20:16:42: Uruchamianie "D:\Programy\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" "INSTALL_ROOT=\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build" install
copy /y libANDROID_TEST_2.so \build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\libs\armeabi-v7a\libANDROID_TEST_2.so
        1 file(s) copied.
20:16:43: Proces "D:\Programy\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" zakończył się normalnie.
20:16:43: Uruchamianie "D:\Programy\Qt\5.7\android_armv7\bin\androiddeployqt.exe" --input /build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release/android-libANDROID_TEST_2.so-deployment-settings.json --output /build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release/android-build --deployment bundled --android-platform android-24 --jdk "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.7.0_55" --ant D:/Programy/Android/apache-ant-1.9.7/bin/ant.bat
Generating Android Package
  Input file: /build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release/android-libANDROID_TEST_2.so-deployment-settings.json
  Output directory: D:/build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release/android-build/
  Application binary: D:/build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release/libANDROID_TEST_2.so
  Android build platform: android-24
  Install to device: No
Buildfile: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\build.xml



 [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 25.2.2
 [checkenv] Installed at D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk

     [echo] Project Name: QtApp
  [gettype] Project Type: Application




[getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 24.0.3
     [echo] Resolving Build Target for QtApp...
[gettarget] Project Target:   Android 7.0
[gettarget] API level:        24
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\res
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\rsObj
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\rsLibs
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\gen
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\classes
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\dexedLibs
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Resolving Dependencies for QtApp...
[dependency] Library dependencies:
[dependency] No Libraries
[dependency] ------------------
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
   [subant] No sub-builds to iterate on

[mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
[mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.
     [echo] Handling aidl files...
     [aidl] Found 2 AIDL files.
     [aidl] Compiling 2 AIDL files.
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Handling RenderScript files...
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Handling Resources...
     [aapt] Generating resource IDs...
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Handling BuildConfig class...
[buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.


    [javac] Compiling 10 source files to D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\classes
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/Activity.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/Dialog.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/Fragment.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/Context.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/Intent.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/res/Configuration.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/res/Resources.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/res/Resources$Theme.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/graphics/Bitmap.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/graphics/Canvas.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Build.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Bundle.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/util/AttributeSet.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ActionMode.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ActionMode$Callback.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ContextMenu.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ContextMenu$ContextMenuInfo.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/KeyEvent.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/Menu.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/MenuItem.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/MotionEvent.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/View.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/WindowManager.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/LayoutInflater.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory2.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Object.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/Window.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/Window$Callback.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/KeyEvent$Callback.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Parcelable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/InputEvent.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/View$OnCreateContextMenuListener.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEventSource.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/ComponentCallbacks2.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/ComponentCallbacks.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ContextThemeWrapper.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/ContextWrapper.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/String.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/AlertDialog.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/DialogInterface.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/pm/ActivityInfo.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/pm/PackageManager.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/graphics/drawable/ColorDrawable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/net/Uri.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/reflect/Field.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/ComponentName.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/ServiceConnection.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/pm/ComponentInfo.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/pm/PackageInfo.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/res/AssetManager.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/IBinder.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/RemoteException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/util/Log.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/DataInputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/DataOutputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/File.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/FileInputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/FileOutputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/IOException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/InputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/OutputStream.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/reflect/Method.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/util/ArrayList.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/util/Arrays.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(dalvik/system/DexClassLoader.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/CharSequence.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Class.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Runnable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/Application.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/util/HashMap.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/app/Service.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/IInterface.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Binder.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Parcel.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ViewDebug.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ViewDebug$ExportedProperty.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ViewDebug$IntToString.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ViewDebug$FlagToString.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Override.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/annotation/Annotation.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/annotation/Target.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/annotation/ElementType.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/annotation/Retention.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Error.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/pm/PackageManager$NameNotFoundException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/util/AndroidException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Exception.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/Throwable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/RuntimeException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/IntentSender.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/content/IntentSender$SendIntentException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/io/FileNotFoundException.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(java/lang/AutoCloseable.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] warning: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/os/Build$VERSION.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
    [javac]   It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    [javac] 100 warnings



      [dex] input: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\bin\classes
      [dex] input: D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\libs\QtAndroid-bundled.jar
      [dex] Pre-Dexing D:\build-ANDROID_TEST_2-Android_dla_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_0-Release\android-build\libs\QtAndroid-bundled.jar -> QtAndroid-bundled-54b73b9a03f0275efa23543e5a23f581.jar
       [dx] java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
       [dx] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
       [dx] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:800)
       [dx] 	at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)
       [dx] 	at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:449)
       [dx] 	at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:71)
       [dx] 	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:361)
       [dx] 	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
       [dx] 	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
       [dx] 	at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
       [dx] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
       [dx] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:412)
       [dx] 	at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
       [dx] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
       [dx] 	at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(LauncherHelper.java:482)
       [dx] Exception in thread "main" 

D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:888: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:890: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:902: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:283: null returned: 1

Total time: 1 second
Building the android package failed!
  -- For more information, run this command with --verbose.
20:16:47: Proces "D:\Programy\Qt\5.7\android_armv7\bin\androiddeployqt.exe" zakończył się kodem wyjściowym 14.
Błąd budowania / instalowania projektu ANDROID_TEST_2 (zestaw narzędzi: Android dla armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.7.0))
Podczas wykonywania kroku "Zbuduj Android APK"
20:16:47: Czas trwania: 00:06.

Plik: D:\Programy\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml w załącznikach.
<do-only-if-manifest-hasCode elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping...">
<do-only-if-not-library elseText="Library project: do not convert bytecode..." >
<dex-helper />

Pytanie brzmi: Co zrobić aby projekt się skompilował poprawnie do pliku apk i aby również zadziałał na telefonie :(

w załącznikach:

  • projekt Qt
  • plik build.xml
  • screen konfiguracji Androida w Qt

Zgodnie z warningami, masz zbyt nową wersję sdk. Zainstaluj o jedną wersję starszą z managera

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