JavaME program nie uruchamia kolejnego menu


zrobiłem menu z kilku części i do ostatniego menu program już nie wchodzi
program się kompiluje ale gdy naciskam przycisk wejścia do kolejnego programu w
netbeans pokazują się komunikaty

oto one

Copying 1 file to C:\Users\komp_k\Documents\NetBeansProjects\GZK_Redziny_T_org07072012\dist\nbrun2753518169685550053
Copying 1 file to C:\Users\komp_k\Documents\NetBeansProjects\GZK_Redziny_T_org07072012\dist\nbrun2753518169685550053
Jad URL for OTA execution: http://localhost:8082/servlet/org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.jam.JAMServlet/C%3A/Users/komp_k/Documents/NetBeansProjects/GZK_Redziny_T_org07072012/dist//GZK_Redziny.jad
Starting emulator in execution mode
Installing suite from:
1852 - ERROR - JSR258 - 3 - Can't create MediaObject: media file (screen.image_bg.png) is not found
1952 - ERROR - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find theme element (feature=activeScreen, role=background)
1955 - ERROR - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find theme element (feature=inputMode, role=backgroundImage)
1958 - CRITICAL - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find Chameleon element (id=161)
1958 - CRITICAL - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find Chameleon element (id=163)
1959 - CRITICAL - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find Chameleon element (id=164)
1959 - CRITICAL - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find Chameleon element (id=165)
1960 - CRITICAL - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find Chameleon element (id=182)
1962 - ERROR - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find theme element (feature=systemMenu, role=selectedItemBackground)
1965 - ERROR - JSR258 - 3 - Can't find theme element (feature=virtualKeyboard, role=virtualKeyboardBGImage)
WARNING - MMA - C:/Builds/jme-sdk/javacall-javame-sdk-305/implementation/share/jsr135_mmapi/ju_mmconfig.c line 801: caps: optional settings missing: SuspendBehavior
142660 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=15
142853 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143035 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143035 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=38 y=14
143315 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143531 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143531 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=38 y=14
143723 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143899 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=38 y=14
143899 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=38 y=14
144874 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=34
145338 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=31
145539 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=31
145539 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=40 y=31
145722 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=31
146002 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=31
146003 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=40 y=31
146460 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=31
151618 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=41 y=10
151828 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=41 y=10
151828 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=41 y=10
152002 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=41 y=10
152171 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=41 y=10
152171 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=41 y=10
152354 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=41 y=9
152538 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=9
152739 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=9
152739 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=8 x=40 y=9
152930 - ERROR - HIGHUI - 3 - AbstractInputHandler: uCallPointerEvent, type=7 x=40 y=9
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 8 minutes 59 seconds)

nie wiem co mam zrobić stanąłem w miejscu może ktoś pomoże ominąć błąd

podaje kod ostatniego menu

public List getList18() {
        if (list18 == null) {
            list18 = new List("ssss", Choice.IMPLICIT);
            list18.append("Rozk.Szkolny", null);
            list18.append("Rozk.Szkolny", null); 
            list18.setSelectedFlags(new boolean[]{false, false});
        return list18;

    public void list18Action() {
        String __selectedString = getList18().getString(getList18().getSelectedIndex());
        if (__selectedString != null)
            if (__selectedString.equals("Rozk.Szkolny"))
			switchDisplayable(null, getList44());
			else if (__selectedString.equals("Rozk.Szkolny"))
			switchDisplayable(null, getList45());

dziękuje za odpowiedz


problem rozwiązałem nie dodałem action do list

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