std::minmax_element() zwraca błąd: "no matching function for call to 'forward'"


Testuję sobie w aplikacji konsolowej C++ Buildera 11 Community funkcję - **minmax_element() ** z biblioteki STL, która w domyśle powinna zwrócić parę iteratorów z wartościami najmniejszymi i największymi interesującego/zapodanego zakresu. Kod kompiluję zarówno w środowisku Buildera jak i w trybie online C++ (OnlineGDB). O ile króciutki fragment kodu przy kompilacji dla OnlineGDB przebiega bez błędów, to w (najnowszym jakby nie patrzeć) C++ Builder kompilacje zatrzymuje błąd.
Fragment kodu:

vector<int> my_vectors {64,1,1024,512,128};
 const auto[min_t,max_t]
*italic[bcc32c Error] utility(687): no matching function for call to 'forward'
  p_iterator1.cpp(31): in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::get<0, std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int> > >, std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int> > > >' requested here
  type_traits(2473): candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const typename tuple_element<0U, pair<_Vector_iterator<_Vector_val<_Simple_types<int> > >, _Vector_iterator<_Vector_val<_Simple_types<int> > > > >::type' (aka 'const std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int> > >')) would lose const qualifier
  type_traits(2480): candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const typename tuple_element<0U, pair<_Vector_iterator<_Vector_val<_Simple_types<int> > >, _Vector_iterator<_Vector_val<_Simple_types<int> > > > >::type' (aka 'const std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int> > >')) would lose const qualifier
  p_iterator1.cpp(31): in implicit initialization of binding declaration 'min_t's*

Szczerze mówiąc to nic z tego komunikatu nie rozumiem. Nie jestem w stanie odnaleźć błędu, zwłaszcza że na innych kompilatorach przechodzi te drobne przypisanie bez problemów.


Podaj minimalny kompletny przykład.
would lose const qualifier wskazuje na to, że coś nie tak jest z "const correctness" a twój przykład nie ma tego problemu.

Jaką wersję kompilatora masz? Czy kompilator wspiera i ma ustawione C++17 by było dostępne structured binding.

Na gcc/clang/msvc twój przykład działa:


To może jeszcze raz. Przykład króciutki, jeden do jednego z podstawowej strony -

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    const auto v = {3, 9, 1, 4, 2, 5, 9};
    const auto [min, max] = std::minmax_element(begin(v), end(v));
    std::cout << "min = " << *min << ", max = " << *max << '\n';

Przy kompilacji środowisko pokazuje błędy
*[bcc32c Error] utility(687): no matching function for call to 'forward'
p_iterator2.cpp(7): in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::get<0, const int *, const int *>' requested here
type_traits(2473): candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const typename tuple_element<0U, pair<const int *, const int *> >::type' (aka 'const int *const')) would lose const qualifier
type_traits(2480): candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const typename tuple_element<0U, pair<const int *, const int *> >::type' (aka 'const int const')) would lose const qualifier
p_iterator2.cpp(7): in implicit initialization of binding declaration 'min'

Oraz wyświetla obok okna kodu okienko z plikiem Utility w którym podświetlona jest następująca linia:

return (_STD forward<_RRtype>(_STD get<_Idx>(_Pr)));

Coraz bardziej mi to wygląda jakby to było "przetłumaczone na siłe z Delphi" i nie wszystko się udało. Może jeszcze na dole dodam cały ten plik/moduł Utility i niech ktoś oceni czy ma to coś wspólnego ze standardem C++, a zwłaszcza C++17, które te najnowsze środowisko ponoć wspiera.

// utility standard header
#ifndef _UTILITY_
#define _UTILITY_
#include <xstddef>
//#include <charconv>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <type_traits>

template<class _Ty,
	class = enable_if_t<is_move_constructible<_Ty>::value
		&& is_move_assignable<_Ty>::value,
		void> > inline
	void swap(_Ty& _Left, _Ty& _Right)
			&& is_nothrow_move_assignable<_Ty>::value)
	{	// exchange values stored at _Left and _Right
	_Ty _Tmp(_Move(_Left));
	_Left = _Move(_Right);
	_Right = _Move(_Tmp);

template<class _Ty,
	size_t _Size,
	class = enable_if_t<is_swappable<_Ty>::value,
		void> > inline
	void swap(_Ty (&_Left)[_Size], _Ty (&_Right)[_Size])
	{	// exchange arrays stored at _Left and _Right
	if (&_Left != &_Right)
		{	// worth swapping, swap ranges
		_Ty *_First1 = _Left;
		_Ty *_Last1 = _First1 + _Size;
		_Ty *_First2 = _Right;
		for (; _First1 != _Last1; ++_First1, ++_First2)
			swap(*_First1, *_First2);

		// TEMPLATE FUNCTION iter_swap (from <algorithm>)
template<class _FwdIt1,
	class _FwdIt2> inline
	void iter_swap(_FwdIt1 _Left, _FwdIt2 _Right)
	{	// swap *_Left and *_Right
	swap(*_Left, *_Right);

template<class _Ty> inline
	bool _Swap_adl(_Ty& _Left, _Ty& _Right)
		_NOEXCEPT_OP(_NOEXCEPT_OP((swap(_Left, _Right), true)))
	{	// exchange values stored at _Left and _Right, using ADL
	swap(_Left, _Right);
	return (true);	// for use in _NOEXCEPT_OP

struct piecewise_construct_t
	{	// tag type for pair tuple arguments
	explicit piecewise_construct_t() = default;
_CONST_DATA piecewise_construct_t piecewise_construct{};
	class tuple;

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct pair
	{	// store a pair of values
	typedef pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> _Myt;
	typedef _Ty1 first_type;
	typedef _Ty2 second_type;

	pair(const pair&) = default;
	pair(pair&&) = default;
	_Myt& operator=(const _Myt&) = default;	// [sic]

	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
	_CONST_FUN pair()
		: first(), second()
		{	// default construct
	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value
			&& !(is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value),
			bool>::type = true>
	explicit _CONST_FUN pair()
		: first(), second()
		{	// explicit default construct

	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_copy_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_copy_constructible<_Myt2>::value
#if defined(__CODEGEARC__)
			&& is_convertible<const _Myt1&, _Myt1>::value
			&& is_convertible<const _Myt2&, _Myt2>::value,
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
#if defined(__CODEGEARC__)
		_CONST_FUN pair(const _Ty1& _Val1, const _Ty2& _Val2)
		_CONST_FUN pair(const _Myt1& _Val1, const _Myt2& _Val2)
			: first(_Val1),
		{	// copy construct from specified values
	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_copy_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_copy_constructible<_Myt2>::value
#if defined(__CODEGEARC__)
			&& !(is_convertible<const _Myt1&, _Myt1>::value
			&& is_convertible<const _Myt2&, _Myt2>::value),
			&& !(is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Myt2>::value),
			bool>::type = true>
#if defined(__CODEGEARC__)
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(const _Ty1& _Val1, const _Ty2& _Val2)
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(const _Myt1& _Val1, const _Myt2& _Val2)
			: first(_Val1),
		{	// explicit copy construct from specified values

#if defined(__CODEGEARC__)
	template<class _Myt1, class _Myt2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Ty1, _Myt1>::value
				   && is_constructible<_Ty2, _Myt2>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
		_CONST_FUN pair(_Myt1&& _Val1, _Myt2&& _Val2)
			: first(_STD forward<_Myt1>(_Val1)),
				second(_STD forward<_Myt2>(_Val2))
		{	// move construct from specified values
	  template<class _Myt1, class _Myt2,
		 typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Ty1, _Myt1>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Ty2, _Myt2>::value
			&& !(is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value),
			bool>::type = true>
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(_Myt1&& _Val1, _Myt2&& _Val2)
			: first(_STD forward<_Myt1>(_Val1)),
				second(_STD forward<_Myt2>(_Val2))
		{	// explicit move construct from specified values
	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, _Ty1&&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, _Ty2&&>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
		_CONST_FUN pair(_Myt1&& _Val1, _Myt2&& _Val2)
			: first(_STD forward<_Myt1>(_Val1)),
				second(_STD forward<_Myt2>(_Val2))
		{	// move construct from specified values
	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, _Ty1&&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, _Ty2&&>::value
			&& !(is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value),
			bool>::type = true>
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(_Myt1&& _Val1, _Myt2&& _Val2)
			: first(_STD forward<_Myt1>(_Val1)),
				second(_STD forward<_Myt2>(_Val2))
		{	// explicit move construct from specified values

	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, const _Other1&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, const _Other2&>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
		_CONST_FUN pair(const pair<_Other1, _Other2>& _Right)
			: first(_Right.first),
		{	// copy construct from pair
	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, const _Other1&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, const _Other2&>::value
			&& !(is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value),
			bool>::type = false>
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(const pair<_Other1, _Other2>& _Right)
			: first(_Right.first),
		{	// explicit copy construct from pair

	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, _Other1&&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, _Other2&&>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value,
			bool>::type = true>
		_CONST_FUN pair(pair<_Other1, _Other2>&& _Right)
			: first(_STD forward<_Other1>(_Right.first)),
				second(_STD forward<_Other2>(_Right.second))
		{	// move construct from pair
	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		typename enable_if<is_constructible<_Myt1, _Other1&&>::value
			&& is_constructible<_Myt2, _Other2&&>::value
			&& !(is_convertible<_Myt1, _Ty1>::value
			&& is_convertible<_Myt2, _Ty2>::value),
			bool>::type = true>
		explicit _CONST_FUN pair(pair<_Other1, _Other2>&& _Right)
			: first(_STD forward<_Other1>(_Right.first)),
				second(_STD forward<_Other2>(_Right.second))
		{	// explicit move construct from pair

	template<class _Tuple1,
		class _Tuple2,
		size_t... _Indexes1,
		size_t... _Indexes2> inline
		pair(_Tuple1& _Val1,
			_Tuple2& _Val2,
			integer_sequence<size_t, _Indexes1...>,
			integer_sequence<size_t, _Indexes2...>);

	template<class _Ty,
		class _Tuple,
		size_t... _Indexes> inline
		typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type _Init(
			_Tuple&, integer_sequence<size_t, _Indexes...>);

	template<class... _Types1,
		class... _Types2> inline
			tuple<_Types1...> _Val1,
			tuple<_Types2...> _Val2)
			_NOEXCEPT_OP((is_nothrow_constructible<_Ty1, _Types1...>::value)
				&& (is_nothrow_constructible<_Ty2, _Types2...>::value));
// defined in <tuple>

	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		class = enable_if_t<is_copy_assignable<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_copy_assignable<_Myt2>::value,
			void> >
		_Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _Right)
		{	// assign from copied pair
		first = _Right.first;
		second = _Right.second;
		return (*this);

	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class = enable_if_t<is_assignable<_Ty1&, const _Other1&>::value
			&& is_assignable<_Ty2&, const _Other2&>::value,
			void> >
		_Myt& operator=(const pair<_Other1, _Other2>& _Right)
		{	// assign from compatible pair
		first = _Right.first;
		second = _Right.second;
		return (*this);

	template<class _Myt1 = _Ty1,
		class _Myt2 = _Ty2,
		class = enable_if_t<is_move_assignable<_Myt1>::value
			&& is_move_assignable<_Myt2>::value,
			void> >
		_Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _Right)
				&& is_nothrow_move_assignable<_Ty2>::value))
		{	// assign from moved pair
		first = _STD forward<_Ty1>(_Right.first);
		second = _STD forward<_Ty2>(_Right.second);
		return (*this);

	template<class _Other1,
		class _Other2,
		class = enable_if_t<is_assignable<_Ty1&, _Other1&&>::value
			&& is_assignable<_Ty2&, _Other2&&>::value,
			void> >
		_Myt& operator=(pair<_Other1, _Other2>&& _Right)
		{	// assign from moved compatible pair
		first = _STD forward<_Other1>(_Right.first);
		second = _STD forward<_Other2>(_Right.second);
		return (*this);

	void swap(_Myt& _Right)
			&& is_nothrow_swappable<_Ty2>::value)
		{	// exchange contents with _Right
		if (this != &_Right)
			{	// different, worth swapping
			_Swap_adl(first, _Right.first);
			_Swap_adl(second, _Right.second);

	_Ty1 first;	// the first stored value
	_Ty2 second;	// the second stored value

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2,
	class = enable_if_t<is_swappable<_Ty1>::value
		&& is_swappable<_Ty2>::value,
		void> > inline
	void swap(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
			&& is_nothrow_swappable<_Ty2>::value)
	{	// swap _Left and _Right pairs

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator==(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test for pair equality
	return (_Left.first == _Right.first && _Left.second == _Right.second);

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator!=(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test for pair inequality
	return (!(_Left == _Right));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator<(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left < _Right for pairs
	return (_Left.first < _Right.first
		|| (!(_Right.first < _Left.first) && _Left.second < _Right.second));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator>(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left > _Right for pairs
	return (_Right < _Left);

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator<=(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left <= _Right for pairs
	return (!(_Right < _Left));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN bool operator>=(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Left,
		const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left >= _Right for pairs
	return (!(_Left < _Right));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN pair<typename _Unrefwrap<_Ty1>::type,
		typename _Unrefwrap<_Ty2>::type>
		make_pair(_Ty1&& _Val1, _Ty2&& _Val2)
	{	// return pair composed from arguments
	typedef pair<typename _Unrefwrap<_Ty1>::type,
		typename _Unrefwrap<_Ty2>::type> _Mypair;
	return (_Mypair(_STD forward<_Ty1>(_Val1),
		_STD forward<_Ty2>(_Val2)));

	namespace rel_ops
		{	// nested namespace to hide relational operators from std
template<class _Ty> inline
	bool operator!=(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// test for inequality, in terms of equality
	return (!(_Left == _Right));

template<class _Ty> inline
	bool operator>(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left > _Right, in terms of operator<
	return (_Right < _Left);

template<class _Ty> inline
	bool operator<=(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left <= _Right, in terms of operator<
	return (!(_Right < _Left));

template<class _Ty> inline
	bool operator>=(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left >= _Right, in terms of operator<
	return (!(_Left < _Right));

template<class _Ty,
	_INT_OR_SIZE_T _Size>
	class array;

	// TEMPLATE STRUCT tuple_size
template<class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_size;

template<class _Ty,
	size_t _Size>
	struct tuple_size<array<_Ty, _Size> >
		: integral_constant<size_t, _Size>
	{	// struct to determine number of elements in array

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct tuple_size<pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >
	: integral_constant<size_t, 2>
	{	// size of pair

template<class... _Types>
	struct tuple_size<tuple<_Types...> >
	: integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(_Types)>
	{	// size of tuple

template<class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_size<const _Tuple>
	: integral_constant<size_t, tuple_size<_Tuple>::value>
	{	// size of const tuple

template<class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_size<volatile _Tuple>
	: integral_constant<size_t, tuple_size<_Tuple>::value>
	{	// size of volatile tuple

template<class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_size<const volatile _Tuple>
	: integral_constant<size_t, tuple_size<_Tuple>::value>
	{	// size of const volatile tuple

template<class _Tuple>
	_INLINE_VAR _CONST_DATA size_t tuple_size_v = tuple_size<_Tuple>::value;

	// CLASS tuple_element (find element by index)
template<size_t _Index,
	class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_element;

template<size_t _Idx,
	class _Ty,
	_INT_OR_SIZE_T _Size>
	struct tuple_element<_Idx, array<_Ty, _Size> >
	{	// struct to determine type of element _Idx in array
		{	// default construct
		_STATIC_ASSERT2(_Idx < _Size, "array index out of bounds");

	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct tuple_element<0, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >
	{	// struct to determine type of element 0 in pair
	typedef _Ty1 type;

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct tuple_element<1, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >
	{	// struct to determine type of element 1 in pair
	typedef _Ty2 type;

template<size_t _Index>
	struct tuple_element<_Index, tuple<> >
	{	// enforce bounds checking
	static_assert(_Always_false<integral_constant<size_t, _Index> >::value,
		"tuple index out of bounds");

template<class _This,
	class... _Rest>
	struct tuple_element<0, tuple<_This, _Rest...> >
	{	// select first element
	typedef _This type;
	typedef tuple<_This, _Rest...> _Ttype;

template<size_t _Index,
	class _This,
	class... _Rest>
	struct tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_This, _Rest...> >
		: public tuple_element<_Index - 1, tuple<_Rest...> >
	{	// recursive tuple_element definition

template<size_t _Index,
	class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_element<_Index, const _Tuple>
		: public tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple>
	{	// tuple_element for const
	typedef tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple> _Mybase;
	typedef typename add_const<typename _Mybase::type>::type type;

template<size_t _Index,
	class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_element<_Index, volatile _Tuple>
		: public tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple>
	{	// tuple_element for volatile
	typedef tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple> _Mybase;
	typedef typename add_volatile<typename _Mybase::type>::type type;

template<size_t _Index,
	class _Tuple>
	struct tuple_element<_Index, const volatile _Tuple>
		: public tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple>
	{	// tuple_element for const volatile
	typedef tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple> _Mybase;
	typedef typename add_cv<typename _Mybase::type>::type type;

template<size_t _Index,
	class _Tuple>
	using tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element<_Index, _Tuple>::type;
 #endif /* _HAS_TEMPLATE_ALIAS */

template<class _Ret,
	class _Pair> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ret _Pair_get(_Pair& _Pr,
		integral_constant<size_t, 0>) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get reference to element 0 in pair _Pr
	return (_Pr.first);

template<class _Ret,
	class _Pair> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ret _Pair_get(_Pair& _Pr,
		integral_constant<size_t, 1>) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get reference to element 1 in pair _Pr
	return (_Pr.second);

template<size_t _Idx,
	class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&
		get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get reference to element at _Idx in pair _Pr
	typedef typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type& _Rtype;
	return (_Pair_get<_Rtype>(_Pr, integral_constant<size_t, _Idx>()));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ty1& get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get reference to element _Ty1 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<0>(_Pr));

template<class _Ty2,
	class _Ty1> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ty2& get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get reference to element _Ty2 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<1>(_Pr));

template<size_t _Idx,
	class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN const typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&
		get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const reference to element at _Idx in pair _Pr
	typedef const typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&
	return (_Pair_get<_Ctype>(_Pr, integral_constant<size_t, _Idx>()));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN const _Ty1& get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const reference to element _Ty1 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<0>(_Pr));

template<class _Ty2,
	class _Ty1> inline
	_CONST_FUN const _Ty2& get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const reference to element _Ty2 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<1>(_Pr));

template<size_t _Idx,
	class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&&
		get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get rvalue reference to element at _Idx in pair _Pr
	typedef typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&& _RRtype;
	return (_STD forward<_RRtype>(_STD get<_Idx>(_Pr)));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ty1&& get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get rvalue reference to element _Ty1 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<0>(_STD move(_Pr)));

template<class _Ty2,
	class _Ty1> inline
	_CONST_FUN _Ty2&& get(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get rvalue reference to element _Ty2 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<1>(_STD move(_Pr)));

 #if _HAS_CPP17
template<size_t _Idx,
	class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN const typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&&
		get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const rvalue reference to element at _Idx in pair _Pr
	typedef typename tuple_element<_Idx, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> >::type&& _RRtype;
	return (_STD forward<_RRtype>(_STD get<_Idx>(_Pr)));

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2> inline
	_CONST_FUN const _Ty1&& get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const rvalue reference to element _Ty1 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<0>(_STD move(_Pr)));

template<class _Ty2,
	class _Ty1> inline
	_CONST_FUN const _Ty2&& get(const pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>&& _Pr) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const rvalue reference to element _Ty2 in pair _Pr
	return (_STD get<1>(_STD move(_Pr)));
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP17 */

template<class _Ty,
	class _Other = _Ty> inline
	_Ty exchange(_Ty& _Val, _Other&& _New_val)
	{	// assign _New_val to _Val, return previous _Val
	_Ty _Old_val = _STD move(_Val);
	_Val = _STD forward<_Other>(_New_val);
	return (_Old_val);

 #if _HAS_CPP17
template<class _Ty>
	_CONST_FUN add_const_t<_Ty>& as_const(_Ty& _Val) _NOEXCEPT
	{	// get const reference to _Val
	return (_Val);
template<class _Ty>
	void as_const(const _Ty&&) = delete;

	// STRUCT in_place_t
struct in_place_t
	{	// indicates in-place construction
	explicit in_place_t() = default;
_INLINE_VAR _CONST_DATA in_place_t in_place {};
template<class _Ty>
	struct in_place_type_t
	{	// indicates in-place construction by type _Ty
	explicit in_place_type_t() = default;

template<class _Ty>
	_INLINE_VAR _CONST_DATA in_place_type_t<_Ty> in_place_type {};
template<size_t _Idx>
	struct in_place_index_t
	{	// indicates in-place construction by size _Idx
	explicit in_place_index_t() = default;

template<size_t _Idx>
	_INLINE_VAR _CONST_DATA in_place_index_t<_Idx> in_place_index {};
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP17 */

namespace tr1 {	// TR1 additions
using _STD get;
using _STD tuple_element;
using _STD tuple_size;
}	// namespace tr1
 #endif /* _HAS_TR1_IMPORTS */

#endif /* _UTILITY_ */

 * Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
 * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
 * V8.05/17:1422 */


mam mało czasu wiec moze wieczorem zerknę więcej ale pierwsza rada
próbowałeś użyć std::cbegin i std::cend? czyli wersji const. bo tak myślę jak dedukcja szablonu będzie przebiegała.

revcorey napisał(a):

mam mało czasu wiec moze wieczorem zerknę więcej ale pierwsza rada
próbowałeś użyć std::cbegin i std::cend? czyli wersji const. bo tak myślę jak dedukcja szablonu będzie przebiegała.

Tak, wykorzystałem przykłady z użyciem std::cbegin i std::cend - kompilacja i wykonanie poprawne i "bezwarningowe".


@davout: Ciężko to w ogóle zreprodukować, z tego tytułu że kompilator którego używasz
to jakieś totalnie niszowe narzędzie - na godbolcie nie mogę go za cholerę znaleźć.
Dlaczego się nie przesiądziesz na jakieś gcc/clang/msvc?

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