Kolorowanie grafu PILNA POMOC


Mam problem z programem kolorującym graf metodą LF(largest-first). posortowalem wierzcholki wg stopnia malejąco ale funkcja kolorująca
assignColor nie działa do konca dobrze. pokaze na przykładzie.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 255

int true = 1;
int false = 0;
int vertex[SIZE], degree[SIZE], color[SIZE], colorcounter[SIZE], degreecount[SIZE], dummyvertex[SIZE];

void checking( int lines, int v, int vertex[SIZE], int degree[SIZE] );
void checkDegree ( int lines, int v, int vertex[SIZE] );
void degreeSorting ( int v );
void assignColor ( int lines, int v/*, int vertex[SIZE], int degree[SIZE], int color[SIZE]*/ );
void displayColor( int v, int color[SIZE] );

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int f,v;
    int lines=0;
    FILE *fp;

    // Check if execute without any graph file
    if( argc<2 ) {
       printf( "Please enter the graph's filename in command.\n" );
       return 1;

    // Check if execute with invalid graph file
    if( ( fp = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ) == NULL ) {
        printf( "Graph file %s not exist.\n", argv[1] );
       return 1;

    // Read file from commandline
    if ( argc>1 ) {
        for ( f=1; f<=argc-1; f++ ) {
            fp = fopen ( argv[f], "r" );
            while ( fscanf( fp, "%d %d", &vertex[lines], &degree[lines] ) == 2 ) {
            fclose( fp );    // Closes the file

    v = vertex[lines-1];  //v -> liczba krawędzi
//    checking ( lines, v, vertex, degree );
    checkDegree ( lines, v, vertex );
    degreeSorting ( v );
    assignColor ( lines, v/*, vertex, degree, color */);
    displayColor ( v, color );

     return 0;

void checking ( int lines, int v, int vertex[SIZE], int degree[SIZE] )
    int i;
    printf( "\nContain of file: \nlines Vertex[i] Degree[i]\n"
                                         "===== ========= =========\n" );
    for( i=0; i<lines; i++ ){
        printf( "  %2d \t %2d \t   %2d\n", i, vertex[i], degree[i] );    // show the contain of every degree
    printf( "\nTotal Vertices, v = %2d, lines = %2d\n", v, lines );     // Vertex (0-12), v=13, lines=42

void checkDegree ( int lines, int v, int vertex[SIZE] )
    int i,n;

    for( i=1; i <= v; i++ ) {        // vertex 1 to max vertice value
        color[i] = 0;                    // default color = no color
        colorcounter[i] = 0;            // default colorcounter = 0
        degreecount[i] = 0;            // vertex counter set to 0
        dummyvertex[i] = i;            // Set dummy vertex[i] = vertex[i]

    for( i=0; i<=lines; i++ ) {    // check every line
        for( n=1; n<=v; n++ ) {        // count for similar value
            if ( vertex[i] == n ){

void degreeSorting ( int v )
    int i,j;
    double temp1, temp2;

    // "Bubble sort" vertex by degree, duplicate the result to Dummy Vertex
        j = 0;
        for( i=1; i<=v; i++ ) {            // Vertex counter
            if ( degreecount[i] < degreecount[i+1] ) {
                j = 1;
                temp1 = degreecount[i];    // Sort degree
                degreecount[i] = degreecount[i+1];
                degreecount[i+1] = temp1;

                temp2 = dummyvertex[i];    // Sort vertex
                dummyvertex[i] = dummyvertex[i+1];
                dummyvertex[i+1] = temp2;
    } while( j == 1 );

    printf( "\nSort Vertex Ascending by Numbers of Degree\nVertex  Degree(s)\n"
                                                                           "======  =========\n" );
    for( i=1; i<=v; i++ ) {             // vertex 1 to max vertice value
        printf( "  %2d       %2d\n", dummyvertex[i], degreecount[i] );
    }                                            // dummy vertex having the same index with Vertex

void assignColor ( int lines, int v ){
    int i, j, x=0, y=0;
    int temp[x];

    for( i=1; i<=v; i++ ) {
        for( j=0; j<lines; j++ ){

            if( color[ dummyvertex[i] ] == 0 ){       //dummyvertex to posortowana tablica wierzcholkow
                // assign vertex color                //przypisanie dummyvertex koloru s
                   color[ dummyvertex[i] ] = colorcounter[y];

            if ( vertex[j] == dummyvertex[i] && color[ degree[j] ]==0){
                   // assumed that degree[j] don't have any link to each other
                   color[ degree[j] ] = colorcounter[y]+1;

void displayColor ( int v, int color[SIZE] )
    int i;
    printf( "\nColors of Vertices\nVertex  Color\n======  =====\n" );
    for( i=1; i<=v; i++ )
        printf( "  %2d     %2d\n", i, color[i] );
    printf( "\n" );

input file: 2.c

1 2
1 4
2 1
2 4
2 3
2 5
3 2
3 4
4 1
4 2
4 3
5 2


Vertex Color
====== =====
1 2
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
krawedz 4 nie moze miec koloru 2 bo sąsiednia krawędź(1)
ma ten kolor...
proszę o pomoc pilne

ps: uruchamianie programu poprzez ./a.out 2.c ,gdzie 2.c to input file


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