Narzędzie Dezasembler ILildasm


Obecnie program ildasm nie jest dostarczany razem NET SDK 5 albo 6 . Instaluje pakiet nuget w Visual Studio uruchamiam z wiersza poleceń tak jak podają w książce Pro c 9 with Net 5 a uruchamia się stara wersja programu Framework 4.8. Czy ktoś wie jak to uruchomić żeby działało ?

fragment z książki:
The ildasm.exe program no longer ships with the .NET 5 runtime. There are two options for getting
this tool into your workspace. The first is to compile from the .NET 5 Runtime source located at method, is to pull down the desired version from Make
sure to select the correct version (for this book you will want version 5.0.0 or higher). Add the ILDasm to your
project with the following command: dotnet add package Microsoft.NETCore.ILDAsm --version 5.0.0.
This doesn’t actually load ILDasm.exe into your project, but places it in your package folder (on Windows):
I have also included the 5.0.0 version of ILDasm.exe in this book’s GitHub repo in the Chapter 1 folder (and
every chapter that uses ILDasm.exe).
After you get ildasm.exe loaded onto your machine, you can run the program from the command line
without any arguments to see the help comments. At a minimum, you have to specify the assembly to extract
the CIL.
An example command line is as follows:ildasm /all /METADATA / calc.cs.dll
This will create a file named exporting all available data into the file


Weź odpal ILSpy'ja po prostu, on ma opcję pokazywania kodu pośredniego.

Alternatywnie, pobierz tego nugeta lokalnie:
Wypakuj (to zip) i odpal po prostu exe'ca. Potem możesz wrzucić do folderu który jest na zmiennej %PATH%.
Będzie działać o ile masz zainstalowany odpowiedni .NET Framework lokalnie.

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