Nadpisanie wartości kluczy w słowniku


mam problem z nadpisywaniem wartości w słowniku. Mianowicie stworzyłem słownik z potworami każdemu przypisując odpowiednią ilość życia. W momencie kiedy potwór zostanie zabity, wartość jego życia jest nadpisywana w słowniku i po ponownym spotkaniu go, wartość ta jest na minusie. Będę wdzięczny za pomoc.

playerDamage = 4

monsterLife = {
    Monster.Rat: 5,
    Monster.Bat: 10,
    Monster.GiantSpider: 15,
    Monster.Wolf: 30

def weapon_hit(chance):
    if_hit = random.uniform(1, 100)
    if if_hit < chance:
        monsterLife[drawnMonster] = monsterLife[drawnMonster] - playerDamage
        print("You hit a monster and you dealt 4 damage. It has", monsterLife[drawnMonster], " life")
        print("You missed")

def monster_draw():
    global goldAcquire
    global Gold
    global gameLength
    print("Oh no, you have find", drawnMonster.value, "which has", monsterLife[drawnMonster],
          "life .If you will defeat him, you will find great treasure.")
    eventAnswer = restrict_input('fight', 'run')
    if eventAnswer == "fight":
        while monsterLife[drawnMonster] > 0:
            if monsterLife[drawnMonster] > 0:
                if playerLife <= 0:
                    print("You died, your body will lay in chambers forever")
        drawnPremiumChest = random.choices(PremiumChestList, PremiumChestProbability)[0]
        goldAcquire = find_aprox_value(colorValue[drawnPremiumChest])
        print("Congratulations, you have defeat a monster, and you found", drawnPremiumChest.value,
              ", inside was", goldAcquire, " gold")
        Gold = Gold + goldAcquire
        gameLength = gameLength - 1
    elif eventAnswer == "run":
        gameLength = gameLength - 1
        print("you have successfully run")


To się nie skompiluje, nie podałeś całego kodu; a co do problemu, jeśli Ci nadpisuje globalny słwonik, to stwórz kopie, i, podczas walki pracuj na niej.


Ok wrzucam cały kod. CO do skopiowania listy, to musiałbym dla każdego zdarzenia robić nową kopię listy, a takich zdarzeń może być 10. Chyba, że tworzenie nowej kopii można zrobić automatycznie, jeśli tak to nie wiem jak.

import random
import sys

from enum import Enum

playerDamage = 4
playerLife = 100
gameLength = 10
Gold = 0

def restrict_input(*acceptable):
    answer = ""
    while answer not in acceptable:
        answer = input(f"What is your choice {acceptable}? ")
    return answer

def chest_draw():
    global Gold
    global gameLength
    drawnChest = random.choices(chestList, chestProbability)[0]
    goldAcquire = find_aprox_value(colorValue[drawnChest])
    Gold = Gold + goldAcquire
    gameLength = gameLength - 1
    print("You have find ", drawnChest.value, "inside was", goldAcquire, "gold")

def find_aprox_value(value):
    lowestValue = 0.9 * value
    highestValue = 1.1 * value
    return random.randint(lowestValue, highestValue)

def weapon_hit(chance):
    if_hit = random.uniform(1, 100)
    if if_hit < chance:
        monsterLife[drawnMonster] = monsterLife[drawnMonster] - playerDamage
        print("You hit a monster and you dealt 4 damage. It has", monsterLife[drawnMonster], " life")
        print("You missed")

def monster_draw():
    global playerLife
    global goldAcquire
    global Gold
    global gameLength
    print("Oh no, you have find", drawnMonster.value, "which has", monsterLife[drawnMonster],
          "life .If you will defeat him, you will find great treasure.")
    eventAnswer = restrict_input('fight', 'run')
    if eventAnswer == "fight":
        while monsterLife[drawnMonster] > 0:
            if monsterLife[drawnMonster] > 0:
                if playerLife <= 0:
                    print("You died, your body will lay in chambers forever")
        drawnPremiumChest = random.choices(PremiumChestList, PremiumChestProbability)[0]
        goldAcquire = find_aprox_value(colorValue[drawnPremiumChest])
        print("Congratulations, you have defeat a monster, and you found", drawnPremiumChest.value,
              ", inside was", goldAcquire, " gold")
        Gold = Gold + goldAcquire
        gameLength = gameLength - 1
    elif eventAnswer == "run":
        gameLength = gameLength - 1
        print("you have successfully run")

def monster_hit():
    global playerLife
    monsterHit = monsterDamage[drawnMonster]
    playerLife = playerLife - monsterHit
    print("Monster did", monsterDamage[drawnMonster], "damage")
    print("You have ", playerLife, "life")

def run():
    global playerLife
    chance_to_run = 10
    chance_to_fail = random.randint(1,100)
    if chance_to_run > chance_to_fail:
        print("you managed to escape")
        print(" Oh no, while trying to escape, the monster attacked you from behind and inflicted critical damage on "
              "you. Get ready to fight")

Event = Enum('Event', ['Chest', 'Monster'])
Chest = Enum('Chest', {'greenChest': 'zieloną skrzynię',
                       'blueChest': 'niebieską skrzynię',
                       'violetChest': 'fioletową skrzynię',
                       'orangeChest': 'pomarańczową skrzynię'
Monster = Enum('Monster', {'Rat': 'Szczura',
                           'Bat': 'Nietoperza',
                           'GiantSpider': 'Ogromnego Pająka',
                           'Wolf': 'Wilka',

Color = Enum('Color', ['greenChest', 'blueChest', 'violetChest', 'orangeChest'])
MonsterKind = Enum('MonsterKind', ['Rat', 'Bat', 'GiantSpider', 'Wolf'])

eventDictionary = {

    Event.Chest: 0.4,
    Event.Monster: 0.6

eventList = list(eventDictionary.keys())
eventProbability = list(eventDictionary.values())

chestDictionary = {
    Chest.greenChest: 0.5,
    Chest.blueChest: 0.3,
    Chest.violetChest: 0.15,
    Chest.orangeChest: 0.05
PremiumChestDictionary = {
    Chest.blueChest: 0.5,
    Chest.violetChest: 0.35,
    Chest.orangeChest: 0.15

MonsterDictionary = {
    Monster.Rat: 0.5,
    Monster.Bat: 0.3,
    Monster.GiantSpider: 0.15,
    Monster.Wolf: 0.05

chestList = list(chestDictionary.keys())
chestProbability = list(chestDictionary.values())

MonsterList = list(MonsterDictionary.keys())
MonsterProbability = list(MonsterDictionary.values())

PremiumChestList = list(PremiumChestDictionary.keys())
PremiumChestProbability = list(PremiumChestDictionary.values())

colorValue = {
    Chest.greenChest: 1000,
    Chest.blueChest: 4000,
    Chest.violetChest: 9000,
    Chest.orangeChest: 16000
monsterLife = {
    Monster.Rat: 5,
    Monster.Bat: 10,
    Monster.GiantSpider: 15,
    Monster.Wolf: 30
monsterDamage = {
    Monster.Rat: 3,
    Monster.Bat: 5,
    Monster.GiantSpider: 8,
    Monster.Wolf: 12

while gameLength > 0:

    gameAnswer = input("Do you want to move forward? \n")

    if gameAnswer == "yes":
        print("Great, lets see what is inside")
        drawnEvent = random.choices(eventList, eventProbability)[0]

        if drawnEvent == Event.Chest:

        elif drawnEvent == Event.Monster:
            drawnMonster = random.choices(MonsterList, MonsterProbability)[0]
        print("Your only options is move forward")

print("Congratulations you have acquired", Gold, "gold")


Tak to napisałeś, że modyfikujesz globalne zmienne, a dziwisz sie, że są zmodyfikowane.:) Albo, nawet inaczej, wywal te globalne słowniki, i twórz je sobie w funkcji na początku pętli.


Dzięki na to nie wpadłem, dla swojego usprawiedliwienia dopiero uczę się programowania :) .


Czemu robisz milion słowników zamiast jednego:

chestDictionary = {
    Chest.greenChest: { 'probability':0.5,'color':1000,'premium':0 },
    Chest.blueChest: { 'probability':0.3,'color':4000,'premium':0.5 },
    Chest.violetChest: { 'probability':0.15,'color':9000,'premium':0.35 },
    Chest.orangeChest: { 'probability':0.05,'color':16000,'premium':0.15 },

Albo jeszcze lepiej zrobić klasę.

Waga nie musi się sumować do 1 więc nieco bardziej czytelne:

chestDictionary = {
    Chest.greenChest: { 'probability':9,'color':1000,'premium':0 },
    Chest.blueChest: { 'probability':6,'color':4000,'premium':1 },
    Chest.violetChest: { 'probability':3,'color':9000,'premium':7 },
    Chest.orangeChest: { 'probability':1,'color':16000,'premium':3 },

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