jQuery .data() na JavaScript


Jak zastapic funkcje .data() z jQuery na JavaScript w edytowaniu pliku? Funkcja pisana jest w Typescript.


	valueChanged(newValue) {
		let editSlider = $(this.editSlider).data("ionRangeSlider");
		if (editSlider && editSlider.old_from != newValue){
			editSlider.update({ from: newValue });

		let readOnlySlider = $(this.readOnlySlider).data("ionRangeSlider");
		if (readOnlySlider && readOnlySlider.old_from != newValue) {
			readOnlySlider.update({ from: newValue });


	<div show.bind="editOnly || parentVM.editMode != 0" class="form-group">
		<input ref="editSlider" value.two-way="value" type="text">
	<div show.bind="!editOnly && parentVM.editMode == 0">
		<input ref="readOnlySlider" value.two-way="value" type="text">

O to chodzi?


Oto caly kod w TypeScript:

export class EditIntSliderCustomElement {
	parentVM: any;
	label: string;

	editSlider: HTMLInputElement;
	readOnlySlider: HTMLInputElement;

	min : number;

	max :number;

	step: number = 1;

	@bindable({ defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.twoWay })
	value: number;

	editOnly: boolean = false;

	hideMinMax: boolean = false;

	valueChanged(newValue) {
		let editSlider = $(this.editSlider).data("ionRangeSlider");
		if (editSlider && editSlider.old_from != newValue){
			editSlider.update({ from: newValue });

		let readOnlySlider = $(this.readOnlySlider).data("ionRangeSlider");
		if (readOnlySlider && readOnlySlider.old_from != newValue) {
			readOnlySlider.update({ from: newValue });

	constructor() {

	bind(bindingContext, overrideContext) {
		this.parentVM = bindingContext;

	userChanged(newVal: number){
		if (this.value != newVal) {
			this.value = newVal;


	attached() {
			min: this.min,
			max: this.max,
			from: this.value,
			step: this.step,
			hide_min_max: this.hideMinMax,
			onChange: (data) => {


			min: this.min,
			max: this.max,
			from: this.value,
			step: this.step,
			hide_min_max: this.hideMinMax,
			disable: true,
			onChange: (data) => {



@let_Majka: Co Ty w ogóle próbujesz zrobisz?

Od kilku tematów zadajesz bardzo dziwne pytania, zaczyna mi to wyglądać na problem X/Y.

Opowiesz dokładnie od czego zaczynasz i jaki efekt próbujesz osiągnąć?

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