Mutacja Graphql


Moze ktos bedzie w stanie zobaczyc blad / jak to naprawic. Sam probowalem na kilkanascie sposobow jednak nie wychodzi ;)

mutation  {
  register(userInput:  {    phoneNumber : "222121"  }) {
      userResponse {


dostaje cannot query field "UserResponse"on type ErrorOrUserResponse



schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

type Error {
  errorType: String!
  statusCode: Int!
  messages: [String!]!
  stackTrace: String

type Language {
  text: String!
  indicator: String!

type Mutation {
  register(userInput: UserInput!): ErrorOrUserResponse
  createNewPost(postInput: PostInput!): PostResponse! @authorize(apply: BEFORE_RESOLVER)

type Post {
  id: Uuid!
  ownerId: Uuid!
  text: String!

type PostResponse {
  id: Uuid!

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @authorize(apply: BEFORE_RESOLVER)
  language(languageInput: LanguageInput!): Language!

type UserResponse {
  id: String!

union ErrorOrUserResponse = Error | UserResponse

input LanguageInput {
  indicator: String!

input PostInput {
  text: String!

input UserInput {
  nickname: String
  id: String
  phoneNumber: String

enum ApplyPolicy {

directive @authorize("The name of the authorization policy that determines access to the annotated resource." policy: String "Roles that are allowed to access the annotated resource." roles: [String!] "Defines when when the resolver shall be executed.By default the resolver is executed after the policy has determined that the current user is allowed to access the field." apply: ApplyPolicy! = BEFORE_RESOLVER) repeatable on SCHEMA | OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION

"The `@defer` directive may be provided for fragment spreads and inline fragments to inform the executor to delay the execution of the current fragment to indicate deprioritization of the current fragment. A query with `@defer` directive will cause the request to potentially return multiple responses, where non-deferred data is delivered in the initial response and data deferred is delivered in a subsequent response. `@include` and `@skip` take precedence over `@defer`."
directive @defer("If this argument label has a value other than null, it will be passed on to the result of this defer directive. This label is intended to give client applications a way to identify to which fragment a deferred result belongs to." label: String "Deferred when true." if: Boolean) on FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

"The @deprecated directive is used within the type system definition language to indicate deprecated portions of a GraphQL service’s schema,such as deprecated fields on a type or deprecated enum values."
directive @deprecated("Deprecations include a reason for why it is deprecated, which is formatted using Markdown syntax (as specified by CommonMark)." reason: String = "No longer supported") on FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE

"Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true."
directive @include("Included when true." if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

"Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if` argument is true."
directive @skip("Skipped when true." if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

"The `@stream` directive may be provided for a field of `List` type so that the backend can leverage technology such as asynchronous iterators to provide a partial list in the initial response, and additional list items in subsequent responses. `@include` and `@skip` take precedence over `@stream`."
directive @stream("If this argument label has a value other than null, it will be passed on to the result of this stream directive. This label is intended to give client applications a way to identify to which fragment a streamed result belongs to." label: String "The initial elements that shall be send down to the consumer." initialCount: Int! "Streamed when true." if: Boolean!) on FIELD

scalar Uuid
mutation  {
  register(userInput:  {    phoneNumber : "112122121332"  }) {
      ... on UserResponse {

wiec dla union trzeba napisac ... on

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