
Męczę się z instalacja c_icap+clamav+Squid3. Jak na razie probuje zainstalowac c_icap z obsluga clamav. Najpierw zainstalowalem clamav i libclamav-dev z pakietów, potem c_icap z obsluga clamav ze zrodel.

Jednak proba uruchomienia serwera c_icap powoduje cos takiego:

debian:~/c_icap# /usr/local/c-icap/bin/c-icap -N -D -d 10
Enabling parameter -D
Setting parameter :-d=10
Searching 0x805b38c for default valuenSetting parameter :PidFile=/var/run/c-icap.pid
Searching 0x805b390 for default valuenSetting parameter :CommandsSocket=/var/run/c-icap/c-icap.ctl
Searching 0x805b3b0 for default valuenSetting parameter :Timeout=300
Searching 0x805b3b8 for default valuenSetting parameter :MaxKeepAliveRequests=100
Searching 0x805b3b4 for default valuenSetting parameter :KeepAliveTimeout=600
Searching 0x805b3c0 for default valuenSetting parameter :StartServers=3
Searching 0x805b3c4 for default valuenSetting parameter :MaxServers=10
Searching 0x805b3cc for default valuenSetting parameter :MinSpareThreads=10
Searching 0x805b3d0 for default valuenSetting parameter :MaxSpareThreads=20
Searching 0x805b3c8 for default valuenSetting parameter :ThreadsPerChild=10
Searching 0x805b83c for default valuenSetting parameter :MaxRequestsPerChild=0
Searching 0x805b380 for default valuenSetting parameter :Port=1344
Searching 0x805b394 for default valuenSetting parameter :User=wwwrun
Searching 0x805b398 for default valuenSetting parameter :Group=nobody
Searching 0x805b388 for default valuenSetting parameter :TmpDir=/var/tmp
Searching 0x805b7c0 for default valuenSetting parameter :MaxMemObject=131072
Searching 0x805b750 for default valuenSetting parameter :ServerLog=/usr/local/c-icap/var/log/server.log
Searching 0x805b754 for default valuenSetting parameter :AccessLog=/usr/local/c-icap/var/log/access.log
Searching 0x805b3ac for default valuenSetting parameter :ModulesDir=/usr/local/c-icap/lib/c_icap
Loading service :logger path sys_logger.so
Error loading module sys_logger.so:(null)
Error finding symbol "module" in  module sys_logger.so
Error loading service
Loading service :perl_handler path perl_handler.so
Uknown type of module:perl_handler
Error loading service
Going to search variable Prefix in table sys_logger
Variable Prefix or table sys_logger not found!
Going to search variable Facility in table sys_logger
Variable Facility or table sys_logger not found!
Setting parameter :Logger=file_logger
Searching 0x805b3a8 for default valuenSetting parameter :ServicesDir=/usr/local/c-icap/lib/c_icap
Loading service :echo_module path srv_echo.so
Found handler C_handler for service with extension:.so
Error loading module srv_echo.so:(null)
Error finding symbol "service" in  module srv_echo.so
Error loading service
Loading service :url_check_module path srv_url_check.so
Found handler C_handler for service with extension:.so
Error loading module srv_url_check.so:(null)
Error finding symbol "service" in  module srv_url_check.so
Error loading service
Loading service :antivirus_module path srv_clamav.so
Found handler C_handler for service with extension:.so
Error loading module srv_clamav.so:(null)
Error finding symbol "service" in  module srv_clamav.so
Error loading service
Alias:avscan of service srv_clamav
Going to search variable ScanFileTypes in table srv_clamav
Variable ScanFileTypes or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable SendPercentData in table srv_clamav
Variable SendPercentData or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable StartSendPercentDataAfter in table srv_clamav
Variable StartSendPercentDataAfter or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable MaxObjectSize in table srv_clamav
Variable MaxObjectSize or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable ClamAvMaxFilesInArchive in table srv_clamav
Variable ClamAvMaxFilesInArchive or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable ClamAvMaxFileSizeInArchive in table srv_clamav
Variable ClamAvMaxFileSizeInArchive or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable ClamAvMaxRecLevel in table srv_clamav
Variable ClamAvMaxRecLevel or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable VirSaveDir in table srv_clamav
Variable VirSaveDir or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable VirHTTPServer in table srv_clamav
Variable VirHTTPServer or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable VirUpdateTime in table srv_clamav
Variable VirUpdateTime or table srv_clamav not found!
Going to search variable VirScanFileTypes in table srv_clamav
Variable VirScanFileTypes or table srv_clamav not found!
My hostname is:debian
There is no group nobody in password file!

Najbardziej interesuja mnie komunikaty zwiazane z clamav, czym sa spowodowane? Mam nieodpowiednia wersje clamav czy co? :| Czy powinienem zainstalowac clamav ze zrodel?