Sterowanie Daemon Tools???


Jak mozna zamontowac i odmontowac imaga za pomoca delphi?


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Wyciągnięte z pomocy programu:

Command Line Switces
used to lock the DLL operation to be sure no unauthorized program can load daemon.dll and use its functions. Used mainly in autostart (if 'Autolock' option is enabled), but can be used in command line too. Unlocking can be done from Virtual DAEMON manager or other GUI that is currently running. Note that locking has no effect on DAEMON Manager itself or other programs which have been 'authorized' by us to use the DLL.

this option is used to prevent Daemon-Tools from creating a taskbar icon. It has no effect if DAEMON manager is already running or you specified another command (except 'lock') in the command line! DAEMON manager automatically exits after command is executed and does not create taskbar icon.

allows mounting images from command line (or shortcut).
Syntax is: -mount <n>,<path>
where 'n' means DVD-ROM device number ('0' - '3' allowed) and 'path' is the full path to the image file.
Example: daemon.exe -mount 0,"c:My Imagesnameofimage.cue".
Do not forget to set the path in quotes if it contains spaces!

allows unmounting images from command line.
Syntax is: -unmount <n>
where 'n' means DVD-ROM device number ('0' - '3' allowed)

-safedisc ?
allows turning Safedisc emulation on/off from command line.
'-safedisc on' enables emulation, '-safedisc off' disables it

-securom ?
allows turning Securom emulation on/off from command line.
'-securom on' enables emulation, '-securom off' disables it

-laserlock ?
allows turning Laserlock emulation on/off from command line.
'-laserlok on' enables emulation, '-laserlok off' disables it.

-rmps ?
allows turning RMPS emulation on/off from command line.
'-rmps on' enables emulation, '-rmps off' disables it.

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