

czy w stringu mozna zmiescic text o wielkosci 4,5 MB ?


a co za problem sprawdzic?

ponadto warto zajrzec do F1 po info o stringach

Type Maximum length Memory required Used for
ShortString 255 characters 2 to 256 bytes backward compatibility
AnsiString ~2^31 characters 4 bytes to 2GB 8-bit (ANSI) characters
WideString ~2^30 characters 4 bytes to 2GB Unicode characters;
multiuser servers and multi-language applications

String types can be mixed in assignments and expressions; the compiler automatically performs required conversions. But strings passed by reference to a function or procedure (as var and out parameters) must be of the appropriate type. Strings can be explicitly cast to a different string type

[dop do dolu] u mnie to dziala.
sprobuj wyswietlic to np na drugim memo


ok to robie

var text:widestring



i po tym zmeinna text pozostaje pusta


nie żartujcie sobie - załaduj tekst do stringa, a nie do memo. memo ma ograniczenie do 64kB. string pomieści w sobie tyle danych , ile masz pamięci wirtualnej w kompie.

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