Mam taki oto fragment kodu

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

struct Guard
	int ID;

	std::map<int, int> shiftStartingTime;
	std::map<int, int> sleepStartingTime;
	std::map<int, int> wakesUpTime;

	int timeAsleep = 0;
	int timeOnShift = 0;

int main()
	std::vector<std::string> Strings;
	std::vector<Guard> Guards;

	std::ifstream inputFileStream("input.txt");
	if (inputFileStream.is_open())
		std::string buf;
		while (getline(inputFileStream, buf))

	std::sort(Strings.begin(), Strings.end());

	for (const auto &p : Strings)
		std::cout << p << std::endl;

	std::smatch match;
	std::regex regex(R"(\[(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})\ (\d{2})\:(\d{2})\]\ (wakes up|falls asleep|Guard #(\d{1,4})))");

	int currentGuardId = -1;
	bool toCreateGuard = true; 
	std::unique_ptr<Guard> currentGuard = nullptr;
	auto currentG = Guards.begin();

	for (auto s : Strings)
		if (std::regex_search(s, match, regex))
			if (match[6].str().find("Guard") != match[6].str().npos)
				currentGuardId = stoi(match[7]);
				std::pair<int, int> p(std::stoi(match[4]), std::stoi(match[5]));

				// lets check is there any guard with loaded ID
				for (auto itr = Guards.begin(); itr != Guards.end(); itr++)
					if (currentGuardId == itr->ID) // if yes, break the loop
						toCreateGuard = false;
						currentGuard = std::make_unique<Guard>(*itr);
						currentG = itr;
					else // if no, add new one
						toCreateGuard = true;

				if (toCreateGuard == true)
					Guard g{ currentGuardId };

					currentGuard = std::make_unique<Guard>(*(Guards.rbegin()));
					currentG = Guards.end() - 1;
					toCreateGuard = false;

				std::cout << "Guard #" << currentG->ID << " starts shift at: "
					<< currentG->shiftStartingTime.rbegin()->first << ":";

				if (currentG->shiftStartingTime.rbegin()->second < 10)
					std::cout << "0" << currentG->shiftStartingTime.rbegin()->second << std::endl;
					std::cout << currentG->shiftStartingTime.rbegin()->second << std::endl;

			else if (match[6] == "falls asleep")
				std::cout << "Guard #" << currentG->ID << " goes sleep at: " << match[4] << ":";
				if (match[5] < 10)
					std::cout << "0" << match[5] << std::endl;
					std::cout << match[5] << std::endl;

			//	currentG->sleepStartingTime.insert(std::pair<int, int>(std::stoi(match[4]), std::stoi(match[5])));
				currentG->sleepStartingTime[std::stoi(match[4])] = std::stoi(match[5]);


			else if (match[6] == "wakes up")
				std::cout << "Guard #" << currentG->ID << " wakes up at: " << match[4] << ":";
				if (match[5] < 10)
					std::cout << "0" << match[5] << std::endl;
					std::cout << match[5] << std::endl;

				//currentG->wakesUpTime.insert(std::pair<int, int>(std::stoi(match[4]), std::stoi(match[5])));
				currentG->wakesUpTime[std::stoi(match[4])] = std::stoi(match[5]);
				if (currentG->sleepStartingTime.rbegin()->first == currentG->wakesUpTime.rbegin()->first)
					currentG->timeAsleep += (currentG->wakesUpTime.rbegin()->second - currentG->sleepStartingTime.rbegin()->second);
					currentG->timeAsleep += ((59 - currentG->wakesUpTime.rbegin()->second) + currentG->sleepStartingTime.rbegin()->second);
				std::cout << "Guard #" << currentG->ID << " has " << currentG->timeAsleep << std::endl;

	for (auto g : Guards)
		std::cout << g.ID << " has " << g.timeAsleep << std::endl;

	auto g = std::max_element(Guards.begin(), Guards.end(), [](const Guard& x, const Guard& y) {return x.timeAsleep < y.timeAsleep; });

	std::cout << g->ID * g->timeAsleep;

Tworząc strukturę Guard i potem dodając do listy, tworzę wskaźnik na tą strukturę, problem w tym, że potem nie zmienia to wartości w wektorze tylko wartość wskaźnika jakby. Zmieniłem to na odwołanie się do iteratora i nagle działa.

Druga część, dlaczego nie działa wykomentowana linijka?

//currentG->wakesUpTime.insert(std::pair<int, int>(std::stoi(match[4]), std::stoi(match[5])));
currentG->wakesUpTime[std::stoi(match[4])] = std::stoi(match[5]);