
Zauważyłem dziwne zachowanie funkcji z mojego programu który zrównoleglony jest za pomocą openMP. Funkcja ta ma za zadanie rozdzielenie ciągu liczb na ilość podanych podciągów. Poniżej kod funkcji

void splitSequence (int thNums, int seqLen, int *seq, int *splitSeqLen, int **splitSeq)
	int i, j;
	int singleSeqLen = seqLen / thNums;
	int seqMod = seqLen % thNums;
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		splitSeqLen[i] = singleSeqLen;
	for (i = thNums - 1; i >= thNums - seqMod; i--)
	printf("\n 1 \n");	
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		printf("\nsplitSeqLen %d \n", splitSeqLen[i]);
	for (i = 0, j = 0; j < thNums; i+=splitSeqLen[j], j++)
		splitSeq[j] = &seq[i];
	printf("\n 2 \n");
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		printf("\nsplitSeqLen %d \n", splitSeqLen[i]);

Powyższy kod skompilowany wykonany na moim komputerze (4 rdzenie - rozdzielenie ciągu na 4 podciągi) - dystrybucja ubuntu 64 bit daje poprawne wyniki.
Dla ciągu o długości 10 liczb

splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 3
splitSeqLen 3

splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 3
splitSeqLen 3

natomiast kod skompilowany i wykonany na zdalnej maszynie 16 rdzeniowej z procesorami o architekturze x86-64 z systemem operacyjnym fedora daje niepoprawny wynik przy wyjściu z funkcji

Dla ciągu o długości 10 liczb i rozdzielony na 5 podciągów

splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2

splitSeqLen 33447984
splitSeqLen 0
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2
splitSeqLen 2

Między dwoma wyświetleniami tablica splitSeqLen nie jest modyfikowana więc nie mam pojęcia skąd bierze się ta różnica...

Poniżej umieszczam cały kod programu do wglądu

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <omp.h>

int compare (int *, int , int *);
void splitSequence (int , int, int *,int *, int **);
void mergeSequences (int , int , int *, int *, int **);
void displaySequence (int *, int);
void saveResult (int *, int, int, double, FILE*);

int main()
	int i, j, k, seqLen, seed, thNums, temp;
	int *seq;															// array of sequence numbers
	int *sortedSeq;														// array of sorted numbers
	int **splitSeq;														// array of pointers of splitted sequences
	int *splitSeqLen;													// array of splitted sequences' length									
	clock_t start, stop;
	FILE *fp;
	double execTime;
	char c;
	printf("Please enter sequence length : ");
	scanf("%i", &seqLen);
	printf("Please enter number of threads (max 16) : ");
	scanf("%i", &thNums);
	seq = (int *)malloc(seqLen * sizeof(*seq));							// dynamically allocate memory for sequance array
	sortedSeq = (int *)malloc(seqLen * sizeof(*seq));					// dynamically allocate memory for sorted numbers array
	splitSeq = (int **)malloc(thNums * sizeof(**splitSeq));				// dynamically allocate memory for splitted seq array
	splitSeqLen = (int *)malloc(thNums * sizeof(*splitSeqLen));			// dynamically allocate memory for splitted seq length array
	if (seq == NULL || splitSeq == NULL || splitSeqLen == NULL)
        printf("Memory allocation error");
        return -1;        
	seed = time(NULL);													// set randomization
	for (i = 0; i < seqLen; i++)										// get random numbers
		seq[i] = rand();
    //printf("\nDisplay randomized numbers ? (y\\n) : ");
	//scanf("%s", &c);
	//if (c == 'y')
	//	displaySequence(seq, seqLen);
	splitSequence(thNums, seqLen, seq, splitSeqLen, splitSeq);
	start = clock();
	printf("\nStart mp\n");
#pragma omp parallel private(i, j, k, temp) \
			firstprivate(splitSeqLen, thNums, splitSeq)		
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
		for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
			printf("Thread number %d has stared sorting...\n",
			for (j = 0; j < splitSeqLen[i] - 1; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < splitSeqLen[i] - 1 - j; k++)
					if(splitSeq[i][k] > splitSeq[i][k+1])
						temp =  splitSeq[i][k];
						splitSeq[i][k] = splitSeq[i][k+1];
						splitSeq[i][k+1] = temp;       
			printf("Thread number %d has finished sorting...\n",
	stop = clock();
	execTime = ((double) stop-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("\nSorting time - ");
	printf("%f", execTime);
	start = clock();
	mergeSequences(thNums, seqLen, sortedSeq, splitSeqLen, splitSeq);
	stop = clock();
	execTime = ((double) stop-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("\nMerging time - ");
	printf("%f", execTime);
	printf("\n\nWhat do you want ? :\n");
	printf("- Press 1 for saving results.\n");
	printf("- Press 2 for displaying results.\n");
	printf("- Press any other key for exit.\n");
	scanf("%s", &c);
	switch (c)
		case '1':
			saveResult(sortedSeq, seqLen, thNums, execTime, fp);
		case '2':
			displaySequence(sortedSeq, seqLen);
		default :
	return 0;

void splitSequence (int thNums, int seqLen, int *seq, int *splitSeqLen, int **splitSeq)
	int i, j;
	int singleSeqLen = seqLen / thNums;
	int seqMod = seqLen % thNums;
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		splitSeqLen[i] = singleSeqLen;
	for (i = thNums - 1; i >= thNums - seqMod; i--)
	printf("\n 1 \n");	
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		printf("\nsplitSeqLen %d \n", splitSeqLen[i]);
	for (i = 0, j = 0; j < thNums; i+=splitSeqLen[j], j++)
		splitSeq[j] = &seq[i];
	printf("\n 2 \n");
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		printf("\nsplitSeqLen %d \n", splitSeqLen[i]);

void mergeSequences (int thNums, int seqLen, int *sortedSeq, int *splitSeqLen, int **splitSeq)
	int i, j, index;
	int indexes[thNums];
	int *comparedNums = (int *)malloc(thNums * sizeof(*comparedNums));
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		indexes[i] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < seqLen; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < thNums; j++)
			comparedNums[j] = splitSeq[j][indexes[j]];
		index = compare(comparedNums, thNums, &sortedSeq[i]);
		if (indexes[index] < splitSeqLen[index]-1)
			splitSeq[index][indexes[index]] = -1;	

int compare (int *comparedNums, int thNums, int *min)
	int i, index;
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		if (comparedNums[i] >= 0)
			*min = comparedNums[i];
			index = i;
	for (i = 0; i < thNums; i++)
		if (comparedNums[i] <= *min && comparedNums[i] >= 0)
			*min = comparedNums[i];
			index = i;
	return index;

void displaySequence (int *seq, int seqLen)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < seqLen; i++)
		printf("%d", seq[i]);

void saveResult (int *seq, int seqLen, int thNums, double execTime, FILE *fp)
	int i;
	struct tm *ptr;
	char str[100];
	time_t timeValue;
	timeValue = time(NULL);
	ptr = localtime(&timeValue);
	strftime(str, 100, "%c", ptr);
	fprintf(fp,"<<<<< STATISTICS >>>>> \n");
	fprintf(fp,"Sequence length : %d\n", seqLen);
	fprintf(fp,"Used threads : %d\n", thNums);
	fprintf(fp,"Sorting time : %f\n", execTime);
	fprintf(fp,"<<<<< SEQUENCE >>>>> \n");
	for (i = 0; i < seqLen; i++)
		fprintf(fp,"%d\n", seq[i]);
