Zend i moto cms



Próbuje zainstalować stroną w moto cms html, na jupe.pl napisane jest w specyfikacji, w skryptach - Zend Optimzer/Zend Guard

Proszę o pomoc jak to uruchomić



A co Ci nie działa? Czytałeś wszelkie pliki "readme" czy po prostu dokumentacje?


Tak, z tego co wiem, serwer musi obsługiwać Zend Optimizer. Na jupe jest napisane, że jest możliwość obsługi tego skryptu i w związku z tym napisałem do administratora (czekam na odpowiedz)

W dokumentacji (po angielsku) jest napisane tak :

"Flash CMS template installation

Please make sure that your server configuration fully meets the software requirements:

For the servers with PHP 5.2 installed:

  • Zend Optimizer 3.3
    For the servers with PHP 5.3 installed:
  • Zend Guard Loader 5.5
    If you are unsure whether your server meets these requirements, please contact your hosting provider for additional
    Unpack files from your archive: you will see the “site_flash” folder, that contains files that you should upload to your
    Open your FTP software and set its file transfer mode to binary. Please note that some programs don't support
    changing file transfer mode. In this case you should use one of the recommended programs: FileZilla, Cyberduck,
    Upload contents of “site_flash” folder to your server. Please note that you only have to upload the contents of this
    folder, not the folder itself.
    Then visit your website and see the results. To access the control panel, add “/admin” to your site’s URL
    (example): http://mysitename.com/admin/ and you will see the control panel loading.
    First start
    To launch the Flash CMS control panel you need to add /admin to the URL of your Flash site."

Może znacie jakiś sposób aby to działało ?




Z czym KONKRETNIE masz problem?


Dostałem odpowiedź z innego forum, że administrator z jupe.pl musi zainstalować na serwerze Zend optimizer, napisałem do niego maila, zobaczymy jak będzie. Jak admin sprawi, że na serwerze będzie działać zend, nie powinno być problemu.


Serwer jupe obłsuguje skrypty zend. Wrzuciłem strone, ale dalej wyskakują jakieś błędy:

user image

Myślę, że coś dalej jeszcze trzeba zrobić przy tym znedzie.

Chodzi o to:

Flash CMS template installation
Please make sure that your server configuration fully meets the software requirements:
For the servers with PHP 5.2 installed:

  • Zend Optimizer 3.3
    For the servers with PHP 5.3 installed:
  • Zend Guard Loader 5.5
    If you are unsure whether your server meets these requirements, please contact your hosting provider for additional
    Unpack files from your archive: you will see the “site_flash” folder, that contains files that you should upload to your
    Open your FTP software and set its file transfer mode to binary. Please note that some programs don't support
    changing file transfer mode. In this case you should use one of the recommended programs: FileZilla, Cyberduck,
    Upload contents of “site_flash” folder to your server. Please note that you only have to upload the contents of this
    folder, not the folder itself.
    Then visit your website and see the results. To access the control panel, add “/admin” to your site’s URL
    (example): http://mysitename.com/admin/ and you will see the control panel loading.

A w " domena.pl/admin

  • Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 3, whereas the Loader expects 4 in /admin/index.php on line 0**

Ktoś może mi pomóc ?


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