Python, własny kalendarz z zegarkiem do gry. Mam kod ale jak?


Staram się połączyć oba kody

init python:
    class clock(object):
        def __init__(self, century = 19, year = 1999, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 8, minute = 0):
            self._century = century
            self._year = year
            self._month = month
            self._day = day
            self._hour = hour
            self._minute = minute

        def addtime(self, minutes, hours = 0, days = 0, months = 0, years = 0, centuries = 0): 
            self._minute += minutes # add minutes
            self._hour += hours # add hours
            self._day += days
            self._month += months
            self._year += years
            self._century += centuries

            # add hours by floor division minute over 60
            self._hour += self._minute // 60

            # add days by floor division hour over 24 - make sure to do this after hour's been added
            self._day += self._hour // 24
            self._month += self._day // 31 # Q Ok how to ? 
            self._year += self._month // 12 # Q 372 days
            self._century += self._year // 100

            # now we can clean up minutes and hours by using mod %
            self._minute = self._minute % 60
            self._hour = self._hour % 24
            self._day = self._day % 31  
            self._month = self._month % 12
            self._year = self._year % 372 # Q how to 365? and 366?

        # use property to return formatted hour and minutes
        def century(self): # day as int
            return self._century
        def year(self): # day as int
            return self._year
        def yy(self): # minutes as mm.
            year = "0" + str(self._year)
            return year[-2:]
        def month(self): # day as int
            return self._month
        def mn(self): # minutes as mm.
            month = "0" + str(self._month)
            return month[-2:]
        def day(self): # day as int
            return self._day
        def dd(self): # minutes as mm.
            day = "0" + str(self._day)
            return day[-2:]
        def hour(self): # hour as int
            return self._hour

        def hh(self): # hours as HH. I'm not familiar enough with python to know if there's a shorter way to do this
            hour = "0" + str(self._hour)
            return hour[-2:] # Q what is doing this 2?

        def minute(self): # minute as int
            return self._minute

        def mm(self): # minutes as mm.
            minute = "0" + str(self._minute)
            return minute[-2:]

default clock = clock()

label start:
    while True:
        "Day: [] Time: [clock.hh]:[]"
        $ clock.addtime(15) # Q   how to able add for ex months? Count? 60x24x31~~44640
        "Date: []/[clock.month]/[clock.year]  Time: [clock.hh]:[]"
        $ clock.addtime(44640) # Here Error why?
        "Blow mind"


init python:
    weekdays = ("mon","tue","wed","thu","fri","sat","sun")
    class Date:
        def __init__(self):
            self.year = 2019
            self.month = 2
   = 28
            self.weekday = weekdays[3]

        def end_day(self):
   += 1
            self.weekday = weekdays[weekdays.index(self.weekday)-6]
            if self.month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12):
                if > 31:
           = 1
                    self.month += 1
            elif self.month in (4,6,9,11):
                if > 30:
           = 1
                    self.month += 1
	    #february in leap year
            else :
                # devide by 4
                if (self.year // 4) == 0 :
                    # devide by 100
                    if (self.year // 100) == 0 :
                        # devide by 400
                        if (self.year // 400) == 0 :
                            #leap year
                            __d = 29
                            #normal year
                            __d = 28
                        #devide by 4 - leap year
                        __d = 29
                    #normal year
                    __d = 28

                if > __d:
           = 1
                    self.month += 1
            if self.month > 12:
                self.month = 1
                self.year += 1

        # get weekdays
        def get_weekdays(self):
            if self.month < 3 :
                __m = self.month + 12
                __y = self.year - 1
            else :
                __m = self.month
                __y = self.year
            __weekday = ((__y+__y/4-__y/100+__y/400+(13*__m+8)/ % 7) - 1
            self.weekday = weekdays[__weekday]
            return weekdays[__weekday]
        def return_date(self):
            return unicode(self.year)+". "+unicode(self.month)+". "+unicode(

Nie wiem jak a chciałbym zachować obie funkcjonalności
*-mieć zegar z formatowaniem

 "Day: [] Time: [clock.hh]:[]"
        $ clock.addtime(15)

*-dni tygodnia z ich krótkimi anglojezycznymi nazwami
*-lata przestępne z drugiego kodu

Pozdrawiam, Marcin


Nie przyglądałem się dokładnie, ale próbowałeś zrobić klasę która będzie dziedziczyć po obu :)?

class myTime(Date, clock):
    # ...

Wystarczy dopisać metody które będą ci wyświetlać to co chcesz, a reszta powinna hulać, zakładając że nazwy zmiennych wewnątrz klas się nie powtarzają :D

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