Mam 3 pliki w folderze (php) i nie wiem co mam znimi zrobic ? To znaczy gdzie mam to skopiowac korzystajac z Xampa ? Probuje ustawic tę wtyczke do wrzucania obrazków

No i błąd jaki wyskakuje to przy wrzucaniu pliku ze strony - page not found.

Server Setup

The included server files allow you to quickly setup a PHP server that handles the uploaded files.

The slim.php file contains the Slim helper class. You can use this class to quickly get to and save the uploaded files.

The sync.php file contains the same code that's used on the product site to handle classic form POSTs. See the avatar sample on the product site for more details.

The async.php file contains the code used for the AJAX examples on the product site.

Always make sure your server is secure. Allowing users to upload files creates a security risk. A Google query on "php secure file upload" will give you some quick pointers on what to take into account.