Odczyt z XML w php


Witam serdecznie,
Mam następujący plik XML:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<location altitude="0" latitude="52.13459" longitude="-0.46632" geobase="geonames" geobaseid="0"/>
<sun rise="2014-05-29T03:49:01" set="2014-05-29T20:09:37"/>
<time day="2014-05-29">
<symbol number="803" name="broken clouds" var="04d"/>
<windDirection deg="91" code="E" name="East"/>
<windSpeed mps="4.26" name="Gentle Breeze"/>
<temperature day="18.57" min="14.5" max="19.22" night="14.5" eve="18.68" morn="18.57"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.32"/>
<humidity value="97" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="broken clouds" all="80" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-05-30">
<symbol number="803" name="broken clouds" var="04d"/>
<windDirection deg="76" code="ENE" name="East-northeast"/>
<windSpeed mps="4.32" name="Gentle Breeze"/>
<temperature day="17.94" min="12.47" max="18.4" night="12.47" eve="17.58" morn="13.08"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1027.45"/>
<humidity value="90" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="broken clouds" all="56" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-05-31">
<symbol number="802" name="scattered clouds" var="03d"/>
<windDirection deg="310" code="NW" name="Northwest"/>
<windSpeed mps="2.21" name="Light breeze"/>
<temperature day="17.28" min="11.48" max="18.91" night="11.48" eve="17.92" morn="12.28"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1029.33"/>
<humidity value="94" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="scattered clouds" all="36" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-06-01">
<symbol number="801" name="few clouds" var="02d"/>
<windDirection deg="43" code="NE" name="NorthEast"/>
<windSpeed mps="2.06" name="Light breeze"/>
<temperature day="18.47" min="12.99" max="19.21" night="14.57" eve="18.86" morn="12.99"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1027.11"/>
<humidity value="95" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="few clouds" all="20" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-06-02">
<symbol number="501" name="moderate rain" var="10d"/>
<precipitation value="3.5" type="rain"/>
<windDirection deg="183" code="S" name="South"/>
<windSpeed mps="2.66" name="Light breeze"/>
<temperature day="14.89" min="12.72" max="16.22" night="12.72" eve="16.21" morn="13.73"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1022.79"/>
<humidity value="94" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="overcast clouds" all="92" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-06-03">
<symbol number="500" name="light rain" var="10d"/>
<precipitation value="0.87" type="rain"/>
<windDirection deg="48" code="NE" name="NorthEast"/>
<windSpeed mps="4.74" name="Gentle Breeze"/>
<temperature day="17.53" min="11.04" max="17.59" night="11.04" eve="17.59" morn="13.49"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.6"/>
<humidity value="0" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="few clouds" all="12" unit="%"/>
<time day="2014-06-04">
<symbol number="500" name="light rain" var="10d"/>
<precipitation value="0.5" type="rain"/>
<windDirection deg="359" code="" name=""/>
<windSpeed mps="3.72" name="Gentle Breeze"/>
<temperature day="17.59" min="10.99" max="17.72" night="10.99" eve="17.72" morn="12.78"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1014.63"/>
<humidity value="0" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="broken clouds" all="63" unit="%"/>

Chciałbym pobrać informacje o pogodzie na dzisiaj oraz kolejne dni. Na dzisiaj pobieram następującym kodem:

$map_url = ('http://www.serwer.pl/plik.xml');
$xml_load = simplexml_load_file($map_url);
$tmp = $xml_load->forecast->time->symbol->attributes();
$opis1 = $tmp['name']; // opis pogody
$obrazek1 = $tmp['var']; // kod obrazka
$tmp  = $xml_load->forecast->time->windDirection->attributes();
$kierunek_wiatru = $tmp['code'];
$kierunek_wiatru1 = $tmp['deg'].$kierunek_wiatru; // kierunek wiatru
$tmp  = $xml_load->forecast->time->windSpeed->attributes();
$szybkosc_wiatru1 = $tmp['mps']." mps"; // szybkość wiatru
$tmp  = $xml_load->forecast->time->temperature->attributes();
$temperatura1 = $tmp['day']."&#186"." C";  // temperatura
$temperatura_min1 = $tmp['min']."&#186"." C"; // temperatura minimalna
$temperatura_max1 = $tmp['max']."&#186"." C";  // temperatura maksymalna 

W jaki sposób mogę pobrać na jutro/pojutrze itp?

bardzo proszę o pomoc,


A od czego masz pętle?

foreach ($xml_load->forecast as $day) {

    //tutaj w zmiennej $day masz kazdy kolejny dzień
   $temperatureAttributes = $day->temperature->attributes();

   //wyświetli temperaturę dla każdego dnia
   echo $temperatureAttributes['day'] . PHP_EOL;

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