Siema mam wredny problem. Ogólnie mówiąc WMI mam popsute. Czy zna ktoś może jakiś skrypt albo program, który by działał jak taka "naprawiarka" że włączam i CYK mam naprawione WMI? Bo próbuję ręcznie i po uruchomieniu WMIDiag szukam błędów i ostrzeżeń i mam tyle:

..106 11:43:25 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SMI2SMIR.EXE' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..186 11:43:26 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SNMPCL.DLL' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..187 11:43:26 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SNMPINCL.DLL' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..188 11:43:26 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SNMPSMIR.DLL' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..189 11:43:26 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SNMPSTUP.DLL' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..190 11:43:26 (2) !! WARNING: WMI System file 'SNMPTHRD.DLL' is MISSING or is access DENIED but it is an OPTIONAL component.
..264 11:43:29 (2) !! WARNING: 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\OUTLOOK_01C5E17419AEFBE2.MOF' does exist but it is NOT LISTED in the 'Autorecover MOFs' registry key.
..329 11:43:31 (1) !! ERROR: Unable to access or find file 'C:\FA005C2B223A914705A99F\I386\LICWMI.MOF' listed in 'Autorecover MOFs'.
..331 11:43:31 (1) !! ERROR: Unable to access or find file 'D:\55A6AF4F2300BAB1921DC1050A43\I386\LICWMI.MOF' listed in 'Autorecover MOFs'.
.1785 11:43:36 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider hosting model is undefined, which implies 'LocalSystemHostOrSelfHost'.
.1786 11:43:36 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'OFFPROV' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.2353 11:43:40 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider hosting model is undefined, which implies 'LocalSystemHostOrSelfHost'.
.2360 11:43:40 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider 'RSOP PLANNING MODE PROVIDER' DCOM registration data '{F0FF8EBB-F14D-4369-BD2E-D84FBF6122D6}' is missing, but this is expected.
.4966 11:43:56 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'HIPERFCOOKER_V1' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.6817 11:44:11 (2) !! WARNING: Provider 'SCM EVENT PROVIDER' ( / DECOUPLED:NONCOM) of namespace 'ROOT/CIMV2' has NO known located MOF file, but this is expected.
.6822 11:44:11 (2) !! WARNING: Provider 'PROVIDERSUBSYSTEM' ( / DECOUPLED:NONCOM) of namespace 'ROOT/CIMV2' has NO known located MOF file, but this is expected.
.6825 11:44:11 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'VOLUMECHANGEEVENTS' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.6888 11:44:20 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'SYSTEMCONFIGURATIONCHANGEEVENTS' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.6954 11:44:29 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'CMDTRIGGERCONSUMER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.6968 11:44:31 (2) !! WARNING: Provider 'STANDARD NON-COM EVENT PROVIDER' ( / DECOUPLED:NONCOM) of namespace 'ROOT/CIMV2' has NO known located MOF file, but this is expected.
.6993 11:44:34 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'ROUTEEVENTPROVIDER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.7090 11:44:47 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'MS_SHUTDOWN_EVENT_PROVIDER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.7124 11:44:52 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'MS_POWER_MANAGEMENT_EVENT_PROVIDER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
.7316 11:45:20 (2) !! WARNING: Provider 'NT5_GENERICPERFPROVIDER_V1' ({76A94DE3-7C26-44F5-8E98-C5AEA48186CB} / NETWORKSERVICEHOST) of namespace 'ROOT/CIMV2' has NO known located MOF file, but this is expected.
.7321 11:45:20 (2) !! WARNING: Provider 'WMI SELF-INSTRUMENTATION EVENT PROVIDER' ( / DECOUPLED:NONCOM) of namespace 'ROOT/CIMV2' has NO known located MOF file, but this is expected.
.7324 11:45:20 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'MS_NT_EVENTLOG_EVENT_PROVIDER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
13670 11:46:08 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider 'MICROSOFT WMI TEMPLATE ASSOCIATION PROVIDER' DCOM registration data '{FD18A1B2-9E61-4E8E-8501-DB0B07846396}' is missing, but this is expected.
13686 11:46:11 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'COMMANDLINEEVENTCONSUMER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
13788 11:46:28 (2) !! WARNING: WMI Provider is 'SMTPEVENTCONSUMER' is NOT a trusted WMI providers.
15116 11:46:38 (2) !! WARNING: No instance returned from WMI class 'SystemRestore', while at least 1 instance is expected.
15122 11:46:38 (2) !! WARNING: No instance returned from the WQL query 'SELECT * FROM SystemRestore', while at least 1 instance is expected.
17056 11:47:10 (2) !! WARNING: WMI ENUMERATION operation errors reported: ........................................ 1 WARNING(S)!
17059 11:47:10 (2) !! WARNING: WMI EXECQUERY operation errors reported: .......................................... 1 WARNING(S)!

i ja już nie wiem czy te opcjonalne komponenty instalować czy olać i co to jest to "..329 1131 (1) !! ERROR: Unable to access or find file 'C:\FA005C2B223A914705A99F\I386\LICWMI.MOF' listed in 'Autorecover MOFs'." bo mam ten plik na dysku ale w innym folderze a folderu FA005C2B223A914705A99F nigdy bezpośrednio na dysku C nie miałem... w ogóle nie wiem o co chodzi...