Stronnicowanie pamięci


Czy ktoś zna format wpisu katalogu stron (pdgir) i tablic stron. bardzo przosze o wszelkie linki począwszy od polskich do angielskich. lub tablic w c i asm (nasm)


31..............12 - Page frame address
11...9 - Avail
8...7 - Reserved
6 - D
5 - A
4...3 - Reserved
2 - U/S
1 - R/W
0 - Present

Page frame address = Physical address of memory(either the physical address of the page, or the physical address of the page table)
Avail = Do what you want with this
Reserved = Reserved by Intel
D = Drity
A = Accessed
U/S = User or supervisor level
R/W = Read or read and write

zrodlo, chyba Bona Fide OSDev


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