Input czytany z pliku tektowego output czytany do pliku tekstowego


Chce zeby 4 inputy ktore aktualnie wpisywane sa przez uzytownika zostaly wczytane z pliku ktorego nazwe poda uzytkownik oraz zeby caly output znalazl sie w pliku ktorego nazwe takze poda uzytkownik. Dzieki za pomoc.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

string formatDollar(double money);

int main()

      double price_ticket;
      double base_cost;
      double total_cost;
      double tax_rate;
      double tax;
      string visiting_team;

      // get four required data items from user
      cout << "Enter the name of the visiting team: ";
      getline(cin, visiting_team, '\n');
      cout << "Enter the number of tickets: ";
      cin >> num_tickets;
      cout << "Enter the price per ticket: ";
      cin >> price_ticket;
      cout << "Enter the sales tax rate (e.g., 7.0): ";

      // convert sales tax rate to decimal form
      tax_rate /= 100.0; 
      // calculate base cost of purchase
      base_cost = num_tickets * price_ticket;
      // calculate tax due
      tax = base_cost * tax_rate;
      // factor in tax to get total cost
      total_cost = base_cost + tax;
  // Generate receipt for the ticket purchase.  Neatly
  // align the numerical values in column 28.

    cout << endl;
    cout << "  Nets vs. " << visiting_team << " at \"The Rock\"" << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Number of tickets:" << setw(10) << num_tickets << endl;
    cout << "Price per ticket:"  << setw(11) <<
            formatDollar(price_ticket) << endl;
    cout << "Total ticket price:" << setw(9) <<
            formatDollar(base_cost) << endl;
    cout << "Sales tax:" << setw(18) << formatDollar(tax) << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Total amount due:" << setw(11) <<
            formatDollar(total_cost) << endl;
    return 0;
} // end main
   // Convert the given dollar amount into
   // a string with a leading "$"
   ostringstream convert;
   convert << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
   convert << setprecision(2);
   convert << "$" << money;
   return convert.str();
} // end formatDollar

Chyba ci ucięło fragment :P

./<nazwa_twojego_programu> < plik_in > plik_out


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