
Mam pytanie odnosnie InjectionToken:

export const EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA = new InjectionToken<Event>('tech.event.actions'); 

// jakis tam komponent i jego metoda

  getComponentInjector(e: Event): any {
    return ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([{ provide: EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA, useValue: e }], this._injector);

// potem komponent ktory chce sobie pobrac EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA w kontruktorze

export class TechNotificationsGoogleActionsComponent implements OnInit {

  public notification: Event;

    private _injector: Injector,
    // @Inject(EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA) public notification: Event
  ) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
   this.notification = this._injector.get(EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA);

Komponent inicjalizuje za pomoca:

<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="getComponent(e); injector: getComponentInjector(e)"></ng-container>

O ile wstrzykiwanie Injectora i pobieranie EVENTS_ACTIONS_DATA za pomoca this._injector.get(EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA) dziala to juz jesli uzyje @Inject(EVENT_ACTIONS_DATA) public notification: Event nie potrafi.

Sorry ale to tak napisane na szybko