Spock groovy testy


Witam, nie moge zrobic prostego testu w spock'u poniewaz metoda zwaca mi nulla. Mecze sie z tym jakies pol dnia, probowalem juz chyba wszystkiego i nie mam pojecia jak to zrobic ... Prosze o pomoc ...

class BankAccountSpec extends Specification {

    private BankAccount account

    private BankAccountFacade bankAccountFacade

    private BankAccountRepository repository

    private BankAccountFactory factory

    def setup() {
        account = new BankAccount()
        repository = Mock(BankAccountRepository)
        factory = Mock(BankAccountFactory)

        bankAccountFacade = new BankAccountConfiguration().bankAccountFacade(

    def '...'() {
            BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount()
            bankAccount != null
    def 'should create bank account with given number'() {
            account = factory.create('PL91 3018 4529 8669 0250 7367')
            account.getNumber() == 'PL91 3018 4529 8669 0250 7367'
public class BankAccountFacade {

    private BankAccountRepository repository;
    private BankAccountFactory factory;

    public BankAccount create() {
        return repository.save(factory.create(numberGenerator()));

    private String numberGenerator() {
        Random random = new Random();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        do {
            for (int i = 3; i < 30; i++) {
                if (i % 5 == 0) {
                    sb.append(" ");
                } else {
                    int num = random.nextInt(10);
        } while (isAccountNumberExists(sb.toString()));
        return sb.toString();

    private boolean isAccountNumberExists(String number) {
        return repository.findByNumber(number) != null;

    public BankAccount findById(long id) {
        return repository.findById(id);

    public BankAccount findByNumber(String number) {
        return repository.findByNumber(number);

    public void updateMoney(double money, long senderId, long receiverId) {
        repository.getMoneyFromSender(money, senderId);
        repository.addAmountToReceiver(money, receiverId);

    public Page<BankAccount> findAll(int page, int size) {
        return repository.findAll(new PageRequest(page, size));

    public void modifyBalance(ModifyBalanceDTO dto) {
        repository.modifyBalance(dto.getNewBalance(), dto.getId());

class BankAccountFactory {

    BankAccount create(String generatedNumber) {

        return BankAccount

class BankAccountConfiguration {

    BankAccountFacade bankAccountFacade(BankAccountRepository repository,
                                        BankAccountFactory factory) {
        return new BankAccountFacade(repository, factory);
@Table(name = "bank_accounts")
@Getter @Setter
public class BankAccount {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private long id;

    @Column(length = 29)
    private String number;

    private double balance;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "account", cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE})
    private List<Transaction> transactions = new LinkedList<>();


Zapewne chodzi o to, że tworzysz mocka fabryki kont

factory = Mock(BankAccountFactory)

a potem odpalasz na nim create

            account = factory.create('PL91 3018 4529 8669 0250 7367')

Ok, poczytalem troche czym jest Mockowanie ale w dalszym ciagu nie moge osiagnac zamierzonego rezultatu. Gdy dodam oddzielnego @Bean'a do factory to wtedy zadziala to, ale ja chce stworzyc @Bean'a do calosci Fasady, a nie do pojedynczych komponentow.

    BankAccountFactory factory() {
        return new BankAccountFactory();

class BankAccountSpec extends Specification {

    private BankAccount account

    private BankAccountFacade bankAccountFacade

    private BankAccountRepository repository

    private BankAccountFactory factory

    def setupSpec() {
        account = new BankAccount()
        factory = new BankAccountConfiguration().factory()
        //repository = Mock(BankAccountRepository)

//        bankAccountFacade = new BankAccountConfiguration().bankAccountFacade(
//                repository,
//                factory
//        )

    def 'should create bank account with given number'() {
            account = factory.create('PL91 3018 4529 8669 0250 7367')
            account.number == 'PL91 3018 4529 8669 0250 7367'


Nie rozumiem co chcesz zrobić, ale po prostu wywal te mocki. Nie są Ci potrzebne raczej. (W zdrowym kodzie są nieczęsto potrzebne).

class BankAccountSpec extends Specification {

    private BankAccount account

    private BankAccountFacade bankAccountFacade

    private BankAccountRepository repository

    private BankAccountFactory factory

    def setupSpec() {
        account = new BankAccount()

        bankAccountFacade = new BankAccountConfiguration().bankAccountFacade(

    def 'should create bank account with given number'() {
            account = bankAccountFacade.create()
            account != null

class BankAccountConfiguration {

    BankAccountFacade bankAccountFacade(BankAccountRepository repository,
                                        BankAccountFactory factory) {
        return new BankAccountFacade(repository, factory);
public class BankAccountFacade {

    private BankAccountRepository repository;
    private BankAccountFactory factory;

    public BankAccount create() {
        return repository.save(factory.create(numberGenerator()));

    private String numberGenerator() {
        Random random = new Random();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        do {
            for (int i = 3; i < 30; i++) {
                if (i % 5 == 0) {
                    sb.append(" ");
                } else {
                    int num = random.nextInt(10);
        } while (isAccountNumberExists(sb.toString()));
        return sb.toString();

    private boolean isAccountNumberExists(String number) {
        return repository.findByNumber(number) != null;
interface BankAccountRepository extends JpaRepository<BankAccount, Long> {}
class BankAccountFactory {

    BankAccount create(String generatedNumber) {

        return BankAccount

Logi z testu

	at pl.robert.project.bank_account.BankAccountFacade.isAccountNumberExists(BankAccountFacade.java:40)
	at pl.robert.project.bank_account.BankAccountFacade.numberGenerator(BankAccountFacade.java:35)
	at pl.robert.project.bank_account.BankAccountFacade.create(BankAccountFacade.java:19)
	at pl.robert.project.bank_account.BankAccountSpec.should create bank account with given number(BankAccountSpec.groovy:32)

Process finished with exit code 255

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