Użyć StAX czy DOM ?


Którego api lepiej użyć do tego zadania?

The basic requirement is to provide a program that can convert text into either XML formatted data or comma separated (CSV) data. The text is to be parsed, broken into sentences and words and the words have to be sorted.
Model classes must be able to be used as keys in data structures.
Code should be clean and testable. Unit tests must be provided as a formal verification of functional requirements.
Consider huge input when dealing IO operations (entire dataset cannot fit in heap).
The program must be able to input text like:
“Mary had a little lamb. Peter called for the wolf, and Aesop came.
Cinderella likes shoes.”
and parse this text into relevant model classes, and be able to convert the structure to both XML and CSV format.
The parsing must break the text into sentences and words. The parser should allow some whitespace around words and delimiters, e.g. the following is allowed as input and should produce the same result as the first example:
“ Mary had a little lamb .

Peter called for the wolf , and Aesop came .
Cinderella likes shoes..”

In both cases the XML result should be like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <text> <sentence> <word>a</word> <word>had</word> <word>lamb</word> <word>little</word> <word>Mary</word> </sentence> <sentence> <word>Aesop</word> <word>and</word> <word>called</word> <word>came</word> <word>for</word> <word>Peter</word> <word>the</word> <word>wolf</word> </sentence> <sentence> <word>Cinderella</word> <word>likes</word> <word>shoes</word> </sentence> </text>

And the CSV result should likewise be:
, Word 1, Word 2, Word 3, Word 4, Word 5, Word 6, Word 7, Word 8
Sentence 1, a, had, lamb, little, Mary
Sentence 2, Aesop, and, called, came, for, Peter, the, wolf
Sentence 3, Cinderella, likes, shoes


Przecież już na oko widać że sax spokojnie wystarczy i nie ma co kombinować.

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