! function() { var n = "object" == typeof self && self.self == self && self || "object" == typeof global && global.global == global && global, r = n._, t = Array.prototype, e = Object.prototype, u = Function.prototype, i = t.push, o = t.slice, a = e.toString, c = e.hasOwnProperty, l = Array.isArray, f = Object.keys, s = u.bind, p = Object.create, h = function() {}, v = function(n) { return n instanceof v ? n : this instanceof v ? void(this._wrapped = n) : new v(n) }; "undefined" != typeof exports ? ("undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && (exports = module.exports = v), exports._ = v) : n._ = v, v.VERSION = "1.8.3"; var g = function(n, r, t) { if (void 0 === r) return n; switch (null == t ? 3 : t) { case 1: return function(t) { return n.call(r, t) }; case 2: return function(t, e) { return n.call(r, t, e) }; case 3: return function(t, e, u) { return n.call(r, t, e, u) }; case 4: return function(t, e, u, i) { return n.call(r, t, e, u, i) } } return function() { return n.apply(r, arguments) } }, y = function(n, r, t) { return null == n ? v.identity : v.isFunction(n) ? g(n, r, t) : v.isObject(n) ? v.matcher(n) : v.property(n) }; v.iteratee = function(n, r) { return y(n, r, 1 / 0) }; var d = function(n, r) { return r = null == r ? n.length - 1 : +r, function() { for (var t = Math.max(arguments.length - r, 0), e = Array(t), u = 0; t > u; u++) e[u] = arguments[u + r]; switch (r) { case 0: return n.call(this, e); case 1: return n.call(this, arguments[0], e); case 2: return n.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], e) } var i = Array(r + 1); for (u = 0; r > u; u++) i[u] = arguments[u]; return i[r] = e, n.apply(this, i) } }, m = function(n) { if (!v.isObject(n)) return {}; if (p) return p(n); h.prototype = n; var r = new h; return h.prototype = null, r }, b = function(n) { return function(r) { return null == r ? void 0 : r[n] } }, x = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1, j = b("length"), _ = function(n) { var r = j(n); return "number" == typeof r && r >= 0 && x >= r }; v.each = v.forEach = function(n, r, t) { r = g(r, t); var e, u; if (_(n)) for (e = 0, u = n.length; u > e; e++) r(n[e], e, n); else { var i = v.keys(n); for (e = 0, u = i.length; u > e; e++) r(n[i[e]], i[e], n) } return n }, v.map = v.collect = function(n, r, t) { r = y(r, t); for (var e = !_(n) && v.keys(n), u = (e || n).length, i = Array(u), o = 0; u > o; o++) { var a = e ? e[o] : o; i[o] = r(n[a], a, n) } return i }; var w = function(n) { var r = function(r, t, e, u) { var i = !_(r) && v.keys(r), o = (i || r).length, a = n > 0 ? 0 : o - 1; for (u || (e = r[i ? i[a] : a], a += n); a >= 0 && o > a; a += n) { var c = i ? i[a] : a; e = t(e, r[c], c, r) } return e }; return function(n, t, e, u) { var i = arguments.length >= 3; return r(n, g(t, u, 4), e, i) } }; v.reduce = v.foldl = v.inject = w(1), v.reduceRight = v.foldr = w(-1), v.find = v.detect = function(n, r, t) { var e; return e = _(n) ? v.findIndex(n, r, t) : v.findKey(n, r, t), void 0 !== e && -1 !== e ? n[e] : void 0 }, v.filter = v.select = function(n, r, t) { var e = []; return r = y(r, t), v.each(n, function(n, t, u) { r(n, t, u) && e.push(n) }), e }, v.reject = function(n, r, t) { return v.filter(n, v.negate(y(r)), t) }, v.every = v.all = function(n, r, t) { r = y(r, t); for (var e = !_(n) && v.keys(n), u = (e || n).length, i = 0; u > i; i++) { var o = e ? e[i] : i; if (!r(n[o], o, n)) return !1 } return !0 }, v.some = v.any = function(n, r, t) { r = y(r, t); for (var e = !_(n) && v.keys(n), u = (e || n).length, i = 0; u > i; i++) { var o = e ? e[i] : i; if (r(n[o], o, n)) return !0 } return !1 }, v.contains = v.includes = v.include = function(n, r, t, e) { return _(n) || (n = v.values(n)), ("number" != typeof t || e) && (t = 0), v.indexOf(n, r, t) >= 0 }, v.invoke = d(function(n, r, t) { var e = v.isFunction(r); return v.map(n, function(n) { var u = e ? r : n[r]; return null == u ? u : u.apply(n, t) }) }), v.pluck = function(n, r) { return v.map(n, v.property(r)) }, v.where = function(n, r) { return v.filter(n, v.matcher(r)) }, v.findWhere = function(n, r) { return v.find(n, v.matcher(r)) }, v.max = function(n, r, t) { var e, u, i = -(1 / 0), o = -(1 / 0); if (null == r && null != n) { n = _(n) ? n : v.values(n); for (var a = 0, c = n.length; c > a; a++) e = n[a], e > i && (i = e) } else r = y(r, t), v.each(n, function(n, t, e) { u = r(n, t, e), (u > o || u === -(1 / 0) && i === -(1 / 0)) && (i = n, o = u) }); return i }, v.min = function(n, r, t) { var e, u, i = 1 / 0, o = 1 / 0; if (null == r && null != n) { n = _(n) ? n : v.values(n); for (var a = 0, c = n.length; c > a; a++) e = n[a], i > e && (i = e) } else r = y(r, t), v.each(n, function(n, t, e) { u = r(n, t, e), (o > u || u === 1 / 0 && i === 1 / 0) && (i = n, o = u) }); return i }, v.shuffle = function(n) { for (var r, t = _(n) ? n : v.values(n), e = t.length, u = Array(e), i = 0; e > i; i++) r = v.random(0, i), r !== i && (u[i] = u[r]), u[r] = t[i]; return u }, v.sample = function(n, r, t) { return null == r || t ? (_(n) || (n = v.values(n)), n[v.random(n.length - 1)]) : v.shuffle(n).slice(0, Math.max(0, r)) }, v.sortBy = function(n, r, t) { return r = y(r, t), v.pluck(v.map(n, function(n, t, e) { return { value: n, index: t, criteria: r(n, t, e) } }).sort(function(n, r) { var t = n.criteria, e = r.criteria; if (t !== e) { if (t > e || void 0 === t) return 1; if (e > t || void 0 === e) return -1 } return n.index - r.index }), "value") }; var A = function(n, r) { return function(t, e, u) { var i = r ? [ [], [] ] : {}; return e = y(e, u), v.each(t, function(r, u) { var o = e(r, u, t); n(i, r, o) }), i } }; v.groupBy = A(function(n, r, t) { v.has(n, t) ? n[t].push(r) : n[t] = [r] }), v.indexBy = A(function(n, r, t) { n[t] = r }), v.countBy = A(function(n, r, t) { v.has(n, t) ? n[t]++ : n[t] = 1 }), v.toArray = function(n) { return n ? v.isArray(n) ? o.call(n) : _(n) ? v.map(n, v.identity) : v.values(n) : [] }, v.size = function(n) { return null == n ? 0 : _(n) ? n.length : v.keys(n).length }, v.partition = A(function(n, r, t) { n[t ? 0 : 1].push(r) }, !0), v.first = v.head = v.take = function(n, r, t) { return null == n ? void 0 : null == r || t ? n[0] : v.initial(n, n.length - r) }, v.initial = function(n, r, t) { return o.call(n, 0, Math.max(0, n.length - (null == r || t ? 1 : r))) }, v.last = function(n, r, t) { return null == n ? void 0 : null == r || t ? n[n.length - 1] : v.rest(n, Math.max(0, n.length - r)) }, v.rest = v.tail = v.drop = function(n, r, t) { return o.call(n, null == r || t ? 1 : r) }, v.compact = function(n) { return v.filter(n, v.identity) }; var O = function(n, r, t, e) { for (var u = [], i = 0, o = e || 0, a = j(n); a > o; o++) { var c = n[o]; if (_(c) && (v.isArray(c) || v.isArguments(c))) { r || (c = O(c, r, t)); var l = 0, f = c.length; for (u.length += f; f > l;) u[i++] = c[l++] } else t || (u[i++] = c) } return u }; v.flatten = function(n, r) { return O(n, r, !1) }, v.without = d(function(n, r) { return v.difference(n, r) }), v.uniq = v.unique = function(n, r, t, e) { v.isBoolean(r) || (e = t, t = r, r = !1), null != t && (t = y(t, e)); for (var u = [], i = [], o = 0, a = j(n); a > o; o++) { var c = n[o], l = t ? t(c, o, n) : c; r ? (o && i === l || u.push(c), i = l) : t ? v.contains(i, l) || (i.push(l), u.push(c)) : v.contains(u, c) || u.push(c) } return u }, v.union = function() { return v.uniq(O(arguments, !0, !0)) }, v.intersection = function(n) { for (var r = [], t = arguments.length, e = 0, u = j(n); u > e; e++) { var i = n[e]; if (!v.contains(r, i)) { for (var o = 1; t > o && v.contains(arguments[o], i); o++); o === t && r.push(i) } } return r }, v.difference = function(n) { var r = O(arguments, !0, !0, 1); return v.filter(n, function(n) { return !v.contains(r, n) }) }, v.unzip = function(n) { for (var r = n && v.max(n, j).length || 0, t = Array(r), e = 0; r > e; e++) t[e] = v.pluck(n, e); return t }, v.zip = d(v.unzip), v.object = function(n, r) { for (var t = {}, e = 0, u = j(n); u > e; e++) r ? t[n[e]] = r[e] : t[n[e][0]] = n[e][1]; return t }; var k = function(n) { return function(r, t, e) { t = y(t, e); for (var u = j(r), i = n > 0 ? 0 : u - 1; i >= 0 && u > i; i += n) if (t(r[i], i, r)) return i; return -1 } }; v.findIndex = k(1), v.findLastIndex = k(-1), v.sortedIndex = function(n, r, t, e) { t = y(t, e, 1); for (var u = t(r), i = 0, o = j(n); o > i;) { var a = Math.floor((i + o) / 2); t(n[a]) < u ? i = a + 1 : o = a } return i }; var F = function(n, r, t) { return function(e, u, i) { var a = 0, c = j(e); if ("number" == typeof i) n > 0 ? a = i >= 0 ? i : Math.max(i + c, a) : c = i >= 0 ? Math.min(i + 1, c) : i + c + 1; else if (t && i && c) return i = t(e, u), e[i] === u ? i : -1; if (u !== u) return i = r(o.call(e, a, c), v.isNaN), i >= 0 ? i + a : -1; for (i = n > 0 ? a : c - 1; i >= 0 && c > i; i += n) if (e[i] === u) return i; return -1 } }; v.indexOf = F(1, v.findIndex, v.sortedIndex), v.lastIndexOf = F(-1, v.findLastIndex), v.range = function(n, r, t) { null == r && (r = n || 0, n = 0), t = t || 1; for (var e = Math.max(Math.ceil((r - n) / t), 0), u = Array(e), i = 0; e > i; i++, n += t) u[i] = n; return u }; var S = function(n, r, t, e, u) { if (!(e instanceof r)) return n.apply(t, u); var i = m(n.prototype), o = n.apply(i, u); return v.isObject(o) ? o : i }; v.bind = function(n, r) { if (s && n.bind === s) return s.apply(n, o.call(arguments, 1)); if (!v.isFunction(n)) throw new TypeError("Bind must be called on a function"); var t = o.call(arguments, 2), e = d(function(u) { return S(n, e, r, this, t.concat(u)) }); return e }, v.partial = d(function(n, r) { var t = v.partial.placeholder, e = function() { for (var u = 0, i = r.length, o = Array(i), a = 0; i > a; a++) o[a] = r[a] === t ? arguments[u++] : r[a]; for (; u < arguments.length;) o.push(arguments[u++]); return S(n, e, this, this, o) }; return e }), v.partial.placeholder = v, v.bindAll = d(function(n, r) { if (r.length < 1) throw new Error("bindAll must be passed function names"); return v.each(r, function(r) { n[r] = v.bind(n[r], n) }) }), v.memoize = function(n, r) { var t = function(e) { var u = t.cache, i = "" + (r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : e); return v.has(u, i) || (u[i] = n.apply(this, arguments)), u[i] }; return t.cache = {}, t }, v.delay = d(function(n, r, t) { return setTimeout(function() { return n.apply(null, t) }, r) }), v.defer = v.partial(v.delay, v, 1), v.throttle = function(n, r, t) { var e, u, i, o = null, a = 0; t || (t = {}); var c = function() { a = t.leading === !1 ? 0 : v.now(), o = null, i = n.apply(e, u), o || (e = u = null) }; return function() { var l = v.now(); a || t.leading !== !1 || (a = l); var f = r - (l - a); return e = this, u = arguments, 0 >= f || f > r ? (o && (clearTimeout(o), o = null), a = l, i = n.apply(e, u), o || (e = u = null)) : o || t.trailing === !1 || (o = setTimeout(c, f)), i } }, v.debounce = function(n, r, t) { var e, u, i, o, a, c = function() { var l = v.now() - o; r > l && l >= 0 ? e = setTimeout(c, r - l) : (e = null, t || (a = n.apply(i, u), e || (i = u = null))) }; return function() { i = this, u = arguments, o = v.now(); var l = t && !e; return e || (e = setTimeout(c, r)), l && (a = n.apply(i, u), i = u = null), a } }, v.wrap = function(n, r) { return v.partial(r, n) }, v.negate = function(n) { return function() { return !n.apply(this, arguments) } }, v.compose = function() { var n = arguments, r = n.length - 1; return function() { for (var t = r, e = n[r].apply(this, arguments); t--;) e = n[t].call(this, e); return e } }, v.after = function(n, r) { return function() { return --n < 1 ? r.apply(this, arguments) : void 0 } }, v.before = function(n, r) { var t; return function() { return --n > 0 && (t = r.apply(this, arguments)), 1 >= n && (r = null), t } }, v.once = v.partial(v.before, 2), v.restArgs = d; var E = !{ toString: null }.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"), M = ["valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "toString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "hasOwnProperty", "toLocaleString"], I = function(n, r) { var t = M.length, u = n.constructor, i = v.isFunction(u) && u.prototype || e, o = "constructor"; for (v.has(n, o) && !v.contains(r, o) && r.push(o); t--;) o = M[t], o in n && n[o] !== i[o] && !v.contains(r, o) && r.push(o) }; v.keys = function(n) { if (!v.isObject(n)) return []; if (f) return f(n); var r = []; for (var t in n) v.has(n, t) && r.push(t); return E && I(n, r), r }, v.allKeys = function(n) { if (!v.isObject(n)) return []; var r = []; for (var t in n) r.push(t); return E && I(n, r), r }, v.values = function(n) { for (var r = v.keys(n), t = r.length, e = Array(t), u = 0; t > u; u++) e[u] = n[r[u]]; return e }, v.mapObject = function(n, r, t) { r = y(r, t); for (var e = v.keys(n), u = e.length, i = {}, o = 0; u > o; o++) { var a = e[o]; i[a] = r(n[a], a, n) } return i }, v.pairs = function(n) { for (var r = v.keys(n), t = r.length, e = Array(t), u = 0; t > u; u++) e[u] = [r[u], n[r[u]]]; return e }, v.invert = function(n) { for (var r = {}, t = v.keys(n), e = 0, u = t.length; u > e; e++) r[n[t[e]]] = t[e]; return r }, v.functions = v.methods = function(n) { var r = []; for (var t in n) v.isFunction(n[t]) && r.push(t); return r.sort() }; var N = function(n, r) { return function(t) { var e = arguments.length; if (2 > e || null == t) return t; for (var u = 1; e > u; u++) for (var i = arguments[u], o = n(i), a = o.length, c = 0; a > c; c++) { var l = o[c]; r && void 0 !== t[l] || (t[l] = i[l]) } return t } }; v.extend = N(v.allKeys), v.extendOwn = v.assign = N(v.keys), v.findKey = function(n, r, t) { r = y(r, t); for (var e, u = v.keys(n), i = 0, o = u.length; o > i; i++) if (e = u[i], r(n[e], e, n)) return e }, v.pick = function(n, r, t) { var e, u, i = {}, o = n; if (null == o) return i; v.isFunction(r) ? (u = v.allKeys(o), e = g(r, t)) : (u = O(arguments, !1, !1, 1), e = function(n, r, t) { return r in t }, o = Object(o)); for (var a = 0, c = u.length; c > a; a++) { var l = u[a], f = o[l]; e(f, l, o) && (i[l] = f) } return i }, v.omit = function(n, r, t) { if (v.isFunction(r)) r = v.negate(r); else { var e = v.map(O(arguments, !1, !1, 1), String); r = function(n, r) { return !v.contains(e, r) } } return v.pick(n, r, t) }, v.defaults = N(v.allKeys, !0), v.create = function(n, r) { var t = m(n); return r && v.extendOwn(t, r), t }, v.clone = function(n) { return v.isObject(n) ? v.isArray(n) ? n.slice() : v.extend({}, n) : n }, v.tap = function(n, r) { return r(n), n }, v.isMatch = function(n, r) { var t = v.keys(r), e = t.length; if (null == n) return !e; for (var u = Object(n), i = 0; e > i; i++) { var o = t[i]; if (r[o] !== u[o] || !(o in u)) return !1 } return !0 }; var B = function(n, r, t, e) { if (n === r) return 0 !== n || 1 / n === 1 / r; if (null == n || null == r) return n === r; n instanceof v && (n = n._wrapped), r instanceof v && (r = r._wrapped); var u = a.call(n); if (u !== a.call(r)) return !1; switch (u) { case "[object RegExp]": case "[object String]": return "" + n == "" + r; case "[object Number]": return +n !== +n ? +r !== +r : 0 === +n ? 1 / +n === 1 / r : +n === +r; case "[object Date]": case "[object Boolean]": return +n === +r } var i = "[object Array]" === u; if (!i) { if ("object" != typeof n || "object" != typeof r) return !1; var o = n.constructor, c = r.constructor; if (o !== c && !(v.isFunction(o) && o instanceof o && v.isFunction(c) && c instanceof c) && "constructor" in n && "constructor" in r) return !1 } t = t || [], e = e || []; for (var l = t.length; l--;) if (t[l] === n) return e[l] === r; if (t.push(n), e.push(r), i) { if (l = n.length, l !== r.length) return !1; for (; l--;) if (!B(n[l], r[l], t, e)) return !1 } else { var f, s = v.keys(n); if (l = s.length, v.keys(r).length !== l) return !1; for (; l--;) if (f = s[l], !v.has(r, f) || !B(n[f], r[f], t, e)) return !1 } return t.pop(), e.pop(), !0 }; v.isEqual = function(n, r) { return B(n, r) }, v.isEmpty = function(n) { return null == n ? !0 : _(n) && (v.isArray(n) || v.isString(n) || v.isArguments(n)) ? 0 === n.length : 0 === v.keys(n).length }, v.isElement = function(n) { return !(!n || 1 !== n.nodeType) }, v.isArray = l || function(n) { return "[object Array]" === a.call(n) }, v.isObject = function(n) { var r = typeof n; return "function" === r || "object" === r && !!n }, v.each(["Arguments", "Function", "String", "Number", "Date", "RegExp", "Error"], function(n) { v["is" + n] = function(r) { return a.call(r) === "[object " + n + "]" } }), v.isArguments(arguments) || (v.isArguments = function(n) { return v.has(n, "callee") }), "function" != typeof /./ && "object" != typeof Int8Array && (v.isFunction = function(n) { return "function" == typeof n || !1 }), v.isFinite = function(n) { return isFinite(n) && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) }, v.isNaN = function(n) { return v.isNumber(n) && n !== +n }, v.isBoolean = function(n) { return n === !0 || n === !1 || "[object Boolean]" === a.call(n) }, v.isNull = function(n) { return null === n }, v.isUndefined = function(n) { return void 0 === n }, v.has = function(n, r) { return null != n && c.call(n, r) }, v.noConflict = function() { return n._ = r, this }, v.identity = function(n) { return n }, v.constant = function(n) { return function() { return n } }, v.noop = function() {}, v.property = b, v.propertyOf = function(n) { return null == n ? function() {} : function(r) { return n[r] } }, v.matcher = v.matches = function(n) { return n = v.extendOwn({}, n), function(r) { return v.isMatch(r, n) } }, v.times = function(n, r, t) { var e = Array(Math.max(0, n)); r = g(r, t, 1); for (var u = 0; n > u; u++) e[u] = r(u); return e }, v.random = function(n, r) { return null == r && (r = n, n = 0), n + Math.floor(Math.random() * (r - n + 1)) }, v.now = Date.now || function() { return (new Date).getTime() }; var T = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "`": "`" }, R = v.invert(T), q = function(n) { var r = function(r) { return n[r] }, t = "(?:" + v.keys(n).join("|") + ")", e = RegExp(t), u = RegExp(t, "g"); return function(n) { return n = null == n ? "" : "" + n, e.test(n) ? n.replace(u, r) : n } }; v.escape = q(T), v.unescape = q(R), v.result = function(n, r, t) { var e = null == n ? void 0 : n[r]; return void 0 === e && (e = t), v.isFunction(e) ? e.call(n) : e }; var K = 0; v.uniqueId = function(n) { var r = ++K + ""; return n ? n + r : r }, v.templateSettings = { evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }; var z = /(.)^/, D = { "'": "'", "\\": "\\", "\r": "r", "\n": "n", "\u2028": "u2028", "\u2029": "u2029" }, L = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g, P = function(n) { return "\\" + D[n] }; v.template = function(n, r, t) { !r && t && (r = t), r = v.defaults({}, r, v.templateSettings); var e = RegExp([(r.escape || z).source, (r.interpolate || z).source, (r.evaluate || z).source].join("|") + "|$", "g"), u = 0, i = "__p+='"; n.replace(e, function(r, t, e, o, a) { return i += n.slice(u, a).replace(L, P), u = a + r.length, t ? i += "'+\n((__t=(" + t + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'" : e ? i += "'+\n((__t=(" + e + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'" : o && (i += "';\n" + o + "\n__p+='"), r }), i += "';\n", r.variable || (i = "with(obj||{}){\n" + i + "}\n"), i = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join,print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" + i + "return __p;\n"; try { var o = new Function(r.variable || "obj", "_", i) } catch (a) { throw a.source = i, a } var c = function(n) { return o.call(this, n, v) }, l = r.variable || "obj"; return c.source = "function(" + l + "){\n" + i + "}", c }, v.chain = function(n) { var r = v(n); return r._chain = !0, r }; var C = function(n, r) { return n._chain ? v(r).chain() : r }; v.mixin = function(n) { v.each(v.functions(n), function(r) { var t = v[r] = n[r]; v.prototype[r] = function() { var n = [this._wrapped]; return i.apply(n, arguments), C(this, t.apply(v, n)) } }) }, v.mixin(v), v.each(["pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function(n) { var r = t[n]; v.prototype[n] = function() { var t = this._wrapped; return r.apply(t, arguments), "shift" !== n && "splice" !== n || 0 !== t.length || delete t[0], C(this, t) } }), v.each(["concat", "join", "slice"], function(n) { var r = t[n]; v.prototype[n] = function() { return C(this, r.apply(this._wrapped, arguments)) } }), v.prototype.value = function() { return this._wrapped }, v.prototype.valueOf = v.prototype.toJSON = v.prototype.value, v.prototype.toString = function() { return "" + this._wrapped }, "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("underscore", [], function() { return v }) }(); var e = e || {}; ! function() { function t() { j = !0, clearTimeout(P), P = setTimeout(function() { j = !1 }, 700) } function n(e) { var t = []; if (e) for (t.unshift(e); e.parentNode;) t.unshift(e.parentNode), e = e.parentNode; return t } function r(e, t) { for (var r = n(e), o = n(t), i = null; r.length > 0 && r[0] == o.shift();) i = r.shift(); return i } function o(e, t, n) { for (var o = r(e, t), i = e, a = []; i && i != o;) g(i, "pointerenter") && a.push(i), i = i.parentNode; for (; a.length > 0;) n(a.pop()) } function i(e, t, n) { for (var o = r(e, t), i = e; i && i != o;) g(i, "pointerleave") && n(i), i = i.parentNode } function a(e, t) { ["pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup", "pointerover", "pointerout"].forEach(function(n) { window.addEventListener(e(n), function(e) { !j && E(e.target, n) && t(e, n, !0) }) }), void 0 === window["on" + e("pointerenter").toLowerCase()] && window.addEventListener(e("pointerover"), function(e) { if (!j) { var n = E(e.target, "pointerenter"); n && n !== window && (n.contains(e.relatedTarget) || o(n, e.relatedTarget, function(n) { t(e, "pointerenter", !1, n, e.relatedTarget) })) } }), void 0 === window["on" + e("pointerleave").toLowerCase()] && window.addEventListener(e("pointerout"), function(e) { if (!j) { var n = E(e.target, "pointerleave"); n && n !== window && (n.contains(e.relatedTarget) || i(n, e.relatedTarget, function(n) { t(e, "pointerleave", !1, n, e.relatedTarget) })) } }) } if (!window.PointerEvent) { Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(e) { var t = Object(this), n = t.length >>> 0; if (0 === n) return -1; var r = 0; if (arguments.length > 0 && (r = Number(arguments[1]), r != r ? r = 0 : 0 != r && r != 1 / 0 && r != -(1 / 0) && (r = (r > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(r)))), r >= n) return -1; for (var o = r >= 0 ? r : Math.max(n - Math.abs(r), 0); n > o; o++) if (o in t && t[o] === e) return o; return -1 }), Array.prototype.forEach || (Array.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) { if (!(this && e instanceof Function)) throw new TypeError; for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) e.call(t, this[n], n, this) }), String.prototype.trim || (String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "") }); var s = ["pointerdown", "pointerup", "pointermove", "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointercancel", "pointerenter", "pointerleave"], d = ["PointerDown", "PointerUp", "PointerMove", "PointerOver", "PointerOut", "PointerCancel", "PointerEnter", "PointerLeave"], c = "touch", f = "pen", l = "mouse", v = {}, u = function(e) { for (; e && !e.handjs_forcePreventDefault;) e = e.parentNode; return !!e || window.handjs_forcePreventDefault }, p = function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i; if (document.createEvent ? (i = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), i.initMouseEvent(t, n, !0, window, 1, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, o || e.relatedTarget)) : (i = document.createEventObject(), i.screenX = e.screenX, i.screenY = e.screenY, i.clientX = e.clientX, i.clientY = e.clientY, i.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey, i.altKey = e.altKey, i.shiftKey = e.shiftKey, i.metaKey = e.metaKey, i.button = e.button, i.relatedTarget = o || e.relatedTarget), void 0 === i.offsetX && (void 0 !== e.offsetX ? (Object && void 0 !== Object.defineProperty && (Object.defineProperty(i, "offsetX", { writable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(i, "offsetY", { writable: !0 })), i.offsetX = e.offsetX, i.offsetY = e.offsetY) : Object && void 0 !== Object.defineProperty ? (Object.defineProperty(i, "offsetX", { get: function() { return this.currentTarget && this.currentTarget.offsetLeft ? e.clientX - this.currentTarget.offsetLeft : e.clientX } }), Object.defineProperty(i, "offsetY", { get: function() { return this.currentTarget && this.currentTarget.offsetTop ? e.clientY - this.currentTarget.offsetTop : e.clientY } })) : void 0 !== e.layerX && (i.offsetX = e.layerX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft, i.offsetY = e.layerY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop)), i.isPrimary = void 0 !== e.isPrimary ? e.isPrimary : !0, e.pressure) i.pressure = e.pressure; else { var a = 0; void 0 !== e.which ? a = e.which : void 0 !== e.button && (a = e.button), i.pressure = 0 == a ? 0 : .5 } if (i.rotation = e.rotation ? e.rotation : 0, i.hwTimestamp = e.hwTimestamp ? e.hwTimestamp : 0, i.tiltX = e.tiltX ? e.tiltX : 0, i.tiltY = e.tiltY ? e.tiltY : 0, i.height = e.height ? e.height : 0, i.width = e.width ? e.width : 0, i.preventDefault = function() { void 0 !== e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault() }, void 0 !== i.stopPropagation) { var s = i.stopPropagation; i.stopPropagation = function() { void 0 !== e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(), s.call(this) } } switch (i.pointerId = e.pointerId, i.pointerType = e.pointerType, i.pointerType) { case 2: i.pointerType = c; break; case 3: i.pointerType = f; break; case 4: i.pointerType = l } r ? r.dispatchEvent(i) : e.target ? e.target.dispatchEvent(i) : e.srcElement.fireEvent("on" + T(t), i) }, h = function(e, t, n, r, o) { e.pointerId = 1, e.pointerType = l, p(e, t, n, r, o) }, m = function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = t.identifier + 2; t.pointerId = a, t.pointerType = c, t.currentTarget = n, void 0 !== r.preventDefault && (t.preventDefault = function() { r.preventDefault() }), p(t, e, o, n, i) }, g = function(e, t) { return e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents && e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t] }, E = function(e, t) { for (; e && !g(e, t);) e = e.parentNode; return e ? e : g(document, t) ? document : g(window, t) ? window : void 0 }, w = function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { E(n, e) && m(e, t, n, r, o, i) }, T = function(e) { return e.toLowerCase().replace("pointer", "mouse") }, y = function(e, t) { var n = s.indexOf(t), r = e + d[n]; return r }, L = function(e, t, n, r) { if (void 0 === e.__handjsRegisteredEvents && (e.__handjsRegisteredEvents = []), r) { if (void 0 !== e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t]) return void e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t]++; e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t] = 1, e.addEventListener(t, n, !1) } else { if (-1 !== e.__handjsRegisteredEvents.indexOf(t) && (e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t]--, 0 != e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t])) return; e.removeEventListener(t, n), e.__handjsRegisteredEvents[t] = 0 } }, _ = function(e, t, n) { if (e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents || (e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents = []), n) { if (void 0 !== e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t]) return void e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t]++; e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t] = 1 } else void 0 !== e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t] && (e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t]--, e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t] < 0 && (e.__handjsGlobalRegisteredEvents[t] = 0)); var r, o; switch (window.MSPointerEvent ? (r = function(e) { return y("MS", e) }, o = p) : (r = T, o = h), t) { case "pointerenter": case "pointerleave": var i = r(t); void 0 !== e["on" + i.toLowerCase()] && L(e, i, function(e) { o(e, t) }, n) } }, b = function(e) { var t = e.prototype ? e.prototype.addEventListener : e.addEventListener, n = function(e, n, r) { -1 != s.indexOf(e) && _(this, e, !0), void 0 === t ? this.attachEvent("on" + T(e), n) : t.call(this, e, n, r) }; e.prototype ? e.prototype.addEventListener = n : e.addEventListener = n }, M = function(e) { var t = e.prototype ? e.prototype.removeEventListener : e.removeEventListener, n = function(e, n, r) { -1 != s.indexOf(e) && _(this, e, !1), void 0 === t ? this.detachEvent(T(e), n) : t.call(this, e, n, r) }; e.prototype ? e.prototype.removeEventListener = n : e.removeEventListener = n }; b(window), b(window.HTMLElement || window.Element), b(document), b(HTMLBodyElement), b(HTMLDivElement), b(HTMLImageElement), b(HTMLUListElement), b(HTMLAnchorElement), b(HTMLLIElement), b(HTMLTableElement), window.HTMLSpanElement && b(HTMLSpanElement), window.HTMLCanvasElement && b(HTMLCanvasElement), window.SVGElement && b(SVGElement), M(window), M(window.HTMLElement || window.Element), M(document), M(HTMLBodyElement), M(HTMLDivElement), M(HTMLImageElement), M(HTMLUListElement), M(HTMLAnchorElement), M(HTMLLIElement), M(HTMLTableElement), window.HTMLSpanElement && M(HTMLSpanElement), window.HTMLCanvasElement && M(HTMLCanvasElement), window.SVGElement && M(SVGElement); var j = !1, P = -1; ! function() { window.MSPointerEvent ? a(function(e) { return y("MS", e) }, p) : (a(T, h), void 0 !== window.ontouchstart && (window.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.changedTouches.length; ++n) { var r = e.changedTouches[n]; v[r.identifier] = r.target, w("pointerover", r, r.target, e, !0), o(r.target, null, function(t) { m("pointerenter", r, t, e, !1) }), w("pointerdown", r, r.target, e, !0) } t() }), window.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.changedTouches.length; ++n) { var r = e.changedTouches[n], o = v[r.identifier]; w("pointerup", r, o, e, !0), w("pointerout", r, o, e, !0), i(o, null, function(t) { m("pointerleave", r, t, e, !1) }) } t() }), window.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.changedTouches.length; ++n) { var r = e.changedTouches[n], a = document.elementFromPoint(r.clientX, r.clientY), s = v[r.identifier]; s && u(s) === !0 && e.preventDefault(), w("pointermove", r, s, e, !0), s !== a && (s && (w("pointerout", r, s, e, !0, a), s.contains(a) || i(s, a, function(t) { m("pointerleave", r, t, e, !1, a) })), a && (w("pointerover", r, a, e, !0, s), a.contains(s) || o(a, s, function(t) { m("pointerenter", r, t, e, !1, s) })), v[r.identifier] = a) } t() }), window.addEventListener("touchcancel", function(e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; ++t) { var n = e.changedTouches[t]; w("pointercancel", n, v[n.identifier], e, !0) } }))) }(), void 0 === navigator.pointerEnabled && (navigator.pointerEnabled = !0, navigator.msPointerEnabled && (navigator.maxTouchPoints = navigator.msMaxTouchPoints)), document.styleSheets && document.addEventListener && document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (!e.doNotProcessCSS && void 0 === document.body.style.touchAction) { var t = new RegExp(".+?{.*?}", "m"), n = new RegExp(".+?{", "m"), r = function(e) { var r = t.exec(e); if (r) { var o = r[0]; e = e.replace(o, "").trim(); var i = n.exec(o)[0].replace("{", "").trim(); if (-1 != o.replace(/\s/g, "").indexOf("touch-action:none")) for (var a = document.querySelectorAll(i), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) { var d = a[s]; void 0 !== d.style.msTouchAction ? d.style.msTouchAction = "none" : d.handjs_forcePreventDefault = !0 } return e } }, o = function(e) { if (window.setImmediate) e && setImmediate(o, r(e)); else for (; e;) e = r(e) }; try { for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { var a = document.styleSheets[i]; if (void 0 != a.href) { var s = new XMLHttpRequest; s.open("get", a.href), s.send(); var d = s.responseText.replace(/(\n|\r)/g, ""); o(d) } } } catch (c) {} for (var f = document.getElementsByTagName("style"), i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var l = f[i], v = l.innerHTML.replace(/(\n|\r)/g, "").trim(); o(v) } } }, !1) } }(); ! function(e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e : e(jQuery) }(function(e) { function t(t) { var s = t || window.event, a = h.call(arguments, 1), r = 0, f = 0, d = 0, c = 0, m = 0, g = 0; if (t = e.event.fix(s), t.type = "mousewheel", "detail" in s && (d = -1 * s.detail), "wheelDelta" in s && (d = s.wheelDelta), "wheelDeltaY" in s && (d = s.wheelDeltaY), "wheelDeltaX" in s && (f = -1 * s.wheelDeltaX), "axis" in s && s.axis === s.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (f = -1 * d, d = 0), r = 0 === d ? f : d, "deltaY" in s && (d = -1 * s.deltaY, r = d), "deltaX" in s && (f = s.deltaX, 0 === d && (r = -1 * f)), 0 !== d || 0 !== f) { if (1 === s.deltaMode) { var w = e.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height"); r *= w, d *= w, f *= w } else if (2 === s.deltaMode) { var v = e.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height"); r *= v, d *= v, f *= v } if (c = Math.max(Math.abs(d), Math.abs(f)), (!l || l > c) && (l = c, i(s, c) && (l /= 40)), i(s, c) && (r /= 40, f /= 40, d /= 40), r = Math[r >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](r / l), f = Math[f >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](f / l), d = Math[d >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](d / l), u.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect) { var p = this.getBoundingClientRect(); m = t.clientX - p.left, g = t.clientY - p.top } return t.deltaX = f, t.deltaY = d, t.deltaFactor = l, t.offsetX = m, t.offsetY = g, t.deltaMode = 0, a.unshift(t, r, f, d), o && clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(n, 200), (e.event.dispatch || e.event.handle).apply(this, a) } } function n() { l = null } function i(e, t) { return u.settings.adjustOldDeltas && "mousewheel" === e.type && t % 120 === 0 } var o, l, s = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], a = "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], h = Array.prototype.slice; if (e.event.fixHooks) for (var r = s.length; r;) e.event.fixHooks[s[--r]] = e.event.mouseHooks; var u = e.event.special.mousewheel = { version: "3.1.12", setup: function() { if (this.addEventListener) for (var n = a.length; n;) this.addEventListener(a[--n], t, !1); else this.onmousewheel = t; e.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height", u.getLineHeight(this)), e.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height", u.getPageHeight(this)) }, teardown: function() { if (this.removeEventListener) for (var n = a.length; n;) this.removeEventListener(a[--n], t, !1); else this.onmousewheel = null; e.removeData(this, "mousewheel-line-height"), e.removeData(this, "mousewheel-page-height") }, getLineHeight: function(t) { var n = e(t), i = n["offsetParent" in e.fn ? "offsetParent" : "parent"](); return i.length || (i = e("body")), parseInt(i.css("fontSize"), 10) || parseInt(n.css("fontSize"), 10) || 16 }, getPageHeight: function(t) { return e(t).height() }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: !0, normalizeOffset: !0 } }; e.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(e) { return e ? this.bind("mousewheel", e) : this.trigger("mousewheel") }, unmousewheel: function(e) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", e) } }) }); ! function(e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : e("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery) }(function(e) { function n(e) { return u.raw ? e : encodeURIComponent(e) } function o(e) { return u.raw ? e : decodeURIComponent(e) } function i(e) { return n(u.json ? JSON.stringify(e) : String(e)) } function r(e) { 0 === e.indexOf('"') && (e = e.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")); try { return e = decodeURIComponent(e.replace(c, " ")), u.json ? JSON.parse(e) : e } catch (n) {} } function t(n, o) { var i = u.raw ? n : r(n); return e.isFunction(o) ? o(i) : i } var c = /\+/g, u = e.cookie = function(r, c, a) { if (arguments.length > 1 && !e.isFunction(c)) { if (a = e.extend({}, u.defaults, a), "number" == typeof a.expires) { var f = a.expires, s = a.expires = new Date; s.setTime(+s + 864e5 * f) } return document.cookie = [n(r), "=", i(c), a.expires ? "; expires=" + a.expires.toUTCString() : "", a.path ? "; path=" + a.path : "", a.domain ? "; domain=" + a.domain : "", a.secure ? "; secure" : ""].join("") } for (var d = r ? void 0 : {}, p = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [], m = 0, x = p.length; x > m; m++) { var l = p[m].split("="), g = o(l.shift()), k = l.join("="); if (r && r === g) { d = t(k, c); break } r || void 0 === (k = t(k)) || (d[g] = k) } return d }; u.defaults = {}, e.removeCookie = function(n, o) { return void 0 === e.cookie(n) ? !1 : (e.cookie(n, "", e.extend({}, o, { expires: -1 })), !e.cookie(n)) } }); ! function(n) { function r(n, r) { var t = n[0], f = n[1], i = n[2], a = n[3]; t = o(t, f, i, a, r[0], 7, -680876936), a = o(a, t, f, i, r[1], 12, -389564586), i = o(i, a, t, f, r[2], 17, 606105819), f = o(f, i, a, t, r[3], 22, -1044525330), t = o(t, f, i, a, r[4], 7, -176418897), a = o(a, t, f, i, r[5], 12, 1200080426), i = o(i, a, t, f, r[6], 17, -1473231341), f = o(f, i, a, t, r[7], 22, -45705983), t = o(t, f, i, a, r[8], 7, 1770035416), a = o(a, t, f, i, r[9], 12, -1958414417), i = o(i, a, t, f, r[10], 17, -42063), f = o(f, i, a, t, r[11], 22, -1990404162), t = o(t, f, i, a, r[12], 7, 1804603682), a = o(a, t, f, i, r[13], 12, -40341101), i = o(i, a, t, f, r[14], 17, -1502002290), f = o(f, i, a, t, r[15], 22, 1236535329), t = u(t, f, i, a, r[1], 5, -165796510), a = u(a, t, f, i, r[6], 9, -1069501632), i = u(i, a, t, f, r[11], 14, 643717713), f = u(f, i, a, t, r[0], 20, -373897302), t = u(t, f, i, a, r[5], 5, -701558691), a = u(a, t, f, i, r[10], 9, 38016083), i = u(i, a, t, f, r[15], 14, -660478335), f = u(f, i, a, t, r[4], 20, -405537848), t = u(t, f, i, a, r[9], 5, 568446438), a = u(a, t, f, i, r[14], 9, -1019803690), i = u(i, a, t, f, r[3], 14, -187363961), f = u(f, i, a, t, r[8], 20, 1163531501), t = u(t, f, i, a, r[13], 5, -1444681467), a = u(a, t, f, i, r[2], 9, -51403784), i = u(i, a, t, f, r[7], 14, 1735328473), f = u(f, i, a, t, r[12], 20, -1926607734), t = e(t, f, i, a, r[5], 4, -378558), a = e(a, t, f, i, r[8], 11, -2022574463), i = e(i, a, t, f, r[11], 16, 1839030562), f = e(f, i, a, t, r[14], 23, -35309556), t = e(t, f, i, a, r[1], 4, -1530992060), a = e(a, t, f, i, r[4], 11, 1272893353), i = e(i, a, t, f, r[7], 16, -155497632), f = e(f, i, a, t, r[10], 23, -1094730640), t = e(t, f, i, a, r[13], 4, 681279174), a = e(a, t, f, i, r[0], 11, -358537222), i = e(i, a, t, f, r[3], 16, -722521979), f = e(f, i, a, t, r[6], 23, 76029189), t = e(t, f, i, a, r[9], 4, -640364487), a = e(a, t, f, i, r[12], 11, -421815835), i = e(i, a, t, f, r[15], 16, 530742520), f = e(f, i, a, t, r[2], 23, -995338651), t = c(t, f, i, a, r[0], 6, -198630844), a = c(a, t, f, i, r[7], 10, 1126891415), i = c(i, a, t, f, r[14], 15, -1416354905), f = c(f, i, a, t, r[5], 21, -57434055), t = c(t, f, i, a, r[12], 6, 1700485571), a = c(a, t, f, i, r[3], 10, -1894986606), i = c(i, a, t, f, r[10], 15, -1051523), f = c(f, i, a, t, r[1], 21, -2054922799), t = c(t, f, i, a, r[8], 6, 1873313359), a = c(a, t, f, i, r[15], 10, -30611744), i = c(i, a, t, f, r[6], 15, -1560198380), f = c(f, i, a, t, r[13], 21, 1309151649), t = c(t, f, i, a, r[4], 6, -145523070), a = c(a, t, f, i, r[11], 10, -1120210379), i = c(i, a, t, f, r[2], 15, 718787259), f = c(f, i, a, t, r[9], 21, -343485551), n[0] = v(t, n[0]), n[1] = v(f, n[1]), n[2] = v(i, n[2]), n[3] = v(a, n[3]) } function t(n, r, t, o, u, e) { return r = v(v(r, n), v(o, e)), v(r << u | r >>> 32 - u, t) } function o(n, r, o, u, e, c, f) { return t(r & o | ~r & u, n, r, e, c, f) } function u(n, r, o, u, e, c, f) { return t(r & u | o & ~u, n, r, e, c, f) } function e(n, r, o, u, e, c, f) { return t(r ^ o ^ u, n, r, e, c, f) } function c(n, r, o, u, e, c, f) { return t(o ^ (r | ~u), n, r, e, c, f) } function f(n) { txt = ""; var t, o = n.length, u = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878]; for (t = 64; t <= n.length; t += 64) r(u, i(n.substring(t - 64, t))); n = n.substring(t - 64); var e = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) e[t >> 2] |= n.charCodeAt(t) << (t % 4 << 3); if (e[t >> 2] |= 128 << (t % 4 << 3), t > 55) for (r(u, e), t = 0; 16 > t; t++) e[t] = 0; return e[14] = 8 * o, r(u, e), u } function i(n) { var r, t = []; for (r = 0; 64 > r; r += 4) t[r >> 2] = n.charCodeAt(r) + (n.charCodeAt(r + 1) << 8) + (n.charCodeAt(r + 2) << 16) + (n.charCodeAt(r + 3) << 24); return t } function a(n) { for (var r = "", t = 0; 4 > t; t++) r += l[n >> 8 * t + 4 & 15] + l[n >> 8 * t & 15]; return r } function d(n) { for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) n[r] = a(n[r]); return n.join("") } function h(n) { return d(f(n)) } function v(n, r) { return n + r & 4294967295 } function v(n, r) { var t = (65535 & n) + (65535 & r), o = (n >> 16) + (r >> 16) + (t >> 16); return o << 16 | 65535 & t } var l = "0123456789abcdef".split(""); "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592" != h("hello"), n.md5 = h }(window); ! function(e) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); else { var t; t = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, t.React = e() } }(function() { return function e(t, n, r) { function o(a, u) { if (!n[a]) { if (!t[a]) { var s = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!u && s) return s(a, !0); if (i) return i(a, !0); var l = new Error("Cannot find module '" + a + "'"); throw l.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", l } var c = n[a] = { exports: {} }; t[a][0].call(c.exports, function(e) { var n = t[a][1][e]; return o(n ? n : e) }, c, c.exports, e, t, n, r) } return n[a].exports } for (var i = "function" == typeof require && require, a = 0; a < r.length; a++) o(r[a]); return o }({ 1: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(19), o = e(32), i = e(34), a = e(33), u = e(38), s = e(39), l = e(55), c = (e(56), e(40)), p = e(51), d = e(54), f = e(64), h = e(68), m = e(73), v = e(76), g = e(79), y = e(82), C = e(27), E = e(115), b = e(142); d.inject(); var _ = l.createElement, x = l.createFactory, D = l.cloneElement, M = m.measure("React", "render", h.render), N = { Children: { map: o.map, forEach: o.forEach, count: o.count, only: b }, Component: i, DOM: c, PropTypes: v, initializeTouchEvents: function(e) { r.useTouchEvents = e }, createClass: a.createClass, createElement: _, cloneElement: D, createFactory: x, createMixin: function(e) { return e }, constructAndRenderComponent: h.constructAndRenderComponent, constructAndRenderComponentByID: h.constructAndRenderComponentByID, findDOMNode: E, render: M, renderToString: y.renderToString, renderToStaticMarkup: y.renderToStaticMarkup, unmountComponentAtNode: h.unmountComponentAtNode, isValidElement: l.isValidElement, withContext: u.withContext, __spread: C }; "undefined" != typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && "function" == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject({ CurrentOwner: s, InstanceHandles: f, Mount: h, Reconciler: g, TextComponent: p }), N.version = "0.13.3", t.exports = N }, { 115: 115, 142: 142, 19: 19, 27: 27, 32: 32, 33: 33, 34: 34, 38: 38, 39: 39, 40: 40, 51: 51, 54: 54, 55: 55, 56: 56, 64: 64, 68: 68, 73: 73, 76: 76, 79: 79, 82: 82 }], 2: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(117), o = { componentDidMount: function() { this.props.autoFocus && r(this.getDOMNode()) } }; t.exports = o }, { 117: 117 }], 3: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = window.opera; return "object" == typeof e && "function" == typeof e.version && parseInt(e.version(), 10) <= 12 } function o(e) { return (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) && !(e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) } function i(e) { switch (e) { case T.topCompositionStart: return P.compositionStart; case T.topCompositionEnd: return P.compositionEnd; case T.topCompositionUpdate: return P.compositionUpdate } } function a(e, t) { return e === T.topKeyDown && t.keyCode === b } function u(e, t) { switch (e) { case T.topKeyUp: return -1 !== E.indexOf(t.keyCode); case T.topKeyDown: return t.keyCode !== b; case T.topKeyPress: case T.topMouseDown: case T.topBlur: return !0; default: return !1 } } function s(e) { var t = e.detail; return "object" == typeof t && "data" in t ? t.data : null } function l(e, t, n, r) { var o, l; if (_ ? o = i(e) : w ? u(e, r) && (o = P.compositionEnd) : a(e, r) && (o = P.compositionStart), !o) return null; M && (w || o !== P.compositionStart ? o === P.compositionEnd && w && (l = w.getData()) : w = v.getPooled(t)); var c = g.getPooled(o, n, r); if (l) c.data = l; else { var p = s(r); null !== p && (c.data = p) } return h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(c), c } function c(e, t) { switch (e) { case T.topCompositionEnd: return s(t); case T.topKeyPress: var n = t.which; return n !== N ? null : (R = !0, I); case T.topTextInput: var r = t.data; return r === I && R ? null : r; default: return null } } function p(e, t) { if (w) { if (e === T.topCompositionEnd || u(e, t)) { var n = w.getData(); return v.release(w), w = null, n } return null } switch (e) { case T.topPaste: return null; case T.topKeyPress: return t.which && !o(t) ? String.fromCharCode(t.which) : null; case T.topCompositionEnd: return M ? null : t.data; default: return null } } function d(e, t, n, r) { var o; if (o = D ? c(e, r) : p(e, r), !o) return null; var i = y.getPooled(P.beforeInput, n, r); return i.data = o, h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(i), i } var f = e(15), h = e(20), m = e(21), v = e(22), g = e(91), y = e(95), C = e(139), E = [9, 13, 27, 32], b = 229, _ = m.canUseDOM && "CompositionEvent" in window, x = null; m.canUseDOM && "documentMode" in document && (x = document.documentMode); var D = m.canUseDOM && "TextEvent" in window && !x && !r(), M = m.canUseDOM && (!_ || x && x > 8 && 11 >= x), N = 32, I = String.fromCharCode(N), T = f.topLevelTypes, P = { beforeInput: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onBeforeInput: null }), captured: C({ onBeforeInputCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [T.topCompositionEnd, T.topKeyPress, T.topTextInput, T.topPaste] }, compositionEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionEnd: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionEndCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [T.topBlur, T.topCompositionEnd, T.topKeyDown, T.topKeyPress, T.topKeyUp, T.topMouseDown] }, compositionStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionStart: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionStartCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [T.topBlur, T.topCompositionStart, T.topKeyDown, T.topKeyPress, T.topKeyUp, T.topMouseDown] }, compositionUpdate: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionUpdate: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionUpdateCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [T.topBlur, T.topCompositionUpdate, T.topKeyDown, T.topKeyPress, T.topKeyUp, T.topMouseDown] } }, R = !1, w = null, O = { eventTypes: P, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { return [l(e, t, n, r), d(e, t, n, r)] } }; t.exports = O }, { 139: 139, 15: 15, 20: 20, 21: 21, 22: 22, 91: 91, 95: 95 }], 4: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return e + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substring(1) } var o = { boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0 }, i = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"]; Object.keys(o).forEach(function(e) { i.forEach(function(t) { o[r(t, e)] = o[e] }) }); var a = { background: { backgroundImage: !0, backgroundPosition: !0, backgroundRepeat: !0, backgroundColor: !0 }, border: { borderWidth: !0, borderStyle: !0, borderColor: !0 }, borderBottom: { borderBottomWidth: !0, borderBottomStyle: !0, borderBottomColor: !0 }, borderLeft: { borderLeftWidth: !0, borderLeftStyle: !0, borderLeftColor: !0 }, borderRight: { borderRightWidth: !0, borderRightStyle: !0, borderRightColor: !0 }, borderTop: { borderTopWidth: !0, borderTopStyle: !0, borderTopColor: !0 }, font: { fontStyle: !0, fontVariant: !0, fontWeight: !0, fontSize: !0, lineHeight: !0, fontFamily: !0 } }, u = { isUnitlessNumber: o, shorthandPropertyExpansions: a }; t.exports = u }, {}], 5: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(4), o = e(21), i = (e(106), e(111)), a = e(131), u = e(141), s = (e(150), u(function(e) { return a(e) })), l = "cssFloat"; o.canUseDOM && void 0 === document.documentElement.style.cssFloat && (l = "styleFloat"); var c = { createMarkupForStyles: function(e) { var t = ""; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = e[n]; null != r && (t += s(n) + ":", t += i(n, r) + ";") } return t || null }, setValueForStyles: function(e, t) { var n = e.style; for (var o in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var a = i(o, t[o]); if ("float" === o && (o = l), a) n[o] = a; else { var u = r.shorthandPropertyExpansions[o]; if (u) for (var s in u) n[s] = ""; else n[o] = "" } } } }; t.exports = c }, { 106: 106, 111: 111, 131: 131, 141: 141, 150: 150, 21: 21, 4: 4 }], 6: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null } var o = e(28), i = e(27), a = e(133); i(r.prototype, { enqueue: function(e, t) { this._callbacks = this._callbacks || [], this._contexts = this._contexts || [], this._callbacks.push(e), this._contexts.push(t) }, notifyAll: function() { var e = this._callbacks, t = this._contexts; if (e) { a(e.length === t.length), this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null; for (var n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++) e[n].call(t[n]); e.length = 0, t.length = 0 } }, reset: function() { this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null }, destructor: function() { this.reset() } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 27: 27, 28: 28 }], 7: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "SELECT" === e.nodeName || "INPUT" === e.nodeName && "file" === e.type } function o(e) { var t = x.getPooled(T.change, R, e); E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(t), _.batchedUpdates(i, t) } function i(e) { C.enqueueEvents(e), C.processEventQueue() } function a(e, t) { P = e, R = t, P.attachEvent("onchange", o) } function u() { P && (P.detachEvent("onchange", o), P = null, R = null) } function s(e, t, n) { return e === I.topChange ? n : void 0 } function l(e, t, n) { e === I.topFocus ? (u(), a(t, n)) : e === I.topBlur && u() } function c(e, t) { P = e, R = t, w = e.value, O = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, "value"), Object.defineProperty(P, "value", k), P.attachEvent("onpropertychange", d) } function p() { P && (delete P.value, P.detachEvent("onpropertychange", d), P = null, R = null, w = null, O = null) } function d(e) { if ("value" === e.propertyName) { var t = e.srcElement.value; t !== w && (w = t, o(e)) } } function f(e, t, n) { return e === I.topInput ? n : void 0 } function h(e, t, n) { e === I.topFocus ? (p(), c(t, n)) : e === I.topBlur && p() } function m(e, t, n) { return e !== I.topSelectionChange && e !== I.topKeyUp && e !== I.topKeyDown || !P || P.value === w ? void 0 : (w = P.value, R) } function v(e) { return "INPUT" === e.nodeName && ("checkbox" === e.type || "radio" === e.type) } function g(e, t, n) { return e === I.topClick ? n : void 0 } var y = e(15), C = e(17), E = e(20), b = e(21), _ = e(85), x = e(93), D = e(134), M = e(136), N = e(139), I = y.topLevelTypes, T = { change: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: N({ onChange: null }), captured: N({ onChangeCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [I.topBlur, I.topChange, I.topClick, I.topFocus, I.topInput, I.topKeyDown, I.topKeyUp, I.topSelectionChange] } }, P = null, R = null, w = null, O = null, S = !1; b.canUseDOM && (S = D("change") && (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 8)); var A = !1; b.canUseDOM && (A = D("input") && (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 9)); var k = { get: function() { return O.get.call(this) }, set: function(e) { w = "" + e, O.set.call(this, e) } }, L = { eventTypes: T, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, o) { var i, a; if (r(t) ? S ? i = s : a = l : M(t) ? A ? i = f : (i = m, a = h) : v(t) && (i = g), i) { var u = i(e, t, n); if (u) { var c = x.getPooled(T.change, u, o); return E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(c), c } } a && a(e, t, n) } }; t.exports = L }, { 134: 134, 136: 136, 139: 139, 15: 15, 17: 17, 20: 20, 21: 21, 85: 85, 93: 93 }], 8: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = 0, o = { createReactRootIndex: function() { return r++ } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 9: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { e.insertBefore(t, e.childNodes[n] || null) } var o = e(12), i = e(70), a = e(145), u = e(133), s = { dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup, updateTextContent: a, processUpdates: function(e, t) { for (var n, s = null, l = null, c = 0; c < e.length; c++) if (n = e[c], n.type === i.MOVE_EXISTING || n.type === i.REMOVE_NODE) { var p = n.fromIndex, d = n.parentNode.childNodes[p], f = n.parentID; u(d), s = s || {}, s[f] = s[f] || [], s[f][p] = d, l = l || [], l.push(d) } var h = o.dangerouslyRenderMarkup(t); if (l) for (var m = 0; m < l.length; m++) l[m].parentNode.removeChild(l[m]); for (var v = 0; v < e.length; v++) switch (n = e[v], n.type) { case i.INSERT_MARKUP: r(n.parentNode, h[n.markupIndex], n.toIndex); break; case i.MOVE_EXISTING: r(n.parentNode, s[n.parentID][n.fromIndex], n.toIndex); break; case i.TEXT_CONTENT: a(n.parentNode, n.textContent); break; case i.REMOVE_NODE: } } }; t.exports = s }, { 12: 12, 133: 133, 145: 145, 70: 70 }], 10: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return (e & t) === t } var o = e(133), i = { MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE: 1, MUST_USE_PROPERTY: 2, HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS: 4, HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 8, HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE: 16, HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE: 48, HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 64, injectDOMPropertyConfig: function(e) { var t = e.Properties || {}, n = e.DOMAttributeNames || {}, a = e.DOMPropertyNames || {}, s = e.DOMMutationMethods || {}; e.isCustomAttribute && u._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(e.isCustomAttribute); for (var l in t) { o(!u.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(l)), u.isStandardName[l] = !0; var c = l.toLowerCase(); if (u.getPossibleStandardName[c] = l, n.hasOwnProperty(l)) { var p = n[l]; u.getPossibleStandardName[p] = l, u.getAttributeName[l] = p } else u.getAttributeName[l] = c; u.getPropertyName[l] = a.hasOwnProperty(l) ? a[l] : l, u.getMutationMethod[l] = s.hasOwnProperty(l) ? s[l] : null; var d = t[l]; u.mustUseAttribute[l] = r(d, i.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE), u.mustUseProperty[l] = r(d, i.MUST_USE_PROPERTY), u.hasSideEffects[l] = r(d, i.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS), u.hasBooleanValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE), u.hasNumericValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE), u.hasPositiveNumericValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE), u.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE), o(!u.mustUseAttribute[l] || !u.mustUseProperty[l]), o(u.mustUseProperty[l] || !u.hasSideEffects[l]), o(!!u.hasBooleanValue[l] + !!u.hasNumericValue[l] + !!u.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[l] <= 1) } } }, a = {}, u = { ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: "data-reactid", isStandardName: {}, getPossibleStandardName: {}, getAttributeName: {}, getPropertyName: {}, getMutationMethod: {}, mustUseAttribute: {}, mustUseProperty: {}, hasSideEffects: {}, hasBooleanValue: {}, hasNumericValue: {}, hasPositiveNumericValue: {}, hasOverloadedBooleanValue: {}, _isCustomAttributeFunctions: [], isCustomAttribute: function(e) { for (var t = 0; t < u._isCustomAttributeFunctions.length; t++) { var n = u._isCustomAttributeFunctions[t]; if (n(e)) return !0 } return !1 }, getDefaultValueForProperty: function(e, t) { var n, r = a[e]; return r || (a[e] = r = {}), t in r || (n = document.createElement(e), r[t] = n[t]), r[t] }, injection: i }; t.exports = u }, { 133: 133 }], 11: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return null == t || o.hasBooleanValue[e] && !t || o.hasNumericValue[e] && isNaN(t) || o.hasPositiveNumericValue[e] && 1 > t || o.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !1 } var o = e(10), i = e(143), a = (e(150), { createMarkupForID: function(e) { return o.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "=" + i(e) }, createMarkupForProperty: function(e, t) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(e) && o.isStandardName[e]) { if (r(e, t)) return ""; var n = o.getAttributeName[e]; return o.hasBooleanValue[e] || o.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !0 ? n : n + "=" + i(t) } return o.isCustomAttribute(e) ? null == t ? "" : e + "=" + i(t) : null }, setValueForProperty: function(e, t, n) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && o.isStandardName[t]) { var i = o.getMutationMethod[t]; if (i) i(e, n); else if (r(t, n)) this.deleteValueForProperty(e, t); else if (o.mustUseAttribute[t]) e.setAttribute(o.getAttributeName[t], "" + n); else { var a = o.getPropertyName[t]; o.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[a] == "" + n || (e[a] = n) } } else o.isCustomAttribute(t) && (null == n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, "" + n)) }, deleteValueForProperty: function(e, t) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && o.isStandardName[t]) { var n = o.getMutationMethod[t]; if (n) n(e, void 0); else if (o.mustUseAttribute[t]) e.removeAttribute(o.getAttributeName[t]); else { var r = o.getPropertyName[t], i = o.getDefaultValueForProperty(e.nodeName, r); o.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[r] === i || (e[r] = i) } } else o.isCustomAttribute(t) && e.removeAttribute(t) } }); t.exports = a }, { 10: 10, 143: 143, 150: 150 }], 12: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e.substring(1, e.indexOf(" ")) } var o = e(21), i = e(110), a = e(112), u = e(125), s = e(133), l = /^(<[^ \/>]+)/, c = "data-danger-index", p = { dangerouslyRenderMarkup: function(e) { s(o.canUseDOM); for (var t, n = {}, p = 0; p < e.length; p++) s(e[p]), t = r(e[p]), t = u(t) ? t : "*", n[t] = n[t] || [], n[t][p] = e[p]; var d = [], f = 0; for (t in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var h, m = n[t]; for (h in m) if (m.hasOwnProperty(h)) { var v = m[h]; m[h] = v.replace(l, "$1 " + c + '="' + h + '" ') } for (var g = i(m.join(""), a), y = 0; y < g.length; ++y) { var C = g[y]; C.hasAttribute && C.hasAttribute(c) && (h = +C.getAttribute(c), C.removeAttribute(c), s(!d.hasOwnProperty(h)), d[h] = C, f += 1) } } return s(f === d.length), s(d.length === e.length), d }, dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: function(e, t) { s(o.canUseDOM), s(t), s("html" !== e.tagName.toLowerCase()); var n = i(t, a)[0]; e.parentNode.replaceChild(n, e) } }; t.exports = p }, { 110: 110, 112: 112, 125: 125, 133: 133, 21: 21 }], 13: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(139), o = [r({ ResponderEventPlugin: null }), r({ SimpleEventPlugin: null }), r({ TapEventPlugin: null }), r({ EnterLeaveEventPlugin: null }), r({ ChangeEventPlugin: null }), r({ SelectEventPlugin: null }), r({ BeforeInputEventPlugin: null }), r({ AnalyticsEventPlugin: null }), r({ MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: null })]; t.exports = o }, { 139: 139 }], 14: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(20), i = e(97), a = e(68), u = e(139), s = r.topLevelTypes, l = a.getFirstReactDOM, c = { mouseEnter: { registrationName: u({ onMouseEnter: null }), dependencies: [s.topMouseOut, s.topMouseOver] }, mouseLeave: { registrationName: u({ onMouseLeave: null }), dependencies: [s.topMouseOut, s.topMouseOver] } }, p = [null, null], d = { eventTypes: c, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { if (e === s.topMouseOver && (r.relatedTarget || r.fromElement)) return null; if (e !== s.topMouseOut && e !== s.topMouseOver) return null; var u; if (t.window === t) u = t; else { var d = t.ownerDocument; u = d ? d.defaultView || d.parentWindow : window } var f, h; if (e === s.topMouseOut ? (f = t, h = l(r.relatedTarget || r.toElement) || u) : (f = u, h = t), f === h) return null; var m = f ? a.getID(f) : "", v = h ? a.getID(h) : "", g = i.getPooled(c.mouseLeave, m, r); g.type = "mouseleave", g.target = f, g.relatedTarget = h; var y = i.getPooled(c.mouseEnter, v, r); return y.type = "mouseenter", y.target = h, y.relatedTarget = f, o.accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches(g, y, m, v), p[0] = g, p[1] = y, p } }; t.exports = d }, { 139: 139, 15: 15, 20: 20, 68: 68, 97: 97 }], 15: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(138), o = r({ bubbled: null, captured: null }), i = r({ topBlur: null, topChange: null, topClick: null, topCompositionEnd: null, topCompositionStart: null, topCompositionUpdate: null, topContextMenu: null, topCopy: null, topCut: null, topDoubleClick: null, topDrag: null, topDragEnd: null, topDragEnter: null, topDragExit: null, topDragLeave: null, topDragOver: null, topDragStart: null, topDrop: null, topError: null, topFocus: null, topInput: null, topKeyDown: null, topKeyPress: null, topKeyUp: null, topLoad: null, topMouseDown: null, topMouseMove: null, topMouseOut: null, topMouseOver: null, topMouseUp: null, topPaste: null, topReset: null, topScroll: null, topSelectionChange: null, topSubmit: null, topTextInput: null, topTouchCancel: null, topTouchEnd: null, topTouchMove: null, topTouchStart: null, topWheel: null }), a = { topLevelTypes: i, PropagationPhases: o }; t.exports = a }, { 138: 138 }], 16: [function(e, t, n) { var r = e(112), o = { listen: function(e, t, n) { return e.addEventListener ? (e.addEventListener(t, n, !1), { remove: function() { e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1) } }) : e.attachEvent ? (e.attachEvent("on" + t, n), { remove: function() { e.detachEvent("on" + t, n) } }) : void 0 }, capture: function(e, t, n) { return e.addEventListener ? (e.addEventListener(t, n, !0), { remove: function() { e.removeEventListener(t, n, !0) } }) : { remove: r } }, registerDefault: function() {} }; t.exports = o }, { 112: 112 }], 17: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(18), o = e(19), i = e(103), a = e(118), u = e(133), s = {}, l = null, c = function(e) { if (e) { var t = o.executeDispatch, n = r.getPluginModuleForEvent(e); n && n.executeDispatch && (t = n.executeDispatch), o.executeDispatchesInOrder(e, t), e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e) } }, p = null, d = { injection: { injectMount: o.injection.injectMount, injectInstanceHandle: function(e) { p = e }, getInstanceHandle: function() { return p }, injectEventPluginOrder: r.injectEventPluginOrder, injectEventPluginsByName: r.injectEventPluginsByName }, eventNameDispatchConfigs: r.eventNameDispatchConfigs, registrationNameModules: r.registrationNameModules, putListener: function(e, t, n) { u(!n || "function" == typeof n); var r = s[t] || (s[t] = {}); r[e] = n }, getListener: function(e, t) { var n = s[t]; return n && n[e] }, deleteListener: function(e, t) { var n = s[t]; n && delete n[e] }, deleteAllListeners: function(e) { for (var t in s) delete s[t][e] }, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, o) { for (var a, u = r.plugins, s = 0, l = u.length; l > s; s++) { var c = u[s]; if (c) { var p = c.extractEvents(e, t, n, o); p && (a = i(a, p)) } } return a }, enqueueEvents: function(e) { e && (l = i(l, e)) }, processEventQueue: function() { var e = l; l = null, a(e, c), u(!l) }, __purge: function() { s = {} }, __getListenerBank: function() { return s } }; t.exports = d }, { 103: 103, 118: 118, 133: 133, 18: 18, 19: 19 }], 18: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (u) for (var e in s) { var t = s[e], n = u.indexOf(e); if (a(n > -1), !l.plugins[n]) { a(t.extractEvents), l.plugins[n] = t; var r = t.eventTypes; for (var i in r) a(o(r[i], t, i)) } } } function o(e, t, n) { a(!l.eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(n)), l.eventNameDispatchConfigs[n] = e; var r = e.phasedRegistrationNames; if (r) { for (var o in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var u = r[o]; i(u, t, n) } return !0 } return e.registrationName ? (i(e.registrationName, t, n), !0) : !1 } function i(e, t, n) { a(!l.registrationNameModules[e]), l.registrationNameModules[e] = t, l.registrationNameDependencies[e] = t.eventTypes[n].dependencies } var a = e(133), u = null, s = {}, l = { plugins: [], eventNameDispatchConfigs: {}, registrationNameModules: {}, registrationNameDependencies: {}, injectEventPluginOrder: function(e) { a(!u), u = Array.prototype.slice.call(e), r() }, injectEventPluginsByName: function(e) { var t = !1; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var o = e[n]; s.hasOwnProperty(n) && s[n] === o || (a(!s[n]), s[n] = o, t = !0) } t && r() }, getPluginModuleForEvent: function(e) { var t = e.dispatchConfig; if (t.registrationName) return l.registrationNameModules[t.registrationName] || null; for (var n in t.phasedRegistrationNames) if (t.phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = l.registrationNameModules[t.phasedRegistrationNames[n]]; if (r) return r } return null }, _resetEventPlugins: function() { u = null; for (var e in s) s.hasOwnProperty(e) && delete s[e]; l.plugins.length = 0; var t = l.eventNameDispatchConfigs; for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && delete t[n]; var r = l.registrationNameModules; for (var o in r) r.hasOwnProperty(o) && delete r[o] } }; t.exports = l }, { 133: 133 }], 19: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e === v.topMouseUp || e === v.topTouchEnd || e === v.topTouchCancel } function o(e) { return e === v.topMouseMove || e === v.topTouchMove } function i(e) { return e === v.topMouseDown || e === v.topTouchStart } function a(e, t) { var n = e._dispatchListeners, r = e._dispatchIDs; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0; o < n.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); o++) t(e, n[o], r[o]); else n && t(e, n, r) } function u(e, t, n) { e.currentTarget = m.Mount.getNode(n); var r = t(e, n); return e.currentTarget = null, r } function s(e, t) { a(e, t), e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchIDs = null } function l(e) { var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchIDs; if (Array.isArray(t)) { for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++) if (t[r](e, n[r])) return n[r] } else if (t && t(e, n)) return n; return null } function c(e) { var t = l(e); return e._dispatchIDs = null, e._dispatchListeners = null, t } function p(e) { var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchIDs; h(!Array.isArray(t)); var r = t ? t(e, n) : null; return e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchIDs = null, r } function d(e) { return !!e._dispatchListeners } var f = e(15), h = e(133), m = { Mount: null, injectMount: function(e) { m.Mount = e } }, v = f.topLevelTypes, g = { isEndish: r, isMoveish: o, isStartish: i, executeDirectDispatch: p, executeDispatch: u, executeDispatchesInOrder: s, executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue: c, hasDispatches: d, injection: m, useTouchEvents: !1 }; t.exports = g }, { 133: 133, 15: 15 }], 20: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var r = t.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[n]; return v(e, r) } function o(e, t, n) { var o = t ? m.bubbled : m.captured, i = r(e, n, o); i && (n._dispatchListeners = f(n._dispatchListeners, i), n._dispatchIDs = f(n._dispatchIDs, e)) } function i(e) { e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames && d.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseTwoPhase(e.dispatchMarker, o, e) } function a(e, t, n) { if (n && n.dispatchConfig.registrationName) { var r = n.dispatchConfig.registrationName, o = v(e, r); o && (n._dispatchListeners = f(n._dispatchListeners, o), n._dispatchIDs = f(n._dispatchIDs, e)) } } function u(e) { e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName && a(e.dispatchMarker, null, e) } function s(e) { h(e, i) } function l(e, t, n, r) { d.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseEnterLeave(n, r, a, e, t) } function c(e) { h(e, u) } var p = e(15), d = e(17), f = e(103), h = e(118), m = p.PropagationPhases, v = d.getListener, g = { accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches: s, accumulateDirectDispatches: c, accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches: l }; t.exports = g }, { 103: 103, 118: 118, 15: 15, 17: 17 }], 21: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement), o = { canUseDOM: r, canUseWorkers: "undefined" != typeof Worker, canUseEventListeners: r && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent), canUseViewport: r && !!window.screen, isInWorker: !r }; t.exports = o }, {}], 22: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { this._root = e, this._startText = this.getText(), this._fallbackText = null } var o = e(28), i = e(27), a = e(128); i(r.prototype, { getText: function() { return "value" in this._root ? this._root.value : this._root[a()] }, getData: function() { if (this._fallbackText) return this._fallbackText; var e, t, n = this._startText, r = n.length, o = this.getText(), i = o.length; for (e = 0; r > e && n[e] === o[e]; e++); var a = r - e; for (t = 1; a >= t && n[r - t] === o[i - t]; t++); var u = t > 1 ? 1 - t : void 0; return this._fallbackText = o.slice(e, u), this._fallbackText } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 128: 128, 27: 27, 28: 28 }], 23: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r, o = e(10), i = e(21), a = o.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, u = o.injection.MUST_USE_PROPERTY, s = o.injection.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE, l = o.injection.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS, c = o.injection.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE, p = o.injection.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE, d = o.injection.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE; if (i.canUseDOM) { var f = document.implementation; r = f && f.hasFeature && f.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1") } var h = { isCustomAttribute: RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^(data|aria)-[a-z_][a-z\d_.\-]*$/), Properties: { accept: null, acceptCharset: null, accessKey: null, action: null, allowFullScreen: a | s, allowTransparency: a, alt: null, async: s, autoComplete: null, autoPlay: s, cellPadding: null, cellSpacing: null, charSet: a, checked: u | s, classID: a, className: r ? a : u, cols: a | p, colSpan: null, content: null, contentEditable: null, contextMenu: a, controls: u | s, coords: null, crossOrigin: null, data: null, dateTime: a, defer: s, dir: null, disabled: a | s, download: d, draggable: null, encType: null, form: a, formAction: a, formEncType: a, formMethod: a, formNoValidate: s, formTarget: a, frameBorder: a, headers: null, height: a, hidden: a | s, high: null, href: null, hrefLang: null, htmlFor: null, httpEquiv: null, icon: null, id: u, label: null, lang: null, list: a, loop: u | s, low: null, manifest: a, marginHeight: null, marginWidth: null, max: null, maxLength: a, media: a, mediaGroup: null, method: null, min: null, multiple: u | s, muted: u | s, name: null, noValidate: s, open: s, optimum: null, pattern: null, placeholder: null, poster: null, preload: null, radioGroup: null, readOnly: u | s, rel: null, required: s, role: a, rows: a | p, rowSpan: null, sandbox: null, scope: null, scoped: s, scrolling: null, seamless: a | s, selected: u | s, shape: null, size: a | p, sizes: a, span: p, spellCheck: null, src: null, srcDoc: u, srcSet: a, start: c, step: null, style: null, tabIndex: null, target: null, title: null, type: null, useMap: null, value: u | l, width: a, wmode: a, autoCapitalize: null, autoCorrect: null, itemProp: a, itemScope: a | s, itemType: a, itemID: a, itemRef: a, property: null, unselectable: a }, DOMAttributeNames: { acceptCharset: "accept-charset", className: "class", htmlFor: "for", httpEquiv: "http-equiv" }, DOMPropertyNames: { autoCapitalize: "autocapitalize", autoComplete: "autocomplete", autoCorrect: "autocorrect", autoFocus: "autofocus", autoPlay: "autoplay", encType: "encoding", hrefLang: "hreflang", radioGroup: "radiogroup", spellCheck: "spellcheck", srcDoc: "srcdoc", srcSet: "srcset" } }; t.exports = h }, { 10: 10, 21: 21 }], 24: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { l(null == e.props.checkedLink || null == e.props.valueLink) } function o(e) { r(e), l(null == e.props.value && null == e.props.onChange) } function i(e) { r(e), l(null == e.props.checked && null == e.props.onChange) } function a(e) { this.props.valueLink.requestChange(e.target.value) } function u(e) { this.props.checkedLink.requestChange(e.target.checked) } var s = e(76), l = e(133), c = { button: !0, checkbox: !0, image: !0, hidden: !0, radio: !0, reset: !0, submit: !0 }, p = { Mixin: { propTypes: { value: function(e, t, n) { return !e[t] || c[e.type] || e.onChange || e.readOnly || e.disabled ? null : new Error("You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.") }, checked: function(e, t, n) { return !e[t] || e.onChange || e.readOnly || e.disabled ? null : new Error("You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.") }, onChange: s.func } }, getValue: function(e) { return e.props.valueLink ? (o(e), e.props.valueLink.value) : e.props.value }, getChecked: function(e) { return e.props.checkedLink ? (i(e), e.props.checkedLink.value) : e.props.checked }, getOnChange: function(e) { return e.props.valueLink ? (o(e), a) : e.props.checkedLink ? (i(e), u) : e.props.onChange } }; t.exports = p }, { 133: 133, 76: 76 }], 25: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e.remove() } var o = e(30), i = e(103), a = e(118), u = e(133), s = { trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t) { u(this.isMounted()); var n = this.getDOMNode(); u(n); var r = o.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, n); this._localEventListeners = i(this._localEventListeners, r) }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this._localEventListeners && a(this._localEventListeners, r) } }; t.exports = s }, { 103: 103, 118: 118, 133: 133, 30: 30 }], 26: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(112), i = r.topLevelTypes, a = { eventTypes: null, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { if (e === i.topTouchStart) { var a = r.target; a && !a.onclick && (a.onclick = o) } } }; t.exports = a }, { 112: 112, 15: 15 }], 27: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (null == e) throw new TypeError("Object.assign target cannot be null or undefined"); for (var n = Object(e), r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; if (null != i) { var a = Object(i); for (var u in a) r.call(a, u) && (n[u] = a[u]) } } return n } t.exports = r }, {}], 28: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(133), o = function(e) { var t = this; if (t.instancePool.length) { var n = t.instancePool.pop(); return t.call(n, e), n } return new t(e) }, i = function(e, t) { var n = this; if (n.instancePool.length) { var r = n.instancePool.pop(); return n.call(r, e, t), r } return new n(e, t) }, a = function(e, t, n) { var r = this; if (r.instancePool.length) { var o = r.instancePool.pop(); return r.call(o, e, t, n), o } return new r(e, t, n) }, u = function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this; if (i.instancePool.length) { var a = i.instancePool.pop(); return i.call(a, e, t, n, r, o), a } return new i(e, t, n, r, o) }, s = function(e) { var t = this; r(e instanceof t), e.destructor && e.destructor(), t.instancePool.length < t.poolSize && t.instancePool.push(e) }, l = 10, c = o, p = function(e, t) { var n = e; return n.instancePool = [], n.getPooled = t || c, n.poolSize || (n.poolSize = l), n.release = s, n }, d = { addPoolingTo: p, oneArgumentPooler: o, twoArgumentPooler: i, threeArgumentPooler: a, fiveArgumentPooler: u }; t.exports = d }, { 133: 133 }], 29: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(115), o = { getDOMNode: function() { return r(this) } }; t.exports = o }, { 115: 115 }], 30: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, m) || (e[m] = f++, p[e[m]] = {}), p[e[m]] } var o = e(15), i = e(17), a = e(18), u = e(59), s = e(102), l = e(27), c = e(134), p = {}, d = !1, f = 0, h = { topBlur: "blur", topChange: "change", topClick: "click", topCompositionEnd: "compositionend", topCompositionStart: "compositionstart", topCompositionUpdate: "compositionupdate", topContextMenu: "contextmenu", topCopy: "copy", topCut: "cut", topDoubleClick: "dblclick", topDrag: "drag", topDragEnd: "dragend", topDragEnter: "dragenter", topDragExit: "dragexit", topDragLeave: "dragleave", topDragOver: "dragover", topDragStart: "dragstart", topDrop: "drop", topFocus: "focus", topInput: "input", topKeyDown: "keydown", topKeyPress: "keypress", topKeyUp: "keyup", topMouseDown: "mousedown", topMouseMove: "mousemove", topMouseOut: "mouseout", topMouseOver: "mouseover", topMouseUp: "mouseup", topPaste: "paste", topScroll: "scroll", topSelectionChange: "selectionchange", topTextInput: "textInput", topTouchCancel: "touchcancel", topTouchEnd: "touchend", topTouchMove: "touchmove", topTouchStart: "touchstart", topWheel: "wheel" }, m = "_reactListenersID" + String(Math.random()).slice(2), v = l({}, u, { ReactEventListener: null, injection: { injectReactEventListener: function(e) { e.setHandleTopLevel(v.handleTopLevel), v.ReactEventListener = e } }, setEnabled: function(e) { v.ReactEventListener && v.ReactEventListener.setEnabled(e) }, isEnabled: function() { return !(!v.ReactEventListener || !v.ReactEventListener.isEnabled()) }, listenTo: function(e, t) { for (var n = t, i = r(n), u = a.registrationNameDependencies[e], s = o.topLevelTypes, l = 0, p = u.length; p > l; l++) { var d = u[l]; i.hasOwnProperty(d) && i[d] || (d === s.topWheel ? c("wheel") ? v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topWheel, "wheel", n) : c("mousewheel") ? v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topWheel, "mousewheel", n) : v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topWheel, "DOMMouseScroll", n) : d === s.topScroll ? c("scroll", !0) ? v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(s.topScroll, "scroll", n) : v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topScroll, "scroll", v.ReactEventListener.WINDOW_HANDLE) : d === s.topFocus || d === s.topBlur ? (c("focus", !0) ? (v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(s.topFocus, "focus", n), v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(s.topBlur, "blur", n)) : c("focusin") && (v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topFocus, "focusin", n), v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(s.topBlur, "focusout", n)), i[s.topBlur] = !0, i[s.topFocus] = !0) : h.hasOwnProperty(d) && v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(d, h[d], n), i[d] = !0) } }, trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t, n) { return v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, n); }, trapCapturedEvent: function(e, t, n) { return v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(e, t, n) }, ensureScrollValueMonitoring: function() { if (!d) { var e = s.refreshScrollValues; v.ReactEventListener.monitorScrollValue(e), d = !0 } }, eventNameDispatchConfigs: i.eventNameDispatchConfigs, registrationNameModules: i.registrationNameModules, putListener: i.putListener, getListener: i.getListener, deleteListener: i.deleteListener, deleteAllListeners: i.deleteAllListeners }); t.exports = v }, { 102: 102, 134: 134, 15: 15, 17: 17, 18: 18, 27: 27, 59: 59 }], 31: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(79), o = e(116), i = e(132), a = e(147), u = { instantiateChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = o(e); for (var a in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(a)) { var u = r[a], s = i(u, null); r[a] = s } return r }, updateChildren: function(e, t, n, u) { var s = o(t); if (!s && !e) return null; var l; for (l in s) if (s.hasOwnProperty(l)) { var c = e && e[l], p = c && c._currentElement, d = s[l]; if (a(p, d)) r.receiveComponent(c, d, n, u), s[l] = c; else { c && r.unmountComponent(c, l); var f = i(d, null); s[l] = f } } for (l in e) !e.hasOwnProperty(l) || s && s.hasOwnProperty(l) || r.unmountComponent(e[l]); return s }, unmountChildren: function(e) { for (var t in e) { var n = e[t]; r.unmountComponent(n) } } }; t.exports = u }, { 116: 116, 132: 132, 147: 147, 79: 79 }], 32: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { this.forEachFunction = e, this.forEachContext = t } function o(e, t, n, r) { var o = e; o.forEachFunction.call(o.forEachContext, t, r) } function i(e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var i = r.getPooled(t, n); f(e, o, i), r.release(i) } function a(e, t, n) { this.mapResult = e, this.mapFunction = t, this.mapContext = n } function u(e, t, n, r) { var o = e, i = o.mapResult, a = !i.hasOwnProperty(n); if (a) { var u = o.mapFunction.call(o.mapContext, t, r); i[n] = u } } function s(e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var r = {}, o = a.getPooled(r, t, n); return f(e, u, o), a.release(o), d.create(r) } function l(e, t, n, r) { return null } function c(e, t) { return f(e, l, null) } var p = e(28), d = e(61), f = e(149), h = (e(150), p.twoArgumentPooler), m = p.threeArgumentPooler; p.addPoolingTo(r, h), p.addPoolingTo(a, m); var v = { forEach: i, map: s, count: c }; t.exports = v }, { 149: 149, 150: 150, 28: 28, 61: 61 }], 33: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = D.hasOwnProperty(t) ? D[t] : null; N.hasOwnProperty(t) && y(n === _.OVERRIDE_BASE), e.hasOwnProperty(t) && y(n === _.DEFINE_MANY || n === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED) } function o(e, t) { if (t) { y("function" != typeof t), y(!d.isValidElement(t)); var n = e.prototype; t.hasOwnProperty(b) && M.mixins(e, t.mixins); for (var o in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(o) && o !== b) { var i = t[o]; if (r(n, o), M.hasOwnProperty(o)) M[o](e, i); else { var a = D.hasOwnProperty(o), l = n.hasOwnProperty(o), c = i && i.__reactDontBind, p = "function" == typeof i, f = p && !a && !l && !c; if (f) n.__reactAutoBindMap || (n.__reactAutoBindMap = {}), n.__reactAutoBindMap[o] = i, n[o] = i; else if (l) { var h = D[o]; y(a && (h === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED || h === _.DEFINE_MANY)), h === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED ? n[o] = u(n[o], i) : h === _.DEFINE_MANY && (n[o] = s(n[o], i)) } else n[o] = i } } } } function i(e, t) { if (t) for (var n in t) { var r = t[n]; if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var o = n in M; y(!o); var i = n in e; y(!i), e[n] = r } } } function a(e, t) { y(e && t && "object" == typeof e && "object" == typeof t); for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (y(void 0 === e[n]), e[n] = t[n]); return e } function u(e, t) { return function() { var n = e.apply(this, arguments), r = t.apply(this, arguments); if (null == n) return r; if (null == r) return n; var o = {}; return a(o, n), a(o, r), o } } function s(e, t) { return function() { e.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) } } function l(e, t) { var n = t.bind(e); return n } function c(e) { for (var t in e.__reactAutoBindMap) if (e.__reactAutoBindMap.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var n = e.__reactAutoBindMap[t]; e[t] = l(e, f.guard(n, e.constructor.displayName + "." + t)) } } var p = e(34), d = (e(39), e(55)), f = e(58), h = e(65), m = e(66), v = (e(75), e(74), e(84)), g = e(27), y = e(133), C = e(138), E = e(139), b = (e(150), E({ mixins: null })), _ = C({ DEFINE_ONCE: null, DEFINE_MANY: null, OVERRIDE_BASE: null, DEFINE_MANY_MERGED: null }), x = [], D = { mixins: _.DEFINE_MANY, statics: _.DEFINE_MANY, propTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, contextTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, childContextTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, getDefaultProps: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, getInitialState: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, getChildContext: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, render: _.DEFINE_ONCE, componentWillMount: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentDidMount: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentWillReceiveProps: _.DEFINE_MANY, shouldComponentUpdate: _.DEFINE_ONCE, componentWillUpdate: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentDidUpdate: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentWillUnmount: _.DEFINE_MANY, updateComponent: _.OVERRIDE_BASE }, M = { displayName: function(e, t) { e.displayName = t }, mixins: function(e, t) { if (t) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) o(e, t[n]) }, childContextTypes: function(e, t) { e.childContextTypes = g({}, e.childContextTypes, t) }, contextTypes: function(e, t) { e.contextTypes = g({}, e.contextTypes, t) }, getDefaultProps: function(e, t) { e.getDefaultProps = e.getDefaultProps ? u(e.getDefaultProps, t) : t }, propTypes: function(e, t) { e.propTypes = g({}, e.propTypes, t) }, statics: function(e, t) { i(e, t) } }, N = { replaceState: function(e, t) { v.enqueueReplaceState(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, isMounted: function() { var e = h.get(this); return e && e !== m.currentlyMountingInstance }, setProps: function(e, t) { v.enqueueSetProps(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, replaceProps: function(e, t) { v.enqueueReplaceProps(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) } }, I = function() {}; g(I.prototype, p.prototype, N); var T = { createClass: function(e) { var t = function(e, t) { this.__reactAutoBindMap && c(this), this.props = e, this.context = t, this.state = null; var n = this.getInitialState ? this.getInitialState() : null; y("object" == typeof n && !Array.isArray(n)), this.state = n }; t.prototype = new I, t.prototype.constructor = t, x.forEach(o.bind(null, t)), o(t, e), t.getDefaultProps && (t.defaultProps = t.getDefaultProps()), y(t.prototype.render); for (var n in D) t.prototype[n] || (t.prototype[n] = null); return t.type = t, t }, injection: { injectMixin: function(e) { x.push(e) } } }; t.exports = T }, { 133: 133, 138: 138, 139: 139, 150: 150, 27: 27, 34: 34, 39: 39, 55: 55, 58: 58, 65: 65, 66: 66, 74: 74, 75: 75, 84: 84 }], 34: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { this.props = e, this.context = t } var o = e(84), i = e(133); e(150), r.prototype.setState = function(e, t) { i("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e || null == e), o.enqueueSetState(this, e), t && o.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, r.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) { o.enqueueForceUpdate(this), e && o.enqueueCallback(this, e) }, t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 150: 150, 84: 84 }], 35: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(44), o = e(68), i = { processChildrenUpdates: r.dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates, replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: r.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID, unmountIDFromEnvironment: function(e) { o.purgeID(e) } }; t.exports = i }, { 44: 44, 68: 68 }], 36: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(133), o = !1, i = { unmountIDFromEnvironment: null, replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: null, processChildrenUpdates: null, injection: { injectEnvironment: function(e) { r(!o), i.unmountIDFromEnvironment = e.unmountIDFromEnvironment, i.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID = e.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID, i.processChildrenUpdates = e.processChildrenUpdates, o = !0 } } }; t.exports = i }, { 133: 133 }], 37: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e._currentElement._owner || null; if (t) { var n = t.getName(); if (n) return " Check the render method of `" + n + "`." } return "" } var o = e(36), i = e(38), a = e(39), u = e(55), s = (e(56), e(65)), l = e(66), c = e(71), p = e(73), d = e(75), f = (e(74), e(79)), h = e(85), m = e(27), v = e(113), g = e(133), y = e(147), C = (e(150), 1), E = { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e, this._rootNodeID = null, this._instance = null, this._pendingElement = null, this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._renderedComponent = null, this._context = null, this._mountOrder = 0, this._isTopLevel = !1, this._pendingCallbacks = null }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._context = n, this._mountOrder = C++, this._rootNodeID = e; var r = this._processProps(this._currentElement.props), o = this._processContext(this._currentElement._context), i = c.getComponentClassForElement(this._currentElement), a = new i(r, o); a.props = r, a.context = o, a.refs = v, this._instance = a, s.set(a, this); var u = a.state; void 0 === u && (a.state = u = null), g("object" == typeof u && !Array.isArray(u)), this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1; var p, d, h = l.currentlyMountingInstance; l.currentlyMountingInstance = this; try { a.componentWillMount && (a.componentWillMount(), this._pendingStateQueue && (a.state = this._processPendingState(a.props, a.context))), p = this._getValidatedChildContext(n), d = this._renderValidatedComponent(p) } finally { l.currentlyMountingInstance = h } this._renderedComponent = this._instantiateReactComponent(d, this._currentElement.type); var m = f.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent, e, t, this._mergeChildContext(n, p)); return a.componentDidMount && t.getReactMountReady().enqueue(a.componentDidMount, a), m }, unmountComponent: function() { var e = this._instance; if (e.componentWillUnmount) { var t = l.currentlyUnmountingInstance; l.currentlyUnmountingInstance = this; try { e.componentWillUnmount() } finally { l.currentlyUnmountingInstance = t } } f.unmountComponent(this._renderedComponent), this._renderedComponent = null, this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._pendingCallbacks = null, this._pendingElement = null, this._context = null, this._rootNodeID = null, s.remove(e) }, _setPropsInternal: function(e, t) { var n = this._pendingElement || this._currentElement; this._pendingElement = u.cloneAndReplaceProps(n, m({}, n.props, e)), h.enqueueUpdate(this, t) }, _maskContext: function(e) { var t = null; if ("string" == typeof this._currentElement.type) return v; var n = this._currentElement.type.contextTypes; if (!n) return v; t = {}; for (var r in n) t[r] = e[r]; return t }, _processContext: function(e) { var t = this._maskContext(e); return t }, _getValidatedChildContext: function(e) { var t = this._instance, n = t.getChildContext && t.getChildContext(); if (n) { g("object" == typeof t.constructor.childContextTypes); for (var r in n) g(r in t.constructor.childContextTypes); return n } return null }, _mergeChildContext: function(e, t) { return t ? m({}, e, t) : e }, _processProps: function(e) { return e }, _checkPropTypes: function(e, t, n) { var o = this.getName(); for (var i in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a; try { g("function" == typeof e[i]), a = e[i](t, i, o, n) } catch (u) { a = u } a instanceof Error && (r(this), n === d.prop) } }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement, o = this._context; this._pendingElement = null, this.updateComponent(t, r, e, o, n) }, performUpdateIfNecessary: function(e) { null != this._pendingElement && f.receiveComponent(this, this._pendingElement || this._currentElement, e, this._context), (null !== this._pendingStateQueue || this._pendingForceUpdate) && this.updateComponent(e, this._currentElement, this._currentElement, this._context, this._context) }, _warnIfContextsDiffer: function(e, t) { e = this._maskContext(e), t = this._maskContext(t); for (var n = Object.keys(t).sort(), r = (this.getName() || "ReactCompositeComponent", 0); r < n.length; r++) n[r] }, updateComponent: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this._instance, a = i.context, u = i.props; t !== n && (a = this._processContext(n._context), u = this._processProps(n.props), i.componentWillReceiveProps && i.componentWillReceiveProps(u, a)); var s = this._processPendingState(u, a), l = this._pendingForceUpdate || !i.shouldComponentUpdate || i.shouldComponentUpdate(u, s, a); l ? (this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._performComponentUpdate(n, u, s, a, e, o)) : (this._currentElement = n, this._context = o, i.props = u, i.state = s, i.context = a) }, _processPendingState: function(e, t) { var n = this._instance, r = this._pendingStateQueue, o = this._pendingReplaceState; if (this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingStateQueue = null, !r) return n.state; if (o && 1 === r.length) return r[0]; for (var i = m({}, o ? r[0] : n.state), a = o ? 1 : 0; a < r.length; a++) { var u = r[a]; m(i, "function" == typeof u ? u.call(n, i, e, t) : u) } return i }, _performComponentUpdate: function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = this._instance, u = a.props, s = a.state, l = a.context; a.componentWillUpdate && a.componentWillUpdate(t, n, r), this._currentElement = e, this._context = i, a.props = t, a.state = n, a.context = r, this._updateRenderedComponent(o, i), a.componentDidUpdate && o.getReactMountReady().enqueue(a.componentDidUpdate.bind(a, u, s, l), a) }, _updateRenderedComponent: function(e, t) { var n = this._renderedComponent, r = n._currentElement, o = this._getValidatedChildContext(), i = this._renderValidatedComponent(o); if (y(r, i)) f.receiveComponent(n, i, e, this._mergeChildContext(t, o)); else { var a = this._rootNodeID, u = n._rootNodeID; f.unmountComponent(n), this._renderedComponent = this._instantiateReactComponent(i, this._currentElement.type); var s = f.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent, a, e, this._mergeChildContext(t, o)); this._replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(u, s) } }, _replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: function(e, t) { o.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(e, t) }, _renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext: function() { var e = this._instance, t = e.render(); return t }, _renderValidatedComponent: function(e) { var t, n = i.current; i.current = this._mergeChildContext(this._currentElement._context, e), a.current = this; try { t = this._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext() } finally { i.current = n, a.current = null } return g(null === t || t === !1 || u.isValidElement(t)), t }, attachRef: function(e, t) { var n = this.getPublicInstance(), r = n.refs === v ? n.refs = {} : n.refs; r[e] = t.getPublicInstance() }, detachRef: function(e) { var t = this.getPublicInstance().refs; delete t[e] }, getName: function() { var e = this._currentElement.type, t = this._instance && this._instance.constructor; return e.displayName || t && t.displayName || e.name || t && t.name || null }, getPublicInstance: function() { return this._instance }, _instantiateReactComponent: null }; p.measureMethods(E, "ReactCompositeComponent", { mountComponent: "mountComponent", updateComponent: "updateComponent", _renderValidatedComponent: "_renderValidatedComponent" }); var b = { Mixin: E }; t.exports = b }, { 113: 113, 133: 133, 147: 147, 150: 150, 27: 27, 36: 36, 38: 38, 39: 39, 55: 55, 56: 56, 65: 65, 66: 66, 71: 71, 73: 73, 74: 74, 75: 75, 79: 79, 85: 85 }], 38: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(27), o = e(113), i = (e(150), { current: o, withContext: function(e, t) { var n, o = i.current; i.current = r({}, o, e); try { n = t() } finally { i.current = o } return n } }); t.exports = i }, { 113: 113, 150: 150, 27: 27 }], 39: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { current: null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 40: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o.createFactory(e) } var o = e(55), i = (e(56), e(140)), a = i({ a: "a", abbr: "abbr", address: "address", area: "area", article: "article", aside: "aside", audio: "audio", b: "b", base: "base", bdi: "bdi", bdo: "bdo", big: "big", blockquote: "blockquote", body: "body", br: "br", button: "button", canvas: "canvas", caption: "caption", cite: "cite", code: "code", col: "col", colgroup: "colgroup", data: "data", datalist: "datalist", dd: "dd", del: "del", details: "details", dfn: "dfn", dialog: "dialog", div: "div", dl: "dl", dt: "dt", em: "em", embed: "embed", fieldset: "fieldset", figcaption: "figcaption", figure: "figure", footer: "footer", form: "form", h1: "h1", h2: "h2", h3: "h3", h4: "h4", h5: "h5", h6: "h6", head: "head", header: "header", hr: "hr", html: "html", i: "i", iframe: "iframe", img: "img", input: "input", ins: "ins", kbd: "kbd", keygen: "keygen", label: "label", legend: "legend", li: "li", link: "link", main: "main", map: "map", mark: "mark", menu: "menu", menuitem: "menuitem", meta: "meta", meter: "meter", nav: "nav", noscript: "noscript", object: "object", ol: "ol", optgroup: "optgroup", option: "option", output: "output", p: "p", param: "param", picture: "picture", pre: "pre", progress: "progress", q: "q", rp: "rp", rt: "rt", ruby: "ruby", s: "s", samp: "samp", script: "script", section: "section", select: "select", small: "small", source: "source", span: "span", strong: "strong", style: "style", sub: "sub", summary: "summary", sup: "sup", table: "table", tbody: "tbody", td: "td", textarea: "textarea", tfoot: "tfoot", th: "th", thead: "thead", time: "time", title: "title", tr: "tr", track: "track", u: "u", ul: "ul", "var": "var", video: "video", wbr: "wbr", circle: "circle", clipPath: "clipPath", defs: "defs", ellipse: "ellipse", g: "g", line: "line", linearGradient: "linearGradient", mask: "mask", path: "path", pattern: "pattern", polygon: "polygon", polyline: "polyline", radialGradient: "radialGradient", rect: "rect", stop: "stop", svg: "svg", text: "text", tspan: "tspan" }, r); t.exports = a }, { 140: 140, 55: 55, 56: 56 }], 41: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(2), o = e(29), i = e(33), a = e(55), u = e(138), s = a.createFactory("button"), l = u({ onClick: !0, onDoubleClick: !0, onMouseDown: !0, onMouseMove: !0, onMouseUp: !0, onClickCapture: !0, onDoubleClickCapture: !0, onMouseDownCapture: !0, onMouseMoveCapture: !0, onMouseUpCapture: !0 }), c = i.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMButton", tagName: "BUTTON", mixins: [r, o], render: function() { var e = {}; for (var t in this.props) !this.props.hasOwnProperty(t) || this.props.disabled && l[t] || (e[t] = this.props[t]); return s(e, this.props.children) } }); t.exports = c }, { 138: 138, 2: 2, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 42: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e && (null != e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && (g(null == e.children), g("object" == typeof e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && "__html" in e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)), g(null == e.style || "object" == typeof e.style)) } function o(e, t, n, r) { var o = d.findReactContainerForID(e); if (o) { var i = o.nodeType === D ? o.ownerDocument : o; E(t, i) } r.getPutListenerQueue().enqueuePutListener(e, t, n) } function i(e) { P.call(T, e) || (g(I.test(e)), T[e] = !0) } function a(e) { i(e), this._tag = e, this._renderedChildren = null, this._previousStyleCopy = null, this._rootNodeID = null } var u = e(5), s = e(10), l = e(11), c = e(30), p = e(35), d = e(68), f = e(69), h = e(73), m = e(27), v = e(114), g = e(133), y = (e(134), e(139)), C = (e(150), c.deleteListener), E = c.listenTo, b = c.registrationNameModules, _ = { string: !0, number: !0 }, x = y({ style: null }), D = 1, M = null, N = { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0 }, I = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/, T = {}, P = {}.hasOwnProperty; a.displayName = "ReactDOMComponent", a.Mixin = { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._rootNodeID = e, r(this._currentElement.props); var o = N[this._tag] ? "" : ""; return this._createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners(t) + this._createContentMarkup(t, n) + o }, _createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners: function(e) { var t = this._currentElement.props, n = "<" + this._tag; for (var r in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var i = t[r]; if (null != i) if (b.hasOwnProperty(r)) o(this._rootNodeID, r, i, e); else { r === x && (i && (i = this._previousStyleCopy = m({}, t.style)), i = u.createMarkupForStyles(i)); var a = l.createMarkupForProperty(r, i); a && (n += " " + a) } } if (e.renderToStaticMarkup) return n + ">"; var s = l.createMarkupForID(this._rootNodeID); return n + " " + s + ">" }, _createContentMarkup: function(e, t) { var n = ""; ("listing" === this._tag || "pre" === this._tag || "textarea" === this._tag) && (n = "\n"); var r = this._currentElement.props, o = r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; if (null != o) { if (null != o.__html) return n + o.__html } else { var i = _[typeof r.children] ? r.children : null, a = null != i ? null : r.children; if (null != i) return n + v(i); if (null != a) { var u = this.mountChildren(a, e, t); return n + u.join("") } } return n }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement; this._currentElement = e, this.updateComponent(t, r, e, n) }, updateComponent: function(e, t, n, o) { r(this._currentElement.props), this._updateDOMProperties(t.props, e), this._updateDOMChildren(t.props, e, o) }, _updateDOMProperties: function(e, t) { var n, r, i, a = this._currentElement.props; for (n in e) if (!a.hasOwnProperty(n) && e.hasOwnProperty(n)) if (n === x) { var u = this._previousStyleCopy; for (r in u) u.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i = i || {}, i[r] = ""); this._previousStyleCopy = null } else b.hasOwnProperty(n) ? C(this._rootNodeID, n) : (s.isStandardName[n] || s.isCustomAttribute(n)) && M.deletePropertyByID(this._rootNodeID, n); for (n in a) { var l = a[n], c = n === x ? this._previousStyleCopy : e[n]; if (a.hasOwnProperty(n) && l !== c) if (n === x) if (l ? l = this._previousStyleCopy = m({}, l) : this._previousStyleCopy = null, c) { for (r in c) !c.hasOwnProperty(r) || l && l.hasOwnProperty(r) || (i = i || {}, i[r] = ""); for (r in l) l.hasOwnProperty(r) && c[r] !== l[r] && (i = i || {}, i[r] = l[r]) } else i = l; else b.hasOwnProperty(n) ? o(this._rootNodeID, n, l, t) : (s.isStandardName[n] || s.isCustomAttribute(n)) && M.updatePropertyByID(this._rootNodeID, n, l) } i && M.updateStylesByID(this._rootNodeID, i) }, _updateDOMChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement.props, o = _[typeof e.children] ? e.children : null, i = _[typeof r.children] ? r.children : null, a = e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, u = r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, s = null != o ? null : e.children, l = null != i ? null : r.children, c = null != o || null != a, p = null != i || null != u; null != s && null == l ? this.updateChildren(null, t, n) : c && !p && this.updateTextContent(""), null != i ? o !== i && this.updateTextContent("" + i) : null != u ? a !== u && M.updateInnerHTMLByID(this._rootNodeID, u) : null != l && this.updateChildren(l, t, n) }, unmountComponent: function() { this.unmountChildren(), c.deleteAllListeners(this._rootNodeID), p.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID), this._rootNodeID = null } }, h.measureMethods(a, "ReactDOMComponent", { mountComponent: "mountComponent", updateComponent: "updateComponent" }), m(a.prototype, a.Mixin, f.Mixin), a.injection = { injectIDOperations: function(e) { a.BackendIDOperations = M = e } }, t.exports = a }, { 10: 10, 11: 11, 114: 114, 133: 133, 134: 134, 139: 139, 150: 150, 27: 27, 30: 30, 35: 35, 5: 5, 68: 68, 69: 69, 73: 73 }], 43: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(25), i = e(29), a = e(33), u = e(55), s = u.createFactory("form"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMForm", tagName: "FORM", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return s(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topReset, "reset"), this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topSubmit, "submit") } }); t.exports = l }, { 15: 15, 25: 25, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 44: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(5), o = e(9), i = e(11), a = e(68), u = e(73), s = e(133), l = e(144), c = { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: "`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be set using `updateInnerHTMLByID()`.", style: "`style` must be set using `updateStylesByID()`." }, p = { updatePropertyByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getNode(e); s(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), null != n ? i.setValueForProperty(r, t, n) : i.deleteValueForProperty(r, t) }, deletePropertyByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getNode(e); s(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), i.deleteValueForProperty(r, t, n) }, updateStylesByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); r.setValueForStyles(n, t) }, updateInnerHTMLByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); l(n, t) }, updateTextContentByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); o.updateTextContent(n, t) }, dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(n, t) }, dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates: function(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n].parentNode = a.getNode(e[n].parentID); o.processUpdates(e, t) } }; u.measureMethods(p, "ReactDOMIDOperations", { updatePropertyByID: "updatePropertyByID", deletePropertyByID: "deletePropertyByID", updateStylesByID: "updateStylesByID", updateInnerHTMLByID: "updateInnerHTMLByID", updateTextContentByID: "updateTextContentByID", dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID: "dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID", dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates: "dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates" }), t.exports = p }, { 11: 11, 133: 133, 144: 144, 5: 5, 68: 68, 73: 73, 9: 9 }], 45: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(25), i = e(29), a = e(33), u = e(55), s = u.createFactory("iframe"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMIframe", tagName: "IFRAME", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return s(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topLoad, "load") } }); t.exports = l }, { 15: 15, 25: 25, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 46: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(25), i = e(29), a = e(33), u = e(55), s = u.createFactory("img"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMImg", tagName: "IMG", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return s(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topLoad, "load"), this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topError, "error") } }); t.exports = l }, { 15: 15, 25: 25, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 47: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate() } var o = e(2), i = e(11), a = e(24), u = e(29), s = e(33), l = e(55), c = e(68), p = e(85), d = e(27), f = e(133), h = l.createFactory("input"), m = {}, v = s.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMInput", tagName: "INPUT", mixins: [o, a.Mixin, u], getInitialState: function() { var e = this.props.defaultValue; return { initialChecked: this.props.defaultChecked || !1, initialValue: null != e ? e : null } }, render: function() { var e = d({}, this.props); e.defaultChecked = null, e.defaultValue = null; var t = a.getValue(this); e.value = null != t ? t : this.state.initialValue; var n = a.getChecked(this); return e.checked = null != n ? n : this.state.initialChecked, e.onChange = this._handleChange, h(e, this.props.children) }, componentDidMount: function() { var e = c.getID(this.getDOMNode()); m[e] = this }, componentWillUnmount: function() { var e = this.getDOMNode(), t = c.getID(e); delete m[t] }, componentDidUpdate: function(e, t, n) { var r = this.getDOMNode(); null != this.props.checked && i.setValueForProperty(r, "checked", this.props.checked || !1); var o = a.getValue(this); null != o && i.setValueForProperty(r, "value", "" + o) }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = a.getOnChange(this); n && (t = n.call(this, e)), p.asap(r, this); var o = this.props.name; if ("radio" === this.props.type && null != o) { for (var i = this.getDOMNode(), u = i; u.parentNode;) u = u.parentNode; for (var s = u.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + o) + '][type="radio"]'), l = 0, d = s.length; d > l; l++) { var h = s[l]; if (h !== i && h.form === i.form) { var v = c.getID(h); f(v); var g = m[v]; f(g), p.asap(r, g) } } } return t } }); t.exports = v }, { 11: 11, 133: 133, 2: 2, 24: 24, 27: 27, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55, 68: 68, 85: 85 }], 48: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(29), o = e(33), i = e(55), a = (e(150), i.createFactory("option")), u = o.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMOption", tagName: "OPTION", mixins: [r], componentWillMount: function() {}, render: function() { return a(this.props, this.props.children) } }); t.exports = u }, { 150: 150, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 49: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (this._pendingUpdate) { this._pendingUpdate = !1; var e = u.getValue(this); null != e && this.isMounted() && i(this, e) } } function o(e, t, n) { if (null == e[t]) return null; if (e.multiple) { if (!Array.isArray(e[t])) return new Error("The `" + t + "` prop supplied to must be a scalar value if `multiple` is false.") } function i(e, t) { var n, r, o, i = e.getDOMNode().options; if (e.props.multiple) { for (n = {}, r = 0, o = t.length; o > r; r++) n["" + t[r]] = !0; for (r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) { var a = n.hasOwnProperty(i[r].value); i[r].selected !== a && (i[r].selected = a) } } else { for (n = "" + t, r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) if (i[r].value === n) return void(i[r].selected = !0); i.length && (i[0].selected = !0) } } var a = e(2), u = e(24), s = e(29), l = e(33), c = e(55), p = e(85), d = e(27), f = c.createFactory("select"), h = l.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMSelect", tagName: "SELECT", mixins: [a, u.Mixin, s], propTypes: { defaultValue: o, value: o }, render: function() { var e = d({}, this.props); return e.onChange = this._handleChange, e.value = null, f(e, this.props.children) }, componentWillMount: function() { this._pendingUpdate = !1 }, componentDidMount: function() { var e = u.getValue(this); null != e ? i(this, e) : null != this.props.defaultValue && i(this, this.props.defaultValue) }, componentDidUpdate: function(e) { var t = u.getValue(this); null != t ? (this._pendingUpdate = !1, i(this, t)) : !e.multiple != !this.props.multiple && (null != this.props.defaultValue ? i(this, this.props.defaultValue) : i(this, this.props.multiple ? [] : "")) }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = u.getOnChange(this); return n && (t = n.call(this, e)), this._pendingUpdate = !0, p.asap(r, this), t } }); t.exports = h }, { 2: 2, 24: 24, 27: 27, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55, 85: 85 }], 50: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { return e === n && t === r } function o(e) { var t = document.selection, n = t.createRange(), r = n.text.length, o = n.duplicate(); o.moveToElementText(e), o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", n); var i = o.text.length, a = i + r; return { start: i, end: a } } function i(e) { var t = window.getSelection && window.getSelection(); if (!t || 0 === t.rangeCount) return null; var n = t.anchorNode, o = t.anchorOffset, i = t.focusNode, a = t.focusOffset, u = t.getRangeAt(0), s = r(t.anchorNode, t.anchorOffset, t.focusNode, t.focusOffset), l = s ? 0 : u.toString().length, c = u.cloneRange(); c.selectNodeContents(e), c.setEnd(u.startContainer, u.startOffset); var p = r(c.startContainer, c.startOffset, c.endContainer, c.endOffset), d = p ? 0 : c.toString().length, f = d + l, h = document.createRange(); h.setStart(n, o), h.setEnd(i, a); var m = h.collapsed; return { start: m ? f : d, end: m ? d : f } } function a(e, t) { var n, r, o = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); "undefined" == typeof t.end ? (n = t.start, r = n) : t.start > t.end ? (n = t.end, r = t.start) : (n = t.start, r = t.end), o.moveToElementText(e), o.moveStart("character", n), o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", o), o.moveEnd("character", r - n), o.select() } function u(e, t) { if (window.getSelection) { var n = window.getSelection(), r = e[c()].length, o = Math.min(t.start, r), i = "undefined" == typeof t.end ? o : Math.min(t.end, r); if (!n.extend && o > i) { var a = i; i = o, o = a } var u = l(e, o), s = l(e, i); if (u && s) { var p = document.createRange(); p.setStart(u.node, u.offset), n.removeAllRanges(), o > i ? (n.addRange(p), n.extend(s.node, s.offset)) : (p.setEnd(s.node, s.offset), n.addRange(p)) } } } var s = e(21), l = e(126), c = e(128), p = s.canUseDOM && "selection" in document && !("getSelection" in window), d = { getOffsets: p ? o : i, setOffsets: p ? a : u }; t.exports = d }, { 126: 126, 128: 128, 21: 21 }], 51: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(11), o = e(35), i = e(42), a = e(27), u = e(114), s = function(e) {}; a(s.prototype, { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e, this._stringText = "" + e, this._rootNodeID = null, this._mountIndex = 0 }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._rootNodeID = e; var o = u(this._stringText); return t.renderToStaticMarkup ? o : "" + o + "" }, receiveComponent: function(e, t) { if (e !== this._currentElement) { this._currentElement = e; var n = "" + e; n !== this._stringText && (this._stringText = n, i.BackendIDOperations.updateTextContentByID(this._rootNodeID, n)) } }, unmountComponent: function() { o.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID) } }), t.exports = s }, { 11: 11, 114: 114, 27: 27, 35: 35, 42: 42 }], 52: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate() } var o = e(2), i = e(11), a = e(24), u = e(29), s = e(33), l = e(55), c = e(85), p = e(27), d = e(133), f = (e(150), l.createFactory("textarea")), h = s.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMTextarea", tagName: "TEXTAREA", mixins: [o, a.Mixin, u], getInitialState: function() { var e = this.props.defaultValue, t = this.props.children; null != t && (d(null == e), Array.isArray(t) && (d(t.length <= 1), t = t[0]), e = "" + t), null == e && (e = ""); var n = a.getValue(this); return { initialValue: "" + (null != n ? n : e) } }, render: function() { var e = p({}, this.props); return d(null == e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML), e.defaultValue = null, e.value = null, e.onChange = this._handleChange, f(e, this.state.initialValue) }, componentDidUpdate: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getValue(this); if (null != r) { var o = this.getDOMNode(); i.setValueForProperty(o, "value", "" + r) } }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = a.getOnChange(this); return n && (t = n.call(this, e)), c.asap(r, this), t } }); t.exports = h }, { 11: 11, 133: 133, 150: 150, 2: 2, 24: 24, 27: 27, 29: 29, 33: 33, 55: 55, 85: 85 }], 53: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.reinitializeTransaction() } var o = e(85), i = e(101), a = e(27), u = e(112), s = { initialize: u, close: function() { d.isBatchingUpdates = !1 } }, l = { initialize: u, close: o.flushBatchedUpdates.bind(o) }, c = [l, s]; a(r.prototype, i.Mixin, { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return c } }); var p = new r, d = { isBatchingUpdates: !1, batchedUpdates: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = d.isBatchingUpdates; d.isBatchingUpdates = !0, i ? e(t, n, r, o) : p.perform(e, null, t, n, r, o) } }; t.exports = d }, { 101: 101, 112: 112, 27: 27, 85: 85 }], 54: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return h.createClass({ tagName: e.toUpperCase(), render: function() { return new T(e, null, null, null, null, this.props) } }) } function o() { R.EventEmitter.injectReactEventListener(P), R.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginOrder(s), R.EventPluginHub.injectInstanceHandle(w), R.EventPluginHub.injectMount(O), R.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginsByName({ SimpleEventPlugin: L, EnterLeaveEventPlugin: l, ChangeEventPlugin: a, MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: d, SelectEventPlugin: A, BeforeInputEventPlugin: i }), R.NativeComponent.injectGenericComponentClass(g), R.NativeComponent.injectTextComponentClass(I), R.NativeComponent.injectAutoWrapper(r), R.Class.injectMixin(f), R.NativeComponent.injectComponentClasses({ button: y, form: C, iframe: _, img: E, input: x, option: D, select: M, textarea: N, html: F("html"), head: F("head"), body: F("body") }), R.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(p), R.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(U), R.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent("noscript"), R.Updates.injectReconcileTransaction(S), R.Updates.injectBatchingStrategy(v), R.RootIndex.injectCreateReactRootIndex(c.canUseDOM ? u.createReactRootIndex : k.createReactRootIndex), R.Component.injectEnvironment(m), R.DOMComponent.injectIDOperations(b) } var i = e(3), a = e(7), u = e(8), s = e(13), l = e(14), c = e(21), p = e(23), d = e(26), f = e(29), h = e(33), m = e(35), v = e(53), g = e(42), y = e(41), C = e(43), E = e(46), b = e(44), _ = e(45), x = e(47), D = e(48), M = e(49), N = e(52), I = e(51), T = e(55), P = e(60), R = e(62), w = e(64), O = e(68), S = e(78), A = e(87), k = e(88), L = e(89), U = e(86), F = e(109); t.exports = { inject: o } }, { 109: 109, 13: 13, 14: 14, 21: 21, 23: 23, 26: 26, 29: 29, 3: 3, 33: 33, 35: 35, 41: 41, 42: 42, 43: 43, 44: 44, 45: 45, 46: 46, 47: 47, 48: 48, 49: 49, 51: 51, 52: 52, 53: 53, 55: 55, 60: 60, 62: 62, 64: 64, 68: 68, 7: 7, 78: 78, 8: 8, 86: 86, 87: 87, 88: 88, 89: 89 }], 55: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(38), o = e(39), i = e(27), a = (e(150), { key: !0, ref: !0 }), u = function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { this.type = e, this.key = t, this.ref = n, this._owner = r, this._context = o, this.props = i }; u.prototype = { _isReactElement: !0 }, u.createElement = function(e, t, n) { var i, s = {}, l = null, c = null; if (null != t) { c = void 0 === t.ref ? null : t.ref, l = void 0 === t.key ? null : "" + t.key; for (i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && !a.hasOwnProperty(i) && (s[i] = t[i]) } var p = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === p) s.children = n; else if (p > 1) { for (var d = Array(p), f = 0; p > f; f++) d[f] = arguments[f + 2]; s.children = d } if (e && e.defaultProps) { var h = e.defaultProps; for (i in h) "undefined" == typeof s[i] && (s[i] = h[i]) } return new u(e, l, c, o.current, r.current, s) }, u.createFactory = function(e) { var t = u.createElement.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t }, u.cloneAndReplaceProps = function(e, t) { var n = new u(e.type, e.key, e.ref, e._owner, e._context, t); return n }, u.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) { var r, s = i({}, e.props), l = e.key, c = e.ref, p = e._owner; if (null != t) { void 0 !== t.ref && (c = t.ref, p = o.current), void 0 !== t.key && (l = "" + t.key); for (r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && !a.hasOwnProperty(r) && (s[r] = t[r]) } var d = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === d) s.children = n; else if (d > 1) { for (var f = Array(d), h = 0; d > h; h++) f[h] = arguments[h + 2]; s.children = f } return new u(e.type, l, c, p, e._context, s) }, u.isValidElement = function(e) { var t = !(!e || !e._isReactElement); return t }, t.exports = u }, { 150: 150, 27: 27, 38: 38, 39: 39 }], 56: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (y.current) { var e = y.current.getName(); if (e) return " Check the render method of `" + e + "`." } return "" } function o(e) { var t = e && e.getPublicInstance(); if (!t) return void 0; var n = t.constructor; return n ? n.displayName || n.name || void 0 : void 0 } function i() { var e = y.current; return e && o(e) || void 0 } function a(e, t) { e._store.validated || null != e.key || (e._store.validated = !0, s('Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.', e, t)) } function u(e, t, n) { D.test(e) && s("Child objects should have non-numeric keys so ordering is preserved.", t, n) } function s(e, t, n) { var r = i(), a = "string" == typeof n ? n : n.displayName || n.name, u = r || a, s = _[e] || (_[e] = {}); if (!s.hasOwnProperty(u)) { s[u] = !0; var l = ""; if (t && t._owner && t._owner !== y.current) { var c = o(t._owner); l = " It was passed a child from " + c + "." } } } function l(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; m.isValidElement(r) && a(r, t) } else if (m.isValidElement(e)) e._store.validated = !0; else if (e) { var o = E(e); if (o) { if (o !== e.entries) for (var i, s = o.call(e); !(i = s.next()).done;) m.isValidElement(i.value) && a(i.value, t) } else if ("object" == typeof e) { var l = v.extractIfFragment(e); for (var c in l) l.hasOwnProperty(c) && u(c, l[c], t) } } } function c(e, t, n, o) { for (var i in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a; try { b("function" == typeof t[i]), a = t[i](n, i, e, o) } catch (u) { a = u } a instanceof Error && !(a.message in x) && (x[a.message] = !0, r(this)) } } function p(e, t) { var n = t.type, r = "string" == typeof n ? n : n.displayName, o = t._owner ? t._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor.displayName : null, i = e + "|" + r + "|" + o; if (!M.hasOwnProperty(i)) { M[i] = !0; var a = ""; r && (a = " <" + r + " />"); var u = ""; o && (u = " The element was created by " + o + ".") } } function d(e, t) { return e !== e ? t !== t : 0 === e && 0 === t ? 1 / e === 1 / t : e === t } function f(e) { if (e._store) { var t = e._store.originalProps, n = e.props; for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t.hasOwnProperty(r) && d(t[r], n[r]) || (p(r, e), t[r] = n[r])) } } function h(e) { if (null != e.type) { var t = C.getComponentClassForElement(e), n = t.displayName || t.name; t.propTypes && c(n, t.propTypes, e.props, g.prop), "function" == typeof t.getDefaultProps } } var m = e(55), v = e(61), g = e(75), y = (e(74), e(39)), C = e(71), E = e(124), b = e(133), _ = (e(150), {}), x = {}, D = /^\d+$/, M = {}, N = { checkAndWarnForMutatedProps: f, createElement: function(e, t, n) { var r = m.createElement.apply(this, arguments); if (null == r) return r; for (var o = 2; o < arguments.length; o++) l(arguments[o], e); return h(r), r }, createFactory: function(e) { var t = N.createElement.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t }, cloneElement: function(e, t, n) { for (var r = m.cloneElement.apply(this, arguments), o = 2; o < arguments.length; o++) l(arguments[o], r.type); return h(r), r } }; t.exports = N }, { 124: 124, 133: 133, 150: 150, 39: 39, 55: 55, 61: 61, 71: 71, 74: 74, 75: 75 }], 57: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { c[e] = !0 } function o(e) { delete c[e] } function i(e) { return !!c[e] } var a, u = e(55), s = e(65), l = e(133), c = {}, p = { injectEmptyComponent: function(e) { a = u.createFactory(e) } }, d = function() {}; d.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var e = s.get(this); e && r(e._rootNodeID) }, d.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() { var e = s.get(this); e && o(e._rootNodeID) }, d.prototype.render = function() { return l(a), a() }; var f = u.createElement(d), h = { emptyElement: f, injection: p, isNullComponentID: i }; t.exports = h }, { 133: 133, 55: 55, 65: 65 }], 58: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { guard: function(e, t) { return e } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 59: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { o.enqueueEvents(e), o.processEventQueue() } var o = e(17), i = { handleTopLevel: function(e, t, n, i) { var a = o.extractEvents(e, t, n, i); r(a) } }; t.exports = i }, { 17: 17 }], 60: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = p.getID(e), n = c.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t), r = p.findReactContainerForID(n), o = p.getFirstReactDOM(r); return o } function o(e, t) { this.topLevelType = e, this.nativeEvent = t, this.ancestors = [] } function i(e) { for (var t = p.getFirstReactDOM(h(e.nativeEvent)) || window, n = t; n;) e.ancestors.push(n), n = r(n); for (var o = 0, i = e.ancestors.length; i > o; o++) { t = e.ancestors[o]; var a = p.getID(t) || ""; v._handleTopLevel(e.topLevelType, t, a, e.nativeEvent) } } function a(e) { var t = m(window); e(t) } var u = e(16), s = e(21), l = e(28), c = e(64), p = e(68), d = e(85), f = e(27), h = e(123), m = e(129); f(o.prototype, { destructor: function() { this.topLevelType = null, this.nativeEvent = null, this.ancestors.length = 0 } }), l.addPoolingTo(o, l.twoArgumentPooler); var v = { _enabled: !0, _handleTopLevel: null, WINDOW_HANDLE: s.canUseDOM ? window : null, setHandleTopLevel: function(e) { v._handleTopLevel = e }, setEnabled: function(e) { v._enabled = !!e }, isEnabled: function() { return v._enabled }, trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t, n) { var r = n; return r ? u.listen(r, t, v.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) : null }, trapCapturedEvent: function(e, t, n) { var r = n; return r ? u.capture(r, t, v.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) : null }, monitorScrollValue: function(e) { var t = a.bind(null, e); u.listen(window, "scroll", t) }, dispatchEvent: function(e, t) { if (v._enabled) { var n = o.getPooled(e, t); try { d.batchedUpdates(i, n) } finally { o.release(n) } } } }; t.exports = v }, { 123: 123, 129: 129, 16: 16, 21: 21, 27: 27, 28: 28, 64: 64, 68: 68, 85: 85 }], 61: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = (e(55), e(150), { create: function(e) { return e }, extract: function(e) { return e }, extractIfFragment: function(e) { return e } }); t.exports = r }, { 150: 150, 55: 55 }], 62: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(10), o = e(17), i = e(36), a = e(33), u = e(57), s = e(30), l = e(71), c = e(42), p = e(73), d = e(81), f = e(85), h = { Component: i.injection, Class: a.injection, DOMComponent: c.injection, DOMProperty: r.injection, EmptyComponent: u.injection, EventPluginHub: o.injection, EventEmitter: s.injection, NativeComponent: l.injection, Perf: p.injection, RootIndex: d.injection, Updates: f.injection }; t.exports = h }, { 10: 10, 17: 17, 30: 30, 33: 33, 36: 36, 42: 42, 57: 57, 71: 71, 73: 73, 81: 81, 85: 85 }], 63: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i(document.documentElement, e) } var o = e(50), i = e(107), a = e(117), u = e(119), s = { hasSelectionCapabilities: function(e) { return e && ("INPUT" === e.nodeName && "text" === e.type || "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName || "true" === e.contentEditable) }, getSelectionInformation: function() { var e = u(); return { focusedElem: e, selectionRange: s.hasSelectionCapabilities(e) ? s.getSelection(e) : null } }, restoreSelection: function(e) { var t = u(), n = e.focusedElem, o = e.selectionRange; t !== n && r(n) && (s.hasSelectionCapabilities(n) && s.setSelection(n, o), a(n)) }, getSelection: function(e) { var t; if ("selectionStart" in e) t = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { var n = document.selection.createRange(); n.parentElement() === e && (t = { start: -n.moveStart("character", -e.value.length), end: -n.moveEnd("character", -e.value.length) }) } else t = o.getOffsets(e); return t || { start: 0, end: 0 } }, setSelection: function(e, t) { var n = t.start, r = t.end; if ("undefined" == typeof r && (r = n), "selectionStart" in e) e.selectionStart = n, e.selectionEnd = Math.min(r, e.value.length); else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { var i = e.createTextRange(); i.collapse(!0), i.moveStart("character", n), i.moveEnd("character", r - n), i.select() } else o.setOffsets(e, t) } }; t.exports = s }, { 107: 107, 117: 117, 119: 119, 50: 50 }], 64: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return f + e.toString(36) } function o(e, t) { return e.charAt(t) === f || t === e.length } function i(e) { return "" === e || e.charAt(0) === f && e.charAt(e.length - 1) !== f } function a(e, t) { return 0 === t.indexOf(e) && o(t, e.length) } function u(e) { return e ? e.substr(0, e.lastIndexOf(f)) : "" } function s(e, t) { if (d(i(e) && i(t)), d(a(e, t)), e === t) return e; var n, r = e.length + h; for (n = r; n < t.length && !o(t, n); n++); return t.substr(0, n) } function l(e, t) { var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length); if (0 === n) return ""; for (var r = 0, a = 0; n >= a; a++) if (o(e, a) && o(t, a)) r = a; else if (e.charAt(a) !== t.charAt(a)) break; var u = e.substr(0, r); return d(i(u)), u } function c(e, t, n, r, o, i) { e = e || "", t = t || "", d(e !== t); var l = a(t, e); d(l || a(e, t)); for (var c = 0, p = l ? u : s, f = e;; f = p(f, t)) { var h; if (o && f === e || i && f === t || (h = n(f, l, r)), h === !1 || f === t) break; d(c++ < m) } } var p = e(81), d = e(133), f = ".", h = f.length, m = 100, v = { createReactRootID: function() { return r(p.createReactRootIndex()) }, createReactID: function(e, t) { return e + t }, getReactRootIDFromNodeID: function(e) { if (e && e.charAt(0) === f && e.length > 1) { var t = e.indexOf(f, 1); return t > -1 ? e.substr(0, t) : e } return null }, traverseEnterLeave: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = l(e, t); i !== e && c(e, i, n, r, !1, !0), i !== t && c(i, t, n, o, !0, !1) }, traverseTwoPhase: function(e, t, n) { e && (c("", e, t, n, !0, !1), c(e, "", t, n, !1, !0)) }, traverseAncestors: function(e, t, n) { c("", e, t, n, !0, !1) }, _getFirstCommonAncestorID: l, _getNextDescendantID: s, isAncestorIDOf: a, SEPARATOR: f }; t.exports = v }, { 133: 133, 81: 81 }], 65: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { remove: function(e) { e._reactInternalInstance = void 0 }, get: function(e) { return e._reactInternalInstance }, has: function(e) { return void 0 !== e._reactInternalInstance }, set: function(e, t) { e._reactInternalInstance = t } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 66: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { currentlyMountingInstance: null, currentlyUnmountingInstance: null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 67: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(104), o = { CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME: "data-react-checksum", addChecksumToMarkup: function(e) { var t = r(e); return e.replace(">", " " + o.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME + '="' + t + '">') }, canReuseMarkup: function(e, t) { var n = t.getAttribute(o.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); n = n && parseInt(n, 10); var i = r(e); return i === n } }; t.exports = o }, { 104: 104 }], 68: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { for (var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length), r = 0; n > r; r++) if (e.charAt(r) !== t.charAt(r)) return r; return e.length === t.length ? -1 : n } function o(e) { var t = P(e); return t && K.getID(t) } function i(e) { var t = a(e); if (t) if (L.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var n = L[t]; n !== e && (w(!c(n, t)), L[t] = e) } else L[t] = e; return t } function a(e) { return e && e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute(k) || "" } function u(e, t) { var n = a(e); n !== t && delete L[n], e.setAttribute(k, t), L[t] = e } function s(e) { return L.hasOwnProperty(e) && c(L[e], e) || (L[e] = K.findReactNodeByID(e)), L[e] } function l(e) { var t = b.get(e)._rootNodeID; return C.isNullComponentID(t) ? null : (L.hasOwnProperty(t) && c(L[t], t) || (L[t] = K.findReactNodeByID(t)), L[t]) } function c(e, t) { if (e) { w(a(e) === t); var n = K.findReactContainerForID(t); if (n && T(n, e)) return !0 } return !1 } function p(e) { delete L[e] } function d(e) { var t = L[e]; return t && c(t, e) ? void(W = t) : !1 } function f(e) { W = null, E.traverseAncestors(e, d); var t = W; return W = null, t } function h(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = D.mountComponent(e, t, r, I); e._isTopLevel = !0, K._mountImageIntoNode(i, n, o) } function m(e, t, n, r) { var o = N.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(); o.perform(h, null, e, t, n, o, r), N.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(o) } var v = e(10), g = e(30), y = (e(39), e(55)), C = (e(56), e(57)), E = e(64), b = e(65), _ = e(67), x = e(73), D = e(79), M = e(84), N = e(85), I = e(113), T = e(107), P = e(127), R = e(132), w = e(133), O = e(144), S = e(147), A = (e(150), E.SEPARATOR), k = v.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, L = {}, U = 1, F = 9, B = {}, V = {}, j = [], W = null, K = { _instancesByReactRootID: B, scrollMonitor: function(e, t) { t() }, _updateRootComponent: function(e, t, n, r) { return K.scrollMonitor(n, function() { M.enqueueElementInternal(e, t), r && M.enqueueCallbackInternal(e, r) }), e }, _registerComponent: function(e, t) { w(t && (t.nodeType === U || t.nodeType === F)), g.ensureScrollValueMonitoring(); var n = K.registerContainer(t); return B[n] = e, n }, _renderNewRootComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = R(e, null), o = K._registerComponent(r, t); return N.batchedUpdates(m, r, o, t, n), r }, render: function(e, t, n) { w(y.isValidElement(e)); var r = B[o(t)]; if (r) { var i = r._currentElement; if (S(i, e)) return K._updateRootComponent(r, e, t, n).getPublicInstance(); K.unmountComponentAtNode(t) } var a = P(t), u = a && K.isRenderedByReact(a), s = u && !r, l = K._renderNewRootComponent(e, t, s).getPublicInstance(); return n && n.call(l), l }, constructAndRenderComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = y.createElement(e, t); return K.render(r, n) }, constructAndRenderComponentByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = document.getElementById(n); return w(r), K.constructAndRenderComponent(e, t, r) }, registerContainer: function(e) { var t = o(e); return t && (t = E.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t)), t || (t = E.createReactRootID()), V[t] = e, t }, unmountComponentAtNode: function(e) { w(e && (e.nodeType === U || e.nodeType === F)); var t = o(e), n = B[t]; return n ? (K.unmountComponentFromNode(n, e), delete B[t], delete V[t], !0) : !1 }, unmountComponentFromNode: function(e, t) { for (D.unmountComponent(e), t.nodeType === F && (t = t.documentElement); t.lastChild;) t.removeChild(t.lastChild) }, findReactContainerForID: function(e) { var t = E.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(e), n = V[t]; return n }, findReactNodeByID: function(e) { var t = K.findReactContainerForID(e); return K.findComponentRoot(t, e) }, isRenderedByReact: function(e) { if (1 !== e.nodeType) return !1; var t = K.getID(e); return t ? t.charAt(0) === A : !1 }, getFirstReactDOM: function(e) { for (var t = e; t && t.parentNode !== t;) { if (K.isRenderedByReact(t)) return t; t = t.parentNode } return null }, findComponentRoot: function(e, t) { var n = j, r = 0, o = f(t) || e; for (n[0] = o.firstChild, n.length = 1; r < n.length;) { for (var i, a = n[r++]; a;) { var u = K.getID(a); u ? t === u ? i = a : E.isAncestorIDOf(u, t) && (n.length = r = 0, n.push(a.firstChild)) : n.push(a.firstChild), a = a.nextSibling } if (i) return n.length = 0, i } n.length = 0, w(!1) }, _mountImageIntoNode: function(e, t, n) { if (w(t && (t.nodeType === U || t.nodeType === F)), n) { var o = P(t); if (_.canReuseMarkup(e, o)) return; var i = o.getAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); o.removeAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); var a = o.outerHTML; o.setAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME, i); var u = r(e, a); " (client) " + e.substring(u - 20, u + 20) + "\n (server) " + a.substring(u - 20, u + 20), w(t.nodeType !== F) } w(t.nodeType !== F), O(t, e) }, getReactRootID: o, getID: i, setID: u, getNode: s, getNodeFromInstance: l, purgeID: p }; x.measureMethods(K, "ReactMount", { _renderNewRootComponent: "_renderNewRootComponent", _mountImageIntoNode: "_mountImageIntoNode" }), t.exports = K }, { 10: 10, 107: 107, 113: 113, 127: 127, 132: 132, 133: 133, 144: 144, 147: 147, 150: 150, 30: 30, 39: 39, 55: 55, 56: 56, 57: 57, 64: 64, 65: 65, 67: 67, 73: 73, 79: 79, 84: 84, 85: 85 }], 69: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.INSERT_MARKUP, markupIndex: m.push(t) - 1, textContent: null, fromIndex: null, toIndex: n }) } function o(e, t, n) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.MOVE_EXISTING, markupIndex: null, textContent: null, fromIndex: t, toIndex: n }) } function i(e, t) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.REMOVE_NODE, markupIndex: null, textContent: null, fromIndex: t, toIndex: null }) } function a(e, t) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.TEXT_CONTENT, markupIndex: null, textContent: t, fromIndex: null, toIndex: null }) } function u() { h.length && (l.processChildrenUpdates(h, m), s()) } function s() { h.length = 0, m.length = 0 } var l = e(36), c = e(70), p = e(79), d = e(31), f = 0, h = [], m = [], v = { Mixin: { mountChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = d.instantiateChildren(e, t, n); this._renderedChildren = r; var o = [], i = 0; for (var a in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(a)) { var u = r[a], s = this._rootNodeID + a, l = p.mountComponent(u, s, t, n); u._mountIndex = i, o.push(l), i++ } return o }, updateTextContent: function(e) { f++; var t = !0; try { var n = this._renderedChildren; d.unmountChildren(n); for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && this._unmountChildByName(n[r], r); this.setTextContent(e), t = !1 } finally { f--, f || (t ? s() : u()) } }, updateChildren: function(e, t, n) { f++; var r = !0; try { this._updateChildren(e, t, n), r = !1 } finally { f--, f || (r ? s() : u()) } }, _updateChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._renderedChildren, o = d.updateChildren(r, e, t, n); if (this._renderedChildren = o, o || r) { var i, a = 0, u = 0; for (i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var s = r && r[i], l = o[i]; s === l ? (this.moveChild(s, u, a), a = Math.max(s._mountIndex, a), s._mountIndex = u) : (s && (a = Math.max(s._mountIndex, a), this._unmountChildByName(s, i)), this._mountChildByNameAtIndex(l, i, u, t, n)), u++ } for (i in r) !r.hasOwnProperty(i) || o && o.hasOwnProperty(i) || this._unmountChildByName(r[i], i) } }, unmountChildren: function() { var e = this._renderedChildren; d.unmountChildren(e), this._renderedChildren = null }, moveChild: function(e, t, n) { e._mountIndex < n && o(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex, t) }, createChild: function(e, t) { r(this._rootNodeID, t, e._mountIndex) }, removeChild: function(e) { i(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex) }, setTextContent: function(e) { a(this._rootNodeID, e) }, _mountChildByNameAtIndex: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this._rootNodeID + t, a = p.mountComponent(e, i, r, o); e._mountIndex = n, this.createChild(e, a) }, _unmountChildByName: function(e, t) { this.removeChild(e), e._mountIndex = null } } }; t.exports = v }, { 31: 31, 36: 36, 70: 70, 79: 79 }], 70: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(138), o = r({ INSERT_MARKUP: null, MOVE_EXISTING: null, REMOVE_NODE: null, TEXT_CONTENT: null }); t.exports = o }, { 138: 138 }], 71: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if ("function" == typeof e.type) return e.type; var t = e.type, n = p[t]; return null == n && (p[t] = n = l(t)), n } function o(e) { return s(c), new c(e.type, e.props) } function i(e) { return new d(e) } function a(e) { return e instanceof d } var u = e(27), s = e(133), l = null, c = null, p = {}, d = null, f = { injectGenericComponentClass: function(e) { c = e }, injectTextComponentClass: function(e) { d = e }, injectComponentClasses: function(e) { u(p, e) }, injectAutoWrapper: function(e) { l = e } }, h = { getComponentClassForElement: r, createInternalComponent: o, createInstanceForText: i, isTextComponent: a, injection: f }; t.exports = h }, { 133: 133, 27: 27 }], 72: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(133), o = { isValidOwner: function(e) { return !(!e || "function" != typeof e.attachRef || "function" != typeof e.detachRef) }, addComponentAsRefTo: function(e, t, n) { r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.attachRef(t, e) }, removeComponentAsRefFrom: function(e, t, n) { r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.getPublicInstance().refs[t] === e.getPublicInstance() && n.detachRef(t) } }; t.exports = o }, { 133: 133 }], 73: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return n } var o = { enableMeasure: !1, storedMeasure: r, measureMethods: function(e, t, n) {}, measure: function(e, t, n) { return n }, injection: { injectMeasure: function(e) { o.storedMeasure = e } } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 74: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = {}; t.exports = r }, {}], 75: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(138), o = r({ prop: null, context: null, childContext: null }); t.exports = o }, { 138: 138 }], 76: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { function t(t, n, r, o, i) { if (o = o || b, null == n[r]) { var a = C[i]; return t ? new Error("Required " + a + " `" + r + "` was not specified in " + ("`" + o + "`.")) : null } return e(n, r, o, i) } var n = t.bind(null, !1); return n.isRequired = t.bind(null, !0), n } function o(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if (a !== e) { var u = C[o], s = v(i); return new Error("Invalid " + u + " `" + n + "` of type `" + s + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `" + e + "`.")) } return null } return r(t) } function i() { return r(E.thatReturns(null)) } function a(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n]; if (!Array.isArray(i)) { var a = C[o], u = m(i); return new Error("Invalid " + a + " `" + n + "` of type " + ("`" + u + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an array.")) } for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { var l = e(i, s, r, o); if (l instanceof Error) return l } return null } return r(t) } function u() { function e(e, t, n, r) { if (!g.isValidElement(e[t])) { var o = C[r]; return new Error("Invalid " + o + " `" + t + "` supplied to " + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactElement.")) } return null } return r(e) } function s(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { if (!(t[n] instanceof e)) { var i = C[o], a = e.name || b; return new Error("Invalid " + i + " `" + n + "` supplied to " + ("`" + r + "`, expected instance of `" + a + "`.")) } return null } return r(t) } function l(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { for (var i = t[n], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) if (i === e[a]) return null; var u = C[o], s = JSON.stringify(e); return new Error("Invalid " + u + " `" + n + "` of value `" + i + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected one of " + s + ".")) } return r(t) } function c(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if ("object" !== a) { var u = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + u + " `" + n + "` of type " + ("`" + a + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an object.")) } for (var s in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var l = e(i, s, r, o); if (l instanceof Error) return l } return null } return r(t) } function p(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var a = e[i]; if (null == a(t, n, r, o)) return null } var u = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + u + " `" + n + "` supplied to " + ("`" + r + "`.")) } return r(t) } function d() { function e(e, t, n, r) { if (!h(e[t])) { var o = C[r]; return new Error("Invalid " + o + " `" + t + "` supplied to " + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactNode.")) } return null } return r(e) } function f(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if ("object" !== a) { var u = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + u + " `" + n + "` of type `" + a + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `object`.")) } for (var s in e) { var l = e[s]; if (l) { var c = l(i, s, r, o); if (c) return c } } return null } return r(t) } function h(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "number": case "string": case "undefined": return !0; case "boolean": return !e; case "object": if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.every(h); if (null === e || g.isValidElement(e)) return !0; e = y.extractIfFragment(e); for (var t in e) if (!h(e[t])) return !1; return !0; default: return !1 } } function m(e) { var t = typeof e; return Array.isArray(e) ? "array" : e instanceof RegExp ? "object" : t } function v(e) { var t = m(e); if ("object" === t) { if (e instanceof Date) return "date"; if (e instanceof RegExp) return "regexp" } return t } var g = e(55), y = e(61), C = e(74), E = e(112), b = "<>", _ = u(), x = d(), D = { array: o("array"), bool: o("boolean"), func: o("function"), number: o("number"), object: o("object"), string: o("string"), any: i(), arrayOf: a, element: _, instanceOf: s, node: x, objectOf: c, oneOf: l, oneOfType: p, shape: f }; t.exports = D }, { 112: 112, 55: 55, 61: 61, 74: 74 }], 77: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.listenersToPut = [] } var o = e(28), i = e(30), a = e(27); a(r.prototype, { enqueuePutListener: function(e, t, n) { this.listenersToPut.push({ rootNodeID: e, propKey: t, propValue: n }) }, putListeners: function() { for (var e = 0; e < this.listenersToPut.length; e++) { var t = this.listenersToPut[e]; i.putListener(t.rootNodeID, t.propKey, t.propValue) } }, reset: function() { this.listenersToPut.length = 0 }, destructor: function() { this.reset() } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 27: 27, 28: 28, 30: 30 }], 78: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.renderToStaticMarkup = !1, this.reactMountReady = o.getPooled(null), this.putListenerQueue = s.getPooled() } var o = e(6), i = e(28), a = e(30), u = e(63), s = e(77), l = e(101), c = e(27), p = { initialize: u.getSelectionInformation, close: u.restoreSelection }, d = { initialize: function() { var e = a.isEnabled(); return a.setEnabled(!1), e }, close: function(e) { a.setEnabled(e) } }, f = { initialize: function() { this.reactMountReady.reset() }, close: function() { this.reactMountReady.notifyAll() } }, h = { initialize: function() { this.putListenerQueue.reset() }, close: function() { this.putListenerQueue.putListeners() } }, m = [h, p, d, f], v = { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return m }, getReactMountReady: function() { return this.reactMountReady }, getPutListenerQueue: function() { return this.putListenerQueue }, destructor: function() { o.release(this.reactMountReady), this.reactMountReady = null, s.release(this.putListenerQueue), this.putListenerQueue = null } }; c(r.prototype, l.Mixin, v), i.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 101: 101, 27: 27, 28: 28, 30: 30, 6: 6, 63: 63, 77: 77 }], 79: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { o.attachRefs(this, this._currentElement) } var o = e(80), i = (e(56), { mountComponent: function(e, t, n, o) { var i = e.mountComponent(t, n, o); return n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(r, e), i }, unmountComponent: function(e) { o.detachRefs(e, e._currentElement), e.unmountComponent() }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n, i) { var a = e._currentElement; if (t !== a || null == t._owner) { var u = o.shouldUpdateRefs(a, t); u && o.detachRefs(e, a), e.receiveComponent(t, n, i), u && n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(r, e) } }, performUpdateIfNecessary: function(e, t) { e.performUpdateIfNecessary(t) } }); t.exports = i }, { 56: 56, 80: 80 }], 80: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { "function" == typeof e ? e(t.getPublicInstance()) : i.addComponentAsRefTo(t, e, n) } function o(e, t, n) { "function" == typeof e ? e(null) : i.removeComponentAsRefFrom(t, e, n) } var i = e(72), a = {}; a.attachRefs = function(e, t) { var n = t.ref; null != n && r(n, e, t._owner) }, a.shouldUpdateRefs = function(e, t) { return t._owner !== e._owner || t.ref !== e.ref }, a.detachRefs = function(e, t) { var n = t.ref; null != n && o(n, e, t._owner) }, t.exports = a }, { 72: 72 }], 81: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { injectCreateReactRootIndex: function(e) { o.createReactRootIndex = e } }, o = { createReactRootIndex: null, injection: r }; t.exports = o }, {}], 82: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { p(i.isValidElement(e)); var t; try { var n = a.createReactRootID(); return t = s.getPooled(!1), t.perform(function() { var r = c(e, null), o = r.mountComponent(n, t, l); return u.addChecksumToMarkup(o) }, null) } finally { s.release(t) } } function o(e) { p(i.isValidElement(e)); var t; try { var n = a.createReactRootID(); return t = s.getPooled(!0), t.perform(function() { var r = c(e, null); return r.mountComponent(n, t, l) }, null) } finally { s.release(t) } } var i = e(55), a = e(64), u = e(67), s = e(83), l = e(113), c = e(132), p = e(133); t.exports = { renderToString: r, renderToStaticMarkup: o } }, { 113: 113, 132: 132, 133: 133, 55: 55, 64: 64, 67: 67, 83: 83 }], 83: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.renderToStaticMarkup = e, this.reactMountReady = i.getPooled(null), this.putListenerQueue = a.getPooled() } var o = e(28), i = e(6), a = e(77), u = e(101), s = e(27), l = e(112), c = { initialize: function() { this.reactMountReady.reset() }, close: l }, p = { initialize: function() { this.putListenerQueue.reset() }, close: l }, d = [p, c], f = { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return d }, getReactMountReady: function() { return this.reactMountReady }, getPutListenerQueue: function() { return this.putListenerQueue }, destructor: function() { i.release(this.reactMountReady), this.reactMountReady = null, a.release(this.putListenerQueue), this.putListenerQueue = null } }; s(r.prototype, u.Mixin, f), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 101: 101, 112: 112, 27: 27, 28: 28, 6: 6, 77: 77 }], 84: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e !== i.currentlyMountingInstance && l.enqueueUpdate(e) } function o(e, t) { p(null == a.current); var n = s.get(e); return n ? n === i.currentlyUnmountingInstance ? null : n : null } var i = e(66), a = e(39), u = e(55), s = e(65), l = e(85), c = e(27), p = e(133), d = (e(150), { enqueueCallback: function(e, t) { p("function" == typeof t); var n = o(e); return n && n !== i.currentlyMountingInstance ? (n._pendingCallbacks ? n._pendingCallbacks.push(t) : n._pendingCallbacks = [t], void r(n)) : null }, enqueueCallbackInternal: function(e, t) { p("function" == typeof t), e._pendingCallbacks ? e._pendingCallbacks.push(t) : e._pendingCallbacks = [t], r(e) }, enqueueForceUpdate: function(e) { var t = o(e, "forceUpdate"); t && (t._pendingForceUpdate = !0, r(t)) }, enqueueReplaceState: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "replaceState"); n && (n._pendingStateQueue = [t], n._pendingReplaceState = !0, r(n)) }, enqueueSetState: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "setState"); if (n) { var i = n._pendingStateQueue || (n._pendingStateQueue = []); i.push(t), r(n) } }, enqueueSetProps: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "setProps"); if (n) { p(n._isTopLevel); var i = n._pendingElement || n._currentElement, a = c({}, i.props, t); n._pendingElement = u.cloneAndReplaceProps(i, a), r(n) } }, enqueueReplaceProps: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "replaceProps"); if (n) { p(n._isTopLevel); var i = n._pendingElement || n._currentElement; n._pendingElement = u.cloneAndReplaceProps(i, t), r(n) } }, enqueueElementInternal: function(e, t) { e._pendingElement = t, r(e) } }); t.exports = d }, { 133: 133, 150: 150, 27: 27, 39: 39, 55: 55, 65: 65, 66: 66, 85: 85 }], 85: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { v(N.ReactReconcileTransaction && E) } function o() { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.dirtyComponentsLength = null, this.callbackQueue = c.getPooled(), this.reconcileTransaction = N.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled() } function i(e, t, n, o, i) { r(), E.batchedUpdates(e, t, n, o, i) } function a(e, t) { return e._mountOrder - t._mountOrder } function u(e) { var t = e.dirtyComponentsLength; v(t === g.length), g.sort(a); for (var n = 0; t > n; n++) { var r = g[n], o = r._pendingCallbacks; if (r._pendingCallbacks = null, f.performUpdateIfNecessary(r, e.reconcileTransaction), o) for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) e.callbackQueue.enqueue(o[i], r.getPublicInstance()) } } function s(e) { return r(), E.isBatchingUpdates ? void g.push(e) : void E.batchedUpdates(s, e) } function l(e, t) { v(E.isBatchingUpdates), y.enqueue(e, t), C = !0 } var c = e(6), p = e(28), d = (e(39), e(73)), f = e(79), h = e(101), m = e(27), v = e(133), g = (e(150), []), y = c.getPooled(), C = !1, E = null, b = { initialize: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength = g.length }, close: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength !== g.length ? (g.splice(0, this.dirtyComponentsLength), D()) : g.length = 0 } }, _ = { initialize: function() { this.callbackQueue.reset() }, close: function() { this.callbackQueue.notifyAll() } }, x = [b, _]; m(o.prototype, h.Mixin, { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return x }, destructor: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength = null, c.release(this.callbackQueue), this.callbackQueue = null, N.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(this.reconcileTransaction), this.reconcileTransaction = null }, perform: function(e, t, n) { return h.Mixin.perform.call(this, this.reconcileTransaction.perform, this.reconcileTransaction, e, t, n) } }), p.addPoolingTo(o); var D = function() { for (; g.length || C;) { if (g.length) { var e = o.getPooled(); e.perform(u, null, e), o.release(e) } if (C) { C = !1; var t = y; y = c.getPooled(), t.notifyAll(), c.release(t) } } }; D = d.measure("ReactUpdates", "flushBatchedUpdates", D); var M = { injectReconcileTransaction: function(e) { v(e), N.ReactReconcileTransaction = e }, injectBatchingStrategy: function(e) { v(e), v("function" == typeof e.batchedUpdates), v("boolean" == typeof e.isBatchingUpdates), E = e } }, N = { ReactReconcileTransaction: null, batchedUpdates: i, enqueueUpdate: s, flushBatchedUpdates: D, injection: M, asap: l }; t.exports = N }, { 101: 101, 133: 133, 150: 150, 27: 27, 28: 28, 39: 39, 6: 6, 73: 73, 79: 79 }], 86: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(10), o = r.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, i = { Properties: { clipPath: o, cx: o, cy: o, d: o, dx: o, dy: o, fill: o, fillOpacity: o, fontFamily: o, fontSize: o, fx: o, fy: o, gradientTransform: o, gradientUnits: o, markerEnd: o, markerMid: o, markerStart: o, offset: o, opacity: o, patternContentUnits: o, patternUnits: o, points: o, preserveAspectRatio: o, r: o, rx: o, ry: o, spreadMethod: o, stopColor: o, stopOpacity: o, stroke: o, strokeDasharray: o, strokeLinecap: o, strokeOpacity: o, strokeWidth: o, textAnchor: o, transform: o, version: o, viewBox: o, x1: o, x2: o, x: o, y1: o, y2: o, y: o }, DOMAttributeNames: { clipPath: "clip-path", fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", fontFamily: "font-family", fontSize: "font-size", gradientTransform: "gradientTransform", gradientUnits: "gradientUnits", markerEnd: "marker-end", markerMid: "marker-mid", markerStart: "marker-start", patternContentUnits: "patternContentUnits", patternUnits: "patternUnits", preserveAspectRatio: "preserveAspectRatio", spreadMethod: "spreadMethod", stopColor: "stop-color", stopOpacity: "stop-opacity", strokeDasharray: "stroke-dasharray", strokeLinecap: "stroke-linecap", strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", strokeWidth: "stroke-width", textAnchor: "text-anchor", viewBox: "viewBox" } }; t.exports = i }, { 10: 10 }], 87: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if ("selectionStart" in e && u.hasSelectionCapabilities(e)) return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; if (window.getSelection) { var t = window.getSelection(); return { anchorNode: t.anchorNode, anchorOffset: t.anchorOffset, focusNode: t.focusNode, focusOffset: t.focusOffset } } if (document.selection) { var n = document.selection.createRange(); return { parentElement: n.parentElement(), text: n.text, top: n.boundingTop, left: n.boundingLeft } } } function o(e) { if (y || null == m || m !== l()) return null; var t = r(m); if (!g || !d(g, t)) { g = t; var n = s.getPooled(h.select, v, e); return n.type = "select", n.target = m, a.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(n), n } } var i = e(15), a = e(20), u = e(63), s = e(93), l = e(119), c = e(136), p = e(139), d = e(146), f = i.topLevelTypes, h = { select: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: p({ onSelect: null }), captured: p({ onSelectCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [f.topBlur, f.topContextMenu, f.topFocus, f.topKeyDown, f.topMouseDown, f.topMouseUp, f.topSelectionChange] } }, m = null, v = null, g = null, y = !1, C = { eventTypes: h, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { switch (e) { case f.topFocus: (c(t) || "true" === t.contentEditable) && (m = t, v = n, g = null); break; case f.topBlur: m = null, v = null, g = null; break; case f.topMouseDown: y = !0; break; case f.topContextMenu: case f.topMouseUp: return y = !1, o(r); case f.topSelectionChange: case f.topKeyDown: case f.topKeyUp: return o(r) } } }; t.exports = C }, { 119: 119, 136: 136, 139: 139, 146: 146, 15: 15, 20: 20, 63: 63, 93: 93 }], 88: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = Math.pow(2, 53), o = { createReactRootIndex: function() { return Math.ceil(Math.random() * r) } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 89: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(15), o = e(19), i = e(20), a = e(90), u = e(93), s = e(94), l = e(96), c = e(97), p = e(92), d = e(98), f = e(99), h = e(100), m = e(120), v = e(133), g = e(139), y = (e(150), r.topLevelTypes), C = { blur: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onBlur: !0 }), captured: g({ onBlurCapture: !0 }) } }, click: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onClick: !0 }), captured: g({ onClickCapture: !0 }) } }, contextMenu: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onContextMenu: !0 }), captured: g({ onContextMenuCapture: !0 }) } }, copy: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onCopy: !0 }), captured: g({ onCopyCapture: !0 }) } }, cut: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onCut: !0 }), captured: g({ onCutCapture: !0 }) } }, doubleClick: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDoubleClick: !0 }), captured: g({ onDoubleClickCapture: !0 }) } }, drag: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDrag: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragCapture: !0 }) } }, dragEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragEnd: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragEndCapture: !0 }) } }, dragEnter: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragEnter: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragEnterCapture: !0 }) } }, dragExit: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragExit: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragExitCapture: !0 }) } }, dragLeave: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragLeave: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragLeaveCapture: !0 }) } }, dragOver: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragOver: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragOverCapture: !0 }) } }, dragStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragStart: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragStartCapture: !0 }) } }, drop: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDrop: !0 }), captured: g({ onDropCapture: !0 }) } }, focus: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onFocus: !0 }), captured: g({ onFocusCapture: !0 }) } }, input: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onInput: !0 }), captured: g({ onInputCapture: !0 }) } }, keyDown: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyDown: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyDownCapture: !0 }) } }, keyPress: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyPress: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyPressCapture: !0 }) } }, keyUp: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyUp: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyUpCapture: !0 }) } }, load: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onLoad: !0 }), captured: g({ onLoadCapture: !0 }) } }, error: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onError: !0 }), captured: g({ onErrorCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseDown: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseDown: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseDownCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseMove: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseMove: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseMoveCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseOut: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseOut: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseOutCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseOver: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseOver: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseOverCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseUp: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseUp: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseUpCapture: !0 }) } }, paste: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onPaste: !0 }), captured: g({ onPasteCapture: !0 }) } }, reset: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onReset: !0 }), captured: g({ onResetCapture: !0 }) } }, scroll: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onScroll: !0 }), captured: g({ onScrollCapture: !0 }) } }, submit: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onSubmit: !0 }), captured: g({ onSubmitCapture: !0 }) } }, touchCancel: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchCancel: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchCancelCapture: !0 }) } }, touchEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchEnd: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchEndCapture: !0 }) } }, touchMove: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchMove: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchMoveCapture: !0 }) } }, touchStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchStart: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchStartCapture: !0 }) } }, wheel: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onWheel: !0 }), captured: g({ onWheelCapture: !0 }) } } }, E = { topBlur: C.blur, topClick: C.click, topContextMenu: C.contextMenu, topCopy: C.copy, topCut: C.cut, topDoubleClick: C.doubleClick, topDrag: C.drag, topDragEnd: C.dragEnd, topDragEnter: C.dragEnter, topDragExit: C.dragExit, topDragLeave: C.dragLeave, topDragOver: C.dragOver, topDragStart: C.dragStart, topDrop: C.drop, topError: C.error, topFocus: C.focus, topInput: C.input, topKeyDown: C.keyDown, topKeyPress: C.keyPress, topKeyUp: C.keyUp, topLoad: C.load, topMouseDown: C.mouseDown, topMouseMove: C.mouseMove, topMouseOut: C.mouseOut, topMouseOver: C.mouseOver, topMouseUp: C.mouseUp, topPaste: C.paste, topReset: C.reset, topScroll: C.scroll, topSubmit: C.submit, topTouchCancel: C.touchCancel, topTouchEnd: C.touchEnd, topTouchMove: C.touchMove, topTouchStart: C.touchStart, topWheel: C.wheel }; for (var b in E) E[b].dependencies = [b]; var _ = { eventTypes: C, executeDispatch: function(e, t, n) { var r = o.executeDispatch(e, t, n); r === !1 && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()) }, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { var o = E[e]; if (!o) return null; var g; switch (e) { case y.topInput: case y.topLoad: case y.topError: case y.topReset: case y.topSubmit: g = u; break; case y.topKeyPress: if (0 === m(r)) return null; case y.topKeyDown: case y.topKeyUp: g = l; break; case y.topBlur: case y.topFocus: g = s; break; case y.topClick: if (2 === r.button) return null; case y.topContextMenu: case y.topDoubleClick: case y.topMouseDown: case y.topMouseMove: case y.topMouseOut: case y.topMouseOver: case y.topMouseUp: g = c; break; case y.topDrag: case y.topDragEnd: case y.topDragEnter: case y.topDragExit: case y.topDragLeave: case y.topDragOver: case y.topDragStart: case y.topDrop: g = p; break; case y.topTouchCancel: case y.topTouchEnd: case y.topTouchMove: case y.topTouchStart: g = d; break; case y.topScroll: g = f; break; case y.topWheel: g = h; break; case y.topCopy: case y.topCut: case y.topPaste: g = a } v(g); var C = g.getPooled(o, n, r); return i.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(C), C } }; t.exports = _ }, { 100: 100, 120: 120, 133: 133, 139: 139, 15: 15, 150: 150, 19: 19, 20: 20, 90: 90, 92: 92, 93: 93, 94: 94, 96: 96, 97: 97, 98: 98, 99: 99 }], 90: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(93), i = { clipboardData: function(e) { return "clipboardData" in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData } }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 93: 93 }], 91: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(93), i = { data: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 93: 93 }], 92: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(97), i = { dataTransfer: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 97: 97 }], 93: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { this.dispatchConfig = e, this.dispatchMarker = t, this.nativeEvent = n; var r = this.constructor.Interface; for (var o in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var i = r[o]; this[o] = i ? i(n) : n[o] } var u = null != n.defaultPrevented ? n.defaultPrevented : n.returnValue === !1; this.isDefaultPrevented = u ? a.thatReturnsTrue : a.thatReturnsFalse, this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsFalse } var o = e(28), i = e(27), a = e(112), u = e(123), s = { type: null, target: u, currentTarget: a.thatReturnsNull, eventPhase: null, bubbles: null, cancelable: null, timeStamp: function(e) { return e.timeStamp || Date.now() }, defaultPrevented: null, isTrusted: null }; i(r.prototype, { preventDefault: function() { this.defaultPrevented = !0; var e = this.nativeEvent; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, this.isDefaultPrevented = a.thatReturnsTrue }, stopPropagation: function() { var e = this.nativeEvent; e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0, this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsTrue }, persist: function() { this.isPersistent = a.thatReturnsTrue }, isPersistent: a.thatReturnsFalse, destructor: function() { var e = this.constructor.Interface; for (var t in e) this[t] = null; this.dispatchConfig = null, this.dispatchMarker = null, this.nativeEvent = null } }), r.Interface = s, r.augmentClass = function(e, t) { var n = this, r = Object.create(n.prototype); i(r, e.prototype), e.prototype = r, e.prototype.constructor = e, e.Interface = i({}, n.Interface, t), e.augmentClass = n.augmentClass, o.addPoolingTo(e, o.threeArgumentPooler) }, o.addPoolingTo(r, o.threeArgumentPooler), t.exports = r }, { 112: 112, 123: 123, 27: 27, 28: 28 }], 94: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(99), i = { relatedTarget: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 99: 99 }], 95: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(93), i = { data: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 93: 93 }], 96: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(99), i = e(120), a = e(121), u = e(122), s = { key: a, location: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, repeat: null, locale: null, getModifierState: u, charCode: function(e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? i(e) : 0 }, keyCode: function(e) { return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0 }, which: function(e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? i(e) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0 } }; o.augmentClass(r, s), t.exports = r }, { 120: 120, 121: 121, 122: 122, 99: 99 }], 97: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(99), i = e(102), a = e(122), u = { screenX: null, screenY: null, clientX: null, clientY: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, getModifierState: a, button: function(e) { var t = e.button; return "which" in e ? t : 2 === t ? 2 : 4 === t ? 1 : 0 }, buttons: null, relatedTarget: function(e) { return e.relatedTarget || (e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement) }, pageX: function(e) { return "pageX" in e ? e.pageX : e.clientX + i.currentScrollLeft }, pageY: function(e) { return "pageY" in e ? e.pageY : e.clientY + i.currentScrollTop } }; o.augmentClass(r, u), t.exports = r }, { 102: 102, 122: 122, 99: 99 }], 98: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(99), i = e(122), a = { touches: null, targetTouches: null, changedTouches: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, getModifierState: i }; o.augmentClass(r, a), t.exports = r }, { 122: 122, 99: 99 }], 99: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(93), i = e(123), a = { view: function(e) { if (e.view) return e.view; var t = i(e); if (null != t && t.window === t) return t; var n = t.ownerDocument; return n ? n.defaultView || n.parentWindow : window }, detail: function(e) { return e.detail || 0 } }; o.augmentClass(r, a), t.exports = r }, { 123: 123, 93: 93 }], 100: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(97), i = { deltaX: function(e) { return "deltaX" in e ? e.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0 }, deltaY: function(e) { return "deltaY" in e ? e.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta" in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0 }, deltaZ: null, deltaMode: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 97: 97 }], 101: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(133), o = { reinitializeTransaction: function() { this.transactionWrappers = this.getTransactionWrappers(), this.wrapperInitData ? this.wrapperInitData.length = 0 : this.wrapperInitData = [], this._isInTransaction = !1 }, _isInTransaction: !1, getTransactionWrappers: null, isInTransaction: function() { return !!this._isInTransaction }, perform: function(e, t, n, o, i, a, u, s) { r(!this.isInTransaction()); var l, c; try { this._isInTransaction = !0, l = !0, this.initializeAll(0), c = e.call(t, n, o, i, a, u, s), l = !1 } finally { try { if (l) try { this.closeAll(0) } catch (p) {} else this.closeAll(0) } finally { this._isInTransaction = !1 } } return c }, initializeAll: function(e) { for (var t = this.transactionWrappers, n = e; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; try { this.wrapperInitData[n] = i.OBSERVED_ERROR, this.wrapperInitData[n] = r.initialize ? r.initialize.call(this) : null } finally { if (this.wrapperInitData[n] === i.OBSERVED_ERROR) try { this.initializeAll(n + 1) } catch (o) {} } } }, closeAll: function(e) { r(this.isInTransaction()); for (var t = this.transactionWrappers, n = e; n < t.length; n++) { var o, a = t[n], u = this.wrapperInitData[n]; try { o = !0, u !== i.OBSERVED_ERROR && a.close && a.close.call(this, u), o = !1 } finally { if (o) try { this.closeAll(n + 1) } catch (s) {} } } this.wrapperInitData.length = 0 } }, i = { Mixin: o, OBSERVED_ERROR: {} }; t.exports = i }, { 133: 133 }], 102: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { currentScrollLeft: 0, currentScrollTop: 0, refreshScrollValues: function(e) { r.currentScrollLeft = e.x, r.currentScrollTop = e.y } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 103: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (o(null != t), null == e) return t; var n = Array.isArray(e), r = Array.isArray(t); return n && r ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) : n ? (e.push(t), e) : r ? [e].concat(t) : [e, t] } var o = e(133); t.exports = r }, { 133: 133 }], 104: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (var t = 1, n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t = (t + e.charCodeAt(r)) % o, n = (n + t) % o; return t | n << 16 } var o = 65521; t.exports = r }, {}], 105: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return e.replace(o, function(e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() }) } var o = /-(.)/g; t.exports = r }, {}], 106: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o(e.replace(i, "ms-")) } var o = e(105), i = /^-ms-/; t.exports = r }, { 105: 105 }], 107: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { return e && t ? e === t ? !0 : o(e) ? !1 : o(t) ? r(e, t.parentNode) : e.contains ? e.contains(t) : e.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t)) : !1 : !1 } var o = e(137); t.exports = r }, { 137: 137 }], 108: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return !!e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) && "length" in e && !("setInterval" in e) && "number" != typeof e.nodeType && (Array.isArray(e) || "callee" in e || "item" in e) } function o(e) { return r(e) ? Array.isArray(e) ? e.slice() : i(e) : [e] } var i = e(148); t.exports = o }, { 148: 148 }], 109: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = i.createFactory(e), n = o.createClass({ tagName: e.toUpperCase(), displayName: "ReactFullPageComponent" + e, componentWillUnmount: function() { a(!1) }, render: function() { return t(this.props) } }); return n } var o = e(33), i = e(55), a = e(133); t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 33: 33, 55: 55 }], 110: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { var t = e.match(c); return t && t[1].toLowerCase() } function o(e, t) { var n = l; s(!!l); var o = r(e), i = o && u(o); if (i) { n.innerHTML = i[1] + e + i[2]; for (var c = i[0]; c--;) n = n.lastChild } else n.innerHTML = e; var p = n.getElementsByTagName("script"); p.length && (s(t), a(p).forEach(t)); for (var d = a(n.childNodes); n.lastChild;) n.removeChild(n.lastChild); return d } var i = e(21), a = e(108), u = e(125), s = e(133), l = i.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, c = /^\s*<(\w+)/; t.exports = o }, { 108: 108, 125: 125, 133: 133, 21: 21 }], 111: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "" === t; if (n) return ""; var r = isNaN(t); return r || 0 === t || i.hasOwnProperty(e) && i[e] ? "" + t : ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.trim()), t + "px") } var o = e(4), i = o.isUnitlessNumber; t.exports = r }, { 4: 4 }], 112: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return function() { return e } } function o() {} o.thatReturns = r, o.thatReturnsFalse = r(!1), o.thatReturnsTrue = r(!0), o.thatReturnsNull = r(null), o.thatReturnsThis = function() { return this }, o.thatReturnsArgument = function(e) { return e }, t.exports = o }, {}], 113: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = {}; t.exports = r }, {}], 114: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i[e] } function o(e) { return ("" + e).replace(a, r) } var i = { "&": "&", ">": ">", "<": "<", '"': """, "'": "'" }, a = /[&><"']/g; t.exports = o }, {}], 115: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return null == e ? null : u(e) ? e : o.has(e) ? i.getNodeFromInstance(e) : (a(null == e.render || "function" != typeof e.render), void a(!1)) } var o = (e(39), e(65)), i = e(68), a = e(133), u = e(135); e(150), t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 135: 135, 150: 150, 39: 39, 65: 65, 68: 68 }], 116: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var r = e, o = !r.hasOwnProperty(n); o && null != t && (r[n] = t) } function o(e) { if (null == e) return e; var t = {}; return i(e, r, t), t } var i = e(149); e(150), t.exports = o }, { 149: 149, 150: 150 }], 117: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { try { e.focus() } catch (t) {} } t.exports = r }, {}], 118: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function(e, t, n) { Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e && t.call(n, e) }; t.exports = r }, {}], 119: [function(e, t, n) { function r() { try { return document.activeElement || document.body } catch (e) { return document.body } } t.exports = r }, {}], 120: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t, n = e.keyCode; return "charCode" in e ? (t = e.charCode, 0 === t && 13 === n && (t = 13)) : t = n, t >= 32 || 13 === t ? t : 0 } t.exports = r }, {}], 121: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e.key) { var t = i[e.key] || e.key; if ("Unidentified" !== t) return t } if ("keypress" === e.type) { var n = o(e); return 13 === n ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(n) } return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? a[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : "" } var o = e(120), i = { Esc: "Escape", Spacebar: " ", Left: "ArrowLeft", Up: "ArrowUp", Right: "ArrowRight", Down: "ArrowDown", Del: "Delete", Win: "OS", Menu: "ContextMenu", Apps: "ContextMenu", Scroll: "ScrollLock", MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified" }, a = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 12: "Clear", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Control", 18: "Alt", 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Escape", 32: " ", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 144: "NumLock", 145: "ScrollLock", 224: "Meta" }; t.exports = r }, { 120: 120 }], 122: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = this, n = t.nativeEvent; if (n.getModifierState) return n.getModifierState(e); var r = i[e]; return r ? !!n[r] : !1 } function o(e) { return r } var i = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" }; t.exports = o }, {}], 123: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement || window; return 3 === t.nodeType ? t.parentNode : t } t.exports = r }, {}], 124: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e && (o && e[o] || e[i]); return "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0 } var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, i = "@@iterator"; t.exports = r }, {}], 125: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return i(!!a), d.hasOwnProperty(e) || (e = "*"), u.hasOwnProperty(e) || (a.innerHTML = "*" === e ? "" : "<" + e + ">", u[e] = !a.firstChild), u[e] ? d[e] : null } var o = e(21), i = e(133), a = o.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, u = { circle: !0, clipPath: !0, defs: !0, ellipse: !0, g: !0, line: !0, linearGradient: !0, path: !0, polygon: !0, polyline: !0, radialGradient: !0, rect: !0, stop: !0, text: !0 }, s = [1, '"], l = [1, "", "
"], c = [3, "", "
"], p = [1, "", ""], d = { "*": [1, "?
", "
"], area: [1, "", ""], col: [2, "", "
"], legend: [1, "
", "
"], param: [1, "", ""], tr: [2, "", "
"], optgroup: s, option: s, caption: l, colgroup: l, tbody: l, tfoot: l, thead: l, td: c, th: c, circle: p, clipPath: p, defs: p, ellipse: p, g: p, line: p, linearGradient: p, path: p, polygon: p, polyline: p, radialGradient: p, rect: p, stop: p, text: p }; t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 21: 21 }], 126: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild;) e = e.firstChild; return e } function o(e) { for (; e;) { if (e.nextSibling) return e.nextSibling; e = e.parentNode } } function i(e, t) { for (var n = r(e), i = 0, a = 0; n;) { if (3 === n.nodeType) { if (a = i + n.textContent.length, t >= i && a >= t) return { node: n, offset: t - i }; i = a } n = r(o(n)) } } t.exports = i }, {}], 127: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e ? e.nodeType === o ? e.documentElement : e.firstChild : null } var o = 9; t.exports = r }, {}], 128: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return !i && o.canUseDOM && (i = "textContent" in document.documentElement ? "textContent" : "innerText"), i } var o = e(21), i = null; t.exports = r }, { 21: 21 }], 129: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e === window ? { x: window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop } : { x: e.scrollLeft, y: e.scrollTop } } t.exports = r }, {}], 130: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return e.replace(o, "-$1").toLowerCase() } var o = /([A-Z])/g; t.exports = r }, {}], 131: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o(e).replace(i, "-ms-") } var o = e(130), i = /^ms-/; t.exports = r }, { 130: 130 }], 132: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "function" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.prototype && "function" == typeof e.prototype.mountComponent && "function" == typeof e.prototype.receiveComponent } function o(e, t) { var n; if ((null === e || e === !1) && (e = a.emptyElement), "object" == typeof e) { var o = e; n = t === o.type && "string" == typeof o.type ? u.createInternalComponent(o) : r(o.type) ? new o.type(o) : new c } else "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? n = u.createInstanceForText(e) : l(!1); return n.construct(e), n._mountIndex = 0, n._mountImage = null, n } var i = e(37), a = e(57), u = e(71), s = e(27), l = e(133), c = (e(150), function() {}); s(c.prototype, i.Mixin, { _instantiateReactComponent: o }), t.exports = o }, { 133: 133, 150: 150, 27: 27, 37: 37, 57: 57, 71: 71 }], 133: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, u) { if (!e) { var s; if (void 0 === t) s = new Error("Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings."); else { var l = [n, r, o, i, a, u], c = 0; s = new Error("Invariant Violation: " + t.replace(/%s/g, function() { return l[c++] })) } throw s.framesToPop = 1, s } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 134: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!i.canUseDOM || t && !("addEventListener" in document)) return !1; var n = "on" + e, r = n in document; if (!r) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.setAttribute(n, "return;"), r = "function" == typeof a[n] } return !r && o && "wheel" === e && (r = document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel", "3.0")), r } var o, i = e(21); i.canUseDOM && (o = document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature && document.implementation.hasFeature("", "") !== !0), t.exports = r }, { 21: 21 }], 135: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return !(!e || !("function" == typeof Node ? e instanceof Node : "object" == typeof e && "number" == typeof e.nodeType && "string" == typeof e.nodeName)) } t.exports = r }, {}], 136: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && ("INPUT" === e.nodeName && o[e.type] || "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName) } var o = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, "datetime-local": !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0 }; t.exports = r }, {}], 137: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return o(e) && 3 == e.nodeType } var o = e(135); t.exports = r }, { 135: 135 }], 138: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(133), o = function(e) { var t, n = {}; r(e instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(e)); for (t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && (n[t] = t); return n }; t.exports = o }, { 133: 133 }], 139: [function(e, t, n) { var r = function(e) { var t; for (t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return t; return null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 140: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { if (!e) return null; var r = {}; for (var i in e) o.call(e, i) && (r[i] = t.call(n, e[i], i, e)); return r } var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; t.exports = r }, {}], 141: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = {}; return function(n) { return t.hasOwnProperty(n) || (t[n] = e.call(this, n)), t[n] } } t.exports = r }, {}], 142: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i(o.isValidElement(e)), e } var o = e(55), i = e(133); t.exports = r }, { 133: 133, 55: 55 }], 143: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return '"' + o(e) + '"' } var o = e(114); t.exports = r }, { 114: 114 }], 144: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(21), o = /^[ \r\n\t\f]/, i = /<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \r\n\t\f\/>]/, a = function(e, t) { e.innerHTML = t }; if ("undefined" != typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction && (a = function(e, t) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() { e.innerHTML = t }) }), r.canUseDOM) { var u = document.createElement("div"); u.innerHTML = " ", "" === u.innerHTML && (a = function(e, t) { if (e.parentNode && e.parentNode.replaceChild(e, e), o.test(t) || "<" === t[0] && i.test(t)) { e.innerHTML = "\ufeff" + t; var n = e.firstChild; 1 === n.data.length ? e.removeChild(n) : n.deleteData(0, 1) } else e.innerHTML = t }) } t.exports = a }, { 21: 21 }], 145: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(21), o = e(114), i = e(144), a = function(e, t) { e.textContent = t }; r.canUseDOM && ("textContent" in document.documentElement || (a = function(e, t) { i(e, o(t)) })), t.exports = a }, { 114: 114, 144: 144, 21: 21 }], 146: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (e === t) return !0; var n; for (n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (!t.hasOwnProperty(n) || e[n] !== t[n])) return !1; for (n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n) && !e.hasOwnProperty(n)) return !1; return !0 } t.exports = r }, {}], 147: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (null != e && null != t) { var n = typeof e, r = typeof t; if ("string" === n || "number" === n) return "string" === r || "number" === r; if ("object" === r && e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key) { var o = e._owner === t._owner; return o } } return !1 } e(150), t.exports = r }, { 150: 150 }], 148: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { var t = e.length; if (o(!Array.isArray(e) && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)), o("number" == typeof t), o(0 === t || t - 1 in e), e.hasOwnProperty) try { return Array.prototype.slice.call(e) } catch (n) {} for (var r = Array(t), i = 0; t > i; i++) r[i] = e[i]; return r } var o = e(133); t.exports = r }, { 133: 133 }], 149: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return v[e] } function o(e, t) { return e && null != e.key ? a(e.key) : t.toString(36) } function i(e) { return ("" + e).replace(g, r) } function a(e) { return "$" + i(e) } function u(e, t, n, r, i) { var s = typeof e; if (("undefined" === s || "boolean" === s) && (e = null), null === e || "string" === s || "number" === s || l.isValidElement(e)) return r(i, e, "" === t ? h + o(e, 0) : t, n), 1; var p, v, g, y = 0; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var C = 0; C < e.length; C++) p = e[C], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + o(p, C), g = n + y, y += u(p, v, g, r, i); else { var E = d(e); if (E) { var b, _ = E.call(e); if (E !== e.entries) for (var x = 0; !(b = _.next()).done;) p = b.value, v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + o(p, x++), g = n + y, y += u(p, v, g, r, i); else for (; !(b = _.next()).done;) { var D = b.value; D && (p = D[1], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + a(D[0]) + m + o(p, 0), g = n + y, y += u(p, v, g, r, i)) } } else if ("object" === s) { f(1 !== e.nodeType); var M = c.extract(e); for (var N in M) M.hasOwnProperty(N) && (p = M[N], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + a(N) + m + o(p, 0), g = n + y, y += u(p, v, g, r, i)) } } return y } function s(e, t, n) { return null == e ? 0 : u(e, "", 0, t, n) } var l = e(55), c = e(61), p = e(64), d = e(124), f = e(133), h = (e(150), p.SEPARATOR), m = ":", v = { "=": "=0", ".": "=1", ":": "=2" }, g = /[=.:]/g; t.exports = s }, { 124: 124, 133: 133, 150: 150, 55: 55, 61: 61, 64: 64 }], 150: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(112), o = r; t.exports = o }, { 112: 112 }] }, {}, [1])(1) }); ! function(e) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); else { var t; t = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, t.React = e() } }(function() { return function e(t, n, r) { function o(a, s) { if (!n[a]) { if (!t[a]) { var u = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!s && u) return u(a, !0); if (i) return i(a, !0); var l = new Error("Cannot find module '" + a + "'"); throw l.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", l } var c = n[a] = { exports: {} }; t[a][0].call(c.exports, function(e) { var n = t[a][1][e]; return o(n ? n : e) }, c, c.exports, e, t, n, r) } return n[a].exports } for (var i = "function" == typeof require && require, a = 0; a < r.length; a++) o(r[a]); return o }({ 1: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(25), o = e(31), i = e(42), a = e(34), s = e(67), u = e(95), l = e(97), c = e(124), p = e(119), d = e(165); o.addons = { CSSTransitionGroup: a, LinkedStateMixin: r, PureRenderMixin: i, TransitionGroup: u, batchedUpdates: l.batchedUpdates, classSet: c, cloneWithProps: p, createFragment: s.create, update: d }, t.exports = o }, { 119: 119, 124: 124, 165: 165, 25: 25, 31: 31, 34: 34, 42: 42, 67: 67, 95: 95, 97: 97 }], 2: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(131), o = { componentDidMount: function() { this.props.autoFocus && r(this.getDOMNode()) } }; t.exports = o }, { 131: 131 }], 3: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = window.opera; return "object" == typeof e && "function" == typeof e.version && parseInt(e.version(), 10) <= 12 } function o(e) { return (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) && !(e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) } function i(e) { switch (e) { case P.topCompositionStart: return I.compositionStart; case P.topCompositionEnd: return I.compositionEnd; case P.topCompositionUpdate: return I.compositionUpdate } } function a(e, t) { return e === P.topKeyDown && t.keyCode === b } function s(e, t) { switch (e) { case P.topKeyUp: return -1 !== E.indexOf(t.keyCode); case P.topKeyDown: return t.keyCode !== b; case P.topKeyPress: case P.topMouseDown: case P.topBlur: return !0; default: return !1 } } function u(e) { var t = e.detail; return "object" == typeof t && "data" in t ? t.data : null } function l(e, t, n, r) { var o, l; if (_ ? o = i(e) : w ? s(e, r) && (o = I.compositionEnd) : a(e, r) && (o = I.compositionStart), !o) return null; M && (w || o !== I.compositionStart ? o === I.compositionEnd && w && (l = w.getData()) : w = v.getPooled(t)); var c = g.getPooled(o, n, r); if (l) c.data = l; else { var p = u(r); null !== p && (c.data = p) } return h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(c), c } function c(e, t) { switch (e) { case P.topCompositionEnd: return u(t); case P.topKeyPress: var n = t.which; return n !== T ? null : (R = !0, N); case P.topTextInput: var r = t.data; return r === N && R ? null : r; default: return null } } function p(e, t) { if (w) { if (e === P.topCompositionEnd || s(e, t)) { var n = w.getData(); return v.release(w), w = null, n } return null } switch (e) { case P.topPaste: return null; case P.topKeyPress: return t.which && !o(t) ? String.fromCharCode(t.which) : null; case P.topCompositionEnd: return M ? null : t.data; default: return null } } function d(e, t, n, r) { var o; if (o = D ? c(e, r) : p(e, r), !o) return null; var i = y.getPooled(I.beforeInput, n, r); return i.data = o, h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(i), i } var f = e(16), h = e(21), m = e(22), v = e(23), g = e(103), y = e(107), C = e(154), E = [9, 13, 27, 32], b = 229, _ = m.canUseDOM && "CompositionEvent" in window, x = null; m.canUseDOM && "documentMode" in document && (x = document.documentMode); var D = m.canUseDOM && "TextEvent" in window && !x && !r(), M = m.canUseDOM && (!_ || x && x > 8 && 11 >= x), T = 32, N = String.fromCharCode(T), P = f.topLevelTypes, I = { beforeInput: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onBeforeInput: null }), captured: C({ onBeforeInputCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [P.topCompositionEnd, P.topKeyPress, P.topTextInput, P.topPaste] }, compositionEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionEnd: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionEndCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [P.topBlur, P.topCompositionEnd, P.topKeyDown, P.topKeyPress, P.topKeyUp, P.topMouseDown] }, compositionStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionStart: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionStartCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [P.topBlur, P.topCompositionStart, P.topKeyDown, P.topKeyPress, P.topKeyUp, P.topMouseDown] }, compositionUpdate: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: C({ onCompositionUpdate: null }), captured: C({ onCompositionUpdateCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [P.topBlur, P.topCompositionUpdate, P.topKeyDown, P.topKeyPress, P.topKeyUp, P.topMouseDown] } }, R = !1, w = null, O = { eventTypes: I, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { return [l(e, t, n, r), d(e, t, n, r)] } }; t.exports = O }, { 103: 103, 107: 107, 154: 154, 16: 16, 21: 21, 22: 22, 23: 23 }], 4: [function(e, t, n) { var r = e(147), o = { addClass: function(e, t) { return r(!/\s/.test(t)), t && (e.classList ? e.classList.add(t) : o.hasClass(e, t) || (e.className = e.className + " " + t)), e }, removeClass: function(e, t) { return r(!/\s/.test(t)), t && (e.classList ? e.classList.remove(t) : o.hasClass(e, t) && (e.className = e.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + t + "(?:\\s|$)", "g"), "$1").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""))), e }, conditionClass: function(e, t, n) { return (n ? o.addClass : o.removeClass)(e, t) }, hasClass: function(e, t) { return r(!/\s/.test(t)), e.classList ? !!t && e.classList.contains(t) : (" " + e.className + " ").indexOf(" " + t + " ") > -1 } }; t.exports = o }, { 147: 147 }], 5: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return e + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substring(1) } var o = { boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0 }, i = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"]; Object.keys(o).forEach(function(e) { i.forEach(function(t) { o[r(t, e)] = o[e] }) }); var a = { background: { backgroundImage: !0, backgroundPosition: !0, backgroundRepeat: !0, backgroundColor: !0 }, border: { borderWidth: !0, borderStyle: !0, borderColor: !0 }, borderBottom: { borderBottomWidth: !0, borderBottomStyle: !0, borderBottomColor: !0 }, borderLeft: { borderLeftWidth: !0, borderLeftStyle: !0, borderLeftColor: !0 }, borderRight: { borderRightWidth: !0, borderRightStyle: !0, borderRightColor: !0 }, borderTop: { borderTopWidth: !0, borderTopStyle: !0, borderTopColor: !0 }, font: { fontStyle: !0, fontVariant: !0, fontWeight: !0, fontSize: !0, lineHeight: !0, fontFamily: !0 } }, s = { isUnitlessNumber: o, shorthandPropertyExpansions: a }; t.exports = s }, {}], 6: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(5), o = e(22), i = (e(118), e(125)), a = e(145), s = e(156), u = (e(166), s(function(e) { return a(e) })), l = "cssFloat"; o.canUseDOM && void 0 === document.documentElement.style.cssFloat && (l = "styleFloat"); var c = { createMarkupForStyles: function(e) { var t = ""; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = e[n]; null != r && (t += u(n) + ":", t += i(n, r) + ";") } return t || null }, setValueForStyles: function(e, t) { var n = e.style; for (var o in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var a = i(o, t[o]); if ("float" === o && (o = l), a) n[o] = a; else { var s = r.shorthandPropertyExpansions[o]; if (s) for (var u in s) n[u] = ""; else n[o] = "" } } } }; t.exports = c }, { 118: 118, 125: 125, 145: 145, 156: 156, 166: 166, 22: 22, 5: 5 }], 7: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null } var o = e(30), i = e(29), a = e(147); i(r.prototype, { enqueue: function(e, t) { this._callbacks = this._callbacks || [], this._contexts = this._contexts || [], this._callbacks.push(e), this._contexts.push(t) }, notifyAll: function() { var e = this._callbacks, t = this._contexts; if (e) { a(e.length === t.length), this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null; for (var n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++) e[n].call(t[n]); e.length = 0, t.length = 0 } }, reset: function() { this._callbacks = null, this._contexts = null }, destructor: function() { this.reset() } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 29: 29, 30: 30 }], 8: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "SELECT" === e.nodeName || "INPUT" === e.nodeName && "file" === e.type } function o(e) { var t = x.getPooled(P.change, R, e); E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(t), _.batchedUpdates(i, t) } function i(e) { C.enqueueEvents(e), C.processEventQueue() } function a(e, t) { I = e, R = t, I.attachEvent("onchange", o) } function s() { I && (I.detachEvent("onchange", o), I = null, R = null) } function u(e, t, n) { return e === N.topChange ? n : void 0 } function l(e, t, n) { e === N.topFocus ? (s(), a(t, n)) : e === N.topBlur && s() } function c(e, t) { I = e, R = t, w = e.value, O = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, "value"), Object.defineProperty(I, "value", k), I.attachEvent("onpropertychange", d) } function p() { I && (delete I.value, I.detachEvent("onpropertychange", d), I = null, R = null, w = null, O = null) } function d(e) { if ("value" === e.propertyName) { var t = e.srcElement.value; t !== w && (w = t, o(e)) } } function f(e, t, n) { return e === N.topInput ? n : void 0 } function h(e, t, n) { e === N.topFocus ? (p(), c(t, n)) : e === N.topBlur && p() } function m(e, t, n) { return e !== N.topSelectionChange && e !== N.topKeyUp && e !== N.topKeyDown || !I || I.value === w ? void 0 : (w = I.value, R) } function v(e) { return "INPUT" === e.nodeName && ("checkbox" === e.type || "radio" === e.type) } function g(e, t, n) { return e === N.topClick ? n : void 0 } var y = e(16), C = e(18), E = e(21), b = e(22), _ = e(97), x = e(105), D = e(148), M = e(150), T = e(154), N = y.topLevelTypes, P = { change: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: T({ onChange: null }), captured: T({ onChangeCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [N.topBlur, N.topChange, N.topClick, N.topFocus, N.topInput, N.topKeyDown, N.topKeyUp, N.topSelectionChange] } }, I = null, R = null, w = null, O = null, S = !1; b.canUseDOM && (S = D("change") && (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 8)); var A = !1; b.canUseDOM && (A = D("input") && (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 9)); var k = { get: function() { return O.get.call(this) }, set: function(e) { w = "" + e, O.set.call(this, e) } }, L = { eventTypes: P, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, o) { var i, a; if (r(t) ? S ? i = u : a = l : M(t) ? A ? i = f : (i = m, a = h) : v(t) && (i = g), i) { var s = i(e, t, n); if (s) { var c = x.getPooled(P.change, s, o); return E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(c), c } } a && a(e, t, n) } }; t.exports = L }, { 105: 105, 148: 148, 150: 150, 154: 154, 16: 16, 18: 18, 21: 21, 22: 22, 97: 97 }], 9: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = 0, o = { createReactRootIndex: function() { return r++ } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 10: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { e.insertBefore(t, e.childNodes[n] || null) } var o = e(13), i = e(77), a = e(160), s = e(147), u = { dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup, updateTextContent: a, processUpdates: function(e, t) { for (var n, u = null, l = null, c = 0; c < e.length; c++) if (n = e[c], n.type === i.MOVE_EXISTING || n.type === i.REMOVE_NODE) { var p = n.fromIndex, d = n.parentNode.childNodes[p], f = n.parentID; s(d), u = u || {}, u[f] = u[f] || [], u[f][p] = d, l = l || [], l.push(d) } var h = o.dangerouslyRenderMarkup(t); if (l) for (var m = 0; m < l.length; m++) l[m].parentNode.removeChild(l[m]); for (var v = 0; v < e.length; v++) switch (n = e[v], n.type) { case i.INSERT_MARKUP: r(n.parentNode, h[n.markupIndex], n.toIndex); break; case i.MOVE_EXISTING: r(n.parentNode, u[n.parentID][n.fromIndex], n.toIndex); break; case i.TEXT_CONTENT: a(n.parentNode, n.textContent); break; case i.REMOVE_NODE: } } }; t.exports = u }, { 13: 13, 147: 147, 160: 160, 77: 77 }], 11: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return (e & t) === t } var o = e(147), i = { MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE: 1, MUST_USE_PROPERTY: 2, HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS: 4, HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 8, HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE: 16, HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE: 48, HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 64, injectDOMPropertyConfig: function(e) { var t = e.Properties || {}, n = e.DOMAttributeNames || {}, a = e.DOMPropertyNames || {}, u = e.DOMMutationMethods || {}; e.isCustomAttribute && s._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(e.isCustomAttribute); for (var l in t) { o(!s.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(l)), s.isStandardName[l] = !0; var c = l.toLowerCase(); if (s.getPossibleStandardName[c] = l, n.hasOwnProperty(l)) { var p = n[l]; s.getPossibleStandardName[p] = l, s.getAttributeName[l] = p } else s.getAttributeName[l] = c; s.getPropertyName[l] = a.hasOwnProperty(l) ? a[l] : l, s.getMutationMethod[l] = u.hasOwnProperty(l) ? u[l] : null; var d = t[l]; s.mustUseAttribute[l] = r(d, i.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE), s.mustUseProperty[l] = r(d, i.MUST_USE_PROPERTY), s.hasSideEffects[l] = r(d, i.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS), s.hasBooleanValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE), s.hasNumericValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE), s.hasPositiveNumericValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE), s.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[l] = r(d, i.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE), o(!s.mustUseAttribute[l] || !s.mustUseProperty[l]), o(s.mustUseProperty[l] || !s.hasSideEffects[l]), o(!!s.hasBooleanValue[l] + !!s.hasNumericValue[l] + !!s.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[l] <= 1) } } }, a = {}, s = { ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: "data-reactid", isStandardName: {}, getPossibleStandardName: {}, getAttributeName: {}, getPropertyName: {}, getMutationMethod: {}, mustUseAttribute: {}, mustUseProperty: {}, hasSideEffects: {}, hasBooleanValue: {}, hasNumericValue: {}, hasPositiveNumericValue: {}, hasOverloadedBooleanValue: {}, _isCustomAttributeFunctions: [], isCustomAttribute: function(e) { for (var t = 0; t < s._isCustomAttributeFunctions.length; t++) { var n = s._isCustomAttributeFunctions[t]; if (n(e)) return !0 } return !1 }, getDefaultValueForProperty: function(e, t) { var n, r = a[e]; return r || (a[e] = r = {}), t in r || (n = document.createElement(e), r[t] = n[t]), r[t] }, injection: i }; t.exports = s }, { 147: 147 }], 12: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return null == t || o.hasBooleanValue[e] && !t || o.hasNumericValue[e] && isNaN(t) || o.hasPositiveNumericValue[e] && 1 > t || o.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !1 } var o = e(11), i = e(158), a = (e(166), { createMarkupForID: function(e) { return o.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "=" + i(e) }, createMarkupForProperty: function(e, t) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(e) && o.isStandardName[e]) { if (r(e, t)) return ""; var n = o.getAttributeName[e]; return o.hasBooleanValue[e] || o.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !0 ? n : n + "=" + i(t) } return o.isCustomAttribute(e) ? null == t ? "" : e + "=" + i(t) : null }, setValueForProperty: function(e, t, n) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && o.isStandardName[t]) { var i = o.getMutationMethod[t]; if (i) i(e, n); else if (r(t, n)) this.deleteValueForProperty(e, t); else if (o.mustUseAttribute[t]) e.setAttribute(o.getAttributeName[t], "" + n); else { var a = o.getPropertyName[t]; o.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[a] == "" + n || (e[a] = n) } } else o.isCustomAttribute(t) && (null == n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, "" + n)) }, deleteValueForProperty: function(e, t) { if (o.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && o.isStandardName[t]) { var n = o.getMutationMethod[t]; if (n) n(e, void 0); else if (o.mustUseAttribute[t]) e.removeAttribute(o.getAttributeName[t]); else { var r = o.getPropertyName[t], i = o.getDefaultValueForProperty(e.nodeName, r); o.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[r] === i || (e[r] = i) } } else o.isCustomAttribute(t) && e.removeAttribute(t) } }); t.exports = a }, { 11: 11, 158: 158, 166: 166 }], 13: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e.substring(1, e.indexOf(" ")) } var o = e(22), i = e(123), a = e(126), s = e(139), u = e(147), l = /^(<[^ \/>]+)/, c = "data-danger-index", p = { dangerouslyRenderMarkup: function(e) { u(o.canUseDOM); for (var t, n = {}, p = 0; p < e.length; p++) u(e[p]), t = r(e[p]), t = s(t) ? t : "*", n[t] = n[t] || [], n[t][p] = e[p]; var d = [], f = 0; for (t in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var h, m = n[t]; for (h in m) if (m.hasOwnProperty(h)) { var v = m[h]; m[h] = v.replace(l, "$1 " + c + '="' + h + '" ') } for (var g = i(m.join(""), a), y = 0; y < g.length; ++y) { var C = g[y]; C.hasAttribute && C.hasAttribute(c) && (h = +C.getAttribute(c), C.removeAttribute(c), u(!d.hasOwnProperty(h)), d[h] = C, f += 1) } } return u(f === d.length), u(d.length === e.length), d }, dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: function(e, t) { u(o.canUseDOM), u(t), u("html" !== e.tagName.toLowerCase()); var n = i(t, a)[0]; e.parentNode.replaceChild(n, e) } }; t.exports = p }, { 123: 123, 126: 126, 139: 139, 147: 147, 22: 22 }], 14: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(154), o = [r({ ResponderEventPlugin: null }), r({ SimpleEventPlugin: null }), r({ TapEventPlugin: null }), r({ EnterLeaveEventPlugin: null }), r({ ChangeEventPlugin: null }), r({ SelectEventPlugin: null }), r({ BeforeInputEventPlugin: null }), r({ AnalyticsEventPlugin: null }), r({ MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: null })]; t.exports = o }, { 154: 154 }], 15: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(21), i = e(109), a = e(75), s = e(154), u = r.topLevelTypes, l = a.getFirstReactDOM, c = { mouseEnter: { registrationName: s({ onMouseEnter: null }), dependencies: [u.topMouseOut, u.topMouseOver] }, mouseLeave: { registrationName: s({ onMouseLeave: null }), dependencies: [u.topMouseOut, u.topMouseOver] } }, p = [null, null], d = { eventTypes: c, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { if (e === u.topMouseOver && (r.relatedTarget || r.fromElement)) return null; if (e !== u.topMouseOut && e !== u.topMouseOver) return null; var s; if (t.window === t) s = t; else { var d = t.ownerDocument; s = d ? d.defaultView || d.parentWindow : window } var f, h; if (e === u.topMouseOut ? (f = t, h = l(r.relatedTarget || r.toElement) || s) : (f = s, h = t), f === h) return null; var m = f ? a.getID(f) : "", v = h ? a.getID(h) : "", g = i.getPooled(c.mouseLeave, m, r); g.type = "mouseleave", g.target = f, g.relatedTarget = h; var y = i.getPooled(c.mouseEnter, v, r); return y.type = "mouseenter", y.target = h, y.relatedTarget = f, o.accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches(g, y, m, v), p[0] = g, p[1] = y, p } }; t.exports = d }, { 109: 109, 154: 154, 16: 16, 21: 21, 75: 75 }], 16: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(153), o = r({ bubbled: null, captured: null }), i = r({ topBlur: null, topChange: null, topClick: null, topCompositionEnd: null, topCompositionStart: null, topCompositionUpdate: null, topContextMenu: null, topCopy: null, topCut: null, topDoubleClick: null, topDrag: null, topDragEnd: null, topDragEnter: null, topDragExit: null, topDragLeave: null, topDragOver: null, topDragStart: null, topDrop: null, topError: null, topFocus: null, topInput: null, topKeyDown: null, topKeyPress: null, topKeyUp: null, topLoad: null, topMouseDown: null, topMouseMove: null, topMouseOut: null, topMouseOver: null, topMouseUp: null, topPaste: null, topReset: null, topScroll: null, topSelectionChange: null, topSubmit: null, topTextInput: null, topTouchCancel: null, topTouchEnd: null, topTouchMove: null, topTouchStart: null, topWheel: null }), a = { topLevelTypes: i, PropagationPhases: o }; t.exports = a }, { 153: 153 }], 17: [function(e, t, n) { var r = e(126), o = { listen: function(e, t, n) { return e.addEventListener ? (e.addEventListener(t, n, !1), { remove: function() { e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1) } }) : e.attachEvent ? (e.attachEvent("on" + t, n), { remove: function() { e.detachEvent("on" + t, n) } }) : void 0 }, capture: function(e, t, n) { return e.addEventListener ? (e.addEventListener(t, n, !0), { remove: function() { e.removeEventListener(t, n, !0) } }) : { remove: r } }, registerDefault: function() {} }; t.exports = o }, { 126: 126 }], 18: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(19), o = e(20), i = e(115), a = e(132), s = e(147), u = {}, l = null, c = function(e) { if (e) { var t = o.executeDispatch, n = r.getPluginModuleForEvent(e); n && n.executeDispatch && (t = n.executeDispatch), o.executeDispatchesInOrder(e, t), e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e) } }, p = null, d = { injection: { injectMount: o.injection.injectMount, injectInstanceHandle: function(e) { p = e }, getInstanceHandle: function() { return p }, injectEventPluginOrder: r.injectEventPluginOrder, injectEventPluginsByName: r.injectEventPluginsByName }, eventNameDispatchConfigs: r.eventNameDispatchConfigs, registrationNameModules: r.registrationNameModules, putListener: function(e, t, n) { s(!n || "function" == typeof n); var r = u[t] || (u[t] = {}); r[e] = n }, getListener: function(e, t) { var n = u[t]; return n && n[e] }, deleteListener: function(e, t) { var n = u[t]; n && delete n[e] }, deleteAllListeners: function(e) { for (var t in u) delete u[t][e] }, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, o) { for (var a, s = r.plugins, u = 0, l = s.length; l > u; u++) { var c = s[u]; if (c) { var p = c.extractEvents(e, t, n, o); p && (a = i(a, p)) } } return a }, enqueueEvents: function(e) { e && (l = i(l, e)) }, processEventQueue: function() { var e = l; l = null, a(e, c), s(!l) }, __purge: function() { u = {} }, __getListenerBank: function() { return u } }; t.exports = d }, { 115: 115, 132: 132, 147: 147, 19: 19, 20: 20 }], 19: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (s) for (var e in u) { var t = u[e], n = s.indexOf(e); if (a(n > -1), !l.plugins[n]) { a(t.extractEvents), l.plugins[n] = t; var r = t.eventTypes; for (var i in r) a(o(r[i], t, i)) } } } function o(e, t, n) { a(!l.eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(n)), l.eventNameDispatchConfigs[n] = e; var r = e.phasedRegistrationNames; if (r) { for (var o in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var s = r[o]; i(s, t, n) } return !0 } return e.registrationName ? (i(e.registrationName, t, n), !0) : !1 } function i(e, t, n) { a(!l.registrationNameModules[e]), l.registrationNameModules[e] = t, l.registrationNameDependencies[e] = t.eventTypes[n].dependencies } var a = e(147), s = null, u = {}, l = { plugins: [], eventNameDispatchConfigs: {}, registrationNameModules: {}, registrationNameDependencies: {}, injectEventPluginOrder: function(e) { a(!s), s = Array.prototype.slice.call(e), r() }, injectEventPluginsByName: function(e) { var t = !1; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var o = e[n]; u.hasOwnProperty(n) && u[n] === o || (a(!u[n]), u[n] = o, t = !0) } t && r() }, getPluginModuleForEvent: function(e) { var t = e.dispatchConfig; if (t.registrationName) return l.registrationNameModules[t.registrationName] || null; for (var n in t.phasedRegistrationNames) if (t.phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = l.registrationNameModules[t.phasedRegistrationNames[n]]; if (r) return r } return null }, _resetEventPlugins: function() { s = null; for (var e in u) u.hasOwnProperty(e) && delete u[e]; l.plugins.length = 0; var t = l.eventNameDispatchConfigs; for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && delete t[n]; var r = l.registrationNameModules; for (var o in r) r.hasOwnProperty(o) && delete r[o] } }; t.exports = l }, { 147: 147 }], 20: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e === v.topMouseUp || e === v.topTouchEnd || e === v.topTouchCancel } function o(e) { return e === v.topMouseMove || e === v.topTouchMove } function i(e) { return e === v.topMouseDown || e === v.topTouchStart } function a(e, t) { var n = e._dispatchListeners, r = e._dispatchIDs; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0; o < n.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); o++) t(e, n[o], r[o]); else n && t(e, n, r) } function s(e, t, n) { e.currentTarget = m.Mount.getNode(n); var r = t(e, n); return e.currentTarget = null, r } function u(e, t) { a(e, t), e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchIDs = null } function l(e) { var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchIDs; if (Array.isArray(t)) { for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++) if (t[r](e, n[r])) return n[r] } else if (t && t(e, n)) return n; return null } function c(e) { var t = l(e); return e._dispatchIDs = null, e._dispatchListeners = null, t } function p(e) { var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchIDs; h(!Array.isArray(t)); var r = t ? t(e, n) : null; return e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchIDs = null, r } function d(e) { return !!e._dispatchListeners } var f = e(16), h = e(147), m = { Mount: null, injectMount: function(e) { m.Mount = e } }, v = f.topLevelTypes, g = { isEndish: r, isMoveish: o, isStartish: i, executeDirectDispatch: p, executeDispatch: s, executeDispatchesInOrder: u, executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue: c, hasDispatches: d, injection: m, useTouchEvents: !1 }; t.exports = g }, { 147: 147, 16: 16 }], 21: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var r = t.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[n]; return v(e, r) } function o(e, t, n) { var o = t ? m.bubbled : m.captured, i = r(e, n, o); i && (n._dispatchListeners = f(n._dispatchListeners, i), n._dispatchIDs = f(n._dispatchIDs, e)) } function i(e) { e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames && d.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseTwoPhase(e.dispatchMarker, o, e) } function a(e, t, n) { if (n && n.dispatchConfig.registrationName) { var r = n.dispatchConfig.registrationName, o = v(e, r); o && (n._dispatchListeners = f(n._dispatchListeners, o), n._dispatchIDs = f(n._dispatchIDs, e)) } } function s(e) { e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName && a(e.dispatchMarker, null, e) } function u(e) { h(e, i) } function l(e, t, n, r) { d.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseEnterLeave(n, r, a, e, t) } function c(e) { h(e, s) } var p = e(16), d = e(18), f = e(115), h = e(132), m = p.PropagationPhases, v = d.getListener, g = { accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches: u, accumulateDirectDispatches: c, accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches: l }; t.exports = g }, { 115: 115, 132: 132, 16: 16, 18: 18 }], 22: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement), o = { canUseDOM: r, canUseWorkers: "undefined" != typeof Worker, canUseEventListeners: r && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent), canUseViewport: r && !!window.screen, isInWorker: !r }; t.exports = o }, {}], 23: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { this._root = e, this._startText = this.getText(), this._fallbackText = null } var o = e(30), i = e(29), a = e(142); i(r.prototype, { getText: function() { return "value" in this._root ? this._root.value : this._root[a()] }, getData: function() { if (this._fallbackText) return this._fallbackText; var e, t, n = this._startText, r = n.length, o = this.getText(), i = o.length; for (e = 0; r > e && n[e] === o[e]; e++); var a = r - e; for (t = 1; a >= t && n[r - t] === o[i - t]; t++); var s = t > 1 ? 1 - t : void 0; return this._fallbackText = o.slice(e, s), this._fallbackText } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 142: 142, 29: 29, 30: 30 }], 24: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r, o = e(11), i = e(22), a = o.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, s = o.injection.MUST_USE_PROPERTY, u = o.injection.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE, l = o.injection.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS, c = o.injection.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE, p = o.injection.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE, d = o.injection.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE; if (i.canUseDOM) { var f = document.implementation; r = f && f.hasFeature && f.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1") } var h = { isCustomAttribute: RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^(data|aria)-[a-z_][a-z\d_.\-]*$/), Properties: { accept: null, acceptCharset: null, accessKey: null, action: null, allowFullScreen: a | u, allowTransparency: a, alt: null, async: u, autoComplete: null, autoPlay: u, cellPadding: null, cellSpacing: null, charSet: a, checked: s | u, classID: a, className: r ? a : s, cols: a | p, colSpan: null, content: null, contentEditable: null, contextMenu: a, controls: s | u, coords: null, crossOrigin: null, data: null, dateTime: a, defer: u, dir: null, disabled: a | u, download: d, draggable: null, encType: null, form: a, formAction: a, formEncType: a, formMethod: a, formNoValidate: u, formTarget: a, frameBorder: a, headers: null, height: a, hidden: a | u, high: null, href: null, hrefLang: null, htmlFor: null, httpEquiv: null, icon: null, id: s, label: null, lang: null, list: a, loop: s | u, low: null, manifest: a, marginHeight: null, marginWidth: null, max: null, maxLength: a, media: a, mediaGroup: null, method: null, min: null, multiple: s | u, muted: s | u, name: null, noValidate: u, open: u, optimum: null, pattern: null, placeholder: null, poster: null, preload: null, radioGroup: null, readOnly: s | u, rel: null, required: u, role: a, rows: a | p, rowSpan: null, sandbox: null, scope: null, scoped: u, scrolling: null, seamless: a | u, selected: s | u, shape: null, size: a | p, sizes: a, span: p, spellCheck: null, src: null, srcDoc: s, srcSet: a, start: c, step: null, style: null, tabIndex: null, target: null, title: null, type: null, useMap: null, value: s | l, width: a, wmode: a, autoCapitalize: null, autoCorrect: null, itemProp: a, itemScope: a | u, itemType: a, itemID: a, itemRef: a, property: null, unselectable: a }, DOMAttributeNames: { acceptCharset: "accept-charset", className: "class", htmlFor: "for", httpEquiv: "http-equiv" }, DOMPropertyNames: { autoCapitalize: "autocapitalize", autoComplete: "autocomplete", autoCorrect: "autocorrect", autoFocus: "autofocus", autoPlay: "autoplay", encType: "encoding", hrefLang: "hreflang", radioGroup: "radiogroup", spellCheck: "spellcheck", srcDoc: "srcdoc", srcSet: "srcset" } }; t.exports = h }, { 11: 11, 22: 22 }], 25: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(73), o = e(92), i = { linkState: function(e) { return new r(this.state[e], o.createStateKeySetter(this, e)) } }; t.exports = i }, { 73: 73, 92: 92 }], 26: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { l(null == e.props.checkedLink || null == e.props.valueLink) } function o(e) { r(e), l(null == e.props.value && null == e.props.onChange) } function i(e) { r(e), l(null == e.props.checked && null == e.props.onChange) } function a(e) { this.props.valueLink.requestChange(e.target.value) } function s(e) { this.props.checkedLink.requestChange(e.target.checked) } var u = e(84), l = e(147), c = { button: !0, checkbox: !0, image: !0, hidden: !0, radio: !0, reset: !0, submit: !0 }, p = { Mixin: { propTypes: { value: function(e, t, n) { return !e[t] || c[e.type] || e.onChange || e.readOnly || e.disabled ? null : new Error("You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.") }, checked: function(e, t, n) { return !e[t] || e.onChange || e.readOnly || e.disabled ? null : new Error("You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.") }, onChange: u.func } }, getValue: function(e) { return e.props.valueLink ? (o(e), e.props.valueLink.value) : e.props.value }, getChecked: function(e) { return e.props.checkedLink ? (i(e), e.props.checkedLink.value) : e.props.checked }, getOnChange: function(e) { return e.props.valueLink ? (o(e), a) : e.props.checkedLink ? (i(e), s) : e.props.onChange } }; t.exports = p }, { 147: 147, 84: 84 }], 27: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e.remove() } var o = e(33), i = e(115), a = e(132), s = e(147), u = { trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t) { s(this.isMounted()); var n = this.getDOMNode(); s(n); var r = o.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, n); this._localEventListeners = i(this._localEventListeners, r) }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this._localEventListeners && a(this._localEventListeners, r) } }; t.exports = u }, { 115: 115, 132: 132, 147: 147, 33: 33 }], 28: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(126), i = r.topLevelTypes, a = { eventTypes: null, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { if (e === i.topTouchStart) { var a = r.target; a && !a.onclick && (a.onclick = o) } } }; t.exports = a }, { 126: 126, 16: 16 }], 29: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (null == e) throw new TypeError("Object.assign target cannot be null or undefined"); for (var n = Object(e), r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; if (null != i) { var a = Object(i); for (var s in a) r.call(a, s) && (n[s] = a[s]) } } return n } t.exports = r }, {}], 30: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(147), o = function(e) { var t = this; if (t.instancePool.length) { var n = t.instancePool.pop(); return t.call(n, e), n } return new t(e) }, i = function(e, t) { var n = this; if (n.instancePool.length) { var r = n.instancePool.pop(); return n.call(r, e, t), r } return new n(e, t) }, a = function(e, t, n) { var r = this; if (r.instancePool.length) { var o = r.instancePool.pop(); return r.call(o, e, t, n), o } return new r(e, t, n) }, s = function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this; if (i.instancePool.length) { var a = i.instancePool.pop(); return i.call(a, e, t, n, r, o), a } return new i(e, t, n, r, o) }, u = function(e) { var t = this; r(e instanceof t), e.destructor && e.destructor(), t.instancePool.length < t.poolSize && t.instancePool.push(e) }, l = 10, c = o, p = function(e, t) { var n = e; return n.instancePool = [], n.getPooled = t || c, n.poolSize || (n.poolSize = l), n.release = u, n }, d = { addPoolingTo: p, oneArgumentPooler: o, twoArgumentPooler: i, threeArgumentPooler: a, fiveArgumentPooler: s }; t.exports = d }, { 147: 147 }], 31: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(20), o = e(37), i = e(39), a = e(38), s = e(44), u = e(45), l = e(61), c = (e(62), e(46)), p = e(57), d = e(60), f = e(70), h = e(75), m = e(80), v = e(84), g = e(87), y = e(90), C = e(29), E = e(129), b = e(157); d.inject(); var _ = l.createElement, x = l.createFactory, D = l.cloneElement, M = m.measure("React", "render", h.render), T = { Children: { map: o.map, forEach: o.forEach, count: o.count, only: b }, Component: i, DOM: c, PropTypes: v, initializeTouchEvents: function(e) { r.useTouchEvents = e }, createClass: a.createClass, createElement: _, cloneElement: D, createFactory: x, createMixin: function(e) { return e }, constructAndRenderComponent: h.constructAndRenderComponent, constructAndRenderComponentByID: h.constructAndRenderComponentByID, findDOMNode: E, render: M, renderToString: y.renderToString, renderToStaticMarkup: y.renderToStaticMarkup, unmountComponentAtNode: h.unmountComponentAtNode, isValidElement: l.isValidElement, withContext: s.withContext, __spread: C }; "undefined" != typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && "function" == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject && __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject({ CurrentOwner: u, InstanceHandles: f, Mount: h, Reconciler: g, TextComponent: p }), T.version = "0.13.3", t.exports = T }, { 129: 129, 157: 157, 20: 20, 29: 29, 37: 37, 38: 38, 39: 39, 44: 44, 45: 45, 46: 46, 57: 57, 60: 60, 61: 61, 62: 62, 70: 70, 75: 75, 80: 80, 84: 84, 87: 87, 90: 90 }], 32: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(129), o = { getDOMNode: function() { return r(this) } }; t.exports = o }, { 129: 129 }], 33: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, m) || (e[m] = f++, p[e[m]] = {}), p[e[m]] } var o = e(16), i = e(18), a = e(19), s = e(65), u = e(114), l = e(29), c = e(148), p = {}, d = !1, f = 0, h = { topBlur: "blur", topChange: "change", topClick: "click", topCompositionEnd: "compositionend", topCompositionStart: "compositionstart", topCompositionUpdate: "compositionupdate", topContextMenu: "contextmenu", topCopy: "copy", topCut: "cut", topDoubleClick: "dblclick", topDrag: "drag", topDragEnd: "dragend", topDragEnter: "dragenter", topDragExit: "dragexit", topDragLeave: "dragleave", topDragOver: "dragover", topDragStart: "dragstart", topDrop: "drop", topFocus: "focus", topInput: "input", topKeyDown: "keydown", topKeyPress: "keypress", topKeyUp: "keyup", topMouseDown: "mousedown", topMouseMove: "mousemove", topMouseOut: "mouseout", topMouseOver: "mouseover", topMouseUp: "mouseup", topPaste: "paste", topScroll: "scroll", topSelectionChange: "selectionchange", topTextInput: "textInput", topTouchCancel: "touchcancel", topTouchEnd: "touchend", topTouchMove: "touchmove", topTouchStart: "touchstart", topWheel: "wheel" }, m = "_reactListenersID" + String(Math.random()).slice(2), v = l({}, s, { ReactEventListener: null, injection: { injectReactEventListener: function(e) { e.setHandleTopLevel(v.handleTopLevel), v.ReactEventListener = e } }, setEnabled: function(e) { v.ReactEventListener && v.ReactEventListener.setEnabled(e) }, isEnabled: function() { return !(!v.ReactEventListener || !v.ReactEventListener.isEnabled()) }, listenTo: function(e, t) { for (var n = t, i = r(n), s = a.registrationNameDependencies[e], u = o.topLevelTypes, l = 0, p = s.length; p > l; l++) { var d = s[l]; i.hasOwnProperty(d) && i[d] || (d === u.topWheel ? c("wheel") ? v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topWheel, "wheel", n) : c("mousewheel") ? v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topWheel, "mousewheel", n) : v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topWheel, "DOMMouseScroll", n) : d === u.topScroll ? c("scroll", !0) ? v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(u.topScroll, "scroll", n) : v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topScroll, "scroll", v.ReactEventListener.WINDOW_HANDLE) : d === u.topFocus || d === u.topBlur ? (c("focus", !0) ? (v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(u.topFocus, "focus", n), v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(u.topBlur, "blur", n)) : c("focusin") && (v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topFocus, "focusin", n), v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(u.topBlur, "focusout", n)), i[u.topBlur] = !0, i[u.topFocus] = !0) : h.hasOwnProperty(d) && v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(d, h[d], n), i[d] = !0) } }, trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t, n) { return v.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, n) }, trapCapturedEvent: function(e, t, n) { return v.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(e, t, n) }, ensureScrollValueMonitoring: function() { if (!d) { var e = u.refreshScrollValues; v.ReactEventListener.monitorScrollValue(e), d = !0 } }, eventNameDispatchConfigs: i.eventNameDispatchConfigs, registrationNameModules: i.registrationNameModules, putListener: i.putListener, getListener: i.getListener, deleteListener: i.deleteListener, deleteAllListeners: i.deleteAllListeners }); t.exports = v }, { 114: 114, 148: 148, 16: 16, 18: 18, 19: 19, 29: 29, 65: 65 }], 34: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(31), o = e(29), i = r.createFactory(e(95)), a = r.createFactory(e(35)), s = r.createClass({ displayName: "ReactCSSTransitionGroup", propTypes: { transitionName: r.PropTypes.string.isRequired, transitionAppear: r.PropTypes.bool, transitionEnter: r.PropTypes.bool, transitionLeave: r.PropTypes.bool }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { transitionAppear: !1, transitionEnter: !0, transitionLeave: !0 } }, _wrapChild: function(e) { return a({ name: this.props.transitionName, appear: this.props.transitionAppear, enter: this.props.transitionEnter, leave: this.props.transitionLeave }, e) }, render: function() { return i(o({}, this.props, { childFactory: this._wrapChild })) } }); t.exports = s }, { 29: 29, 31: 31, 35: 35, 95: 95 }], 35: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(31), o = e(4), i = e(94), a = e(157), s = (e(166), 17), u = r.createClass({ displayName: "ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild", transition: function(e, t) { var n = this.getDOMNode(), r = this.props.name + "-" + e, a = r + "-active", s = function(e) { e && e.target !== n || (o.removeClass(n, r), o.removeClass(n, a), i.removeEndEventListener(n, s), t && t()) }; i.addEndEventListener(n, s), o.addClass(n, r), this.queueClass(a) }, queueClass: function(e) { this.classNameQueue.push(e), this.timeout || (this.timeout = setTimeout(this.flushClassNameQueue, s)) }, flushClassNameQueue: function() { this.isMounted() && this.classNameQueue.forEach(o.addClass.bind(o, this.getDOMNode())), this.classNameQueue.length = 0, this.timeout = null }, componentWillMount: function() { this.classNameQueue = [] }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this.timeout && clearTimeout(this.timeout) }, componentWillAppear: function(e) { this.props.appear ? this.transition("appear", e) : e() }, componentWillEnter: function(e) { this.props.enter ? this.transition("enter", e) : e() }, componentWillLeave: function(e) { this.props.leave ? this.transition("leave", e) : e() }, render: function() { return a(this.props.children) } }); t.exports = u }, { 157: 157, 166: 166, 31: 31, 4: 4, 94: 94 }], 36: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(87), o = e(130), i = e(146), a = e(162), s = { instantiateChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = o(e); for (var a in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(a)) { var s = r[a], u = i(s, null); r[a] = u } return r }, updateChildren: function(e, t, n, s) { var u = o(t); if (!u && !e) return null; var l; for (l in u) if (u.hasOwnProperty(l)) { var c = e && e[l], p = c && c._currentElement, d = u[l]; if (a(p, d)) r.receiveComponent(c, d, n, s), u[l] = c; else { c && r.unmountComponent(c, l); var f = i(d, null); u[l] = f } } for (l in e) !e.hasOwnProperty(l) || u && u.hasOwnProperty(l) || r.unmountComponent(e[l]); return u }, unmountChildren: function(e) { for (var t in e) { var n = e[t]; r.unmountComponent(n) } } }; t.exports = s }, { 130: 130, 146: 146, 162: 162, 87: 87 }], 37: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { this.forEachFunction = e, this.forEachContext = t } function o(e, t, n, r) { var o = e; o.forEachFunction.call(o.forEachContext, t, r) } function i(e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var i = r.getPooled(t, n); f(e, o, i), r.release(i) } function a(e, t, n) { this.mapResult = e, this.mapFunction = t, this.mapContext = n } function s(e, t, n, r) { var o = e, i = o.mapResult, a = !i.hasOwnProperty(n); if (a) { var s = o.mapFunction.call(o.mapContext, t, r); i[n] = s } } function u(e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var r = {}, o = a.getPooled(r, t, n); return f(e, s, o), a.release(o), d.create(r) } function l(e, t, n, r) { return null } function c(e, t) { return f(e, l, null) } var p = e(30), d = e(67), f = e(164), h = (e(166), p.twoArgumentPooler), m = p.threeArgumentPooler; p.addPoolingTo(r, h), p.addPoolingTo(a, m); var v = { forEach: i, map: u, count: c }; t.exports = v }, { 164: 164, 166: 166, 30: 30, 67: 67 }], 38: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = D.hasOwnProperty(t) ? D[t] : null; T.hasOwnProperty(t) && y(n === _.OVERRIDE_BASE), e.hasOwnProperty(t) && y(n === _.DEFINE_MANY || n === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED) } function o(e, t) { if (t) { y("function" != typeof t), y(!d.isValidElement(t)); var n = e.prototype; t.hasOwnProperty(b) && M.mixins(e, t.mixins); for (var o in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(o) && o !== b) { var i = t[o]; if (r(n, o), M.hasOwnProperty(o)) M[o](e, i); else { var a = D.hasOwnProperty(o), l = n.hasOwnProperty(o), c = i && i.__reactDontBind, p = "function" == typeof i, f = p && !a && !l && !c; if (f) n.__reactAutoBindMap || (n.__reactAutoBindMap = {}), n.__reactAutoBindMap[o] = i, n[o] = i; else if (l) { var h = D[o]; y(a && (h === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED || h === _.DEFINE_MANY)), h === _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED ? n[o] = s(n[o], i) : h === _.DEFINE_MANY && (n[o] = u(n[o], i)) } else n[o] = i } } } } function i(e, t) { if (t) for (var n in t) { var r = t[n]; if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var o = n in M; y(!o); var i = n in e; y(!i), e[n] = r } } } function a(e, t) { y(e && t && "object" == typeof e && "object" == typeof t); for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (y(void 0 === e[n]), e[n] = t[n]); return e } function s(e, t) { return function() { var n = e.apply(this, arguments), r = t.apply(this, arguments); if (null == n) return r; if (null == r) return n; var o = {}; return a(o, n), a(o, r), o } } function u(e, t) { return function() { e.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) } } function l(e, t) { var n = t.bind(e); return n } function c(e) { for (var t in e.__reactAutoBindMap) if (e.__reactAutoBindMap.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var n = e.__reactAutoBindMap[t]; e[t] = l(e, f.guard(n, e.constructor.displayName + "." + t)) } } var p = e(39), d = (e(45), e(61)), f = e(64), h = e(71), m = e(72), v = (e(83), e(82), e(96)), g = e(29), y = e(147), C = e(153), E = e(154), b = (e(166), E({ mixins: null })), _ = C({ DEFINE_ONCE: null, DEFINE_MANY: null, OVERRIDE_BASE: null, DEFINE_MANY_MERGED: null }), x = [], D = { mixins: _.DEFINE_MANY, statics: _.DEFINE_MANY, propTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, contextTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, childContextTypes: _.DEFINE_MANY, getDefaultProps: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, getInitialState: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, getChildContext: _.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, render: _.DEFINE_ONCE, componentWillMount: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentDidMount: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentWillReceiveProps: _.DEFINE_MANY, shouldComponentUpdate: _.DEFINE_ONCE, componentWillUpdate: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentDidUpdate: _.DEFINE_MANY, componentWillUnmount: _.DEFINE_MANY, updateComponent: _.OVERRIDE_BASE }, M = { displayName: function(e, t) { e.displayName = t }, mixins: function(e, t) { if (t) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) o(e, t[n]) }, childContextTypes: function(e, t) { e.childContextTypes = g({}, e.childContextTypes, t) }, contextTypes: function(e, t) { e.contextTypes = g({}, e.contextTypes, t) }, getDefaultProps: function(e, t) { e.getDefaultProps = e.getDefaultProps ? s(e.getDefaultProps, t) : t }, propTypes: function(e, t) { e.propTypes = g({}, e.propTypes, t) }, statics: function(e, t) { i(e, t) } }, T = { replaceState: function(e, t) { v.enqueueReplaceState(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, isMounted: function() { var e = h.get(this); return e && e !== m.currentlyMountingInstance }, setProps: function(e, t) { v.enqueueSetProps(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, replaceProps: function(e, t) { v.enqueueReplaceProps(this, e), t && v.enqueueCallback(this, t) } }, N = function() {}; g(N.prototype, p.prototype, T); var P = { createClass: function(e) { var t = function(e, t) { this.__reactAutoBindMap && c(this), this.props = e, this.context = t, this.state = null; var n = this.getInitialState ? this.getInitialState() : null; y("object" == typeof n && !Array.isArray(n)), this.state = n }; t.prototype = new N, t.prototype.constructor = t, x.forEach(o.bind(null, t)), o(t, e), t.getDefaultProps && (t.defaultProps = t.getDefaultProps()), y(t.prototype.render); for (var n in D) t.prototype[n] || (t.prototype[n] = null); return t.type = t, t }, injection: { injectMixin: function(e) { x.push(e) } } }; t.exports = P }, { 147: 147, 153: 153, 154: 154, 166: 166, 29: 29, 39: 39, 45: 45, 61: 61, 64: 64, 71: 71, 72: 72, 82: 82, 83: 83, 96: 96 }], 39: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { this.props = e, this.context = t } var o = e(96), i = e(147); e(166), r.prototype.setState = function(e, t) { i("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e || null == e), o.enqueueSetState(this, e), t && o.enqueueCallback(this, t) }, r.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) { o.enqueueForceUpdate(this), e && o.enqueueCallback(this, e) }, t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 166: 166, 96: 96 }], 40: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(50), o = e(75), i = { processChildrenUpdates: r.dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates, replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: r.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID, unmountIDFromEnvironment: function(e) { o.purgeID(e) } }; t.exports = i }, { 50: 50, 75: 75 }], 41: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(147), o = !1, i = { unmountIDFromEnvironment: null, replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: null, processChildrenUpdates: null, injection: { injectEnvironment: function(e) { r(!o), i.unmountIDFromEnvironment = e.unmountIDFromEnvironment, i.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID = e.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID, i.processChildrenUpdates = e.processChildrenUpdates, o = !0 } } }; t.exports = i }, { 147: 147 }], 42: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(161), o = { shouldComponentUpdate: function(e, t) { return !r(this.props, e) || !r(this.state, t) } }; t.exports = o }, { 161: 161 }], 43: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e._currentElement._owner || null; if (t) { var n = t.getName(); if (n) return " Check the render method of `" + n + "`." } return "" } var o = e(41), i = e(44), a = e(45), s = e(61), u = (e(62), e(71)), l = e(72), c = e(78), p = e(80), d = e(83), f = (e(82), e(87)), h = e(97), m = e(29), v = e(127), g = e(147), y = e(162), C = (e(166), 1), E = { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e, this._rootNodeID = null, this._instance = null, this._pendingElement = null, this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._renderedComponent = null, this._context = null, this._mountOrder = 0, this._isTopLevel = !1, this._pendingCallbacks = null }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._context = n, this._mountOrder = C++, this._rootNodeID = e; var r = this._processProps(this._currentElement.props), o = this._processContext(this._currentElement._context), i = c.getComponentClassForElement(this._currentElement), a = new i(r, o); a.props = r, a.context = o, a.refs = v, this._instance = a, u.set(a, this); var s = a.state; void 0 === s && (a.state = s = null), g("object" == typeof s && !Array.isArray(s)), this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1; var p, d, h = l.currentlyMountingInstance; l.currentlyMountingInstance = this; try { a.componentWillMount && (a.componentWillMount(), this._pendingStateQueue && (a.state = this._processPendingState(a.props, a.context))), p = this._getValidatedChildContext(n), d = this._renderValidatedComponent(p) } finally { l.currentlyMountingInstance = h } this._renderedComponent = this._instantiateReactComponent(d, this._currentElement.type); var m = f.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent, e, t, this._mergeChildContext(n, p)); return a.componentDidMount && t.getReactMountReady().enqueue(a.componentDidMount, a), m }, unmountComponent: function() { var e = this._instance; if (e.componentWillUnmount) { var t = l.currentlyUnmountingInstance; l.currentlyUnmountingInstance = this; try { e.componentWillUnmount() } finally { l.currentlyUnmountingInstance = t } } f.unmountComponent(this._renderedComponent), this._renderedComponent = null, this._pendingStateQueue = null, this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._pendingCallbacks = null, this._pendingElement = null, this._context = null, this._rootNodeID = null, u.remove(e) }, _setPropsInternal: function(e, t) { var n = this._pendingElement || this._currentElement; this._pendingElement = s.cloneAndReplaceProps(n, m({}, n.props, e)), h.enqueueUpdate(this, t) }, _maskContext: function(e) { var t = null; if ("string" == typeof this._currentElement.type) return v; var n = this._currentElement.type.contextTypes; if (!n) return v; t = {}; for (var r in n) t[r] = e[r]; return t }, _processContext: function(e) { var t = this._maskContext(e); return t }, _getValidatedChildContext: function(e) { var t = this._instance, n = t.getChildContext && t.getChildContext(); if (n) { g("object" == typeof t.constructor.childContextTypes); for (var r in n) g(r in t.constructor.childContextTypes); return n } return null }, _mergeChildContext: function(e, t) { return t ? m({}, e, t) : e }, _processProps: function(e) { return e }, _checkPropTypes: function(e, t, n) { var o = this.getName(); for (var i in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a; try { g("function" == typeof e[i]), a = e[i](t, i, o, n) } catch (s) { a = s } a instanceof Error && (r(this), n === d.prop) } }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement, o = this._context; this._pendingElement = null, this.updateComponent(t, r, e, o, n) }, performUpdateIfNecessary: function(e) { null != this._pendingElement && f.receiveComponent(this, this._pendingElement || this._currentElement, e, this._context), (null !== this._pendingStateQueue || this._pendingForceUpdate) && this.updateComponent(e, this._currentElement, this._currentElement, this._context, this._context) }, _warnIfContextsDiffer: function(e, t) { e = this._maskContext(e), t = this._maskContext(t); for (var n = Object.keys(t).sort(), r = (this.getName() || "ReactCompositeComponent", 0); r < n.length; r++) n[r] }, updateComponent: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this._instance, a = i.context, s = i.props; t !== n && (a = this._processContext(n._context), s = this._processProps(n.props), i.componentWillReceiveProps && i.componentWillReceiveProps(s, a)); var u = this._processPendingState(s, a), l = this._pendingForceUpdate || !i.shouldComponentUpdate || i.shouldComponentUpdate(s, u, a); l ? (this._pendingForceUpdate = !1, this._performComponentUpdate(n, s, u, a, e, o)) : (this._currentElement = n, this._context = o, i.props = s, i.state = u, i.context = a) }, _processPendingState: function(e, t) { var n = this._instance, r = this._pendingStateQueue, o = this._pendingReplaceState; if (this._pendingReplaceState = !1, this._pendingStateQueue = null, !r) return n.state; if (o && 1 === r.length) return r[0]; for (var i = m({}, o ? r[0] : n.state), a = o ? 1 : 0; a < r.length; a++) { var s = r[a]; m(i, "function" == typeof s ? s.call(n, i, e, t) : s) } return i }, _performComponentUpdate: function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = this._instance, s = a.props, u = a.state, l = a.context; a.componentWillUpdate && a.componentWillUpdate(t, n, r), this._currentElement = e, this._context = i, a.props = t, a.state = n, a.context = r, this._updateRenderedComponent(o, i), a.componentDidUpdate && o.getReactMountReady().enqueue(a.componentDidUpdate.bind(a, s, u, l), a) }, _updateRenderedComponent: function(e, t) { var n = this._renderedComponent, r = n._currentElement, o = this._getValidatedChildContext(), i = this._renderValidatedComponent(o); if (y(r, i)) f.receiveComponent(n, i, e, this._mergeChildContext(t, o)); else { var a = this._rootNodeID, s = n._rootNodeID; f.unmountComponent(n), this._renderedComponent = this._instantiateReactComponent(i, this._currentElement.type); var u = f.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent, a, e, this._mergeChildContext(t, o)); this._replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(s, u) } }, _replaceNodeWithMarkupByID: function(e, t) { o.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(e, t) }, _renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext: function() { var e = this._instance, t = e.render(); return t }, _renderValidatedComponent: function(e) { var t, n = i.current; i.current = this._mergeChildContext(this._currentElement._context, e), a.current = this; try { t = this._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext() } finally { i.current = n, a.current = null } return g(null === t || t === !1 || s.isValidElement(t)), t }, attachRef: function(e, t) { var n = this.getPublicInstance(), r = n.refs === v ? n.refs = {} : n.refs; r[e] = t.getPublicInstance() }, detachRef: function(e) { var t = this.getPublicInstance().refs; delete t[e] }, getName: function() { var e = this._currentElement.type, t = this._instance && this._instance.constructor; return e.displayName || t && t.displayName || e.name || t && t.name || null }, getPublicInstance: function() { return this._instance }, _instantiateReactComponent: null }; p.measureMethods(E, "ReactCompositeComponent", { mountComponent: "mountComponent", updateComponent: "updateComponent", _renderValidatedComponent: "_renderValidatedComponent" }); var b = { Mixin: E }; t.exports = b }, { 127: 127, 147: 147, 162: 162, 166: 166, 29: 29, 41: 41, 44: 44, 45: 45, 61: 61, 62: 62, 71: 71, 72: 72, 78: 78, 80: 80, 82: 82, 83: 83, 87: 87, 97: 97 }], 44: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(29), o = e(127), i = (e(166), { current: o, withContext: function(e, t) { var n, o = i.current; i.current = r({}, o, e); try { n = t() } finally { i.current = o } return n } }); t.exports = i }, { 127: 127, 166: 166, 29: 29 }], 45: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { current: null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 46: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o.createFactory(e) } var o = e(61), i = (e(62), e(155)), a = i({ a: "a", abbr: "abbr", address: "address", area: "area", article: "article", aside: "aside", audio: "audio", b: "b", base: "base", bdi: "bdi", bdo: "bdo", big: "big", blockquote: "blockquote", body: "body", br: "br", button: "button", canvas: "canvas", caption: "caption", cite: "cite", code: "code", col: "col", colgroup: "colgroup", data: "data", datalist: "datalist", dd: "dd", del: "del", details: "details", dfn: "dfn", dialog: "dialog", div: "div", dl: "dl", dt: "dt", em: "em", embed: "embed", fieldset: "fieldset", figcaption: "figcaption", figure: "figure", footer: "footer", form: "form", h1: "h1", h2: "h2", h3: "h3", h4: "h4", h5: "h5", h6: "h6", head: "head", header: "header", hr: "hr", html: "html", i: "i", iframe: "iframe", img: "img", input: "input", ins: "ins", kbd: "kbd", keygen: "keygen", label: "label", legend: "legend", li: "li", link: "link", main: "main", map: "map", mark: "mark", menu: "menu", menuitem: "menuitem", meta: "meta", meter: "meter", nav: "nav", noscript: "noscript", object: "object", ol: "ol", optgroup: "optgroup", option: "option", output: "output", p: "p", param: "param", picture: "picture", pre: "pre", progress: "progress", q: "q", rp: "rp", rt: "rt", ruby: "ruby", s: "s", samp: "samp", script: "script", section: "section", select: "select", small: "small", source: "source", span: "span", strong: "strong", style: "style", sub: "sub", summary: "summary", sup: "sup", table: "table", tbody: "tbody", td: "td", textarea: "textarea", tfoot: "tfoot", th: "th", thead: "thead", time: "time", title: "title", tr: "tr", track: "track", u: "u", ul: "ul", "var": "var", video: "video", wbr: "wbr", circle: "circle", clipPath: "clipPath", defs: "defs", ellipse: "ellipse", g: "g", line: "line", linearGradient: "linearGradient", mask: "mask", path: "path", pattern: "pattern", polygon: "polygon", polyline: "polyline", radialGradient: "radialGradient", rect: "rect", stop: "stop", svg: "svg", text: "text", tspan: "tspan" }, r); t.exports = a }, { 155: 155, 61: 61, 62: 62 }], 47: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(2), o = e(32), i = e(38), a = e(61), s = e(153), u = a.createFactory("button"), l = s({ onClick: !0, onDoubleClick: !0, onMouseDown: !0, onMouseMove: !0, onMouseUp: !0, onClickCapture: !0, onDoubleClickCapture: !0, onMouseDownCapture: !0, onMouseMoveCapture: !0, onMouseUpCapture: !0 }), c = i.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMButton", tagName: "BUTTON", mixins: [r, o], render: function() { var e = {}; for (var t in this.props) !this.props.hasOwnProperty(t) || this.props.disabled && l[t] || (e[t] = this.props[t]); return u(e, this.props.children) } }); t.exports = c }, { 153: 153, 2: 2, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 48: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e && (null != e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && (g(null == e.children), g("object" == typeof e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && "__html" in e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)), g(null == e.style || "object" == typeof e.style)) } function o(e, t, n, r) { var o = d.findReactContainerForID(e); if (o) { var i = o.nodeType === D ? o.ownerDocument : o; E(t, i) } r.getPutListenerQueue().enqueuePutListener(e, t, n) } function i(e) { I.call(P, e) || (g(N.test(e)), P[e] = !0) } function a(e) { i(e), this._tag = e, this._renderedChildren = null, this._previousStyleCopy = null, this._rootNodeID = null } var s = e(6), u = e(11), l = e(12), c = e(33), p = e(40), d = e(75), f = e(76), h = e(80), m = e(29), v = e(128), g = e(147), y = (e(148), e(154)), C = (e(166), c.deleteListener), E = c.listenTo, b = c.registrationNameModules, _ = { string: !0, number: !0 }, x = y({ style: null }), D = 1, M = null, T = { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0 }, N = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/, P = {}, I = {}.hasOwnProperty; a.displayName = "ReactDOMComponent", a.Mixin = { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._rootNodeID = e, r(this._currentElement.props); var o = T[this._tag] ? "" : ""; return this._createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners(t) + this._createContentMarkup(t, n) + o }, _createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners: function(e) { var t = this._currentElement.props, n = "<" + this._tag; for (var r in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var i = t[r]; if (null != i) if (b.hasOwnProperty(r)) o(this._rootNodeID, r, i, e); else { r === x && (i && (i = this._previousStyleCopy = m({}, t.style)), i = s.createMarkupForStyles(i)); var a = l.createMarkupForProperty(r, i); a && (n += " " + a) } } if (e.renderToStaticMarkup) return n + ">"; var u = l.createMarkupForID(this._rootNodeID); return n + " " + u + ">" }, _createContentMarkup: function(e, t) { var n = ""; ("listing" === this._tag || "pre" === this._tag || "textarea" === this._tag) && (n = "\n"); var r = this._currentElement.props, o = r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; if (null != o) { if (null != o.__html) return n + o.__html } else { var i = _[typeof r.children] ? r.children : null, a = null != i ? null : r.children; if (null != i) return n + v(i); if (null != a) { var s = this.mountChildren(a, e, t); return n + s.join("") } } return n }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement; this._currentElement = e, this.updateComponent(t, r, e, n) }, updateComponent: function(e, t, n, o) { r(this._currentElement.props), this._updateDOMProperties(t.props, e), this._updateDOMChildren(t.props, e, o) }, _updateDOMProperties: function(e, t) { var n, r, i, a = this._currentElement.props; for (n in e) if (!a.hasOwnProperty(n) && e.hasOwnProperty(n)) if (n === x) { var s = this._previousStyleCopy; for (r in s) s.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i = i || {}, i[r] = ""); this._previousStyleCopy = null } else b.hasOwnProperty(n) ? C(this._rootNodeID, n) : (u.isStandardName[n] || u.isCustomAttribute(n)) && M.deletePropertyByID(this._rootNodeID, n); for (n in a) { var l = a[n], c = n === x ? this._previousStyleCopy : e[n]; if (a.hasOwnProperty(n) && l !== c) if (n === x) if (l ? l = this._previousStyleCopy = m({}, l) : this._previousStyleCopy = null, c) { for (r in c) !c.hasOwnProperty(r) || l && l.hasOwnProperty(r) || (i = i || {}, i[r] = ""); for (r in l) l.hasOwnProperty(r) && c[r] !== l[r] && (i = i || {}, i[r] = l[r]) } else i = l; else b.hasOwnProperty(n) ? o(this._rootNodeID, n, l, t) : (u.isStandardName[n] || u.isCustomAttribute(n)) && M.updatePropertyByID(this._rootNodeID, n, l) } i && M.updateStylesByID(this._rootNodeID, i) }, _updateDOMChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._currentElement.props, o = _[typeof e.children] ? e.children : null, i = _[typeof r.children] ? r.children : null, a = e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, s = r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && r.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, u = null != o ? null : e.children, l = null != i ? null : r.children, c = null != o || null != a, p = null != i || null != s; null != u && null == l ? this.updateChildren(null, t, n) : c && !p && this.updateTextContent(""), null != i ? o !== i && this.updateTextContent("" + i) : null != s ? a !== s && M.updateInnerHTMLByID(this._rootNodeID, s) : null != l && this.updateChildren(l, t, n) }, unmountComponent: function() { this.unmountChildren(), c.deleteAllListeners(this._rootNodeID), p.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID), this._rootNodeID = null } }, h.measureMethods(a, "ReactDOMComponent", { mountComponent: "mountComponent", updateComponent: "updateComponent" }), m(a.prototype, a.Mixin, f.Mixin), a.injection = { injectIDOperations: function(e) { a.BackendIDOperations = M = e } }, t.exports = a }, { 11: 11, 12: 12, 128: 128, 147: 147, 148: 148, 154: 154, 166: 166, 29: 29, 33: 33, 40: 40, 6: 6, 75: 75, 76: 76, 80: 80 }], 49: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(27), i = e(32), a = e(38), s = e(61), u = s.createFactory("form"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMForm", tagName: "FORM", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return u(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topReset, "reset"), this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topSubmit, "submit") } }); t.exports = l }, { 16: 16, 27: 27, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 50: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(6), o = e(10), i = e(12), a = e(75), s = e(80), u = e(147), l = e(159), c = { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: "`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be set using `updateInnerHTMLByID()`.", style: "`style` must be set using `updateStylesByID()`." }, p = { updatePropertyByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getNode(e); u(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), null != n ? i.setValueForProperty(r, t, n) : i.deleteValueForProperty(r, t) }, deletePropertyByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getNode(e); u(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), i.deleteValueForProperty(r, t, n) }, updateStylesByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); r.setValueForStyles(n, t) }, updateInnerHTMLByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); l(n, t) }, updateTextContentByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); o.updateTextContent(n, t) }, dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID: function(e, t) { var n = a.getNode(e); o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(n, t) }, dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates: function(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n].parentNode = a.getNode(e[n].parentID); o.processUpdates(e, t) } }; s.measureMethods(p, "ReactDOMIDOperations", { updatePropertyByID: "updatePropertyByID", deletePropertyByID: "deletePropertyByID", updateStylesByID: "updateStylesByID", updateInnerHTMLByID: "updateInnerHTMLByID", updateTextContentByID: "updateTextContentByID", dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID: "dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID", dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates: "dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates" }), t.exports = p }, { 10: 10, 12: 12, 147: 147, 159: 159, 6: 6, 75: 75, 80: 80 }], 51: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(27), i = e(32), a = e(38), s = e(61), u = s.createFactory("iframe"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMIframe", tagName: "IFRAME", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return u(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topLoad, "load") } }); t.exports = l }, { 16: 16, 27: 27, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 52: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(27), i = e(32), a = e(38), s = e(61), u = s.createFactory("img"), l = a.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMImg", tagName: "IMG", mixins: [i, o], render: function() { return u(this.props) }, componentDidMount: function() { this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topLoad, "load"), this.trapBubbledEvent(r.topLevelTypes.topError, "error") } }); t.exports = l }, { 16: 16, 27: 27, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 53: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate() } var o = e(2), i = e(12), a = e(26), s = e(32), u = e(38), l = e(61), c = e(75), p = e(97), d = e(29), f = e(147), h = l.createFactory("input"), m = {}, v = u.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMInput", tagName: "INPUT", mixins: [o, a.Mixin, s], getInitialState: function() { var e = this.props.defaultValue; return { initialChecked: this.props.defaultChecked || !1, initialValue: null != e ? e : null } }, render: function() { var e = d({}, this.props); e.defaultChecked = null, e.defaultValue = null; var t = a.getValue(this); e.value = null != t ? t : this.state.initialValue; var n = a.getChecked(this); return e.checked = null != n ? n : this.state.initialChecked, e.onChange = this._handleChange, h(e, this.props.children) }, componentDidMount: function() { var e = c.getID(this.getDOMNode()); m[e] = this }, componentWillUnmount: function() { var e = this.getDOMNode(), t = c.getID(e); delete m[t] }, componentDidUpdate: function(e, t, n) { var r = this.getDOMNode(); null != this.props.checked && i.setValueForProperty(r, "checked", this.props.checked || !1); var o = a.getValue(this); null != o && i.setValueForProperty(r, "value", "" + o) }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = a.getOnChange(this); n && (t = n.call(this, e)), p.asap(r, this); var o = this.props.name; if ("radio" === this.props.type && null != o) { for (var i = this.getDOMNode(), s = i; s.parentNode;) s = s.parentNode; for (var u = s.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + o) + '][type="radio"]'), l = 0, d = u.length; d > l; l++) { var h = u[l]; if (h !== i && h.form === i.form) { var v = c.getID(h); f(v); var g = m[v]; f(g), p.asap(r, g) } } } return t } }); t.exports = v }, { 12: 12, 147: 147, 2: 2, 26: 26, 29: 29, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61, 75: 75, 97: 97 }], 54: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(32), o = e(38), i = e(61), a = (e(166), i.createFactory("option")), s = o.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMOption", tagName: "OPTION", mixins: [r], componentWillMount: function() {}, render: function() { return a(this.props, this.props.children) } }); t.exports = s }, { 166: 166, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 55: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (this._pendingUpdate) { this._pendingUpdate = !1; var e = s.getValue(this); null != e && this.isMounted() && i(this, e) } } function o(e, t, n) { if (null == e[t]) return null; if (e.multiple) { if (!Array.isArray(e[t])) return new Error("The `" + t + "` prop supplied to must be a scalar value if `multiple` is false.") } function i(e, t) { var n, r, o, i = e.getDOMNode().options; if (e.props.multiple) { for (n = {}, r = 0, o = t.length; o > r; r++) n["" + t[r]] = !0; for (r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) { var a = n.hasOwnProperty(i[r].value); i[r].selected !== a && (i[r].selected = a) } } else { for (n = "" + t, r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) if (i[r].value === n) return void(i[r].selected = !0); i.length && (i[0].selected = !0) } } var a = e(2), s = e(26), u = e(32), l = e(38), c = e(61), p = e(97), d = e(29), f = c.createFactory("select"), h = l.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMSelect", tagName: "SELECT", mixins: [a, s.Mixin, u], propTypes: { defaultValue: o, value: o }, render: function() { var e = d({}, this.props); return e.onChange = this._handleChange, e.value = null, f(e, this.props.children) }, componentWillMount: function() { this._pendingUpdate = !1 }, componentDidMount: function() { var e = s.getValue(this); null != e ? i(this, e) : null != this.props.defaultValue && i(this, this.props.defaultValue) }, componentDidUpdate: function(e) { var t = s.getValue(this); null != t ? (this._pendingUpdate = !1, i(this, t)) : !e.multiple != !this.props.multiple && (null != this.props.defaultValue ? i(this, this.props.defaultValue) : i(this, this.props.multiple ? [] : "")) }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = s.getOnChange(this); return n && (t = n.call(this, e)), this._pendingUpdate = !0, p.asap(r, this), t } }); t.exports = h }, { 2: 2, 26: 26, 29: 29, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61, 97: 97 }], 56: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { return e === n && t === r } function o(e) { var t = document.selection, n = t.createRange(), r = n.text.length, o = n.duplicate(); o.moveToElementText(e), o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", n); var i = o.text.length, a = i + r; return { start: i, end: a } } function i(e) { var t = window.getSelection && window.getSelection(); if (!t || 0 === t.rangeCount) return null; var n = t.anchorNode, o = t.anchorOffset, i = t.focusNode, a = t.focusOffset, s = t.getRangeAt(0), u = r(t.anchorNode, t.anchorOffset, t.focusNode, t.focusOffset), l = u ? 0 : s.toString().length, c = s.cloneRange(); c.selectNodeContents(e), c.setEnd(s.startContainer, s.startOffset); var p = r(c.startContainer, c.startOffset, c.endContainer, c.endOffset), d = p ? 0 : c.toString().length, f = d + l, h = document.createRange(); h.setStart(n, o), h.setEnd(i, a); var m = h.collapsed; return { start: m ? f : d, end: m ? d : f } } function a(e, t) { var n, r, o = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); "undefined" == typeof t.end ? (n = t.start, r = n) : t.start > t.end ? (n = t.end, r = t.start) : (n = t.start, r = t.end), o.moveToElementText(e), o.moveStart("character", n), o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", o), o.moveEnd("character", r - n), o.select() } function s(e, t) { if (window.getSelection) { var n = window.getSelection(), r = e[c()].length, o = Math.min(t.start, r), i = "undefined" == typeof t.end ? o : Math.min(t.end, r); if (!n.extend && o > i) { var a = i; i = o, o = a } var s = l(e, o), u = l(e, i); if (s && u) { var p = document.createRange(); p.setStart(s.node, s.offset), n.removeAllRanges(), o > i ? (n.addRange(p), n.extend(u.node, u.offset)) : (p.setEnd(u.node, u.offset), n.addRange(p)) } } } var u = e(22), l = e(140), c = e(142), p = u.canUseDOM && "selection" in document && !("getSelection" in window), d = { getOffsets: p ? o : i, setOffsets: p ? a : s }; t.exports = d }, { 140: 140, 142: 142, 22: 22 }], 57: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(12), o = e(40), i = e(48), a = e(29), s = e(128), u = function(e) {}; a(u.prototype, { construct: function(e) { this._currentElement = e, this._stringText = "" + e, this._rootNodeID = null, this._mountIndex = 0 }, mountComponent: function(e, t, n) { this._rootNodeID = e; var o = s(this._stringText); return t.renderToStaticMarkup ? o : "" + o + "" }, receiveComponent: function(e, t) { if (e !== this._currentElement) { this._currentElement = e; var n = "" + e; n !== this._stringText && (this._stringText = n, i.BackendIDOperations.updateTextContentByID(this._rootNodeID, n)); } }, unmountComponent: function() { o.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID) } }), t.exports = u }, { 12: 12, 128: 128, 29: 29, 40: 40, 48: 48 }], 58: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate() } var o = e(2), i = e(12), a = e(26), s = e(32), u = e(38), l = e(61), c = e(97), p = e(29), d = e(147), f = (e(166), l.createFactory("textarea")), h = u.createClass({ displayName: "ReactDOMTextarea", tagName: "TEXTAREA", mixins: [o, a.Mixin, s], getInitialState: function() { var e = this.props.defaultValue, t = this.props.children; null != t && (d(null == e), Array.isArray(t) && (d(t.length <= 1), t = t[0]), e = "" + t), null == e && (e = ""); var n = a.getValue(this); return { initialValue: "" + (null != n ? n : e) } }, render: function() { var e = p({}, this.props); return d(null == e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML), e.defaultValue = null, e.value = null, e.onChange = this._handleChange, f(e, this.state.initialValue) }, componentDidUpdate: function(e, t, n) { var r = a.getValue(this); if (null != r) { var o = this.getDOMNode(); i.setValueForProperty(o, "value", "" + r) } }, _handleChange: function(e) { var t, n = a.getOnChange(this); return n && (t = n.call(this, e)), c.asap(r, this), t } }); t.exports = h }, { 12: 12, 147: 147, 166: 166, 2: 2, 26: 26, 29: 29, 32: 32, 38: 38, 61: 61, 97: 97 }], 59: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.reinitializeTransaction() } var o = e(97), i = e(113), a = e(29), s = e(126), u = { initialize: s, close: function() { d.isBatchingUpdates = !1 } }, l = { initialize: s, close: o.flushBatchedUpdates.bind(o) }, c = [l, u]; a(r.prototype, i.Mixin, { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return c } }); var p = new r, d = { isBatchingUpdates: !1, batchedUpdates: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = d.isBatchingUpdates; d.isBatchingUpdates = !0, i ? e(t, n, r, o) : p.perform(e, null, t, n, r, o) } }; t.exports = d }, { 113: 113, 126: 126, 29: 29, 97: 97 }], 60: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return h.createClass({ tagName: e.toUpperCase(), render: function() { return new P(e, null, null, null, null, this.props) } }) } function o() { R.EventEmitter.injectReactEventListener(I), R.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginOrder(u), R.EventPluginHub.injectInstanceHandle(w), R.EventPluginHub.injectMount(O), R.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginsByName({ SimpleEventPlugin: L, EnterLeaveEventPlugin: l, ChangeEventPlugin: a, MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: d, SelectEventPlugin: A, BeforeInputEventPlugin: i }), R.NativeComponent.injectGenericComponentClass(g), R.NativeComponent.injectTextComponentClass(N), R.NativeComponent.injectAutoWrapper(r), R.Class.injectMixin(f), R.NativeComponent.injectComponentClasses({ button: y, form: C, iframe: _, img: E, input: x, option: D, select: M, textarea: T, html: F("html"), head: F("head"), body: F("body") }), R.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(p), R.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(U), R.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent("noscript"), R.Updates.injectReconcileTransaction(S), R.Updates.injectBatchingStrategy(v), R.RootIndex.injectCreateReactRootIndex(c.canUseDOM ? s.createReactRootIndex : k.createReactRootIndex), R.Component.injectEnvironment(m), R.DOMComponent.injectIDOperations(b) } var i = e(3), a = e(8), s = e(9), u = e(14), l = e(15), c = e(22), p = e(24), d = e(28), f = e(32), h = e(38), m = e(40), v = e(59), g = e(48), y = e(47), C = e(49), E = e(52), b = e(50), _ = e(51), x = e(53), D = e(54), M = e(55), T = e(58), N = e(57), P = e(61), I = e(66), R = e(68), w = e(70), O = e(75), S = e(86), A = e(99), k = e(100), L = e(101), U = e(98), F = e(122); t.exports = { inject: o } }, { 100: 100, 101: 101, 122: 122, 14: 14, 15: 15, 22: 22, 24: 24, 28: 28, 3: 3, 32: 32, 38: 38, 40: 40, 47: 47, 48: 48, 49: 49, 50: 50, 51: 51, 52: 52, 53: 53, 54: 54, 55: 55, 57: 57, 58: 58, 59: 59, 61: 61, 66: 66, 68: 68, 70: 70, 75: 75, 8: 8, 86: 86, 9: 9, 98: 98, 99: 99 }], 61: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(44), o = e(45), i = e(29), a = (e(166), { key: !0, ref: !0 }), s = function(e, t, n, r, o, i) { this.type = e, this.key = t, this.ref = n, this._owner = r, this._context = o, this.props = i }; s.prototype = { _isReactElement: !0 }, s.createElement = function(e, t, n) { var i, u = {}, l = null, c = null; if (null != t) { c = void 0 === t.ref ? null : t.ref, l = void 0 === t.key ? null : "" + t.key; for (i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && !a.hasOwnProperty(i) && (u[i] = t[i]) } var p = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === p) u.children = n; else if (p > 1) { for (var d = Array(p), f = 0; p > f; f++) d[f] = arguments[f + 2]; u.children = d } if (e && e.defaultProps) { var h = e.defaultProps; for (i in h) "undefined" == typeof u[i] && (u[i] = h[i]) } return new s(e, l, c, o.current, r.current, u) }, s.createFactory = function(e) { var t = s.createElement.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t }, s.cloneAndReplaceProps = function(e, t) { var n = new s(e.type, e.key, e.ref, e._owner, e._context, t); return n }, s.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) { var r, u = i({}, e.props), l = e.key, c = e.ref, p = e._owner; if (null != t) { void 0 !== t.ref && (c = t.ref, p = o.current), void 0 !== t.key && (l = "" + t.key); for (r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && !a.hasOwnProperty(r) && (u[r] = t[r]) } var d = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === d) u.children = n; else if (d > 1) { for (var f = Array(d), h = 0; d > h; h++) f[h] = arguments[h + 2]; u.children = f } return new s(e.type, l, c, p, e._context, u) }, s.isValidElement = function(e) { var t = !(!e || !e._isReactElement); return t }, t.exports = s }, { 166: 166, 29: 29, 44: 44, 45: 45 }], 62: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if (y.current) { var e = y.current.getName(); if (e) return " Check the render method of `" + e + "`." } return "" } function o(e) { var t = e && e.getPublicInstance(); if (!t) return void 0; var n = t.constructor; return n ? n.displayName || n.name || void 0 : void 0 } function i() { var e = y.current; return e && o(e) || void 0 } function a(e, t) { e._store.validated || null != e.key || (e._store.validated = !0, u('Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.', e, t)) } function s(e, t, n) { D.test(e) && u("Child objects should have non-numeric keys so ordering is preserved.", t, n) } function u(e, t, n) { var r = i(), a = "string" == typeof n ? n : n.displayName || n.name, s = r || a, u = _[e] || (_[e] = {}); if (!u.hasOwnProperty(s)) { u[s] = !0; var l = ""; if (t && t._owner && t._owner !== y.current) { var c = o(t._owner); l = " It was passed a child from " + c + "." } } } function l(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; m.isValidElement(r) && a(r, t) } else if (m.isValidElement(e)) e._store.validated = !0; else if (e) { var o = E(e); if (o) { if (o !== e.entries) for (var i, u = o.call(e); !(i = u.next()).done;) m.isValidElement(i.value) && a(i.value, t) } else if ("object" == typeof e) { var l = v.extractIfFragment(e); for (var c in l) l.hasOwnProperty(c) && s(c, l[c], t) } } } function c(e, t, n, o) { for (var i in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a; try { b("function" == typeof t[i]), a = t[i](n, i, e, o) } catch (s) { a = s } a instanceof Error && !(a.message in x) && (x[a.message] = !0, r(this)) } } function p(e, t) { var n = t.type, r = "string" == typeof n ? n : n.displayName, o = t._owner ? t._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor.displayName : null, i = e + "|" + r + "|" + o; if (!M.hasOwnProperty(i)) { M[i] = !0; var a = ""; r && (a = " <" + r + " />"); var s = ""; o && (s = " The element was created by " + o + ".") } } function d(e, t) { return e !== e ? t !== t : 0 === e && 0 === t ? 1 / e === 1 / t : e === t } function f(e) { if (e._store) { var t = e._store.originalProps, n = e.props; for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t.hasOwnProperty(r) && d(t[r], n[r]) || (p(r, e), t[r] = n[r])) } } function h(e) { if (null != e.type) { var t = C.getComponentClassForElement(e), n = t.displayName || t.name; t.propTypes && c(n, t.propTypes, e.props, g.prop), "function" == typeof t.getDefaultProps } } var m = e(61), v = e(67), g = e(83), y = (e(82), e(45)), C = e(78), E = e(138), b = e(147), _ = (e(166), {}), x = {}, D = /^\d+$/, M = {}, T = { checkAndWarnForMutatedProps: f, createElement: function(e, t, n) { var r = m.createElement.apply(this, arguments); if (null == r) return r; for (var o = 2; o < arguments.length; o++) l(arguments[o], e); return h(r), r }, createFactory: function(e) { var t = T.createElement.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t }, cloneElement: function(e, t, n) { for (var r = m.cloneElement.apply(this, arguments), o = 2; o < arguments.length; o++) l(arguments[o], r.type); return h(r), r } }; t.exports = T }, { 138: 138, 147: 147, 166: 166, 45: 45, 61: 61, 67: 67, 78: 78, 82: 82, 83: 83 }], 63: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { c[e] = !0 } function o(e) { delete c[e] } function i(e) { return !!c[e] } var a, s = e(61), u = e(71), l = e(147), c = {}, p = { injectEmptyComponent: function(e) { a = s.createFactory(e) } }, d = function() {}; d.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var e = u.get(this); e && r(e._rootNodeID) }, d.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() { var e = u.get(this); e && o(e._rootNodeID) }, d.prototype.render = function() { return l(a), a() }; var f = s.createElement(d), h = { emptyElement: f, injection: p, isNullComponentID: i }; t.exports = h }, { 147: 147, 61: 61, 71: 71 }], 64: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { guard: function(e, t) { return e } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 65: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { o.enqueueEvents(e), o.processEventQueue() } var o = e(18), i = { handleTopLevel: function(e, t, n, i) { var a = o.extractEvents(e, t, n, i); r(a) } }; t.exports = i }, { 18: 18 }], 66: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = p.getID(e), n = c.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t), r = p.findReactContainerForID(n), o = p.getFirstReactDOM(r); return o } function o(e, t) { this.topLevelType = e, this.nativeEvent = t, this.ancestors = [] } function i(e) { for (var t = p.getFirstReactDOM(h(e.nativeEvent)) || window, n = t; n;) e.ancestors.push(n), n = r(n); for (var o = 0, i = e.ancestors.length; i > o; o++) { t = e.ancestors[o]; var a = p.getID(t) || ""; v._handleTopLevel(e.topLevelType, t, a, e.nativeEvent) } } function a(e) { var t = m(window); e(t) } var s = e(17), u = e(22), l = e(30), c = e(70), p = e(75), d = e(97), f = e(29), h = e(137), m = e(143); f(o.prototype, { destructor: function() { this.topLevelType = null, this.nativeEvent = null, this.ancestors.length = 0 } }), l.addPoolingTo(o, l.twoArgumentPooler); var v = { _enabled: !0, _handleTopLevel: null, WINDOW_HANDLE: u.canUseDOM ? window : null, setHandleTopLevel: function(e) { v._handleTopLevel = e }, setEnabled: function(e) { v._enabled = !!e }, isEnabled: function() { return v._enabled }, trapBubbledEvent: function(e, t, n) { var r = n; return r ? s.listen(r, t, v.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) : null }, trapCapturedEvent: function(e, t, n) { var r = n; return r ? s.capture(r, t, v.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) : null }, monitorScrollValue: function(e) { var t = a.bind(null, e); s.listen(window, "scroll", t) }, dispatchEvent: function(e, t) { if (v._enabled) { var n = o.getPooled(e, t); try { d.batchedUpdates(i, n) } finally { o.release(n) } } } }; t.exports = v }, { 137: 137, 143: 143, 17: 17, 22: 22, 29: 29, 30: 30, 70: 70, 75: 75, 97: 97 }], 67: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = (e(61), e(166), { create: function(e) { return e }, extract: function(e) { return e }, extractIfFragment: function(e) { return e } }); t.exports = r }, { 166: 166, 61: 61 }], 68: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(11), o = e(18), i = e(41), a = e(38), s = e(63), u = e(33), l = e(78), c = e(48), p = e(80), d = e(89), f = e(97), h = { Component: i.injection, Class: a.injection, DOMComponent: c.injection, DOMProperty: r.injection, EmptyComponent: s.injection, EventPluginHub: o.injection, EventEmitter: u.injection, NativeComponent: l.injection, Perf: p.injection, RootIndex: d.injection, Updates: f.injection }; t.exports = h }, { 11: 11, 18: 18, 33: 33, 38: 38, 41: 41, 48: 48, 63: 63, 78: 78, 80: 80, 89: 89, 97: 97 }], 69: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i(document.documentElement, e) } var o = e(56), i = e(120), a = e(131), s = e(133), u = { hasSelectionCapabilities: function(e) { return e && ("INPUT" === e.nodeName && "text" === e.type || "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName || "true" === e.contentEditable) }, getSelectionInformation: function() { var e = s(); return { focusedElem: e, selectionRange: u.hasSelectionCapabilities(e) ? u.getSelection(e) : null } }, restoreSelection: function(e) { var t = s(), n = e.focusedElem, o = e.selectionRange; t !== n && r(n) && (u.hasSelectionCapabilities(n) && u.setSelection(n, o), a(n)) }, getSelection: function(e) { var t; if ("selectionStart" in e) t = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { var n = document.selection.createRange(); n.parentElement() === e && (t = { start: -n.moveStart("character", -e.value.length), end: -n.moveEnd("character", -e.value.length) }) } else t = o.getOffsets(e); return t || { start: 0, end: 0 } }, setSelection: function(e, t) { var n = t.start, r = t.end; if ("undefined" == typeof r && (r = n), "selectionStart" in e) e.selectionStart = n, e.selectionEnd = Math.min(r, e.value.length); else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { var i = e.createTextRange(); i.collapse(!0), i.moveStart("character", n), i.moveEnd("character", r - n), i.select() } else o.setOffsets(e, t) } }; t.exports = u }, { 120: 120, 131: 131, 133: 133, 56: 56 }], 70: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return f + e.toString(36) } function o(e, t) { return e.charAt(t) === f || t === e.length } function i(e) { return "" === e || e.charAt(0) === f && e.charAt(e.length - 1) !== f } function a(e, t) { return 0 === t.indexOf(e) && o(t, e.length) } function s(e) { return e ? e.substr(0, e.lastIndexOf(f)) : "" } function u(e, t) { if (d(i(e) && i(t)), d(a(e, t)), e === t) return e; var n, r = e.length + h; for (n = r; n < t.length && !o(t, n); n++); return t.substr(0, n) } function l(e, t) { var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length); if (0 === n) return ""; for (var r = 0, a = 0; n >= a; a++) if (o(e, a) && o(t, a)) r = a; else if (e.charAt(a) !== t.charAt(a)) break; var s = e.substr(0, r); return d(i(s)), s } function c(e, t, n, r, o, i) { e = e || "", t = t || "", d(e !== t); var l = a(t, e); d(l || a(e, t)); for (var c = 0, p = l ? s : u, f = e;; f = p(f, t)) { var h; if (o && f === e || i && f === t || (h = n(f, l, r)), h === !1 || f === t) break; d(c++ < m) } } var p = e(89), d = e(147), f = ".", h = f.length, m = 100, v = { createReactRootID: function() { return r(p.createReactRootIndex()) }, createReactID: function(e, t) { return e + t }, getReactRootIDFromNodeID: function(e) { if (e && e.charAt(0) === f && e.length > 1) { var t = e.indexOf(f, 1); return t > -1 ? e.substr(0, t) : e } return null }, traverseEnterLeave: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = l(e, t); i !== e && c(e, i, n, r, !1, !0), i !== t && c(i, t, n, o, !0, !1) }, traverseTwoPhase: function(e, t, n) { e && (c("", e, t, n, !0, !1), c(e, "", t, n, !1, !0)) }, traverseAncestors: function(e, t, n) { c("", e, t, n, !0, !1) }, _getFirstCommonAncestorID: l, _getNextDescendantID: u, isAncestorIDOf: a, SEPARATOR: f }; t.exports = v }, { 147: 147, 89: 89 }], 71: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { remove: function(e) { e._reactInternalInstance = void 0 }, get: function(e) { return e._reactInternalInstance }, has: function(e) { return void 0 !== e._reactInternalInstance }, set: function(e, t) { e._reactInternalInstance = t } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 72: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { currentlyMountingInstance: null, currentlyUnmountingInstance: null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 73: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { this.value = e, this.requestChange = t } function o(e) { var t = { value: "undefined" == typeof e ? i.PropTypes.any.isRequired : e.isRequired, requestChange: i.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; return i.PropTypes.shape(t) } var i = e(31); r.PropTypes = { link: o }, t.exports = r }, { 31: 31 }], 74: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(116), o = { CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME: "data-react-checksum", addChecksumToMarkup: function(e) { var t = r(e); return e.replace(">", " " + o.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME + '="' + t + '">') }, canReuseMarkup: function(e, t) { var n = t.getAttribute(o.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); n = n && parseInt(n, 10); var i = r(e); return i === n } }; t.exports = o }, { 116: 116 }], 75: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { for (var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length), r = 0; n > r; r++) if (e.charAt(r) !== t.charAt(r)) return r; return e.length === t.length ? -1 : n } function o(e) { var t = I(e); return t && K.getID(t) } function i(e) { var t = a(e); if (t) if (L.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var n = L[t]; n !== e && (w(!c(n, t)), L[t] = e) } else L[t] = e; return t } function a(e) { return e && e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute(k) || "" } function s(e, t) { var n = a(e); n !== t && delete L[n], e.setAttribute(k, t), L[t] = e } function u(e) { return L.hasOwnProperty(e) && c(L[e], e) || (L[e] = K.findReactNodeByID(e)), L[e] } function l(e) { var t = b.get(e)._rootNodeID; return C.isNullComponentID(t) ? null : (L.hasOwnProperty(t) && c(L[t], t) || (L[t] = K.findReactNodeByID(t)), L[t]) } function c(e, t) { if (e) { w(a(e) === t); var n = K.findReactContainerForID(t); if (n && P(n, e)) return !0 } return !1 } function p(e) { delete L[e] } function d(e) { var t = L[e]; return t && c(t, e) ? void(W = t) : !1 } function f(e) { W = null, E.traverseAncestors(e, d); var t = W; return W = null, t } function h(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = D.mountComponent(e, t, r, N); e._isTopLevel = !0, K._mountImageIntoNode(i, n, o) } function m(e, t, n, r) { var o = T.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(); o.perform(h, null, e, t, n, o, r), T.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(o) } var v = e(11), g = e(33), y = (e(45), e(61)), C = (e(62), e(63)), E = e(70), b = e(71), _ = e(74), x = e(80), D = e(87), M = e(96), T = e(97), N = e(127), P = e(120), I = e(141), R = e(146), w = e(147), O = e(159), S = e(162), A = (e(166), E.SEPARATOR), k = v.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, L = {}, U = 1, F = 9, B = {}, j = {}, V = [], W = null, K = { _instancesByReactRootID: B, scrollMonitor: function(e, t) { t() }, _updateRootComponent: function(e, t, n, r) { return K.scrollMonitor(n, function() { M.enqueueElementInternal(e, t), r && M.enqueueCallbackInternal(e, r) }), e }, _registerComponent: function(e, t) { w(t && (t.nodeType === U || t.nodeType === F)), g.ensureScrollValueMonitoring(); var n = K.registerContainer(t); return B[n] = e, n }, _renderNewRootComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = R(e, null), o = K._registerComponent(r, t); return T.batchedUpdates(m, r, o, t, n), r }, render: function(e, t, n) { w(y.isValidElement(e)); var r = B[o(t)]; if (r) { var i = r._currentElement; if (S(i, e)) return K._updateRootComponent(r, e, t, n).getPublicInstance(); K.unmountComponentAtNode(t) } var a = I(t), s = a && K.isRenderedByReact(a), u = s && !r, l = K._renderNewRootComponent(e, t, u).getPublicInstance(); return n && n.call(l), l }, constructAndRenderComponent: function(e, t, n) { var r = y.createElement(e, t); return K.render(r, n) }, constructAndRenderComponentByID: function(e, t, n) { var r = document.getElementById(n); return w(r), K.constructAndRenderComponent(e, t, r) }, registerContainer: function(e) { var t = o(e); return t && (t = E.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t)), t || (t = E.createReactRootID()), j[t] = e, t }, unmountComponentAtNode: function(e) { w(e && (e.nodeType === U || e.nodeType === F)); var t = o(e), n = B[t]; return n ? (K.unmountComponentFromNode(n, e), delete B[t], delete j[t], !0) : !1 }, unmountComponentFromNode: function(e, t) { for (D.unmountComponent(e), t.nodeType === F && (t = t.documentElement); t.lastChild;) t.removeChild(t.lastChild) }, findReactContainerForID: function(e) { var t = E.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(e), n = j[t]; return n }, findReactNodeByID: function(e) { var t = K.findReactContainerForID(e); return K.findComponentRoot(t, e) }, isRenderedByReact: function(e) { if (1 !== e.nodeType) return !1; var t = K.getID(e); return t ? t.charAt(0) === A : !1 }, getFirstReactDOM: function(e) { for (var t = e; t && t.parentNode !== t;) { if (K.isRenderedByReact(t)) return t; t = t.parentNode } return null }, findComponentRoot: function(e, t) { var n = V, r = 0, o = f(t) || e; for (n[0] = o.firstChild, n.length = 1; r < n.length;) { for (var i, a = n[r++]; a;) { var s = K.getID(a); s ? t === s ? i = a : E.isAncestorIDOf(s, t) && (n.length = r = 0, n.push(a.firstChild)) : n.push(a.firstChild), a = a.nextSibling } if (i) return n.length = 0, i } n.length = 0, w(!1) }, _mountImageIntoNode: function(e, t, n) { if (w(t && (t.nodeType === U || t.nodeType === F)), n) { var o = I(t); if (_.canReuseMarkup(e, o)) return; var i = o.getAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); o.removeAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); var a = o.outerHTML; o.setAttribute(_.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME, i); var s = r(e, a); " (client) " + e.substring(s - 20, s + 20) + "\n (server) " + a.substring(s - 20, s + 20), w(t.nodeType !== F) } w(t.nodeType !== F), O(t, e) }, getReactRootID: o, getID: i, setID: s, getNode: u, getNodeFromInstance: l, purgeID: p }; x.measureMethods(K, "ReactMount", { _renderNewRootComponent: "_renderNewRootComponent", _mountImageIntoNode: "_mountImageIntoNode" }), t.exports = K }, { 11: 11, 120: 120, 127: 127, 141: 141, 146: 146, 147: 147, 159: 159, 162: 162, 166: 166, 33: 33, 45: 45, 61: 61, 62: 62, 63: 63, 70: 70, 71: 71, 74: 74, 80: 80, 87: 87, 96: 96, 97: 97 }], 76: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.INSERT_MARKUP, markupIndex: m.push(t) - 1, textContent: null, fromIndex: null, toIndex: n }) } function o(e, t, n) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.MOVE_EXISTING, markupIndex: null, textContent: null, fromIndex: t, toIndex: n }) } function i(e, t) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.REMOVE_NODE, markupIndex: null, textContent: null, fromIndex: t, toIndex: null }) } function a(e, t) { h.push({ parentID: e, parentNode: null, type: c.TEXT_CONTENT, markupIndex: null, textContent: t, fromIndex: null, toIndex: null }) } function s() { h.length && (l.processChildrenUpdates(h, m), u()) } function u() { h.length = 0, m.length = 0 } var l = e(41), c = e(77), p = e(87), d = e(36), f = 0, h = [], m = [], v = { Mixin: { mountChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = d.instantiateChildren(e, t, n); this._renderedChildren = r; var o = [], i = 0; for (var a in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(a)) { var s = r[a], u = this._rootNodeID + a, l = p.mountComponent(s, u, t, n); s._mountIndex = i, o.push(l), i++ } return o }, updateTextContent: function(e) { f++; var t = !0; try { var n = this._renderedChildren; d.unmountChildren(n); for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && this._unmountChildByName(n[r], r); this.setTextContent(e), t = !1 } finally { f--, f || (t ? u() : s()) } }, updateChildren: function(e, t, n) { f++; var r = !0; try { this._updateChildren(e, t, n), r = !1 } finally { f--, f || (r ? u() : s()) } }, _updateChildren: function(e, t, n) { var r = this._renderedChildren, o = d.updateChildren(r, e, t, n); if (this._renderedChildren = o, o || r) { var i, a = 0, s = 0; for (i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var u = r && r[i], l = o[i]; u === l ? (this.moveChild(u, s, a), a = Math.max(u._mountIndex, a), u._mountIndex = s) : (u && (a = Math.max(u._mountIndex, a), this._unmountChildByName(u, i)), this._mountChildByNameAtIndex(l, i, s, t, n)), s++ } for (i in r) !r.hasOwnProperty(i) || o && o.hasOwnProperty(i) || this._unmountChildByName(r[i], i) } }, unmountChildren: function() { var e = this._renderedChildren; d.unmountChildren(e), this._renderedChildren = null }, moveChild: function(e, t, n) { e._mountIndex < n && o(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex, t) }, createChild: function(e, t) { r(this._rootNodeID, t, e._mountIndex) }, removeChild: function(e) { i(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex) }, setTextContent: function(e) { a(this._rootNodeID, e) }, _mountChildByNameAtIndex: function(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = this._rootNodeID + t, a = p.mountComponent(e, i, r, o); e._mountIndex = n, this.createChild(e, a) }, _unmountChildByName: function(e, t) { this.removeChild(e), e._mountIndex = null } } }; t.exports = v }, { 36: 36, 41: 41, 77: 77, 87: 87 }], 77: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(153), o = r({ INSERT_MARKUP: null, MOVE_EXISTING: null, REMOVE_NODE: null, TEXT_CONTENT: null }); t.exports = o }, { 153: 153 }], 78: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if ("function" == typeof e.type) return e.type; var t = e.type, n = p[t]; return null == n && (p[t] = n = l(t)), n } function o(e) { return u(c), new c(e.type, e.props) } function i(e) { return new d(e) } function a(e) { return e instanceof d } var s = e(29), u = e(147), l = null, c = null, p = {}, d = null, f = { injectGenericComponentClass: function(e) { c = e }, injectTextComponentClass: function(e) { d = e }, injectComponentClasses: function(e) { s(p, e) }, injectAutoWrapper: function(e) { l = e } }, h = { getComponentClassForElement: r, createInternalComponent: o, createInstanceForText: i, isTextComponent: a, injection: f }; t.exports = h }, { 147: 147, 29: 29 }], 79: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(147), o = { isValidOwner: function(e) { return !(!e || "function" != typeof e.attachRef || "function" != typeof e.detachRef) }, addComponentAsRefTo: function(e, t, n) { r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.attachRef(t, e) }, removeComponentAsRefFrom: function(e, t, n) { r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.getPublicInstance().refs[t] === e.getPublicInstance() && n.detachRef(t) } }; t.exports = o }, { 147: 147 }], 80: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return n } var o = { enableMeasure: !1, storedMeasure: r, measureMethods: function(e, t, n) {}, measure: function(e, t, n) { return n }, injection: { injectMeasure: function(e) { o.storedMeasure = e } } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 81: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return function(t, n, r) { t[n] = t.hasOwnProperty(n) ? e(t[n], r) : r } } function o(e, t) { for (var n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = l[n]; r && l.hasOwnProperty(n) ? r(e, n, t[n]) : e.hasOwnProperty(n) || (e[n] = t[n]) } return e } var i = e(29), a = e(126), s = e(152), u = r(function(e, t) { return i({}, t, e) }), l = { children: a, className: r(s), style: u }, c = { mergeProps: function(e, t) { return o(i({}, e), t) } }; t.exports = c }, { 126: 126, 152: 152, 29: 29 }], 82: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = {}; t.exports = r }, {}], 83: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(153), o = r({ prop: null, context: null, childContext: null }); t.exports = o }, { 153: 153 }], 84: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { function t(t, n, r, o, i) { if (o = o || b, null == n[r]) { var a = C[i]; return t ? new Error("Required " + a + " `" + r + "` was not specified in " + ("`" + o + "`.")) : null } return e(n, r, o, i) } var n = t.bind(null, !1); return n.isRequired = t.bind(null, !0), n } function o(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if (a !== e) { var s = C[o], u = v(i); return new Error("Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` of type `" + u + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `" + e + "`.")) } return null } return r(t) } function i() { return r(E.thatReturns(null)) } function a(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n]; if (!Array.isArray(i)) { var a = C[o], s = m(i); return new Error("Invalid " + a + " `" + n + "` of type " + ("`" + s + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an array.")) } for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { var l = e(i, u, r, o); if (l instanceof Error) return l } return null } return r(t) } function s() { function e(e, t, n, r) { if (!g.isValidElement(e[t])) { var o = C[r]; return new Error("Invalid " + o + " `" + t + "` supplied to " + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactElement.")) } return null } return r(e) } function u(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { if (!(t[n] instanceof e)) { var i = C[o], a = e.name || b; return new Error("Invalid " + i + " `" + n + "` supplied to " + ("`" + r + "`, expected instance of `" + a + "`.")) } return null } return r(t) } function l(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { for (var i = t[n], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) if (i === e[a]) return null; var s = C[o], u = JSON.stringify(e); return new Error("Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` of value `" + i + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected one of " + u + ".")) } return r(t) } function c(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if ("object" !== a) { var s = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` of type " + ("`" + a + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an object.")) } for (var u in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(u)) { var l = e(i, u, r, o); if (l instanceof Error) return l } return null } return r(t) } function p(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var a = e[i]; if (null == a(t, n, r, o)) return null } var s = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` supplied to " + ("`" + r + "`.")) } return r(t) } function d() { function e(e, t, n, r) { if (!h(e[t])) { var o = C[r]; return new Error("Invalid " + o + " `" + t + "` supplied to " + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactNode.")) } return null } return r(e) } function f(e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { var i = t[n], a = m(i); if ("object" !== a) { var s = C[o]; return new Error("Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` of type `" + a + "` " + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `object`.")) } for (var u in e) { var l = e[u]; if (l) { var c = l(i, u, r, o); if (c) return c } } return null } return r(t) } function h(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "number": case "string": case "undefined": return !0; case "boolean": return !e; case "object": if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.every(h); if (null === e || g.isValidElement(e)) return !0; e = y.extractIfFragment(e); for (var t in e) if (!h(e[t])) return !1; return !0; default: return !1 } } function m(e) { var t = typeof e; return Array.isArray(e) ? "array" : e instanceof RegExp ? "object" : t } function v(e) { var t = m(e); if ("object" === t) { if (e instanceof Date) return "date"; if (e instanceof RegExp) return "regexp" } return t } var g = e(61), y = e(67), C = e(82), E = e(126), b = "<>", _ = s(), x = d(), D = { array: o("array"), bool: o("boolean"), func: o("function"), number: o("number"), object: o("object"), string: o("string"), any: i(), arrayOf: a, element: _, instanceOf: u, node: x, objectOf: c, oneOf: l, oneOfType: p, shape: f }; t.exports = D }, { 126: 126, 61: 61, 67: 67, 82: 82 }], 85: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.listenersToPut = [] } var o = e(30), i = e(33), a = e(29); a(r.prototype, { enqueuePutListener: function(e, t, n) { this.listenersToPut.push({ rootNodeID: e, propKey: t, propValue: n }) }, putListeners: function() { for (var e = 0; e < this.listenersToPut.length; e++) { var t = this.listenersToPut[e]; i.putListener(t.rootNodeID, t.propKey, t.propValue) } }, reset: function() { this.listenersToPut.length = 0 }, destructor: function() { this.reset() } }), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 29: 29, 30: 30, 33: 33 }], 86: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.renderToStaticMarkup = !1, this.reactMountReady = o.getPooled(null), this.putListenerQueue = u.getPooled() } var o = e(7), i = e(30), a = e(33), s = e(69), u = e(85), l = e(113), c = e(29), p = { initialize: s.getSelectionInformation, close: s.restoreSelection }, d = { initialize: function() { var e = a.isEnabled(); return a.setEnabled(!1), e }, close: function(e) { a.setEnabled(e) } }, f = { initialize: function() { this.reactMountReady.reset() }, close: function() { this.reactMountReady.notifyAll() } }, h = { initialize: function() { this.putListenerQueue.reset() }, close: function() { this.putListenerQueue.putListeners() } }, m = [h, p, d, f], v = { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return m }, getReactMountReady: function() { return this.reactMountReady }, getPutListenerQueue: function() { return this.putListenerQueue }, destructor: function() { o.release(this.reactMountReady), this.reactMountReady = null, u.release(this.putListenerQueue), this.putListenerQueue = null } }; c(r.prototype, l.Mixin, v), i.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 113: 113, 29: 29, 30: 30, 33: 33, 69: 69, 7: 7, 85: 85 }], 87: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { o.attachRefs(this, this._currentElement) } var o = e(88), i = (e(62), { mountComponent: function(e, t, n, o) { var i = e.mountComponent(t, n, o); return n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(r, e), i }, unmountComponent: function(e) { o.detachRefs(e, e._currentElement), e.unmountComponent() }, receiveComponent: function(e, t, n, i) { var a = e._currentElement; if (t !== a || null == t._owner) { var s = o.shouldUpdateRefs(a, t); s && o.detachRefs(e, a), e.receiveComponent(t, n, i), s && n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(r, e) } }, performUpdateIfNecessary: function(e, t) { e.performUpdateIfNecessary(t) } }); t.exports = i }, { 62: 62, 88: 88 }], 88: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { "function" == typeof e ? e(t.getPublicInstance()) : i.addComponentAsRefTo(t, e, n) } function o(e, t, n) { "function" == typeof e ? e(null) : i.removeComponentAsRefFrom(t, e, n) } var i = e(79), a = {}; a.attachRefs = function(e, t) { var n = t.ref; null != n && r(n, e, t._owner) }, a.shouldUpdateRefs = function(e, t) { return t._owner !== e._owner || t.ref !== e.ref }, a.detachRefs = function(e, t) { var n = t.ref; null != n && o(n, e, t._owner) }, t.exports = a }, { 79: 79 }], 89: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { injectCreateReactRootIndex: function(e) { o.createReactRootIndex = e } }, o = { createReactRootIndex: null, injection: r }; t.exports = o }, {}], 90: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { p(i.isValidElement(e)); var t; try { var n = a.createReactRootID(); return t = u.getPooled(!1), t.perform(function() { var r = c(e, null), o = r.mountComponent(n, t, l); return s.addChecksumToMarkup(o) }, null) } finally { u.release(t) } } function o(e) { p(i.isValidElement(e)); var t; try { var n = a.createReactRootID(); return t = u.getPooled(!0), t.perform(function() { var r = c(e, null); return r.mountComponent(n, t, l) }, null) } finally { u.release(t) } } var i = e(61), a = e(70), s = e(74), u = e(91), l = e(127), c = e(146), p = e(147); t.exports = { renderToString: r, renderToStaticMarkup: o } }, { 127: 127, 146: 146, 147: 147, 61: 61, 70: 70, 74: 74, 91: 91 }], 91: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.renderToStaticMarkup = e, this.reactMountReady = i.getPooled(null), this.putListenerQueue = a.getPooled() } var o = e(30), i = e(7), a = e(85), s = e(113), u = e(29), l = e(126), c = { initialize: function() { this.reactMountReady.reset() }, close: l }, p = { initialize: function() { this.putListenerQueue.reset() }, close: l }, d = [p, c], f = { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return d }, getReactMountReady: function() { return this.reactMountReady }, getPutListenerQueue: function() { return this.putListenerQueue }, destructor: function() { i.release(this.reactMountReady), this.reactMountReady = null, a.release(this.putListenerQueue), this.putListenerQueue = null } }; u(r.prototype, s.Mixin, f), o.addPoolingTo(r), t.exports = r }, { 113: 113, 126: 126, 29: 29, 30: 30, 7: 7, 85: 85 }], 92: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = {}; return function(r) { n[t] = r, e.setState(n) } } var o = { createStateSetter: function(e, t) { return function(n, r, o, i, a, s) { var u = t.call(e, n, r, o, i, a, s); u && e.setState(u) } }, createStateKeySetter: function(e, t) { var n = e.__keySetters || (e.__keySetters = {}); return n[t] || (n[t] = r(e, t)) } }; o.Mixin = { createStateSetter: function(e) { return o.createStateSetter(this, e) }, createStateKeySetter: function(e) { return o.createStateKeySetter(this, e) } }, t.exports = o }, {}], 93: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(37), o = e(67), i = { getChildMapping: function(e) { return e ? o.extract(r.map(e, function(e) { return e })) : e }, mergeChildMappings: function(e, t) { function n(n) { return t.hasOwnProperty(n) ? t[n] : e[n] } e = e || {}, t = t || {}; var r = {}, o = []; for (var i in e) t.hasOwnProperty(i) ? o.length && (r[i] = o, o = []) : o.push(i); var a, s = {}; for (var u in t) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(u)) for (a = 0; a < r[u].length; a++) { var l = r[u][a]; s[r[u][a]] = n(l) } s[u] = n(u) } for (a = 0; a < o.length; a++) s[o[a]] = n(o[a]); return s } }; t.exports = i }, { 37: 37, 67: 67 }], 94: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = document.createElement("div"), t = e.style; "AnimationEvent" in window || delete s.animationend.animation, "TransitionEvent" in window || delete s.transitionend.transition; for (var n in s) { var r = s[n]; for (var o in r) if (o in t) { u.push(r[o]); break } } } function o(e, t, n) { e.addEventListener(t, n, !1) } function i(e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1) } var a = e(22), s = { transitionend: { transition: "transitionend", WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "mozTransitionEnd", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd", msTransition: "MSTransitionEnd" }, animationend: { animation: "animationend", WebkitAnimation: "webkitAnimationEnd", MozAnimation: "mozAnimationEnd", OAnimation: "oAnimationEnd", msAnimation: "MSAnimationEnd" } }, u = []; a.canUseDOM && r(); var l = { addEndEventListener: function(e, t) { return 0 === u.length ? void window.setTimeout(t, 0) : void u.forEach(function(n) { o(e, n, t) }) }, removeEndEventListener: function(e, t) { 0 !== u.length && u.forEach(function(n) { i(e, n, t) }) } }; t.exports = l }, { 22: 22 }], 95: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(31), o = e(93), i = e(29), a = e(119), s = e(126), u = r.createClass({ displayName: "ReactTransitionGroup", propTypes: { component: r.PropTypes.any, childFactory: r.PropTypes.func }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { component: "span", childFactory: s.thatReturnsArgument } }, getInitialState: function() { return { children: o.getChildMapping(this.props.children) } }, componentWillMount: function() { this.currentlyTransitioningKeys = {}, this.keysToEnter = [], this.keysToLeave = [] }, componentDidMount: function() { var e = this.state.children; for (var t in e) e[t] && this.performAppear(t) }, componentWillReceiveProps: function(e) { var t = o.getChildMapping(e.children), n = this.state.children; this.setState({ children: o.mergeChildMappings(n, t) }); var r; for (r in t) { var i = n && n.hasOwnProperty(r); !t[r] || i || this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[r] || this.keysToEnter.push(r) } for (r in n) { var a = t && t.hasOwnProperty(r); !n[r] || a || this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[r] || this.keysToLeave.push(r) } }, componentDidUpdate: function() { var e = this.keysToEnter; this.keysToEnter = [], e.forEach(this.performEnter); var t = this.keysToLeave; this.keysToLeave = [], t.forEach(this.performLeave) }, performAppear: function(e) { this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e] = !0; var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentWillAppear ? t.componentWillAppear(this._handleDoneAppearing.bind(this, e)) : this._handleDoneAppearing(e) }, _handleDoneAppearing: function(e) { var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentDidAppear && t.componentDidAppear(), delete this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e]; var n = o.getChildMapping(this.props.children); n && n.hasOwnProperty(e) || this.performLeave(e) }, performEnter: function(e) { this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e] = !0; var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentWillEnter ? t.componentWillEnter(this._handleDoneEntering.bind(this, e)) : this._handleDoneEntering(e) }, _handleDoneEntering: function(e) { var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentDidEnter && t.componentDidEnter(), delete this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e]; var n = o.getChildMapping(this.props.children); n && n.hasOwnProperty(e) || this.performLeave(e) }, performLeave: function(e) { this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e] = !0; var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentWillLeave ? t.componentWillLeave(this._handleDoneLeaving.bind(this, e)) : this._handleDoneLeaving(e) }, _handleDoneLeaving: function(e) { var t = this.refs[e]; t.componentDidLeave && t.componentDidLeave(), delete this.currentlyTransitioningKeys[e]; var n = o.getChildMapping(this.props.children); if (n && n.hasOwnProperty(e)) this.performEnter(e); else { var r = i({}, this.state.children); delete r[e], this.setState({ children: r }) } }, render: function() { var e = []; for (var t in this.state.children) { var n = this.state.children[t]; n && e.push(a(this.props.childFactory(n), { ref: t, key: t })) } return r.createElement(this.props.component, this.props, e) } }); t.exports = u }, { 119: 119, 126: 126, 29: 29, 31: 31, 93: 93 }], 96: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e !== i.currentlyMountingInstance && l.enqueueUpdate(e) } function o(e, t) { p(null == a.current); var n = u.get(e); return n ? n === i.currentlyUnmountingInstance ? null : n : null } var i = e(72), a = e(45), s = e(61), u = e(71), l = e(97), c = e(29), p = e(147), d = (e(166), { enqueueCallback: function(e, t) { p("function" == typeof t); var n = o(e); return n && n !== i.currentlyMountingInstance ? (n._pendingCallbacks ? n._pendingCallbacks.push(t) : n._pendingCallbacks = [t], void r(n)) : null }, enqueueCallbackInternal: function(e, t) { p("function" == typeof t), e._pendingCallbacks ? e._pendingCallbacks.push(t) : e._pendingCallbacks = [t], r(e) }, enqueueForceUpdate: function(e) { var t = o(e, "forceUpdate"); t && (t._pendingForceUpdate = !0, r(t)) }, enqueueReplaceState: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "replaceState"); n && (n._pendingStateQueue = [t], n._pendingReplaceState = !0, r(n)) }, enqueueSetState: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "setState"); if (n) { var i = n._pendingStateQueue || (n._pendingStateQueue = []); i.push(t), r(n) } }, enqueueSetProps: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "setProps"); if (n) { p(n._isTopLevel); var i = n._pendingElement || n._currentElement, a = c({}, i.props, t); n._pendingElement = s.cloneAndReplaceProps(i, a), r(n) } }, enqueueReplaceProps: function(e, t) { var n = o(e, "replaceProps"); if (n) { p(n._isTopLevel); var i = n._pendingElement || n._currentElement; n._pendingElement = s.cloneAndReplaceProps(i, t), r(n) } }, enqueueElementInternal: function(e, t) { e._pendingElement = t, r(e) } }); t.exports = d }, { 147: 147, 166: 166, 29: 29, 45: 45, 61: 61, 71: 71, 72: 72, 97: 97 }], 97: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { v(T.ReactReconcileTransaction && E) } function o() { this.reinitializeTransaction(), this.dirtyComponentsLength = null, this.callbackQueue = c.getPooled(), this.reconcileTransaction = T.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled() } function i(e, t, n, o, i) { r(), E.batchedUpdates(e, t, n, o, i) } function a(e, t) { return e._mountOrder - t._mountOrder } function s(e) { var t = e.dirtyComponentsLength; v(t === g.length), g.sort(a); for (var n = 0; t > n; n++) { var r = g[n], o = r._pendingCallbacks; if (r._pendingCallbacks = null, f.performUpdateIfNecessary(r, e.reconcileTransaction), o) for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) e.callbackQueue.enqueue(o[i], r.getPublicInstance()) } } function u(e) { return r(), E.isBatchingUpdates ? void g.push(e) : void E.batchedUpdates(u, e) } function l(e, t) { v(E.isBatchingUpdates), y.enqueue(e, t), C = !0 } var c = e(7), p = e(30), d = (e(45), e(80)), f = e(87), h = e(113), m = e(29), v = e(147), g = (e(166), []), y = c.getPooled(), C = !1, E = null, b = { initialize: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength = g.length }, close: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength !== g.length ? (g.splice(0, this.dirtyComponentsLength), D()) : g.length = 0 } }, _ = { initialize: function() { this.callbackQueue.reset() }, close: function() { this.callbackQueue.notifyAll() } }, x = [b, _]; m(o.prototype, h.Mixin, { getTransactionWrappers: function() { return x }, destructor: function() { this.dirtyComponentsLength = null, c.release(this.callbackQueue), this.callbackQueue = null, T.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(this.reconcileTransaction), this.reconcileTransaction = null }, perform: function(e, t, n) { return h.Mixin.perform.call(this, this.reconcileTransaction.perform, this.reconcileTransaction, e, t, n) } }), p.addPoolingTo(o); var D = function() { for (; g.length || C;) { if (g.length) { var e = o.getPooled(); e.perform(s, null, e), o.release(e) } if (C) { C = !1; var t = y; y = c.getPooled(), t.notifyAll(), c.release(t) } } }; D = d.measure("ReactUpdates", "flushBatchedUpdates", D); var M = { injectReconcileTransaction: function(e) { v(e), T.ReactReconcileTransaction = e }, injectBatchingStrategy: function(e) { v(e), v("function" == typeof e.batchedUpdates), v("boolean" == typeof e.isBatchingUpdates), E = e } }, T = { ReactReconcileTransaction: null, batchedUpdates: i, enqueueUpdate: u, flushBatchedUpdates: D, injection: M, asap: l }; t.exports = T }, { 113: 113, 147: 147, 166: 166, 29: 29, 30: 30, 45: 45, 7: 7, 80: 80, 87: 87 }], 98: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(11), o = r.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, i = { Properties: { clipPath: o, cx: o, cy: o, d: o, dx: o, dy: o, fill: o, fillOpacity: o, fontFamily: o, fontSize: o, fx: o, fy: o, gradientTransform: o, gradientUnits: o, markerEnd: o, markerMid: o, markerStart: o, offset: o, opacity: o, patternContentUnits: o, patternUnits: o, points: o, preserveAspectRatio: o, r: o, rx: o, ry: o, spreadMethod: o, stopColor: o, stopOpacity: o, stroke: o, strokeDasharray: o, strokeLinecap: o, strokeOpacity: o, strokeWidth: o, textAnchor: o, transform: o, version: o, viewBox: o, x1: o, x2: o, x: o, y1: o, y2: o, y: o }, DOMAttributeNames: { clipPath: "clip-path", fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", fontFamily: "font-family", fontSize: "font-size", gradientTransform: "gradientTransform", gradientUnits: "gradientUnits", markerEnd: "marker-end", markerMid: "marker-mid", markerStart: "marker-start", patternContentUnits: "patternContentUnits", patternUnits: "patternUnits", preserveAspectRatio: "preserveAspectRatio", spreadMethod: "spreadMethod", stopColor: "stop-color", stopOpacity: "stop-opacity", strokeDasharray: "stroke-dasharray", strokeLinecap: "stroke-linecap", strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", strokeWidth: "stroke-width", textAnchor: "text-anchor", viewBox: "viewBox" } }; t.exports = i }, { 11: 11 }], 99: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if ("selectionStart" in e && s.hasSelectionCapabilities(e)) return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; if (window.getSelection) { var t = window.getSelection(); return { anchorNode: t.anchorNode, anchorOffset: t.anchorOffset, focusNode: t.focusNode, focusOffset: t.focusOffset } } if (document.selection) { var n = document.selection.createRange(); return { parentElement: n.parentElement(), text: n.text, top: n.boundingTop, left: n.boundingLeft } } } function o(e) { if (y || null == m || m !== l()) return null; var t = r(m); if (!g || !d(g, t)) { g = t; var n = u.getPooled(h.select, v, e); return n.type = "select", n.target = m, a.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(n), n } } var i = e(16), a = e(21), s = e(69), u = e(105), l = e(133), c = e(150), p = e(154), d = e(161), f = i.topLevelTypes, h = { select: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: p({ onSelect: null }), captured: p({ onSelectCapture: null }) }, dependencies: [f.topBlur, f.topContextMenu, f.topFocus, f.topKeyDown, f.topMouseDown, f.topMouseUp, f.topSelectionChange] } }, m = null, v = null, g = null, y = !1, C = { eventTypes: h, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { switch (e) { case f.topFocus: (c(t) || "true" === t.contentEditable) && (m = t, v = n, g = null); break; case f.topBlur: m = null, v = null, g = null; break; case f.topMouseDown: y = !0; break; case f.topContextMenu: case f.topMouseUp: return y = !1, o(r); case f.topSelectionChange: case f.topKeyDown: case f.topKeyUp: return o(r) } } }; t.exports = C }, { 105: 105, 133: 133, 150: 150, 154: 154, 16: 16, 161: 161, 21: 21, 69: 69 }], 100: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = Math.pow(2, 53), o = { createReactRootIndex: function() { return Math.ceil(Math.random() * r) } }; t.exports = o }, {}], 101: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(16), o = e(20), i = e(21), a = e(102), s = e(105), u = e(106), l = e(108), c = e(109), p = e(104), d = e(110), f = e(111), h = e(112), m = e(134), v = e(147), g = e(154), y = (e(166), r.topLevelTypes), C = { blur: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onBlur: !0 }), captured: g({ onBlurCapture: !0 }) } }, click: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onClick: !0 }), captured: g({ onClickCapture: !0 }) } }, contextMenu: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onContextMenu: !0 }), captured: g({ onContextMenuCapture: !0 }) } }, copy: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onCopy: !0 }), captured: g({ onCopyCapture: !0 }) } }, cut: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onCut: !0 }), captured: g({ onCutCapture: !0 }) } }, doubleClick: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDoubleClick: !0 }), captured: g({ onDoubleClickCapture: !0 }) } }, drag: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDrag: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragCapture: !0 }) } }, dragEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragEnd: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragEndCapture: !0 }) } }, dragEnter: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragEnter: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragEnterCapture: !0 }) } }, dragExit: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragExit: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragExitCapture: !0 }) } }, dragLeave: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragLeave: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragLeaveCapture: !0 }) } }, dragOver: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragOver: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragOverCapture: !0 }) } }, dragStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDragStart: !0 }), captured: g({ onDragStartCapture: !0 }) } }, drop: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onDrop: !0 }), captured: g({ onDropCapture: !0 }) } }, focus: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onFocus: !0 }), captured: g({ onFocusCapture: !0 }) } }, input: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onInput: !0 }), captured: g({ onInputCapture: !0 }) } }, keyDown: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyDown: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyDownCapture: !0 }) } }, keyPress: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyPress: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyPressCapture: !0 }) } }, keyUp: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onKeyUp: !0 }), captured: g({ onKeyUpCapture: !0 }) } }, load: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onLoad: !0 }), captured: g({ onLoadCapture: !0 }) } }, error: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onError: !0 }), captured: g({ onErrorCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseDown: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseDown: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseDownCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseMove: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseMove: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseMoveCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseOut: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseOut: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseOutCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseOver: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseOver: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseOverCapture: !0 }) } }, mouseUp: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onMouseUp: !0 }), captured: g({ onMouseUpCapture: !0 }) } }, paste: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onPaste: !0 }), captured: g({ onPasteCapture: !0 }) } }, reset: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onReset: !0 }), captured: g({ onResetCapture: !0 }) } }, scroll: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onScroll: !0 }), captured: g({ onScrollCapture: !0 }) } }, submit: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onSubmit: !0 }), captured: g({ onSubmitCapture: !0 }) } }, touchCancel: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchCancel: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchCancelCapture: !0 }) } }, touchEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchEnd: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchEndCapture: !0 }) } }, touchMove: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchMove: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchMoveCapture: !0 }) } }, touchStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onTouchStart: !0 }), captured: g({ onTouchStartCapture: !0 }) } }, wheel: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: g({ onWheel: !0 }), captured: g({ onWheelCapture: !0 }) } } }, E = { topBlur: C.blur, topClick: C.click, topContextMenu: C.contextMenu, topCopy: C.copy, topCut: C.cut, topDoubleClick: C.doubleClick, topDrag: C.drag, topDragEnd: C.dragEnd, topDragEnter: C.dragEnter, topDragExit: C.dragExit, topDragLeave: C.dragLeave, topDragOver: C.dragOver, topDragStart: C.dragStart, topDrop: C.drop, topError: C.error, topFocus: C.focus, topInput: C.input, topKeyDown: C.keyDown, topKeyPress: C.keyPress, topKeyUp: C.keyUp, topLoad: C.load, topMouseDown: C.mouseDown, topMouseMove: C.mouseMove, topMouseOut: C.mouseOut, topMouseOver: C.mouseOver, topMouseUp: C.mouseUp, topPaste: C.paste, topReset: C.reset, topScroll: C.scroll, topSubmit: C.submit, topTouchCancel: C.touchCancel, topTouchEnd: C.touchEnd, topTouchMove: C.touchMove, topTouchStart: C.touchStart, topWheel: C.wheel }; for (var b in E) E[b].dependencies = [b]; var _ = { eventTypes: C, executeDispatch: function(e, t, n) { var r = o.executeDispatch(e, t, n); r === !1 && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()) }, extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) { var o = E[e]; if (!o) return null; var g; switch (e) { case y.topInput: case y.topLoad: case y.topError: case y.topReset: case y.topSubmit: g = s; break; case y.topKeyPress: if (0 === m(r)) return null; case y.topKeyDown: case y.topKeyUp: g = l; break; case y.topBlur: case y.topFocus: g = u; break; case y.topClick: if (2 === r.button) return null; case y.topContextMenu: case y.topDoubleClick: case y.topMouseDown: case y.topMouseMove: case y.topMouseOut: case y.topMouseOver: case y.topMouseUp: g = c; break; case y.topDrag: case y.topDragEnd: case y.topDragEnter: case y.topDragExit: case y.topDragLeave: case y.topDragOver: case y.topDragStart: case y.topDrop: g = p; break; case y.topTouchCancel: case y.topTouchEnd: case y.topTouchMove: case y.topTouchStart: g = d; break; case y.topScroll: g = f; break; case y.topWheel: g = h; break; case y.topCopy: case y.topCut: case y.topPaste: g = a } v(g); var C = g.getPooled(o, n, r); return i.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(C), C } }; t.exports = _ }, { 102: 102, 104: 104, 105: 105, 106: 106, 108: 108, 109: 109, 110: 110, 111: 111, 112: 112, 134: 134, 147: 147, 154: 154, 16: 16, 166: 166, 20: 20, 21: 21 }], 102: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(105), i = { clipboardData: function(e) { return "clipboardData" in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData } }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 105: 105 }], 103: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(105), i = { data: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 105: 105 }], 104: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(109), i = { dataTransfer: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 109: 109 }], 105: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { this.dispatchConfig = e, this.dispatchMarker = t, this.nativeEvent = n; var r = this.constructor.Interface; for (var o in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var i = r[o]; this[o] = i ? i(n) : n[o] } var s = null != n.defaultPrevented ? n.defaultPrevented : n.returnValue === !1; this.isDefaultPrevented = s ? a.thatReturnsTrue : a.thatReturnsFalse, this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsFalse } var o = e(30), i = e(29), a = e(126), s = e(137), u = { type: null, target: s, currentTarget: a.thatReturnsNull, eventPhase: null, bubbles: null, cancelable: null, timeStamp: function(e) { return e.timeStamp || Date.now() }, defaultPrevented: null, isTrusted: null }; i(r.prototype, { preventDefault: function() { this.defaultPrevented = !0; var e = this.nativeEvent; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, this.isDefaultPrevented = a.thatReturnsTrue }, stopPropagation: function() { var e = this.nativeEvent; e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0, this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsTrue }, persist: function() { this.isPersistent = a.thatReturnsTrue }, isPersistent: a.thatReturnsFalse, destructor: function() { var e = this.constructor.Interface; for (var t in e) this[t] = null; this.dispatchConfig = null, this.dispatchMarker = null, this.nativeEvent = null } }), r.Interface = u, r.augmentClass = function(e, t) { var n = this, r = Object.create(n.prototype); i(r, e.prototype), e.prototype = r, e.prototype.constructor = e, e.Interface = i({}, n.Interface, t), e.augmentClass = n.augmentClass, o.addPoolingTo(e, o.threeArgumentPooler) }, o.addPoolingTo(r, o.threeArgumentPooler), t.exports = r }, { 126: 126, 137: 137, 29: 29, 30: 30 }], 106: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(111), i = { relatedTarget: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 111: 111 }], 107: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(105), i = { data: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 105: 105 }], 108: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(111), i = e(134), a = e(135), s = e(136), u = { key: a, location: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, repeat: null, locale: null, getModifierState: s, charCode: function(e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? i(e) : 0 }, keyCode: function(e) { return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0 }, which: function(e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? i(e) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0 } }; o.augmentClass(r, u), t.exports = r }, { 111: 111, 134: 134, 135: 135, 136: 136 }], 109: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(111), i = e(114), a = e(136), s = { screenX: null, screenY: null, clientX: null, clientY: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, getModifierState: a, button: function(e) { var t = e.button; return "which" in e ? t : 2 === t ? 2 : 4 === t ? 1 : 0 }, buttons: null, relatedTarget: function(e) { return e.relatedTarget || (e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement) }, pageX: function(e) { return "pageX" in e ? e.pageX : e.clientX + i.currentScrollLeft }, pageY: function(e) { return "pageY" in e ? e.pageY : e.clientY + i.currentScrollTop } }; o.augmentClass(r, s), t.exports = r }, { 111: 111, 114: 114, 136: 136 }], 110: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(111), i = e(136), a = { touches: null, targetTouches: null, changedTouches: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, getModifierState: i }; o.augmentClass(r, a), t.exports = r }, { 111: 111, 136: 136 }], 111: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(105), i = e(137), a = { view: function(e) { if (e.view) return e.view; var t = i(e); if (null != t && t.window === t) return t; var n = t.ownerDocument; return n ? n.defaultView || n.parentWindow : window }, detail: function(e) { return e.detail || 0 } }; o.augmentClass(r, a), t.exports = r }, { 105: 105, 137: 137 }], 112: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { o.call(this, e, t, n) } var o = e(109), i = { deltaX: function(e) { return "deltaX" in e ? e.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0 }, deltaY: function(e) { return "deltaY" in e ? e.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta" in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0 }, deltaZ: null, deltaMode: null }; o.augmentClass(r, i), t.exports = r }, { 109: 109 }], 113: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(147), o = { reinitializeTransaction: function() { this.transactionWrappers = this.getTransactionWrappers(), this.wrapperInitData ? this.wrapperInitData.length = 0 : this.wrapperInitData = [], this._isInTransaction = !1 }, _isInTransaction: !1, getTransactionWrappers: null, isInTransaction: function() { return !!this._isInTransaction }, perform: function(e, t, n, o, i, a, s, u) { r(!this.isInTransaction()); var l, c; try { this._isInTransaction = !0, l = !0, this.initializeAll(0), c = e.call(t, n, o, i, a, s, u), l = !1 } finally { try { if (l) try { this.closeAll(0) } catch (p) {} else this.closeAll(0) } finally { this._isInTransaction = !1 } } return c }, initializeAll: function(e) { for (var t = this.transactionWrappers, n = e; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; try { this.wrapperInitData[n] = i.OBSERVED_ERROR, this.wrapperInitData[n] = r.initialize ? r.initialize.call(this) : null } finally { if (this.wrapperInitData[n] === i.OBSERVED_ERROR) try { this.initializeAll(n + 1) } catch (o) {} } } }, closeAll: function(e) { r(this.isInTransaction()); for (var t = this.transactionWrappers, n = e; n < t.length; n++) { var o, a = t[n], s = this.wrapperInitData[n]; try { o = !0, s !== i.OBSERVED_ERROR && a.close && a.close.call(this, s), o = !1 } finally { if (o) try { this.closeAll(n + 1) } catch (u) {} } } this.wrapperInitData.length = 0 } }, i = { Mixin: o, OBSERVED_ERROR: {} }; t.exports = i }, { 147: 147 }], 114: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { currentScrollLeft: 0, currentScrollTop: 0, refreshScrollValues: function(e) { r.currentScrollLeft = e.x, r.currentScrollTop = e.y } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 115: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (o(null != t), null == e) return t; var n = Array.isArray(e), r = Array.isArray(t); return n && r ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) : n ? (e.push(t), e) : r ? [e].concat(t) : [e, t] } var o = e(147); t.exports = r }, { 147: 147 }], 116: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (var t = 1, n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t = (t + e.charCodeAt(r)) % o, n = (n + t) % o; return t | n << 16 } var o = 65521; t.exports = r }, {}], 117: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return e.replace(o, function(e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() }) } var o = /-(.)/g; t.exports = r }, {}], 118: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o(e.replace(i, "ms-")) } var o = e(117), i = /^-ms-/; t.exports = r }, { 117: 117 }], 119: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = i.mergeProps(t, e.props); return !n.hasOwnProperty(s) && e.props.hasOwnProperty(s) && (n.children = e.props.children), o.createElement(e.type, n) } var o = e(61), i = e(81), a = e(154), s = (e(166), a({ children: null })); t.exports = r }, { 154: 154, 166: 166, 61: 61, 81: 81 }], 120: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { return e && t ? e === t ? !0 : o(e) ? !1 : o(t) ? r(e, t.parentNode) : e.contains ? e.contains(t) : e.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t)) : !1 : !1 } var o = e(151); t.exports = r }, { 151: 151 }], 121: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return !!e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) && "length" in e && !("setInterval" in e) && "number" != typeof e.nodeType && (Array.isArray(e) || "callee" in e || "item" in e) } function o(e) { return r(e) ? Array.isArray(e) ? e.slice() : i(e) : [e] } var i = e(163); t.exports = o }, { 163: 163 }], 122: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = i.createFactory(e), n = o.createClass({ tagName: e.toUpperCase(), displayName: "ReactFullPageComponent" + e, componentWillUnmount: function() { a(!1) }, render: function() { return t(this.props) } }); return n } var o = e(38), i = e(61), a = e(147); t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 38: 38, 61: 61 }], 123: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { var t = e.match(c); return t && t[1].toLowerCase() } function o(e, t) { var n = l; u(!!l); var o = r(e), i = o && s(o); if (i) { n.innerHTML = i[1] + e + i[2]; for (var c = i[0]; c--;) n = n.lastChild } else n.innerHTML = e; var p = n.getElementsByTagName("script"); p.length && (u(t), a(p).forEach(t)); for (var d = a(n.childNodes); n.lastChild;) n.removeChild(n.lastChild); return d } var i = e(22), a = e(121), s = e(139), u = e(147), l = i.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, c = /^\s*<(\w+)/; t.exports = o }, { 121: 121, 139: 139, 147: 147, 22: 22 }], 124: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "object" == typeof e ? Object.keys(e).filter(function(t) { return e[t] }).join(" ") : Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, " ") } e(166), t.exports = r }, { 166: 166 }], 125: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "" === t; if (n) return ""; var r = isNaN(t); return r || 0 === t || i.hasOwnProperty(e) && i[e] ? "" + t : ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.trim()), t + "px") } var o = e(5), i = o.isUnitlessNumber; t.exports = r }, { 5: 5 }], 126: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return function() { return e } } function o() {} o.thatReturns = r, o.thatReturnsFalse = r(!1), o.thatReturnsTrue = r(!0), o.thatReturnsNull = r(null), o.thatReturnsThis = function() { return this }, o.thatReturnsArgument = function(e) { return e }, t.exports = o }, {}], 127: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = {}; t.exports = r }, {}], 128: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i[e] } function o(e) { return ("" + e).replace(a, r) } var i = { "&": "&", ">": ">", "<": "<", '"': """, "'": "'" }, a = /[&><"']/g; t.exports = o }, {}], 129: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return null == e ? null : s(e) ? e : o.has(e) ? i.getNodeFromInstance(e) : (a(null == e.render || "function" != typeof e.render), void a(!1)) } var o = (e(45), e(71)), i = e(75), a = e(147), s = e(149); e(166), t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 149: 149, 166: 166, 45: 45, 71: 71, 75: 75 }], 130: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var r = e, o = !r.hasOwnProperty(n); o && null != t && (r[n] = t) } function o(e) { if (null == e) return e; var t = {}; return i(e, r, t), t } var i = e(164); e(166), t.exports = o }, { 164: 164, 166: 166 }], 131: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { try { e.focus() } catch (t) {} } t.exports = r }, {}], 132: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function(e, t, n) { Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e && t.call(n, e) }; t.exports = r }, {}], 133: [function(e, t, n) { function r() { try { return document.activeElement || document.body } catch (e) { return document.body } } t.exports = r }, {}], 134: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t, n = e.keyCode; return "charCode" in e ? (t = e.charCode, 0 === t && 13 === n && (t = 13)) : t = n, t >= 32 || 13 === t ? t : 0 } t.exports = r }, {}], 135: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e.key) { var t = i[e.key] || e.key; if ("Unidentified" !== t) return t } if ("keypress" === e.type) { var n = o(e); return 13 === n ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(n) } return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? a[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : "" } var o = e(134), i = { Esc: "Escape", Spacebar: " ", Left: "ArrowLeft", Up: "ArrowUp", Right: "ArrowRight", Down: "ArrowDown", Del: "Delete", Win: "OS", Menu: "ContextMenu", Apps: "ContextMenu", Scroll: "ScrollLock", MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified" }, a = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 12: "Clear", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Control", 18: "Alt", 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Escape", 32: " ", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 144: "NumLock", 145: "ScrollLock", 224: "Meta" }; t.exports = r }, { 134: 134 }], 136: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = this, n = t.nativeEvent; if (n.getModifierState) return n.getModifierState(e); var r = i[e]; return r ? !!n[r] : !1 } function o(e) { return r } var i = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" }; t.exports = o }, {}], 137: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement || window; return 3 === t.nodeType ? t.parentNode : t } t.exports = r }, {}], 138: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e && (o && e[o] || e[i]); return "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0 } var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, i = "@@iterator"; t.exports = r }, {}], 139: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return i(!!a), d.hasOwnProperty(e) || (e = "*"), s.hasOwnProperty(e) || (a.innerHTML = "*" === e ? "" : "<" + e + ">", s[e] = !a.firstChild), s[e] ? d[e] : null } var o = e(22), i = e(147), a = o.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, s = { circle: !0, clipPath: !0, defs: !0, ellipse: !0, g: !0, line: !0, linearGradient: !0, path: !0, polygon: !0, polyline: !0, radialGradient: !0, rect: !0, stop: !0, text: !0 }, u = [1, '"], l = [1, "", "
"], c = [3, "", "
"], p = [1, "", ""], d = { "*": [1, "?
", "
"], area: [1, "", ""], col: [2, "", "
"], legend: [1, "
", "
"], param: [1, "", ""], tr: [2, "", "
"], optgroup: u, option: u, caption: l, colgroup: l, tbody: l, tfoot: l, thead: l, td: c, th: c, circle: p, clipPath: p, defs: p, ellipse: p, g: p, line: p, linearGradient: p, path: p, polygon: p, polyline: p, radialGradient: p, rect: p, stop: p, text: p }; t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 22: 22 }], 140: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild;) e = e.firstChild; return e } function o(e) { for (; e;) { if (e.nextSibling) return e.nextSibling; e = e.parentNode } } function i(e, t) { for (var n = r(e), i = 0, a = 0; n;) { if (3 === n.nodeType) { if (a = i + n.textContent.length, t >= i && a >= t) return { node: n, offset: t - i }; i = a } n = r(o(n)) } } t.exports = i }, {}], 141: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e ? e.nodeType === o ? e.documentElement : e.firstChild : null } var o = 9; t.exports = r }, {}], 142: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return !i && o.canUseDOM && (i = "textContent" in document.documentElement ? "textContent" : "innerText"), i } var o = e(22), i = null; t.exports = r }, { 22: 22 }], 143: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e === window ? { x: window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop } : { x: e.scrollLeft, y: e.scrollTop } } t.exports = r }, {}], 144: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return e.replace(o, "-$1").toLowerCase() } var o = /([A-Z])/g; t.exports = r }, {}], 145: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return o(e).replace(i, "-ms-") } var o = e(144), i = /^ms-/; t.exports = r }, { 144: 144 }], 146: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "function" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.prototype && "function" == typeof e.prototype.mountComponent && "function" == typeof e.prototype.receiveComponent } function o(e, t) { var n; if ((null === e || e === !1) && (e = a.emptyElement), "object" == typeof e) { var o = e; n = t === o.type && "string" == typeof o.type ? s.createInternalComponent(o) : r(o.type) ? new o.type(o) : new c } else "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? n = s.createInstanceForText(e) : l(!1); return n.construct(e), n._mountIndex = 0, n._mountImage = null, n } var i = e(43), a = e(63), s = e(78), u = e(29), l = e(147), c = (e(166), function() {}); u(c.prototype, i.Mixin, { _instantiateReactComponent: o }), t.exports = o }, { 147: 147, 166: 166, 29: 29, 43: 43, 63: 63, 78: 78 }], 147: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, s) { if (!e) { var u; if (void 0 === t) u = new Error("Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings."); else { var l = [n, r, o, i, a, s], c = 0; u = new Error("Invariant Violation: " + t.replace(/%s/g, function() { return l[c++] })) } throw u.framesToPop = 1, u } }; t.exports = r }, {}], 148: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!i.canUseDOM || t && !("addEventListener" in document)) return !1; var n = "on" + e, r = n in document; if (!r) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.setAttribute(n, "return;"), r = "function" == typeof a[n] } return !r && o && "wheel" === e && (r = document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel", "3.0")), r } var o, i = e(22); i.canUseDOM && (o = document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature && document.implementation.hasFeature("", "") !== !0), t.exports = r }, { 22: 22 }], 149: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return !(!e || !("function" == typeof Node ? e instanceof Node : "object" == typeof e && "number" == typeof e.nodeType && "string" == typeof e.nodeName)) } t.exports = r }, {}], 150: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && ("INPUT" === e.nodeName && o[e.type] || "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName) } var o = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, "datetime-local": !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0 }; t.exports = r }, {}], 151: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return o(e) && 3 == e.nodeType } var o = e(149); t.exports = r }, { 149: 149 }], 152: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { e || (e = ""); var t, n = arguments.length; if (n > 1) for (var r = 1; n > r; r++) t = arguments[r], t && (e = (e ? e + " " : "") + t); return e } t.exports = r }, {}], 153: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(147), o = function(e) { var t, n = {}; r(e instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(e)); for (t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && (n[t] = t); return n }; t.exports = o }, { 147: 147 }], 154: [function(e, t, n) { var r = function(e) { var t; for (t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return t; return null }; t.exports = r }, {}], 155: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { if (!e) return null; var r = {}; for (var i in e) o.call(e, i) && (r[i] = t.call(n, e[i], i, e)); return r } var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; t.exports = r }, {}], 156: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = {}; return function(n) { return t.hasOwnProperty(n) || (t[n] = e.call(this, n)), t[n] } } t.exports = r }, {}], 157: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return i(o.isValidElement(e)), e } var o = e(61), i = e(147); t.exports = r }, { 147: 147, 61: 61 }], 158: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return '"' + o(e) + '"' } var o = e(128); t.exports = r }, { 128: 128 }], 159: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(22), o = /^[ \r\n\t\f]/, i = /<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \r\n\t\f\/>]/, a = function(e, t) { e.innerHTML = t }; if ("undefined" != typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction && (a = function(e, t) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() { e.innerHTML = t }) }), r.canUseDOM) { var s = document.createElement("div"); s.innerHTML = " ", "" === s.innerHTML && (a = function(e, t) { if (e.parentNode && e.parentNode.replaceChild(e, e), o.test(t) || "<" === t[0] && i.test(t)) { e.innerHTML = "\ufeff" + t; var n = e.firstChild; 1 === n.data.length ? e.removeChild(n) : n.deleteData(0, 1) } else e.innerHTML = t }) } t.exports = a }, { 22: 22 }], 160: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(22), o = e(128), i = e(159), a = function(e, t) { e.textContent = t }; r.canUseDOM && ("textContent" in document.documentElement || (a = function(e, t) { i(e, o(t)) })), t.exports = a }, { 128: 128, 159: 159, 22: 22 }], 161: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (e === t) return !0; var n; for (n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (!t.hasOwnProperty(n) || e[n] !== t[n])) return !1; for (n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n) && !e.hasOwnProperty(n)) return !1; return !0 } t.exports = r }, {}], 162: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (null != e && null != t) { var n = typeof e, r = typeof t; if ("string" === n || "number" === n) return "string" === r || "number" === r; if ("object" === r && e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key) { var o = e._owner === t._owner; return o } } return !1 } e(166), t.exports = r }, { 166: 166 }], 163: [function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { var t = e.length; if (o(!Array.isArray(e) && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)), o("number" == typeof t), o(0 === t || t - 1 in e), e.hasOwnProperty) try { return Array.prototype.slice.call(e) } catch (n) {} for (var r = Array(t), i = 0; t > i; i++) r[i] = e[i]; return r } var o = e(147); t.exports = r }, { 147: 147 }], 164: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return v[e] } function o(e, t) { return e && null != e.key ? a(e.key) : t.toString(36) } function i(e) { return ("" + e).replace(g, r) } function a(e) { return "$" + i(e) } function s(e, t, n, r, i) { var u = typeof e; if (("undefined" === u || "boolean" === u) && (e = null), null === e || "string" === u || "number" === u || l.isValidElement(e)) return r(i, e, "" === t ? h + o(e, 0) : t, n), 1; var p, v, g, y = 0; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var C = 0; C < e.length; C++) p = e[C], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + o(p, C), g = n + y, y += s(p, v, g, r, i); else { var E = d(e); if (E) { var b, _ = E.call(e); if (E !== e.entries) for (var x = 0; !(b = _.next()).done;) p = b.value, v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + o(p, x++), g = n + y, y += s(p, v, g, r, i); else for (; !(b = _.next()).done;) { var D = b.value; D && (p = D[1], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + a(D[0]) + m + o(p, 0), g = n + y, y += s(p, v, g, r, i)) } } else if ("object" === u) { f(1 !== e.nodeType); var M = c.extract(e); for (var T in M) M.hasOwnProperty(T) && (p = M[T], v = ("" !== t ? t + m : h) + a(T) + m + o(p, 0), g = n + y, y += s(p, v, g, r, i)) } } return y } function u(e, t, n) { return null == e ? 0 : s(e, "", 0, t, n) } var l = e(61), c = e(67), p = e(70), d = e(138), f = e(147), h = (e(166), p.SEPARATOR), m = ":", v = { "=": "=0", ".": "=1", ":": "=2" }, g = /[=.:]/g; t.exports = u }, { 138: 138, 147: 147, 166: 166, 61: 61, 67: 67, 70: 70 }], 165: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e.concat() : e && "object" == typeof e ? a(new e.constructor, e) : e } function o(e, t, n) { u(Array.isArray(e)); var r = t[n]; u(Array.isArray(r)) } function i(e, t) { if (u("object" == typeof t), l.call(t, f)) return u(1 === Object.keys(t).length), t[f]; var n = r(e); if (l.call(t, h)) { var s = t[h]; u(s && "object" == typeof s), u(n && "object" == typeof n), a(n, t[h]) } l.call(t, c) && (o(e, t, c), t[c].forEach(function(e) { n.push(e) })), l.call(t, p) && (o(e, t, p), t[p].forEach(function(e) { n.unshift(e) })), l.call(t, d) && (u(Array.isArray(e)), u(Array.isArray(t[d])), t[d].forEach(function(e) { u(Array.isArray(e)), n.splice.apply(n, e) })), l.call(t, m) && (u("function" == typeof t[m]), n = t[m](n)); for (var v in t) g.hasOwnProperty(v) && g[v] || (n[v] = i(e[v], t[v])); return n } var a = e(29), s = e(154), u = e(147), l = {}.hasOwnProperty, c = s({ $push: null }), p = s({ $unshift: null }), d = s({ $splice: null }), f = s({ $set: null }), h = s({ $merge: null }), m = s({ $apply: null }), v = [c, p, d, f, h, m], g = {}; v.forEach(function(e) { g[e] = !0 }), t.exports = i }, { 147: 147, 154: 154, 29: 29 }], 166: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = e(126), o = r; t.exports = o }, { 126: 126 }] }, {}, [1])(1) }); ! function() { window.defineNamespace = function(n, o) { for (var e = o.split("."), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) n[e[i]] || (n[e[i]] = {}), n = n[e[i]] }, window.assert = function(n, o, e) { if (!n) { var i = new Date; if (console.log("[" + i.toLocaleTimeString() + "] - " + o), e) throw new Error(o) } }, window.log = function(n) { if ("debug" == window.applicationType) { var o = new Date; console.log("[" + o.toLocaleTimeString() + "] - " + n) } }, window.warning = function(n) { if ("debug" == window.applicationType) { var o = new Date; console.warn("[" + o.toLocaleTimeString() + "] - " + n) } }, window.error = function(n) { var o = new Date; console.error("[" + o.toLocaleTimeString() + "] - " + n) }, window.isDot2 = function() { return "dot2" == localStorage.getItem("appType") } }(), defineNamespace(window, "generic.globs"), function(n) { n.globs.epsylon = 1e-5, n.statusLogging = function(n) { if ("debug" == window.applicationType) { var o = new Date; n = "[" + o.toLocaleTimeString() + "] - " + n, console && console.log && console.log(n) } } }(window.generic), defineNamespace(window, "ui"), defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), defineNamespace(window, "tools"), defineNamespace(window, "login"), function() { var n = []; window.generic.slice = n.slice, window.generic.sign = function(n) { return Math.sign ? 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"" : t, i = i || o, !n) return e ? e[i] === t ? !1 : (e[i] = t, !0) : (assert(!1, "window.utilities.checkAndSet: source and destination objects are both null!!!"), !1); var r = n[o] || t, c = e[i], d = !1; return r !== c && (e[i] = r, d = !0), d } }(window.utilities); window.remoteColors = window.isDot2() ? { presetValues: { Value: { borderColor: "#FFFF00", activeBackgroundColor: "#555500" }, Output: { borderColor: "#FFFF00", activeBackgroundColor: "#555500" } }, button: { backgroundColor: "#000", backgroundColorPressed: "#3B2B00", strokeColor: "#505050" }, scrollBar: { backgroundColor: "#4C4C4C", backgroundColorPressed: "#4C4C4C", strokeColor: "#B2B2B2" }, commandLine: { color: "#FFF" }, ma2Window: { backgroundColor: "#1A1A1A", strokeColor: "#808080" }, canvasContainer: { fillColor: "#000", color: "#FFF", cell: { backgroundColor: "#505050", strokeColor: "#CCC", focusBorderColor: "#FFF" } }, fixtureSheet: { cellBackgroundColor: "#202020", cellBackgroundColor2: "#282828", headerCellBackgroundColor: "#393939", headerSelectedAttributeColor: "#FFF", headerSelectedPresetColor: "#FFF", focusBorderColor: "#FFF", borderColor: "#000" }, fixtureLayoutSheet: { cellBackgroundColor: "#000" }, commandHistory: { backgroundColor: "#1A1A1A", fillStyle: "#333", lineBackgroundColor: "#000", color: "#BBBBBB" }, pools: { cell: { backgroundColor: "#404040", color: "#FFF", selectedColor: "#FFFF00", border: { color: "#404040", focusColor: "#FFF" }, index: { color: "#A0A0A0", referencedColor: "#A0A0A0" }, stateStripe: { color: "#404040" } } }, groupPool: { cell: {} }, macroPool: { cell: {} }, presetPool: { cell: { amountOfUsed: { color: "#404040" }, dimmer: { backgroundColor: "#808080", color: "#E8A900" }, miscRects: [{ color: "#FF0" }, { color: "#0F0" }, { color: "#E8A900" }, { color: "#FF80FF" }] } }, executorSheet: { headerCellBackgroundColor: "#393939", cellBackgroundColor: "#646464", cellBackgroundColor2: "#7D7D7D", headerSelectedAttributeColor: "#F8FC00", headerSelectedPresetColor: "#B4B400", headerBorderColor: "#CE9703", borderColor: "#000000", borderColorAlternative: "#404040", selectedBorderColor: "#FF0" } } : { presetValues: { Value: { borderColor: "#FFFF00", activeBackgroundColor: "#555500" }, Fade: { borderColor: "#00FF00", activeBackgroundColor: "#006F00" }, Delay: { borderColor: "#E8A901", activeBackgroundColor: "#664A00" }, Output: { borderColor: "#E8A901", activeBackgroundColor: "#664A00" } }, button: { backgroundColor: "#000", backgroundColorPressed: "#3B2B00", strokeColor: "#E0A302" }, scrollBar: { backgroundColor: "#000", backgroundColorPressed: "#3B2B00", strokeColor: "#E0A302" }, commandLine: { color: "#FFF" }, ma2Window: { backgroundColor: "#1A1A1A", buttonsBackgroundColor: "#000", strokeColor: "#E0A302" }, canvasContainer: { fillColor: "#000", color: "#FFF", cell: { backgroundColor: "#505050", strokeColor: "#CCC", focusBorderColor: "#00F" } }, fixtureSheet: { cellBackgroundColor: "#000030", headerSelectedAttributeColor: "#F8FC00", headerSelectedPresetColor: "#B4B400" }, channelSheet: { cell: { backgroundColor: "#000030", color: "#FFF", border: { color: "#FFF", focusedColor: "#00F" } } }, commandHistory: { backgroundColor: "#1A1A1A", fillStyle: "#333", lineBackgroundColor: "#000", color: "#BBBBBB" }, pools: { cell: { backgroundColor: "#000", color: "#FFF", topHalf: { backgroundColor: "#000" }, bottomHalf: { backgroundColor1: "#3F3F3F", backgroundColor2: "#616161" }, border: { color: "#808080", focusColor: "#00F" }, index: { color: "#8F8F8F", referencedColor: "#0DDDD1" }, stateStripe: { color: "#808080" } } }, groupPool: { cell: { miscRects: { color: "#F00" } } }, macroPool: { cell: {} }, presetPool: { cell: { borderColor: "#FF0", amountOfUsed: { color: "#0DDDD1" }, dimmer: { backgroundColor: "#808080", color: "#E8A900" }, specialChars: [{ color: "#F00" }, { color: "#E8A900" }, { color: "#C0C0C0" }, { color: "#FFF" }], miscRects: [{ color: "#FF0" }, { color: "#0F0" }, { color: "#E8A900" }, { color: "#FF80FF" }] } }, worldPool: { cell: { backgroundColor: "#000", filledColor: "#FFF", emptyColor: "#888" } }, executorSheet: { headerCellBackgroundColor: "#000", cellBackgroundColor: "#606060", headerSelectedAttributeColor: "#F8FC00", headerSelectedPresetColor: "#B4B400", headerBorderColor: "#CE9703", borderColor: "#000000", borderColorAlternative: "#404040", selectedBorderColor: "#FF0" } }; 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(a.x = .5, r = "top") : o >= -135 && -45 > o ? (a.y = .5, r = "left") : o > 45 && 135 >= o ? (a.x = 1, a.y = .5, r = "right") : (a.x = .5, a.y = 1, r = "bottom")); var s = e.x - i.x; return "top" == r ? -.3 > s ? a.x += .5 : s > .3 && (a.x -= .5) : "bottom" == r && (-.5 > s ? a.x += .5 : s > .5 && (a.x -= .5)), { startPoint: { x: a.x + e.x, y: a.y + e.y }, angle: o } } function r(t, n) { var e = n - 90, i = 0 != e, o = "translate(-50%, -50%) " + (i ? "rotate(" + e + "deg)" : ""); t.applyTransform(o), i && t.css({ "-webkit-transform-origin": "50% 50%", "-moz-transform-origin": "50% 50%", "-ms-transform-origin": "50% 50%", "transform-origin": "50% 50%" }) } t.ButtonBlock = function() {}, t.ButtonBlock.create = function(a, s, c, u, l) { var f = n(a.length, s); if (e(f, a, c, u), l) for (var y = "border", h = i(f), d = 0; d < h.length; ++d) { var p = o(h[d], y, f.array[d], f.array[d + 1] || f.array[0]), g = t(l); g.css({ position: "absolute", left: p.startPoint.x * f.blockWidth + "%", top: p.startPoint.y * f.blockHeight + "%", width: "25px", height: "20px" }), r(g, p.angle), c.append(g) } c.show() } }(jQuery), function(t) { function n(n, e, i) { var o = null; for (var r in n) if (n[r]) { o = t.Layout[r]; break } o ? e.call(o, i) : warning("$.Layout: invalid flag parameter " + n) } function e(t, e) { n(t, o, e) } function i(t, e) { n(t, r, e) } function o(t) { this.toggleClass("hidden", !t) } function r(t) { var n = "visible" === this.css("visibility"); t && n || !t && !n || (t ? this.css("visibility", "visible") : this.css("visibility", "hidden")) } t.Layout = {}, t.Layout.init = function() { t.Layout.navigationPanel = t(".header-left-bottom"), t.Layout.cmdline = t(".header-left-top"), t.Layout.header = t(".header"), t.Layout.leftPanel = t(".middle-left"), t.Layout.topRightButton = t(".header-right"), t.Layout.dimmerWheel = t(".middle-right"), t.Layout.pageContent = t(".middle"), t.Layout.topButtons = t(".middle-center-top"), t.Layout.bottomButtons = t(".footer") }, t.Layout.hide = function(t) { e(t, !1) }, t.Layout.show = function(t, n) { n = arguments.length <= 1 ? !0 : !!n, e(t, n) }, t.Layout.setHidden = function(t) { i(t, !1) }, t.Layout.setVisible = function(t) { i(t, !0) } }(jQuery), function() { if (document.all && !window.setTimeout.isPolyfill) { var t = window.setTimeout; window.setTimeout = function(n, e) { var i = window.generic.slice.call(arguments, 2); return t(n instanceof Function ? function() { n.apply(null, i) } : n, e) }, window.setTimeout.isPolyfill = !0 } Object.assign || (Object.assign = function(t, n) { for (var e, i, o = 1; o < arguments.length; ++o) { i = arguments[o]; for (e in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, e) && (t[e] = i[e]) } return t }) }(), function(t) { t.BoundIncrement = function(t, n, e) { var i = t + 1; return i > e - 1 && (i = n), i }, t.BoundDecrement = function(t, n, e) { var i = t - 1; return n > i && (i = e - 1), i }, t.IsPointInRect = function(t, n) { return t.x >= n.left && t.x <= n.left + n.width && t.y >= n.top && t.y <= n.top + n.height }, t.GetEventPoint = function(t) { var n, e = t.originalEvent || t; return e.touches && e.touches.length > 0 ? n = e.touches[0] : e.changedTouches && (n = e.changedTouches[0]), { x: e.dataOffsetX || e.pageX || (n ? n.pageX : 0), y: e.dataOffsetY || e.pageY || (n ? n.pageY : 0) } }, t.AssertIsFinite = function(t) { if (void 0 == t) return !0; if (!isFinite(t)) throw Error() }, t.createObject = function(t) { function n() {} return n.prototype = t, new n }, t.extend = function(t, n) { F = function() {}, F.prototype = n.prototype, t.prototype = new F, t.prototype.constructor = t, t.superclass = n.prototype } }(window.generic); ! function(t, e) { var n = "undefined" != typeof window.Storage ? window.sessionStorage : !1; if (n) try { n.setItem("test", 1), n.removeItem("test") } catch (o) { n = !1 } var i = "undefined" != typeof window.Storage ? window.localStorage : !1; if (i) try { i.setItem("test", 1), i.removeItem("test") } catch (o) { i = !1 } var r = function() {}, a = function(t) { var e = null; return e = i && n ? t ? i : n : i || n }; r.AddSection = function(t) { if (r[t]) return window.generic.statusLogging("Storage section duplication '" + t + "'"), r[t]; var o = r[t] = { Save: function(n, o, i) { var r = t + "." + n, c = JSON.stringify(o) || "", g = a(i); try { g ? g[r] = c : e.cookie(r, c) } catch (s) { window.generic.statusLogging(s) } }, Load: function(o, r) { var a = t + "." + o, c = null; try { c = n && n[a] ? n[a] : i && i[a] ? i[a] : e.cookie(a), c && (c = JSON.parse(c)), c = c || r } catch (g) { window.generic.statusLogging(g), c = r } return c } }; return o.save = o.Save, o.load = o.Load, o }, t.Storage = r }(window, jQuery); defineNamespace(window, "generic.globs"), function(e) { e.config = { layout: { phone: { id: "phone", title: "Phone", dataPageLayout: "phone-layout", genericPage: { presetTypeBar: !1 }, pools: { minEmptyItems: 10 }, executorSheet: { fixedColumnsCount: 1 } }, tablet: { id: "tablet", title: "Tablet", dataPageLayout: "tablet-layout", genericPage: { presetTypeBar: !0 }, pools: { minEmptyItems: 0 }, executorSheet: { fixedColumnsCount: 2 } } }, icons: { world: "./images/MAIMG_ELEMENT_WORLD.png" } }, e.config.layout["default"] = e.config.layout.phone, e.config.keyboardCaptured = !1 }(window.generic.globs), function(e) { function t(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { get: n.get, set: function(o) { var a = n.get(); a !== o && (n.set(o), $(e).triggerHandler("propertyChanged", { name: t, oldValue: a, newValue: o })) } }) } var n = function(e) { var n = e, o = [{ name: "layout", defaultValue: generic.globs.config.layout["default"].id }]; o.forEach(function(e, o, a) { t(this, e.name, { get: function() { return n.Load(e.name) }, set: function(t) { n.Save(e.name, t, !0) } }), void 0 === this[e.name] && (this[e.name] = e.defaultValue) }.bind(this)) }; e.GlobalSettings = new n(Storage.AddSection("globalSettings")) }(window.generic.globs); ! function(e) { var t = {}; t._handlers = {}, t.Register = function(e) { t._handlers[e.name] || (t._handlers[e.name] = e.handler, t._handlers[e.name].executeOnce = e.executeOnce) }, t.Unregister = function(e) { t._handlers[e] && delete t._handlers[e] }, t.HandleResponse = function(e) { for (var n in t._handlers) t._handlers[n](e) }, e.DataHandlerManager = t }(window), function() { var e = function() { var e = function(e, t) { Server.send(t ? { requestType: Server.requestTypes.commandConfirmationResult, result: e, option: t } : { requestType: Server.requestTypes.commandConfirmationResult, result: e }), setTimeout(function() { Server.resetBlockedRequests() }, 1e3) }, t = !1, n = function(n) { for (var r = parseInt(n.target.name), o = [], a = 0;;) { var i = document.getElementById("optionsContainer" + a); if (!i) break; for (var s = 0; s < i.childNodes.length; s++) if (-1 != i.childNodes[s].className.search("active")) { var d = parseInt(i.childNodes[s].getAttribute("name")); o.push(d); break } a++ } e(r, o), t = !0 }, r = function() { t || e(-1) }; return { name: "CommandConfirmationDataHandler", handler: function(e) { if (e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.commandConfirmation) return !1; t = !1; for (var o = [], a = 0; a < e.buttons.length; a++) o.push({ id: "alert_button" + a, text: e.buttons[a].text, btnId: e.buttons[a].id, type: "custom", click: n }); return e.focusedButtonIndex && 0 <= e.focusedButtonIndex && e.focusedButtonIndex < o.length && (o[e.focusedButtonIndex].focused = !0), $.alert({ title: e.tt, message: e.msg, buttons: o, options: e.optionGroups, onClose: r }), !0 } } }(), t = function() { var e = function(e, t) { Server.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.presetCommandConfirmationResult, presetStoreMode: t, result: e }) }, t = !1, n = function(n) { var r = n.target.id.split("alert_button"), a = r[r.length - 1]; e(a, o), t = !0 }, r = function() { t || e(-1, -1) }, o = 0, a = function(e) { var t = e.split("dropDownItem"); o = t[t.length - 1] }; return { name: "PresetCommandConfirmationDataHandler", handler: function(e) { if (e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.presetCommandConfirmation) return !1; t = !1; for (var i = [], s = 0; s < e.buttons.length; s++) i.push({ id: "alert_button" + s, text: e.buttons[s], type: "custom", click: n }); e.focusedButtonIndex && 0 <= e.focusedButtonIndex && e.focusedButtonIndex < i.length && (i[e.focusedButtonIndex].focused = !0); for (var d = [], s = 0; s < e.dropDownItems.length; s++) d.push({ id: "dropDownItem" + s, text: e.dropDownItems[s] }); return e.dropDownItemIndex && 0 <= e.dropDownItemIndex && e.dropDownItemIndex < i.length ? (d[e.dropDownItemIndex].selected = !0, o = e.dropDownItemIndex) : o = 0, $.alert({ title: e.tt, message: e.ques, buttons: i, dropDown: { label: e.msg, items: d, onItemChanged: a }, onClose: r }), !0 } } }(), n = { name: "LoginResultDataHandler", handler: function(e) { return e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.login ? !1 : (window.login.GetLoginManager().onResultHandler(e.result), !0) } }, r = { name: "CommandLineDataHandler", handler: function(e) { var t = e.text, n = e.prompt, r = e.promptcolor, o = void 0 !== t || void 0 !== n || void 0 !== r; return o && window.generic.globs.commandLine && window.generic.globs.commandLine.render(n, r, t, !0), o } }; DataHandlerManager.Register(e), DataHandlerManager.Register(t), DataHandlerManager.Register(n), DataHandlerManager.Register(r) }(), function(e) { var t = function() { this._actions = {} }; t.prototype.register = function(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this._registerOne(e[t]); else this._registerOne(e) }, t.prototype._registerOne = function(e) { return e && e.type && e.handler ? (this._actions[e.type] || (this._actions[e.type] = []), void this._actions[e.type].push(e.handler)) : void warning("Dispatcher.register: Invalid argument 'actions'") }, t.prototype.unregister = function(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this._unregisterOne(e[t]); else this._unregisterOne(e) }, t.prototype._unregisterOne = function(e) { if (!e || !e.type || !e.handler) return void warning("Dispatcher.unregister: Invalid argument 'action'"); var t = this._actions[e.type]; if (t) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (t[n] == e.handler) { t = t.splice(n, 1); break } }, t.prototype.trigger = function(e) { if (!e || !e.type) return void warning("Dispatcher.trigger: Invalid argument 'action'"); var t = this._actions[e.type]; if (t) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n](e.type, e.data) }, e.Dispatcher = function() { return new t } }(window); defineNamespace(window, "window.uiTypes.pages.actions"), function(e) { e.playbacks = { ITEM_INDEX_CHANGED: "item_index_changed", PAGE_INDEX_CHANGED: "page_index_changed", MODE_CHANGED: "mode_changed" } }(window.uiTypes.pages.actions); var e = window.timers.GlobalTimers; window.g_ErrPop = !1, function(e) { var t = function(e) { this.m_timer = null, this.m_requestSent = !1, this.m_sessionTimerEventHandler = e, this.m_isLoggedIn = !1, this.m_id = 0 }; t.prototype.start = function() { window.generic.statusLogging("Start Session"), this.m_timer || (this.m_timer = setTimeout(this.m_sessionTimerEventHandler, 50), this.m_requestSent = !0), this.m_sessionTimerEventHandler() }, t.prototype.stop = function() { this.m_timer && (window.clearTimeout(this.m_timer), this.m_timer = !1), this.m_id = 0, window.generic.statusLogging("Stop Session") }, t.prototype.getId = function() { return this.m_id }, t.prototype.setId = function(e) { this.m_id = e, this.m_timer && (this.m_requestSent ? window.clearTimeout(this.m_timer) : window.clearInterval(this.m_timer), this.m_requestSent = !1, this.m_timer = setInterval(this.m_sessionTimerEventHandler, 1e4)) }, t.prototype.getIsLoggedIn = function() { return this.m_isLoggedIn }, t.prototype.setIsLoggedIn = function(e) { this.m_isLoggedIn = e }, e.Session = t }(window), window.Server = function() { function t() { window.generic.statusLogging("Trying to reconnect"), o.connect(), window.clearTimeout(g), g = !1 } function n() { o.send({}, !0) } var o = {}; o.requestTypes = { command: "command", keyname: "keyname", login: "login", encoder: "encoder", commandConfirmation: "commandConfirmation", commandConfirmationResult: "commandConfirmationResult", presetCommandConfirmation: "presetCommandConfirmation", presetCommandConfirmationResult: "presetCommandConfirmationResult", getdata: "getdata", presetTypes: "presetTypes", presetTypeList: "presetTypeList", fixtureSheet: "fixtureSheet", channelSheet: "channelSheet", fixtureLayout: "fixtureLayout", executorSheet: "executorSheet", commandHistory: "commandHistory", pool: "pool", pool_itemSelected: "pool_itemSelected", playbacks: "playbacks", playbacks_userInput: "playbacks_userInput", close: "close" }, o.requestOptions = { command: { maxRequests: 0 }, keyname: { maxRequests: 0 }, login: { maxRequests: 10 }, encoder: { maxRequests: 0 }, commandConfirmation: { maxRequests: 10 }, commandConfirmationResult: { maxRequests: 0 }, presetCommandConfirmation: { maxRequests: 10 }, presetCommandConfirmationResult: { maxRequests: 0 }, getdata: { maxRequests: 1 }, presetTypes: { maxRequests: 1 }, presetTypeList: { maxRequests: 1 }, fixtureSheet: { maxRequests: 1 }, channelSheet: { maxRequests: 1 }, executorSheet: { maxRequests: 1 }, commandHistory: { maxRequests: 1 }, pool: { maxRequests: 3 }, pool_itemSelected: { maxRequests: 0 }, playbacks: { maxRequests: 1 }, playbacks_userInput: { maxRequests: 0 }, close: { maxRequests: 0 } }; var s = window.generic.globs.$document; o.notAvailableEvent = "serverNotAvailable", o.connectionEstablishedEvent = "connectionEstablished", o.connectionLostEvent = "connectionLost", o.connectionsLimitReachedEvent = "connectionLimitReached", o.sessionCreatedEvent = "sessionCreated", o.sessionLostEvent = "sessionLost"; var i = "ws://" + window.location.host + "/?ma=1", r = !1, a = 0, c = 20, m = !1, g = !1, d = {}, u = 30, l = new Session(n); o.IsConnected = function() { return m }, o.ValidSession = function() { return l.getId() > 0 }, o.GetSessionId = function() { return l.getId() }, o.SetSessionId = function(e) { var t = e != l.getId() && (0 >= e || l.getId() <= 0); l.setId(e), t && (e > 0 ? s.trigger(o.sessionCreatedEvent, e) : 0 > e && s.trigger(o.sessionLostEvent)) }, o.SetLoginState = function(e) { return l.setIsLoggedIn(e) }, o.connect = function() { ++a, a > c && s.trigger(o.notAvailableEvent), window.generic.statusLogging("m_serverAccessAttempts = " + a), window.generic.statusLogging("Connecting to : " + i); try { r = new WebSocket(i), r.onopen = o.SocketOnOpen, r.onmessage = o.SocketOnMessage, r.onclose = o.SocketOnClose, r.onerror = o.SocketOnError } catch (e) { o.SocketOnException() } }, o.disconnect = function() { m && 1 == r.readyState && (o.send({ requestType: o.requestTypes.close }), l.stop(), r.close()) }, o.SocketOnOpen = function(e) { window.generic.statusLogging("Connected to Console"), l.start(), m = !0, g && (window.clearTimeout(g), g = !1) }, o.resetBlockedRequests = function() { d = {} }, o.SocketOnMessage = function(e) { var t = ""; try { t = JSON.parse(e.data) } catch (n) { return d = {}, void window.generic.statusLogging("Invalid Data received from Console (" + n + ") - Message [" + e.data + "]") } if ("server ready" == t.status) { s.trigger(o.connectionEstablishedEvent), a = 0, window.generic.statusLogging("Console is ready"); var i = localStorage.getItem("appType"); localStorage.setItem("appType", t.appType), i != t.appType && location.reload(); var r = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; r && (r.innerText = t.appType), generic.globs.pageManager.applyPageFilter() } else { var c = t.responseType; c && "login" == c && l.setIsLoggedIn(t.result), c ? d[c] = (d[c] || 1) - 1 : void 0 == t.session && window.generic.statusLogging("Incomming typeless response"); try { DataHandlerManager.HandleResponse(t) } catch (n) { window.generic.statusLogging("Error at response handling. Response type '" + c + "'") } } }; var p = function() { var e = m; m = !1, e && s.trigger(o.connectionLostEvent), r = !1, window.ui.forcedDisconnect || g || (g = setTimeout(function() { t() }, 1e3)) }; return o.SocketOnClose = function(e) { p(), window.generic.statusLogging("Disconnected from the Console") }, o.SocketOnError = o.SocketOnException = function(e) { p(), window.generic.statusLogging("General Connection error") }, o.send = function(e, t) { if (1 == r.readyState && o.IsConnected() && (t || l.getId() > 0)) { e.session = l.getId(), e.command && (e.requestType = o.requestTypes.command, window.generic.statusLogging("exec command: " + e.command)), e.keyname && (e.requestType = o.requestTypes.keyname, window.generic.statusLogging("set keyname: " + e.keyname + ", value: " + e.value)), e.cmdlineText && window.generic.statusLogging("set text: " + e.cmdlineText); var n = e.requestType; if (void 0 != n && "login" != n && "getdata" != n && n != o.requestTypes.close && !l.getIsLoggedIn()) { var s = $.getOrCreate("errorOverlay"), i = { overlay: s, title: "Error", modalWindow: !0, messages: [{ text: "You are not logged in!" }], buttons: [{ type: "custom", text: "Close" }], stylePrefix: "loginForm", formSubmitHandler: function(e, t) { return setTimeout(function() { window.g_ErrPop = !1 }, 3e3), $.Popup.CloseLast(), !1 } }, a = $.getOrCreate("loginOverlay"), c = a.css("display"); return void(window.g_ErrPop || "none" != c || (window.generic.statusLogging("Dropped request. User is not logged in."), $.Popup.Show(i), window.g_ErrPop = !0)) } var m = o.requestOptions[e.requestType], g = m ? m.maxRequests : u; if (e = Object.assign(e, m), d[n] = d[n] || 0, !g || d[n] < g) { var p = JSON.stringify(e); try { r.send(p), n && (d[n] = (d[n] || 0) + 1) } catch (w) { window.generic.statusLogging("Error sending Data to the console (" + w + ")") } } else window.generic.statusLogging("Dropped request. Request type: " + n) } }, o.closeAllConnection = function() { e.Clear(), window.generic.statusLogging("Closing all Connections as moving away from Page"), o.disconnect() }, o.sendAttributeEncoderResolution = function(e, t) { o.send({ command: 'assign attribute "' + e + '"/EncoderResolution=' + t }) }, o }(); defineNamespace(window, "ui"), function(e, t) { for (var n = { deltaMs: 300, preventDefaultEvent: !1, moveDelta: 10 }, o = (e(document), !1), a = ["iPad", "iPhone", "iPod"], i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (-1 != navigator.platform.indexOf(a[i])) { o = !0; break } var r = function(t) { e.extend(n, t) }, v = {}; r.startEvent = "pointerdown", r.leaveEvent = "pointerleave", r.moveEvent = "pointermove", r.endEvent = "pointerup", r.maTouchDown = "maTouchDown", r.maTouchTap = "maTouchTap", r.maTouchUp = "maTouchUp", r.maTouchEnter = "maTouchEnter", r.maTouchMove = "maTouchMove", r.maTouchLeave = "maTouchLeave", r.maLongTap = "maLongTap"; var m = [r.maTouchDown, r.maTouchTap, r.maTouchUp, r.maTouchEnter, r.maTouchMove, r.maTouchLeave, r.maLongTap], u = [r.maTouchEnter, r.maTouchMove, r.maTouchLeave, r.maLongTap], c = function(t, a) { var i = { itemMultitouch: !1 }; e.extend(i, a), Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), e.each(t, function(t, a) { function m(t) { o && (t.preventDefault(), i.itemMultitouch = !0); var a = t.pointerId; if (0 === t.button) { var v = 0; for (var m in E) ++v; if (i.itemMultitouch || !(v > 0)) { E[a] || (E[a] = e.extend({}, h)); var c = E[a]; if (c.down) throw Error(); c.down = !0, c.delta = 0, c.isOver = !0, c.pointerId = a; var d = t.currentTarget; d._eventData = c; var T = s(t, r.maTouchDown); d.dispatchEvent(T), c.downPoint = window.generic.GetEventPoint(t), d._maTouchMoveEventTriggers > 0 && (c.HandleMove = p(d, c), document.addEventListener(r.moveEvent, c.HandleMove)), c.HandleUp = l(d, c), document.addEventListener(r.endEvent, c.HandleUp), c.timer = setTimeout(u, n.deltaMs, a, d) } } } function u(e, t) { c(e, !0, !0, t) } function c(e, t, n, o) { var a = E[e]; if (clearTimeout(a.timer), a.timer = 0, a.delta = 1, t) if (n) { if (a.down) { var i = s(null, r.maLongTap); o.dispatchEvent(i) } } else { if (!a.down) throw Error("Touch TimerStop. Impossible situation"); var i = s(null, r.maTouchTap); o.dispatchEvent(i) } } function d(e, t) { var n = E[e]; delete E[e], n.down = 0, document.removeEventListener(r.endEvent, n.HandleUp), document.removeEventListener(r.moveEvent, n.HandleMove) } var T = a; if (T._maTouchEventsSubscription) return void console.log("Touch: Element " + T + " was already subscribed"); T._maTouchEventsSubscription = !0; var E = {}, h = { timer: 0, delta: 1, down: !1, isOver: !1, downPoint: 0, HandleUp: null, HandleMove: null }; T.addEventListener(r.startEvent, m), v[T] = m; var l = function(e, t) { var n = e, o = t; return function(e) { if (0 == e.button) { var t = e.pointerId; if (o.down && t == o.pointerId) { o.delta || c(t, !0, !1, n); var a = s(e, r.maTouchUp); n.dispatchEvent(a), d(t, n) } } } }, p = function(t, o) { var a = t, i = o; return function(t) { var o = t.pointerId; if (i.down && o == i.pointerId) { var v = e(a), m = { top: v.offset().top, left: v.offset().left, width: a.offsetWidth, height: a.offsetHeight }, u = window.generic.GetEventPoint(t), d = { x: u.x - i.downPoint.x, y: u.y - i.downPoint.y }, T = Math.abs(d.x) > n.moveDelta || Math.abs(d.y) > n.moveDelta, E = !1; window.generic.IsPointInRect(u, m) ? (i.isOver || a.dispatchEvent(s(t, r.maTouchEnter)), i.isOver = !0) : i.isOver && (i.isOver = !1, E = !0), a.dispatchEvent(E ? s(t, r.maTouchLeave) : s(t, r.maTouchMove)), (E || T) && c(o, !1) } } } }) }, d = function(e) { v[e] && (e.removeEventListener(r.startEvent, v[e]), e._maTouchEventsSubscription = !1, delete v[e]) }, s = function(t, n) { var o = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return t ? (o.initCustomEvent(n, t.bubbles, t.cancelable, {}), o = e.extend(o, t)) : o.initCustomEvent(n, !0, !0, {}), o }, T = function(e) { var t = e.prototype ? e.prototype.addEventListener : e.addEventListener, n = function(e, n, o) { -1 != m.indexOf(e) && (this._maTouchEventsCount || (this._maTouchEventsCount = 0, c(this)), ++this._maTouchEventsCount, -1 != u.indexOf(e) && (this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers || (this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers = 0), ++this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers)), void 0 === t ? console.log("Can't subscribe '" + this + "' to event " + e) : t.call(this, e, n, o) }; e.prototype ? e.prototype.addEventListener = n : e.addEventListener = n }, E = function(e) { var t = e.prototype ? e.prototype.removeEventListener : e.removeEventListener, n = function(e, n, o) { -1 != m.indexOf(e) && (--this._maTouchEventsCount, 0 === this._maTouchEventsCount && d(this), this._maTouchEventsCount = Math.max(0, this._maTouchEventsCount), -1 != u.indexOf(e) && (--this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers, this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers = Math.max(0, this._maTouchMoveEventTriggers))), void 0 === t ? console.log("Can't unsubscribe '" + this + "' from event " + e) : t.call(this, e, n, o) }; e.prototype ? e.prototype.removeEventListener = n : e.removeEventListener = n }; T(window), T(window.HTMLElement || window.Element), T(document), T(HTMLBodyElement), T(HTMLDivElement), T(HTMLImageElement), T(HTMLUListElement), T(HTMLAnchorElement), T(HTMLLIElement), T(HTMLTableElement), window.HTMLSpanElement && T(HTMLSpanElement), window.HTMLCanvasElement && T(HTMLCanvasElement), window.SVGElement && T(SVGElement), E(window), E(window.HTMLElement || window.Element), E(document), E(HTMLBodyElement), E(HTMLDivElement), E(HTMLImageElement), E(HTMLUListElement), E(HTMLAnchorElement), E(HTMLLIElement), E(HTMLTableElement), window.HTMLSpanElement && E(HTMLSpanElement), window.HTMLCanvasElement && E(HTMLCanvasElement), window.SVGElement && E(SVGElement), t.Touch = r }(jQuery, window); ! function(e) { function t(t) { t.onClose = t.onClose || function() {}; var o = 100, n = !1; t.overlay.attr("rel", "overlay"), t.overlay.attr("class", t.stylePrefix); var a = '
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" } a += "
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'); w.append(_.uiElement.getItem()), y.append(C), y.append(w), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands("dropDownCommands", [_]); var k = t.onClose; t.onClose = function() { commands.ui.disposeUIElements([_]), k() }.bind(this) } var W = !1; if (t.buttons) { var L = 100 / t.buttons.length; e("[rel='buttonWrapper']").css({ width: L + "%" }); for (var r = 1; r <= t.buttons.length; r++) { var E = e("[rel='button']:nth-child(" + r + ")", t.overlay); t.buttons[r - 1].click && E.bind(Touch.endEvent, t.buttons[r - 1].click) } } if (t.options && t.options.length > 0) { W = !0; var O = 100 / t.options.length; if (e("[rel='optionGroupWrapper']").css({ width: O + "%" }), isDot2()) { var T = t.buttons.length / (t.buttons.length + t.options.length) * 100, D = t.options.length / (t.buttons.length + t.options.length) * 100; e("[rel='options']").css({ width: D + "%" }), e("[rel='buttons']").css({ width: T + "%" }) } } t.control = e(":first", t.overlay), e("[rel='close-button']", t.overlay).on(Touch.maTouchUp, e.Popup.Close.bind(this, t.control)) } function o(t) { for (var o = 0; o < e.Popup.settings.length; o++) if (e.Popup.settings[o].control == t) return o; return -1 } function n(t) { for (var o = 0; o < e.Popup.settings.length; ++o) if (e.Popup.settings[o].control == t.control && e.Popup.settings[o].overlay == t.overlay) return o; return -1 } var a = generic.globs.config, r = e.getOrCreate("popupOverlay"); e.Popup = function() {}, e.Popup.settings = [], e.Popup.Show = function(o) { if (o.control) { if (n(o) > -1) return } else { if (!o.overlay) throw new Error; t(o) } var i = o.overlay || r, l = o.control.css("z-index"), s = i.css("z-index"); parseInt(s) || (s = 4), o.control.css("z-index", parseInt(i.css("z-index")) + 1); var p = { control: o.control, overlay: i, z_index: l, startEventHandlers: null, onClose: o.onClose }, d = e.events(i) ? e.events(i)[0].events[Touch.startEvent] : null; if (d) { p.startEventHandlers = []; for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) p.startEventHandlers.push(d[c].handler) } e.Popup.settings.push(p), i.unbind(Touch.startEvent), o.modalWindow || i.bind(Touch.startEvent, e.Popup.CloseLast), o.control.show(), i.show(); var u = e("[data-focus=true]", o.control); 0 in u && setTimeout(function() { u.focus() }, 100), document.addEventListener("keyup", p.onKeyUp), a.keyboardCaptured = !1 }; var i = "'this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length)'", l = _.template(' " type="<%= textbox.type || "text" %>" id="<%= textbox.id %>" value="<%= textbox.value %>" tabindex="<%= tabStopIndex %>" data-focus="<%= (textbox.focused ? "true" : "false") %>" <%= (textbox.autoSelect ? "onfocus=' + i + '" : "") %> <%= (textbox.autoCapitalize ? "autocomplete=\\"off\\" autocorrect=\\"off\\" autocapitalize=\\"off\\" spellcheck=\\"false\\"" : "") %> />'), s = _.template('
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Can't connect to the console!|Please close connection of any other Remote and try again." }], stylePrefix: "overlay" } } : { serverDisabledOverlay: { overlay: $.getOrCreate("commonOverlay")[0], modalWindow: !0, messages: [{ text: "Remotes are disabled!|To activate Remotes for this console goto Setup/Console/Global Settings." }], stylePrefix: "overlay" }, serverUnavailableOverlay: { overlay: $.getOrCreate("commonOverlay")[0], modalWindow: !0, messages: [{ text: "Cannot connect to the console!!!" }], stylePrefix: "overlay" }, connectionsLimitOverlay: { overlay: $.getOrCreate("commonOverlay")[0], modalWindow: !0, messages: [{ text: "Connection limit of 3 devices reached! Can't connect to the console!|Please close connection of any other Remote and try again." }], stylePrefix: "overlay" } }; defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(t) { var e = function() { this.currentIndex = [0], this.step = [0], this.offset = [0] }; e.prototype.getIndices = function(t) { var e = {}; e.current = [], e.previous = [], e.next = []; for (var s = 0; s < this.step.length; s++) { var n = this.offset[s] + this.itemsCount[s]; this.currentIndex[s] || (this.currentIndex[s] = 0); var r = Math.max(0, 0 == this.step[s] ? 0 : Math.floor((this.currentIndex[s] - this.offset[s]) / this.step[s])), i = this.offset[s] + r * this.step[s]; this.currentIndex[s] = i; var h = { startIndex: i, endIndex: Math.max(0, Math.min(n, i + this.step[s] - 1)), pageIndex: r }; e.current.push(h), i > this.offset[s] && (h = { startIndex: Math.max(this.offset[s], e.current[s].startIndex - this.step[s]), endIndex: e.current[s].startIndex - 1, pageIndex: e.current[s].pageIndex - 1 }, e.previous.push(h)), i + this.step[s] <= n && (h = { startIndex: e.current[s].endIndex + 1, endIndex: Math.min(n, e.current[s].endIndex + this.step[s]), pageIndex: e.current[s].pageIndex + 1 }, e.next.push(h)) } return e }, e.prototype.stepForward = function() { for (var t = 0; t < this.currentIndex.length; t++) this.currentIndex[t] += this.step[t], this.currentIndex[t] = Math.min(this.offset[t] + this.itemsCount[t], this.currentIndex[t]) }, e.prototype.stepBackward = function() { for (var t = 0; t < this.currentIndex.length; t++) this.currentIndex[t] -= this.step[t], this.currentIndex[t] = Math.max(this.offset[t], this.currentIndex[t]) }, e.prototype.setCurrentIndex = function(t) { if (this.currentIndex = [], "object" == typeof t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.currentIndex.push(t[e]); else if ("string" == typeof t) { this.currentIndex = [], t = t.replace("[", ""), t = t.replace("]", ""); for (var s = t.split(","), e = 0; e < s.length; e++) { var n = parseInt(s[e]); isNaN(n) || this.currentIndex.push(n) } } else this.currentIndex[0] = t }, e.prototype.setPageIndex = function(t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.currentIndex[e] = "object" == typeof t ? t[e] * this.step[e] : t * this.step[e] }, e.prototype.setStep = function(t) { if (this.step = [], "object" == typeof t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.step[e] = t[e]; else this.step[0] = t }, e.prototype.setItemsCount = function(t) { if (this.itemsCount = [], "object" == typeof t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.itemsCount.push(Math.max(0, t[e] - 1)); else this.itemsCount[0] = Math.max(0, t - 1) }, e.prototype.setOffset = function(t) { if (this.offset[e] = [], "object" == typeof t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.offset[e] || (this.offset[e] = 0), this.currentIndex[e] || (this.currentIndex[e] = 0), this.currentIndex[e] += t[e] - this.offset[e], this.offset[e] = t[e]; else this.currentIndex += t - this.offset, this.offset = t }, t.Paginator = e }(window.uiTypes.pages); window.uiTypes = window.uiTypes || {}, window.uiTypes.controls = window.uiTypes.controls || {}, function(e) { var t = function() {}, o = _.template("
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this.update(t) : this.create(t) }, n.prototype.create = function(t) { if (t) { this.disposeItems(), this.$items = {}, t.curTitle = t.curTitle || "", t.nextTitle = t.nextTitle || ""; var e = i(t), n = $(e); this.$container.append(n), this.$items.$cur = $("[data-rel=cur-button]", this.$container), this.$items.$next = $("[data-rel=next-button]", this.$container), this.$items.$cur.on(Touch.maTouchUp, t.curHandler), this.$items.$next.on(Touch.maTouchUp, t.nextHandler), this.data = t } }, n.prototype.update = function(t) { var e = this.data; void 0 !== t.curHandler && e.curHandler !== t.curHandler && (this.$items.$cur.off(Touch.maTouchUp, e.curHandler), this.$items.$cur.on(Touch.maTouchUp, t.curHandler), e.curHandler = t.curHandler), void 0 !== t.nextHandler && e.nextHandler !== t.nextHandler && (this.$items.$next.off(Touch.maTouchUp, e.nextHandler), this.$items.$next.on(Touch.maTouchUp, t.nextHandler), e.nextHandler = t.nextHandler), void 0 !== t.curTitle && e.curTitle !== t.curTitle && ($("[data-rel=button-text]", this.$items.$cur).text(t.curTitle), e.curTitle = t.curTitle), void 0 !== t.nextTitle && e.nextTitle !== t.nextTitle && ($("[data-rel=button-text]", this.$items.$next).text(t.nextTitle), e.nextTitle = t.nextTitle), this.data = t }, n.prototype.disposeItems = function() { this.$items && (this.$items.$cur && this.$items.$cur.off(this.data.curHandler), this.$items.$next && this.$items.$next.off(this.data.nextHandler)), this.$container.empty() }, n.prototype.dispose = function() { this.disposeItems(), this.$container.remove() }, t.ModalHorizontalNavigationBar = n }(window.uiTypes); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), function(t) { var e = function(t, e, i, o, h) { if (e > o) return !1; for (var n = "", r = 0, s = 0, a = 0, l = 0; l < t.length && (n = t[l], r = h(n).width, !(a + r > i)); l++) s = l, a += r; return [{ line: t.substring(0, s + 1), length: a }] }, i = function(t, e, i, h, n) { for (var r = !1, s = "", a = [], l = 0, d = !0, c = !1, u = !0, f = 0; f < t.length; f++) { c = !1; var x = t[f]; "|" == x && (x = t[f] = "\n", r = !0); var y = n(x).width; if (x.charCodeAt(0) <= 32) " " == x || " " == x ? (" " == x && (x = " ", y = n(x).width), l += y, r = o(l, i, t, f + 1, n), r === !0 && (l -= y)) : "\n" == x ? r = !0 : c = !0; else if (y) { var g = l + y; g > i ? (r = !0, d ? l = g : --f) : l = g } if (r && !c && d && (s += x), d = !1, r || c || (s += x), (r || f === t.length - 1 && s) && (d = !0, r = !1, a.push({ line: s, length: l }), l = 0, s = "", a.length * e > h)) { u = !1; break } } return u ? a : !1 }, o = function(t, e, i, o, h) { for (var n = e - t, r = !1, s = o; s < i.length; s++) { var a = i[s]; if (" " == a || " " == a || "\n" == a) { r = !1; break } var l = h(a).width; if (n -= l, 0 > n) { r = !0; break } } return r }, h = function(t, e, i) { i instanceof Object || (i = { topRight: i, topLeft: i, bottomRight: i, bottomLeft: i }); var o = e.x, h = e.y, n = e.width, r = e.height; t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(o + i.topLeft, h), t.lineTo(o + n - i.topRight, h), t.quadraticCurveTo(o + n, h, o + n, h + i.topRight), t.lineTo(o + n, h + r - i.bottomRight), t.quadraticCurveTo(o + n, h + r, o + n - i.bottomRight, h + r), t.lineTo(o + i.bottomLeft, h + r), t.quadraticCurveTo(o, h + r, o, h + r - i.bottomLeft), t.lineTo(o, h + i.topLeft), t.quadraticCurveTo(o, h, o + i.topLeft, h), t.closePath() }, n = function(t) { this.ctx = t }; n.textCache = {}, n.transparent = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", n.prototype.setContextProperty = function(t, e) { this.ctx[t] != e && (this.ctx[t] = e) }, n.prototype.drawLines = function(t, e, i, o) { if (!(t.length <= 0)) { this.setContextProperty("strokeStyle", e), this.setContextProperty("fillStyle", i), this.setContextProperty("lineWidth", o), this.ctx.beginPath(); for (var h = !0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; h ? (this.ctx.moveTo(r.x, r.y), h = !1) : this.ctx.lineTo(r.x, r.y), r.end && (h = !0) } e && this.ctx.stroke(), i && this.ctx.fill(), this.ctx.closePath() } }, n.prototype.drawLine = function(t, e, i, o) { this.setContextProperty("strokeStyle", i), this.setContextProperty("lineWidth", o), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(t.x, t.y), this.ctx.lineTo(e.x, e.y), this.ctx.stroke() }, n.prototype.drawRect = function(t, e, i, o, n) { t.x = t.x || t.left || 0, t.y = t.y || t.top || 0, n && h(this.ctx, t, n), o && (this.setContextProperty("fillStyle", o), n ? this.ctx.fill() : this.ctx.fillRect(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height)), e && i > 0 && (this.setContextProperty("strokeStyle", e), this.setContextProperty("lineWidth", i || 1), n ? this.ctx.stroke() : this.ctx.strokeRect(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height)) }, n.prototype.drawCircle = function(t, e, i, o, h) { (h || i) && (this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.arc(t.x, t.y, e, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), h && (this.setContextProperty("fillStyle", h), this.ctx.fill()), i && (this.setContextProperty("strokeStyle", i), this.setContextProperty("lineWidth", o), this.ctx.stroke())) }, n.prototype.drawImage = function(t, e, i) { t.x = t.x || t.left || 0, t.y = t.y || t.top || 0, i ? this.ctx.drawImage(e, i.x, i.y, i.width, i.height, t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height) : this.ctx.drawImage(e, t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height) }, n.prototype.measureText = function(t, e) { return this.setContextProperty("font", e), this.ctx.measureText(t) }, n.prototype.fillText = function(t, o, h, r, s, a, l) { if (o) { h.min = h.min || 1, t.x = t.x || t.left || 0, t.y = t.y || t.top || 0; var d = "px " + h.family, c = [], u = h.size || t.height, f = u, x = !1, y = n.textCache[o]; if (y) { var g = JSON.stringify({ width: t.width, height: t.height, wishedFontSize: f, oneLine: l }); y.options == g ? (c = y.lines, f = y.fontSize, x = !0) : y = void 0 } if (!x) { this.setContextProperty("font", utilities.math.floor(f) + d); var p = this.ctx.measureText.bind(this.ctx), m = this.ctx.measureText(o).width; if (m <= t.width && (c.push({ line: o, length: m }), x = !0), !x) { var w = {}; f = h.size || utilities.math.floor(t.height); for (var v = h.min, C = f; C >= v;) if (f = Math.floor((C + v) / 2), this.setContextProperty("font", f + d), c = l ? e(o, f, t.width, t.height, p) : i(o, f, t.width, t.height, p), w[f] = c || !1, c) { if (w[f + 1] === !1) break; v = f + 1 } else { if (--f, w[f]) break; C = f } c = w[f] } } var b = utilities.math.floor(Math.max(f, h.min)); this.setContextProperty("font", b + d), this.setContextProperty("textAlign", s), this.setContextProperty("textBaseline", a), this.setContextProperty("fillStyle", r); { b * c.length } "left" === s || ("right" === s ? t.x += t.width : "center" === s ? t.x += t.width / 2 : generic.statusLogging("fillText invalid parameter halign")), "top" === a || ("bottom" === a ? t.y += t.height / 2 + b - c.length / 2 * b : "middle" === a ? t.y += t.height / 2 + b / 2 - c.length / 2 * b : generic.statusLogging("fillText invalid parameter valign")); for (var R = utilities.math.round(t.y), T = 0; T < c.length; T++) this.ctx.fillText(c[T].line, t.x, R, utilities.math.round(c[T].length)), R += b; y || (n.textCache[o] = { options: JSON.stringify({ width: t.width, height: t.height, wishedFontSize: u }), fontSize: f, lines: c }) } }, t.CanvasRenderer = function(t) { return new n(t) }, t.CanvasRenderer.transformRectToBorderRect = n.transformRectToBorderRect = function(t, e) { return { x: utilities.math.round(t.x + e / 2), y: utilities.math.round(t.y + e / 2), width: utilities.math.round(t.width - e), height: utilities.math.round(t.height - e) } }, t.CanvasRenderer.applyOffset = n.applyOffset = function(t, e) { return { x: utilities.math.round(t.x + e.left * t.width), y: utilities.math.round(t.y + e.top * t.height), width: utilities.math.round(t.width - (e.left + e.right) * t.width), height: utilities.math.round(t.height - (e.top + e.bottom) * t.height) } }, t.CanvasRenderer.getContentRect = n.getContentRect = function(t, e) { return e instanceof Object || (e = { top: e, left: e, bottom: e, right: e }), { x: utilities.math.round(t.x + e.left), y: utilities.math.round(t.y + e.top), width: utilities.math.round(t.width - e.left - e.right), height: utilities.math.round(t.height - e.top - e.bottom) } }, t.CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationLine = n.calculateLocationLine = function(t, e) { return { pointFrom: { x: e.x + e.width * t.pointFrom.x, y: e.y + e.height * t.pointFrom.y }, pointTo: { x: e.x + e.width * t.pointTo.x, y: e.y + e.height * t.pointTo.y } } }, t.CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationCircle = n.calculateLocationCircle = function(t, e) { return { center: { x: e.x + e.width * t.center.x, y: e.y + e.height * t.center.y }, radius: e.width * t.radius } }, t.CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationRect = n.calculateLocationRect = function(t, e) { return { x: e.x + e.width * t.x, y: e.y + e.height * t.y, width: e.width * t.width, height: e.height * t.height } } }(window), function(t) { var e = function(t) { this.$container = $(t), $("body").append(this.$container), this.modelStruct = [], this.modelMap = {}, this.layout = {}, this.layoutDirty = !0, this.init() }; e.prototype.init = function() { for (var t = $("*[data-role]", this.$container), e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) { var i = { $item: $(t[e]), name: t[e].getAttribute("data-role") }; this.modelStruct.push(i), this.modelMap[i.name] = i.$item } }, e.prototype.build = function() { if (this.layoutDirty) { this.layout = {}, this.m_baseRect = { x: this.$container.offset().left, y: this.$container.offset().top, width: this.$container.width(), height: this.$container.height() }; for (var t = 0; t < this.modelStruct.length; ++t) { var e = this.modelStruct[t].$item; if (e.is(":visible")) { var i = { x: e.offset().left / this.m_baseRect.width, y: e.offset().top / this.m_baseRect.height, width: e.width() / this.m_baseRect.width, height: e.height() / this.m_baseRect.height }; this.layout[this.modelStruct[t].name] = i } } this.layoutDirty = !1 } return this.layout }, e.prototype.show = function(t) { return this.modelMap[t] ? void(this.modelMap[t].hasClass("hidden") && (this.layoutDirty = !0, this.modelMap[t].removeClass("hidden"))) : void generic.statusLogging("CellBuilder.show invalid argument 'name'=" + t) }, e.prototype.hide = function(t) { return this.modelMap[t] ? void(this.modelMap[t].hasClass("hidden") || (this.layoutDirty = !0, this.modelMap[t].addClass("hidden"))) : void generic.statusLogging("CellBuilder.hide invalid argument 'name'=" + t) }, e.prototype.dispose = function() { this.$container.remove() }, t.CellBuilder = e }(window.uiTypes.canvas); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes"), function(t) { function e(t, e) { if (0 > e) this.paginatorItems.stepBackward(); else { if (!(e > 0)) return; this.paginatorItems.stepForward() } r.call(this, this.paginatorItems.getIndices(), this.getMode().v) } function a(t, e) { if (0 > e) this.paginatorPages.stepBackward(); else { if (!(e > 0)) return; this.paginatorPages.stepForward() } o.call(this, this.paginatorPages.getIndices(), this.getMode().v) } function i(t, e) { d.call(this, this.getMode(e)) } function s(t, e) { if (!t) return void warning("actionsRegister: invalid dispatcher argument"); for (var a in e) t.register(e[a]) } function n(t, e) { if (t) for (var a in e) t.unregister(e[a]) } function r(t, e, a) { if (!a) { for (var i = [], s = 0; s < t.current.length; s++) i.push(t.current[s].startIndex); isDot2() ? this.storage.save("dot2_itemIndex_" + e, JSON.stringify(i), !0) : this.storage.save("itemIndex_" + e, JSON.stringify(i), !0) } this.model.previous.d = !t.previous.length, this.model.previous.t = this.model.previous.d ? "Previous" : "Previous " + (t.previous[0].startIndex + 1) + "-" + (t.previous[0].endIndex + 1), this.model.current.a = !0, this.model.current.t = "Current " + (t.current[0].startIndex + 1) + "-" + (t.current[0].endIndex + 1), this.model.next.d = !t.next.length, this.model.next.t = this.model.next.d ? "Next" : "Next " + (t.next[0].startIndex + 1) + "-" + (t.next[0].endIndex + 1) } function o(t, e, a) { if (!a) { for (var i = [], s = 0; s < t.current.length; s++) i.push(t.current[s].pageIndex); isDot2() ? this.storage.save("dot2_pageIndex", JSON.stringify(i), !0) : this.storage.save("pageIndex_" + e, JSON.stringify(i), !0) } this.model.pageDown.d = !t.previous.length, this.model.pageDown.t = "Previous page " + (this.model.pageDown.d ? "" : t.previous[0].pageIndex + 1), this.model.pageUp.d = !t.next.length, this.model.pageUp.t = "Next page " + (this.model.pageUp.d ? "" : t.next[0].pageIndex + 1) } function d(t, e) { e || (isDot2() ? this.storage.save("dot2_mode", t.v, !0) : this.storage.save("mode", t.v, !0)), this.m_currentModeModel = t; for (var a in this.model.modes) this.model.modes[a].a = this.model.modes[a].v == t.v } function p(t) { this.model.modes = t } var h = window.uiTypes.pages.actions.playbacks, c = React.createClass({ displayName: "ButtonComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { data: this.props.data } }, render: function() { var t = "vertical-bar_item playbacks-bar_item"; return this.props.data.a && (t += " vertical-bar_item__active playbacks-bar_item__active"), this.props.data.d && (t += " vertical-bar_item__disabled playbacks-bar_item__disabled"), React.createElement("div", { className: "vertical-bar_item-wrapper playbacks-bar_item_wrapper", ref: "item" }, React.createElement("div", { className: t, id: this.props.data.id }, React.createElement("div", { className: "content" }, " ", this.props.data.t || "", " "))) }, componentDidMount: function() { var t = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.item); t.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.props.handler) }, componentWillUnmount: function() { var t = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.item); t.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.props.handler) } }), l = React.createClass({ displayName: "ButtonGroupComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { data: this.props.data } }, render: function() { return React.createElement("div", { className: "vertical-bar_group playbacks-bar_group" }, this.props.children) } }), g = React.createClass({ displayName: "PlaybacksPagingBarComponent", getInitialState: function() { return this.props.dispatcher || error("PlaybacksPagingBarComponent: No dispatcher object supplied"), { data: this.props.data } }, render: function() { var t = []; t.push(React.createElement(l, null, React.createElement(c, { key: "prev", data: this.state.data.previous, handler: this.itemIndexChanged.bind(this, -1) }), React.createElement(c, { key: "next", data: this.state.data.next, handler: this.itemIndexChanged.bind(this, 1) }))), t.push(React.createElement(l, null, React.createElement(c, { key: "pageDown", data: this.state.data.pageDown, handler: this.pageIndexChanged.bind(this, -1) }), React.createElement(c, { key: "pageUp", data: this.state.data.pageUp, handler: this.pageIndexChanged.bind(this, 1) }))); var e = []; for (var a in this.state.data.modes) { var i = "mode_" + this.state.data.modes[a].t; e.push(React.createElement(c, { key: i, data: this.state.data.modes[a], handler: this.modeChanged.bind(this, this.state.data.modes[a].v) })) } return t.push(React.createElement(l, null, e)), React.createElement("div", { className: "vertical-bar playbacks-bar" }, t) }, itemIndexChanged: function(t) { this.props.dispatcher.trigger({ type: h.ITEM_INDEX_CHANGED, data: t }) }, pageIndexChanged: function(t) { this.props.dispatcher.trigger({ type: h.PAGE_INDEX_CHANGED, data: t }) }, modeChanged: function(t) { this.props.dispatcher.trigger({ type: h.MODE_CHANGED, data: t }) } }), m = window.uiTypes.pages.Paginator, u = function(t, n, r) { this.storage = t, this.$parent = n, this.m_dispatcher = r, this.m_currentModeModel = {}, this.$container = $("
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(this.paginatorItems.setCurrentIndex(this.storage.load("dot2_itemIndex_" + e, 0)), this.paginatorPages.setCurrentIndex(this.storage.load("dot2_pageIndex", 0))) : (this.paginatorItems.setCurrentIndex(this.storage.load("itemIndex_" + e, 0)), this.paginatorPages.setCurrentIndex(this.storage.load("pageIndex_" + e, 0))), this.playbackBarInstance = React.render(React.createElement(g, { data: this.model, dispatcher: this.m_dispatcher }), this.$container[0]) }, u.prototype.dispose = function() { this.deactivate(), this.playbackBarInstance && (n(this.m_dispatcher, this.m_actions), this.playbackBarInstance.unmountComponentAtNode(this.$container[0]), this.playbackBarInstance = null, this.$container.remove()) }, u.prototype.setParameters = function(t, e) { var a = this.__getModeValue(), i = 0, s = 0; for (var n in t) if (s = s || n, t[n]) { if (t[n].v == a) { i = n; break } t[n].a && (s = n) } var h = t[i || s]; void 0 !== h.itemsIndexOffset && this.paginatorItems.setOffset(h.itemsIndexOffset), void 0 !== h.itemsCount && this.paginatorItems.setItemsCount(h.itemsCount), void 0 !== h.itemsStep && this.paginatorItems.setStep(h.itemsStep), this.paginatorItems.setCurrentIndex(isDot2() ? this.storage.load("dot2_itemIndex_" + h.v, 0) : this.storage.load("itemIndex_" + h.v, 0)), void 0 !== h.pagesCount && this.paginatorPages.setItemsCount(h.pagesCount), void 0 !== h.pagesStep && this.paginatorPages.setStep(h.pagesStep), this.paginatorPages.setCurrentIndex(isDot2() ? this.storage.load("dot2_pageIndex", 0) : this.storage.load("pageIndex_" + h.v, 0)), p.call(this, t), d.call(this, h, e), r.call(this, this.paginatorItems.getIndices(e), this.getMode().v, e), o.call(this, this.paginatorPages.getIndices(e), this.getMode().v, e) }, u.prototype.activate = function() { this.isActive || (this.isActive = !0, this.$parent && this.$parent.append(this.$container)) }, u.prototype.deactivate = function() { this.isActive && (this.isActive = !1, this.$container.detach()) }, u.prototype.refresh = function() { this.playbackBarInstance.setState({ data: this.model }) }, u.prototype.setParent = function(t) { t.append(this.$container), this.$parent = t }, u.prototype.setDispatcher = function(t) { n(this.m_dispatcher, this.m_actions), this.m_dispatcher = t, s(this.m_dispatcher, this.m_actions) }, u.prototype.getItemsData = function() { for (var t = this.paginatorItems.getIndices(), e = [], a = [], i = 0; i < this.paginatorItems.itemsCount.length; i++) e.push(t.current[i].startIndex), a.push(t.current[i].endIndex - t.current[i].startIndex + 1); return { index: e, count: a } }, u.prototype.getPagesData = function() { var t = this.paginatorPages.getIndices(); return t.current && t.current[0] ? { index: t.current[0].pageIndex } : { index: 0 } }, u.prototype.getMode = function(t) { var e = { t: "", v: 0, a: !0 }; if (!this.model || !this.model.modes) return e; var t = t || this.__getModeValue(), a = 0; for (var i in this.model.modes) if (a = a || i, t == this.model.modes[i].v) { a = i; break } return this.model.modes[a] || e }, u.prototype.__getModeValue = function() { return isDot2() ? this.storage.load("dot2_mode", window.uiTypes.playbacks.PlaybacksViewMode.faders) : this.storage.load("mode", window.uiTypes.playbacks.PlaybacksViewMode.faders) }, t.PlaybacksDataControl = u }(window.uiTypes); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(t) { var e = function(t, e, i, n) { this.onResize_context = null, this.id = this.constructor.id, this.title = this.constructor.title, this.content = this.constructor.content, this.$page = $(this.content), this.$this = $(this), this.m_commandLine = t, this.m_commandExecutor = e, this.m_globalSettings = i, this.m_$globalSettings = $(this.m_globalSettings), this.m_dispatcher = n, this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context = this.globalSettingsChangeHandler.bind(this) }; e.prototype.Init = function() { this.$page.addClass("page"), this.onResize_context = this.OnResize.bind(this), generic.globs.$window.on("resize", this.onResize_context), this.m_$globalSettings.on("propertyChanged", this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context) }, e.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { return null }, e.prototype.Show = utilities.emptyFunction, e.prototype.OnResize = utilities.emptyFunction, e.prototype.Close = function() { this.m_$globalSettings.off("propertyChanged", this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context), generic.globs.$window.off("resize", this.onResize_context), this.onResize_context = 0, this.pageButtons && (generic.globs.serverCommandManager.removeCommands(this.id), commands.ui.disposeUIElements(this.pageButtons)), this.$page.remove() }, e.prototype.globalSettingsChangeHandler = utilities.emptyFunction, e.events = { pageButtonsChanged: "pageButtonsChanged", optionsPanelChanged: "optionsPanelChanged" }, t.Page = e }(window.uiTypes.pages), function(t) { var e = window.timers.GlobalTimers, i = function(t, e, n, s, o) { i.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, n, s, o), this.canvas = 0, this.canvasContainer = t, this.m_ma2window = 0, this.RefreshTimerProxy = this.RefreshTimerCallback.bind(this) }; window.generic.extend(i, window.uiTypes.pages.Page), i.prototype.CreateWindow = utilities.emptyFunction, i.prototype.GetPayloadObject = function() { return new Object }, i.prototype.Init = function() { i.superclass.Init.call(this), this.$page.append(this.canvasContainer) }, i.prototype.RefreshTimerCallback = function() { this.m_commandExecutor.send(this.GetPayloadObject()) }, i.prototype.Show = function() { i.superclass.Show.call(this), this.canvas = $("canvas", this.canvasContainer), this.CreateWindow(), this.OnResize(!0), e.AddRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.RefreshTimerProxy), this.m_commandExecutor.IsConnected() || $.alert({ message: "Currently not Connected to the console" }) }, i.prototype.OnResize = function(t) { i.superclass.OnResize.call(this), this.canvas[0].width = this.canvasContainer.width(), this.canvas[0].height = this.canvasContainer.height(), this.m_ma2window.resize({ top: 0, left: 0, width: this.canvas[0].width, height: this.canvas[0].height }, t) }, i.prototype.Close = function() { DataHandlerManager.Unregister(this.id + "DataHandler"), e.RemoveRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.RefreshTimerProxy), this.m_ma2window.Close(), i.superclass.Close.call(this) }, t.CanvasPage = i }(window.uiTypes.pages), function(t) { var e = function(t, i, n, s, o) { e.superclass.constructor.call(this, t, i, n, s, o), this.itemSelected_context = this.ItemSelected ? this.ItemSelected.bind(this) : utilities.emptyFunction }; e.id = "pools", window.generic.extend(e, window.uiTypes.pages.CanvasPage), e.prototype.CreateWindow = function() { var t = this.GetWindowClass(); this.m_ma2window = new t(this.canvas, window.CanvasRenderer(this.canvas[0].getContext("2d")), { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.canvas[0].width, height: this.canvas[0].height }, this.m_dispatcher), this.m_ma2window.init(), this.m_ma2window.setConfig(generic.globs.config.layout[this.m_globalSettings.layout][e.id]), $(this.m_ma2window).bind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), DataHandlerManager.Register({ name: this.id + "DataHandler", handler: this.m_ma2window.SetDataSource.bind(this.m_ma2window) }) }, e.prototype.globalSettingsChangeHandler = function(t, i) { "layout" === i.name && this.m_ma2window && this.m_ma2window.setConfig(generic.globs.config[i.name][i.newValue][e.id]) }, e.prototype.GetPayloadObject = function() { var t = {}; return t.requestType = Server.requestTypes.pool, t.pool = this.constructor.shortId, t.itemsCount = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleItemsCount(), t.itemsOffset = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetY(), t }, e.prototype.Close = function() { $(this.m_ma2window).unbind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), e.superclass.Close.call(this) }, t.PoolPage = e }(window.uiTypes.pages); window.uiTypes.pages.PageManager = function() { var e = window.timers.GlobalTimers, t = window.uiTypes.pages, i = t.Page, a = function(t, a, s) { this.allPageClasses = {}, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.Command1.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.Command1, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.Command2.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.Command2, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.FixtureSheet.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.FixtureSheet, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.ChannelSheet.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.ChannelSheet, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.GroupPool.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.GroupPool, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.PresetPool.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.PresetPool, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.MacroPool.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.MacroPool, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.WorldPool.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.WorldPool, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.ExecutorSheet.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.ExecutorSheet, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.Playbacks.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.Playbacks, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.CommandHistory.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.CommandHistory, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.MainMenu.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.MainMenu, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.Wheels.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.Wheels, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.Settings.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.Settings, this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.FullCommand.id] = window.uiTypes.pages.FullCommand; 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var o, r, g = null, l = {}; this.chain = [], this.pageElements = { $main: null, $pageContent: null, $pageContentInner: null, $navigationPanel: null, topRightButton: null, $topButtonsContainer: null, $footer: null }, this.controlsPool = { presetType: null }, this.topRightButtonClickHandler_context = function() { this.TogglePage(window.uiTypes.pages.Wheels.id, { modal: !0 }) }.bind(this), this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context = function(e, t) { "layout" === t.name && this.setLayout(t.oldValue, t.newValue) }.bind(this), this.refreshTimerHandler_context = this.refreshTimerHandler.bind(this), this.pageButtonsChangedHandler_context = this.pageButtonsChangedHandler.bind(this), this.optionsPanelContentChangedHandler_context = this.optionsPanelContentChangedHandler.bind(this), this.commonDataHandler = { name: "CommonDataHandler", handler: this.dataHandler.bind(this) }, this.world = new commands.State, this.dispatcher = Dispatcher(), this.dispatcher.actions = { CHANGE_TITLE: "change_title" }, this.Init = function() { this.$virtualPageContainer = $.createItem({ "class": "virtual-main-content" }), this.pageElements.$main = $(".main-content"), this.pageElements.$pageContent = $.Layout.pageContent, this.pageElements.$pageContentInner = $(".page-content-inner", this.pageElements.$pageContent), this.pageElements.$navigationPanel = $.Layout.navigationPanel, this.pageElements.topRightButton = document.getElementsByClassName("top-right-button")[0], this.pageElements.topRightButton.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.topRightButtonClickHandler_context), this.pageElements.$topButtonsContainer = $.Layout.topButtons, this.pageElements.$footer = $.Layout.bottomButtons, this.pageButtons = [{ command: commands.Commands.previous(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.set(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.next(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }], this.pageButtons.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands("common", this.pageButtons), this.footerButtons = this.pageButtons.map(commands.ui.fetchUIElementItems), ui.Layout.Place(this.pageElements.$footer, this.footerButtons); for (var t = 0; t < this.footerButtons.length; t++) this.footerButtons[t].$item.attr("data-pos", "fixed"); $(this.globalSettings).on("propertyChanged", this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context), DataHandlerManager.Register(this.commonDataHandler), e.AddRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.refreshTimerHandler_context) }, this.applyPageFilter = function() { var e = localStorage.getItem("appType"); if ("dot2" == e) { for (var t = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i].isDot2 && t.push(n[i]); n = t } if ("gma2" == e) { for (var t = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i].isNotGma2 || t.push(n[i]); n = t } var a = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; a && a.setAttribute("appType", e), this.phonePageList = n.slice(), this.phonePageList.push({ "class": this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.MainMenu.id], mainMenu: !0, ignore: !0, chainIgnore: !0, isDot2: !0 }), this.tabletPageList = n.slice(), this.tabletPageList.shift(), isDot2() || this.tabletPageList.shift(), this.tabletPageList.unshift({ "class": this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.FullCommand.id], isDefault: !0, isDot2: !0 }), this.tabletPageList.push({ "class": this.allPageClasses[window.uiTypes.pages.MainMenu.id], mainMenu: !0, ignore: !0, chainIgnore: !0, isDot2: !0 }), this.setLayout(null, this.getLayout()); var s = this.getDefaultPage(); this.ShowPage(s["class"].id) }, this.TogglePage = function(e, t) { void 0 === e || e == g.id && JSON.stringify(t) === JSON.stringify(l.userDefined) ? this.ShowPage(o, null, !0) : this.ShowPage(e, t, !0) }, this.ShowPage = function(e, t, i) { if (Server.resetBlockedRequests(), window.poolViewVisible = !1, this.getCurrentPage() && this.getCurrentPage().id === e && this.getCurrentPageData().userDefined === t) return void window.generic.statusLogging("Requested page '" + e + "' is already opened"); var a = this.resolvePageId(e); if (!a) return void window.generic.statusLogging("Requested page '" + e + "' does not exist"); if (g) { var s = this.__findPageById(g.id); window.generic.statusLogging("Page '" + s["class"].title + "' is closing") } window.generic.statusLogging("Page '" + a["class"].title + "' is opening, id=" + a["class"].id); var n = { id: a["class"].id, title: a["class"].title, pages: [] }; if (a["class"].pages) for (var o = 0; o < a["class"].pages.length; o++) { var r = this.__getPageClass(a["class"].pages[o]); n.pages.push(new r["class"](this.commandLine, this.commandExecutor, this.globalSettings)) } else n.pages.push(new a["class"](this.commandLine, this.commandExecutor, this.globalSettings, this.dispatcher)); this.setCurrentPage(n, t, i) }, this.resolvePageId = function(e) { var t = this.__findPageById(e); if (t) return t; if (t = this.__getPageClass(e), !t) return null; var i = this.allPageClasses[t["class"].id].pages; if (i && i.length > 0 && (t = this.__findPageById(i[0]))) return t; for (var a in this.complexPages) for (var s = this.complexPages[a], n = 0; n < s.pages.length; n++) if (e === s.pages[n] && (t = this.__findPageById(s.id))) return t; return this.getDefaultPage() }, this.closePreviousPage = function(e, t) { if (this.$virtualPageContainer.append(this.pageElements.$pageContentInner), e) { if (e.pages && e.pages.length > 0) for (var a = 0; a < e.pages.length; a++) { var s = e.pages[a]; s.Close(), s.$page && (s.$page.hide(), s.requirements) } t && (t.isToggled || (e.id ? (o = e.id, r = t) : (o = !1, r = null)), t.userDefined && t.userDefined.fullscreen && t.userDefined.freezeCmdline && window.generic.globs.$body.removeClass("fixed-cmdLine")), this.setPageButtons(), $(e).off(i.events.pageButtonsChanged, this.pageButtonsChangedHandler_context), $(e).off(i.events.optionsPanelChanged, this.optionsPanelContentChangedHandler_context) } }, this.openNextPage = function(e, t) { t && t.userDefined && t.userDefined.fullscreen && t.userDefined.freezeCmdline && window.generic.globs.$body.addClass("fixed-cmdLine"), e = e.pages[0]; var a = $.extend({}, generic.globs.config.layout[this.getLayout()].genericPage); $.extend(a, e.requirements), a.presetTypeBar ? (this.controlsPool.presetType = this.controlsPool.presetType || new window.uiTypes.PresetTypesDataControl(this.commandLine, this.commandExecutor, new window.uiTypes.PresetTypesBar($.Layout.leftPanel)), this.controlsPool.presetType.activate()) : this.controlsPool.presetType && this.controlsPool.presetType.deactivate(), $.Layout.show({ dimmerWheel: !0 }, a.showDimmerWheel), $.Layout.show({ bottomButtons: !0 }, !a.noFooter), this.pageElements.$main.append(e.$page), this.pageElements.$pageContent.append(this.pageElements.$pageContentInner), $(e).on(i.events.pageButtonsChanged, this.pageButtonsChangedHandler_context), $(e).on(i.events.optionsPanelChanged, this.optionsPanelContentChangedHandler_context), e.Init(), e.$page.show(), e.Show() }, this.setCurrentPage = function(e, t, i) { $.Layout.setHidden({ pageContent: !0 }), this.closePreviousPage(g, l), g = e, l.userDefined = t, l.isToggled = i, this.navigation.pageChanged(g, l), this.openNextPage(g, l), $.Layout.setVisible({ pageContent: !0 }) }, this.getCurrentPage = function() { return g }, this.getCurrentPageData = function() { return l } }; a.prototype.refreshTimerHandler = function() { this.world.isDirty() && this.navigation.navigationBar && (this.world.clean(), this.navigation.navigationBar.setData({ options: { icon: this.world.getState().value ? generic.globs.config.icons.world : "", index: this.world.getState().value || "" } })) }, a.prototype.dataHandler = function(e) { return void 0 !== e.worldIndex && this.world.setState({ value: e.worldIndex }), !1 }, a.prototype.pageButtonsChangedHandler = function(e, t) { this.setPageButtons(t.buttons) }, a.prototype.setPageButtons = function(e) { this.pageElements.$topButtonsContainer.empty(), $(">:not([data-pos=fixed])", this.pageElements.$footer).remove(), e && ui.Layout.Place(this.pageButtonsContainer, e.map(commands.ui.fetchUIElementItems), { prepend: !0 }) }, a.prototype.optionsPanelContentChangedHandler = function(e, t) { this.setOptionsPanel(t) }, a.prototype.setOptionsPanel = function(e) { e.setParent($.Layout.leftPanel) }, a.prototype.getDefaultPage = function() { return _.find(this.currentPageList, function(e, t, i) { return e.isDefault }) }, a.prototype.__findPageById = function(e) { var t = function(t, i, a) { return t["class"].id === e }; return _.find(this.currentPageList, t) || _.find(this.additionalPages, t) }, a.prototype.__getPageClass = function(e) { return { "class": _.find(this.allPageClasses, function(t, i, a) { return t.id === e }) } }, a.prototype.getPageChain = function() { return this.chain }, a.prototype.showPage = function(e, t) { this.ShowPage(e, t) }, a.prototype.togglePage = function(e, t) { this.TogglePage(e, t) }, a.prototype.getPages = function() { var e = [], t = this.getCurrentPage().id; return this.currentPageList.forEach(function(i, a, s) { i.ignore || e.push({ id: i["class"].id, title: i["class"].title, current: i["class"].id === t, icon: i.icon }) }, this), e }, a.prototype.getMainPage = function() { var e = _.find(this.currentPageList, function(e, t, i) { return e.mainMenu }); return e ? { id: e["class"].id, title: e["class"].title } : void 0 }, a.prototype.getLayout = function() { return this.globalSettings.layout || generic.globs.config.layout["default"].id }, a.prototype.setLayout = function(e, t) { switch (window.generic.globs.$body.css({ opacity: 0 }), this.navigation && (this.navigation.dispose(), this.navigation = null), t) { case "phone": this.currentPageList = this.phonePageList, this.navigation = new s(this, this.pageElements.$navigationPanel, this.dispatcher), this.pageButtonsContainer = this.pageElements.$topButtonsContainer; break; case "tablet": this.currentPageList = this.tabletPageList, this.navigation = new n(this, this.pageElements.$navigationPanel, this.dispatcher), this.pageButtonsContainer = this.pageElements.$footer } generic.globs.$body.attr("data-page-layout", generic.globs.config.layout[t].dataPageLayout), this.chain.length = 0, this.currentPageList.forEach(function(e, t, i) { e.chainIgnore || this.chain.push(e["class"]) }, this); var i = this.getCurrentPage(); i && (this.setPageButtons(i.pages[0].CreatePageButtons()), this.navigation.show(i, this.getCurrentPageData())), window.generic.globs.$body.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500), window.setTimeout(function() { window.generic.globs.pageManager.setWorldDirty() }, 200) }, a.prototype.setWorldDirty = function() { this.world.m_dirty = !0 }, a.prototype.dispose = function() { this.navigation && (this.navigation.dispose(), this.navigation = null), _.forEach(this.controlsPool, function(e, t, i) { e && e.dispose() }), this.pageElements.topRightButton.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.topRightButtonClickHandler_context), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.removeCommands("common"), commands.ui.disposeUIElements(this.pageButtons), $(this.globalSettings).off("propertyChanged", this.globalSettingsChangeHandler_context), e.RemoveRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.refreshTimerHandler_context), DataHandlerManager.Unregister(this.commonDataHandler.name) }; var s = (function() { var e = function(e) { this.$button = e, this.buttonDOMElement = e[0], this.$name = $(".text", this.$button), this.currentHandler = null }; return e.prototype.setText = function(e) { this.$name.text(e) }, e.prototype.on = function(e) { this.off(this.currentHandler), this.currentHandler = e, this.buttonDOMElement.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.currentHandler) }, e.prototype.off = function() { this.currentHandler && this.buttonDOMElement.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.currentHandler) }, e.prototype.dispose = function() {}, e }(), function() { var e = function(e, t, i) { this.navigationBar = null, this.modalPageHeader = null, this.currentNavigationItem = null, this.pageManager = e, this.$container = t, this.dispatcher = i, this.actions = [{ type: this.dispatcher.actions.CHANGE_TITLE, handler: this.onChangeTitle.bind(this) }], this.dispatcher.register(this.actions) }; e.prototype.show = function(e, t) { this.pageChanged(e, t) }, e.prototype.pageChanged = function(e, s) { var n = this.pageManager.getLayout(); if ("phone" === n) { var o = s && s.userDefined && s.userDefined.modal ? this.navigationBar : this.modalPageHeader, r = s && s.userDefined && s.userDefined.modal ? this.getModalPageHeader() : this.getNavigationBar(); if (r === this.navigationBar) { var g = a.call(this, t.isCurrent, i.previous).title, l = a.call(this, t.isCurrent, i.next).title; this.navigationBar.setData({ prevTitle: g, curTitle: e.title, nextTitle: l }) } else this.modalPageHeader.setData({ curTitle: e.title }); o && o.hide(), r.show(), this.currentNavigationItem = r } else this.currentNavigationItem = null }, e.prototype.onChangeTitle = function(e, t) { this.currentNavigationItem && this.currentNavigationItem.setData({ curTitle: t }) }; var t = { isCurrent: function(e) { return e.current }, isMain: function(e) { return e.mainMenu } }, i = { previous: function(e, t, i) { return e === t ? i : e - 1 }, next: function(e, t, i) { return e === i ? t : e + 1 }, nop: function(e, t, i) { return e } }, a = function(e, t) { for (var i = this.pageManager.getPages(), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) if (e(i[a])) { var s = t(a, 0, i.length - 1); return i[s] } var s = t(0, 0, i.length - 1); return i[s] }, s = { showPreviousPage: function() { var e = a.call(this, t.isCurrent, i.previous); this.pageManager.showPage(e.id) }, showMainMenuPage: function() { var e = this.pageManager.getMainPage(); this.pageManager.togglePage(e.id, { modal: !0 }) }, showNextPage: function() { var e = a.call(this, t.isCurrent, i.next); this.pageManager.showPage(e.id) } }; e.prototype.getNavigationBar = function(e) { return this.navigationBar ? this.navigationBar : (this.navigationBar = new window.uiTypes.HorizontalNavigationBar(this.$container), this.navigationBar.setData({ prevHandler: s.showPreviousPage.bind(this), curHandler: s.showMainMenuPage.bind(this), nextHandler: s.showNextPage.bind(this) }), this.navigationBar) }; var n = function() { return { closeMainPage: function() { this.pageManager.togglePage() } } }(); return e.prototype.getModalPageHeader = function() { return this.modalPageHeader ? this.modalPageHeader : (this.modalPageHeader = new window.uiTypes.ModalHorizontalNavigationBar(this.$container), this.modalPageHeader.setData({ curHandler: n.closeMainPage.bind(this), nextHandler: n.closeMainPage.bind(this) }), this.modalPageHeader) }, e.prototype.hide = function() { this.navigationBar.hide(), this.modalPageHeader.hide() }, e.prototype.dispose = function() { this.navigationBar && this.navigationBar.dispose(), this.modalPageHeader && this.modalPageHeader.dispose(), this.currentNavigationItem = null, this.dispatcher.unregister(this.actions) }, e }()), n = function() { var e = function(e, a, s) { this.pageManager = e, this.$container = a, this.showPageHandler = t.bind(this), this.showMainMenuPageHandler = i.bind(this), this.dispatcher = s, this.actions = [{ type: this.dispatcher.actions.CHANGE_TITLE, handler: this.onChangeTitle.bind(this) }], this.dispatcher.register(this.actions) }, t = function(e) { var t = $(e.currentTarget), i = t.attr("data-id"); this.pageManager.showPage(i) }, i = function(e) { var t = this.pageManager.getMainPage(); this.pageManager.togglePage(t.id, { modal: !0 }) }; return e.prototype.show = function(e, t) { this.pageChanged(e, t) }, e.prototype.pageChanged = function(e, t) { this.navigationBar || (this.navigationBar = new window.uiTypes.TabletNavigationBar(this.$container)); for (var i = { items: [], options: { containerClickHandler: this.showMainMenuPageHandler } }, a = this.pageManager.getPages(), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) i.items.push({ title: a[s].title, id: a[s].id, handler: this.showPageHandler, active: a[s].id === e.id, icon: a[s].icon }); this.navigationBar.setData(i), this.navigationBar.show() }, e.prototype.onChangeTitle = function(e, t) { this.navigationBar && this.navigationBar.setTitle(t) }, e.prototype.dispose = function() { this.navigationBar && (this.navigationBar.dispose(), this.navigationBar = null), this.dispatcher.unregister(this.actions) }, e }(); return a }(); ! function(n, e) { n.forcedDisconnect = !1; var o = function() { Overlay.Show(window.Overlays.serverUnavailableOverlay) }, i = function() { e("#connectButton .content").html("Connected... - Disconnect"), e("#disconnectedPanel").hide(200) }, t = function() { e("#connectButton .content").html("Not connected... - Reconnect"), e("#disconnectedPanel").show(200) }, r = function() { Overlay.Close() }, c = function() { Overlay.Show(window.Overlays.serverDisabledOverlay) }, v = function(n) { n ? Overlay.Show(window.Overlays.connectionsLimitOverlay) : Overlay.Close() }, s = window.generic.globs.$document; s.bind(Server.notAvailableEvent, o), s.bind(Server.connectionEstablishedEvent, i), s.bind(Server.connectionLostEvent, t), s.bind(Server.connectionsLimitReachedEvent, v), s.bind(Server.sessionCreatedEvent, r), s.bind(Server.sessionLostEvent, c), e(window).unload(function() { s.unbind(Server.notAvailableEvent, o), s.unbind(Server.connectionEstablishedEvent, i), s.unbind(Server.connectionLostEvent, t), s.unbind(Server.connectionsLimitReachedEvent, v), s.unbind(Server.sessionCreatedEvent, r), s.unbind(Server.sessionLostEvent, c) }); var a = { name: "SessionDataHandler", handler: function() { var n = !1; return function(e) { if (void 0 !== e.session) { var o = void 0 !== e.connections_limit_reached; if (o !== n && s.trigger(Server.connectionsLimitReachedEvent, [o]), n = o, void 0 !== e.forceLogin && window.ui.loginForm.Show(), !o) { var i = e.session; Server.SetSessionId(i) } return !0 } return !1 } }() }; DataHandlerManager.Register(a) }(window.ui, jQuery); ! function() { function e(e) { return "administrator" !== e.toLowerCase() } var o = null, t = function() { function e() { var e = n.GetCachedUsername(), o = n.GetCachedPassword(); isDot2() && (e = "remote"), o = o === md5("") ? "" : r, e ? o || (o = "") : (e = "", o = ""); var u = 0; s ? ($("#" + a, s).val(e), $("#" + l, s).val(o), u = { overlay: i, control: s, modalWindow: !0 }) : u = isDot2() ? { overlay: i, title: "Login", modalWindow: !0, textboxes: [{ id: l, text: "Password:", type: "password", value: o, focused: !0, autoSelect: !0 }], buttons: [{ id: "loginSubmit", type: "custom", text: "Login" }], formSubmitHandler: function(e, o) { e.preventDefault(); var r = "remote", i = t(o[l]); return n.SetUserData(r, i), n.sendLoginRequest(r, i), !1 }, stylePrefix: "loginForm" } : { overlay: i, title: "Login", modalWindow: !0, textboxes: [{ id: a, text: "Name:", type: "text", value: e, focused: !0, autoSelect: !0, autoCapitalize: !0 }, { id: l, text: "Password:", type: "password", value: o }], buttons: [{ id: "loginSubmit", type: "custom", text: "Login" }], formSubmitHandler: function(e, o) { e.preventDefault(); var r = o[a], i = t(o[l]); return r.length > 0 ? (n.SetUserData(r, i), n.sendLoginRequest(r, i)) : $.alert({ message: "You need to give a Username", title: "Login Error" }), !1 }, stylePrefix: "loginForm" }, generic.globs.config.keyboardCaptured = !1, $.Popup.Show(u), s = u.control } function o(e) { e ? ($.Popup.CloseLast(), generic.globs.config.keyboardCaptured = !0, window.onkeydown = null) : $.alert(isDot2() ? { message: "Wrong Password!", title: "Login Error" } : { message: "Invalid user. Please, choose another user", title: "Login Error" }) } function t(e) { return e = void 0 !== e && null !== e && e !== r ? md5(e) : n.GetCachedPassword() } var r = "myUserIsSuperHero", i = $.getOrCreate("loginOverlay"), s = 0, a = "loginUsername", l = "loginPassword"; n.loginResultCallback = o, this.Show = function() { Server.IsConnected() ? e.call(this) : $.alert({ message: "You need to be connected to the Console to login", title: "Login" }) } }, n = function() {}, r = "", i = ""; n.LogIn = function() { var e = !1, t = !0, s = 0, a = 10; return function() { t ? t = !1 : (++s, e = a >= s, s = e ? s : 0), e ? n.sendLoginRequest(r || n.GetCachedUsername(), r ? i : n.GetCachedPassword()) : o.Show() } }(), n.sendLoginRequest = function(e, o) { Server.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.login, username: e, password: o }) }, n.loginResultCallback = utilities.emptyFunction, n.onResultHandler = function(o) { n.status = o, o && (isDot2() ? $.cookie("dot2password", e(r) ? i : "") : ($.cookie("gma2login", r), $.cookie("gma2password", e(r) ? i : ""))), n.loginResultCallback(o) }, n.LogOut = function() { n.status = !1 }, n.SetUserData = function(e, o) { r = e, i = o }, n.GetCachedUsername = function() { return isDot2() ? void 0 : $.cookie("gma2login") || $.cookie("malogin") || "" }, n.GetCachedPassword = function() { return isDot2() ? $.cookie("dot2password") || "" : $.cookie("gma2password") || $.cookie("mapassword") || "" }; var s = function() { return n }; loginManager = n, o = new t, window.generic.globs.$document.bind(Server.sessionCreatedEvent, n.LogIn), window.generic.globs.$document.bind(Server.sessionLostEvent, n.LogOut), window.login.GetLoginManager = s, window.ui.loginForm = o }(); window.uiTypes.Wheel = function() { var e = function() {}; e.values = { Normal: 0, Fine: 1, Ultra: 2 }, e.GetName = function(t) { for (var n in e.values) if (e.values[n] == t) return n; return "" }; var t = function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { return e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1 ? e.targetTouches[0].clientY : e.clientY } function o(e) { f.addClass("pressedState"), f.removeClass("releasedState"), m_scale = -256 / b.height(), window.isDot2() || (M = 0, C.css("background-image", "url('" + y[M] + "')")), this.WheelSelectedCallback && this.WheelSelectedCallback(A) } function l(e) { var t = i(e.originalEvent || e); if (k) { var n = (t - E) * m_scale; if (S += n, u(A, n), !window.isDot2() && n) { var o = 0 > n ? window.generic.BoundIncrement : window.generic.BoundDecrement; M = o(M, 0, y.length), C.css("background-image", "url(" + y[M] + ")") } } E = t, k = !0 } function s(e) { k = !1, S = 0, f.removeClass("pressedState"), f.addClass("releasedState"), window.isDot2() || C.css("background-image", "") } function r(e) { this.AttrButtonCallback && this.AttrButtonCallback(A) } function a() { ++B, B %= L, u(A, void 0, B) } function u(e, t, n) { N || (N = setInterval(h, 33)), U || (U = []), U[e] = U[e] || {}, void 0 !== t && (U[e].delta_value ? U[e].delta_value += t : U[e].delta_value = t), void 0 !== n && (U[e].resolution = n) } function h() { if (U) { for (var e in U) Server.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.encoder, name: e, value: U[e].delta_value, resolution: U[e].resolution }); U = !1 } else window.clearTimeout(N), N = !1 } this.m_wheelControl = t, this.m_wheelScale = n ? n : 0, this.WheelSelectedCallback = null, this.AttrButtonCallback = null; var c = null, d = null, m = null, w = null, v = null, g = null, _ = null, p = null, T = null, b = null, f = null, C = null, k = !1, E = 0, S = 0, A = e, B = 0, L = 3, D = null, y = ["./images/wheelAnimation0.png", "./images/wheelAnimation1.png", "./images/wheelAnimation2.png", "./images/wheelAnimation3.png", "./images/wheelAnimation4.png", "./images/wheelAnimation5.png", "./images/wheelAnimation6.png", "./images/wheelAnimation7.png"], x = "wheel_animation_images"; if (!(0 in $("#" + x))) { for (var I = "", window.generic.globs.$body.append(I) } var M = -1; this.init = function() { c = $(".wheelStripe", this.m_wheelControl), d = c[0], _ = $(".attributeEncoderResolutionButton", this.m_wheelControl), p = _[0], v = $(".attributeButtonName", this.m_wheelControl), m = $(".attributeMainButton", this.m_wheelControl), w = m[0], b = $(".wheelHolder", this.m_wheelControl), f = $(".wheelStripe", this.m_wheelControl), T = $(".attributeEncoderResolutionList", this.m_wheelControl), g = $(".attributeButtonValue", this.m_wheelControl), C = $(".wheelStripeInner", b), D = { stripe_down: o.bind(this), stripe_up: s.bind(this), stripe_move: l.bind(this), resolution_down: a.bind(this), attrBtn_click: r.bind(this) }, this.bind(D) }, this.bind = function(e) { d.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.stripe_down), d.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchMove, e.stripe_move), d.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, e.stripe_up), p && p.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.resolution_down), w && w.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.attrBtn_click) }, this.unbind = function(e) { d.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.stripe_down), d.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchMove, e.stripe_move), d.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, e.stripe_up), p && p.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.resolution_down), w && w.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, e.attrBtn_click) }, this.setAttribute = function(e) { A = e.id, B = e.encoder_resolution, b.attr("id", e.id), v.text(e.name), $(".highlightedText", T).removeClass("highlightedText"), $(":nth-child(" + (parseInt(e.encoder_resolution) + 1) + ")", T).addClass("highlightedText"), g.text(e.value), g.css("background-color", e.bgColor), g.css("color", e.color) }, this.show = function() { this.m_wheelControl.show() }, this.hide = function() { this.m_wheelControl.hide() }, this.dispose = function() { this.unbind(D) }; var N = !1, U = !1 }; return t }(); defineNamespace(window, "ui"), function(e) { var t = {}; t.Place = function(e, t, n) { if (n = n || {}, n.grid) return void i(e, t, n.grid); for (var a = !1, r = (100 / t.length + "%", 0); r < t.length; r++) { var o = t[r].$item, s = t[r].location; s ? (a = !0, o.css({ position: "absolute", left: s.x, top: s.y, width: s.width, height: s.height })) : o.addClass("line-element"), n.prepend ? e.prepend(o) : e.append(o) } a ? e.css("position", "relative") : e.addClass("line") }; var i = function(e, t, i) { assert(t && t.length > 0, "createGrid Argument $items is not Array", !0), assert(e, "createGrid Argument $container is null", !0); var n = i.columnsCount; assert(n > 0, "createGrid Argument options.columnsCount is invalid", !0); for (var a = t.length, r = 100 / n + "%", o = 100 / Math.ceil(a / n) + "%", s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { var l = t[s].$item; l.css(window.isDot2() ? { width: "calc(" + r + " - 1px)", height: "calc(" + o + " - 1px)", "float": "left" } : { width: r, height: o, "float": "left" }), e.append(l) } }; e.Layout = t }(window.ui); defineNamespace(window, "commands"), function(t) { function e(t) { if (this.states) { if (void 0 === t) return this["default"]; for (var e = 0; e < this.states.length - 1; e++) if (this.states[e].value == t.value) return this.states[e + 1]; return this.states[0] } return void assert("called getNextState on stateless command " + this.id) } function i(t) { (!t.states || t.states.length <= 0) && (t.states = [{ value: !1, "default": !0 }, { value: !0 }]); for (var i = 0; i < t.states.length; i++) if (t.states[i]["default"]) { t["default"] = t.states[i]; break } return void 0 === t["default"] && (t["default"] = t.states[0]), t.getNextState = e, void 0 === t.release && void 0 === t.change && (t.release = !0), t } function n(t) { return t ? (t.id = t.id || generic.createGuid(), i(t)) : null } function s(t) { t && (assert(void 0 === m[t.id], "command type '" + t.title + "' already exists"), m[t.id] = t) } function a(t, e) { var i = -1; e === Touch.maTouchUp ? i = 0 : e === Touch.maTouchDown && (i = 1), i >= 0 && window.generic.globs.commandLine["do"]({ keyname: t.getType().id, value: i, autoSubmit: t.getType().autoSubmit }) } function o(t, e, i) { return function() { return t(e, i) } } var r = { set: { id: "SET", title: "Set", blinkid: "set", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0, release: !1 }, previous: { id: "PREV", title: "Previous", press: !1 }, next: { id: "NEXT", title: "Next", press: !1 }, clear: { id: "CLEAR", title: "Clear", blinkid: "clear", longClick: !0, press: !0 }, channelFixtureSwitcher: { id: "FIXTURE_CHANNEL", title: "Channel / Fixture / Dmx", press: !0 }, fixtureGroupPresetSwitcher: { id: "FIXTURE_GROUP_PRESET", title: "Fixture / Group / Preset", press: !0 }, execCueSwitch: { id: "EXEC_CUE", title: "Exec / Cue", press: !0 }, storeUpdateSwitcher: { id: "STORE_UPDATE", title: "Store / Update", press: !0 }, oops: { id: "OOPS", title: "Oops", press: !0 }, esc: { id: "ESC", title: "ESC", press: !0 }, _0: { id: "0", title: "0", press: !0 }, _1: { id: "1", title: "1", press: !0 }, _2: { id: "2", title: "2", press: !0 }, _3: { id: "3", title: "3", press: !0 }, _4: { id: "4", title: "4", press: !0 }, _5: { id: "5", title: "5", press: !0 }, _6: { id: "6", title: "6", press: !0 }, _7: { id: "7", title: "7", press: !0 }, _8: { id: "8", title: "8", press: !0 }, _9: { id: "9", title: "9", press: !0 }, dot: { id: "PUNKT", title: ".", press: !0 }, plus: { id: "PLUS", title: "+", press: !0 }, minus: { id: "MINUS", title: "-", press: !0 }, thru: { id: "THRU", title: "Thru", press: !0 }, _if: { id: "IF", title: "If", press: !0 }, at: { id: "AT", title: "At", press: !0 }, full: { id: "FULL", title: "Full", press: !0 }, high: { id: "HIGH", title: "Highlight", blinkid: "high", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0 }, please: { id: "ENTER", title: "Please", press: !0 }, off: { id: "OFF", title: "Off", blinkid: "off", press: !0 }, on: { id: "ON", title: "On", blinkid: "on", press: !0 }, assign: { id: "ASSIGN", title: "Assign", blinkid: "assign", press: !0 }, label: { id: "LABEL", title: "Label", blinkid: "label", press: !0 }, copy: { id: "COPY", title: "Copy", blinkid: "copy", press: !0 }, time: { id: "TIME", title: "Time", blinkid: "time", press: !0 }, page: { id: "PAGE", title: "Page", blinkid: "page", press: !0 }, macro: { id: "MACRO", title: "Macro", blinkid: "macro", press: !0 }, _delete: { id: "DELETE", title: "Delete", blinkid: "delete", press: !0 }, "goto": { id: "GOTO", title: "Goto", blinkid: "goto", press: !0 }, go: { id: "GO_PLUS", title: "Go+", blinkid: "go", press: !0 }, goback: { id: "GO_MINUS", title: "Go-", blinkid: "goback", press: !0 }, pause: { id: "PAUSE", title: "Pause", blinkid: "pause", press: !0 }, select: { id: "SELECT", title: "Select", blinkid: "select", press: !0 }, fixture: { id: "FIXTURE", title: "Fixture", blinkid: "fixture", press: !0 }, sequence: { id: "SEQU", title: "Sequence", blinkid: "sequence", press: !0 }, cue: { id: "CUE", title: "Cue", blinkid: "cue", press: !0 }, preset: { id: "PRESET", title: "Preset", blinkid: "preset", press: !0 }, edit: { id: "EDIT", title: "Edit", blinkid: "edit", press: !0 }, update: { id: "UPDATE", title: "Update", blinkid: "update", press: !0 }, exec: { id: "EXEC", title: "Exec", blinkid: "exec", press: !0 }, store: { id: "STORE", title: "Store", blinkid: "store", press: !0 }, group: { id: "GROUP", title: "Group", blinkid: "group", press: !0 }, progOnly: { id: "PROG_ONLY", title: "Prg Only", blinkid: "po", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0 }, specialDialog: { id: "SPECIAL_DIALOGUE", title: "Special Dialogue", press: !0 }, solo: { id: "SOLO", title: "Solo", blinkid: "solo", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0 }, odd: { id: "ODD", title: "Odd", press: !0 }, even: { id: "EVEN", title: "Even", press: !0 }, wings: { id: "WINGS", title: "Wings", press: !0 }, reset: { id: "RESET", title: "Reset", press: !0 }, _empty: { id: "", title: "", press: !1 } }; if (isDot2()) var m = $.extend({ ma: { id: "MA", title: "", press: !1 }, presetValue: { id: "layerMode", title: "", states: [{ value: "Value", text: "Name", "default": !0 }, { value: "Output", text: "Value" }] }, progOnly: { id: "PROG_ONLY", title: "Prg Only", blinkid: "po", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0 }, featureSort: { id: "featureSort", title: "Feature Sort" }, fixtureSort: { id: "fixtureSort", title: "Fixture Sort" }, channelSort: { id: "channelSort", title: "Channel Sort" }, hideName: { id: "hideName", title: "Hide name" }, empty: { id: "", title: "", release: !1 } }, r); else var m = $.extend({ ma: { id: "MA", title: "", press: !1 }, presetValue: { id: "layerMode", title: "Preset Value", states: [{ value: "Value", text: "Value", "default": !0 }, { value: "Fade", text: "Fade" }, { value: "Delay", text: "Delay" }, { value: "Output", text: "Output" }] }, progOnly: { id: "PROG_ONLY", title: "Prg Only", blinkid: "po", autoSubmit: !0, press: !0 }, featureSort: { id: "featureSort", title: "Feature Sort" }, fixtureSort: { id: "fixtureSort", title: "Fixture Sort" }, channelSort: { id: "channelSort", title: "Channel Sort" }, hideName: { id: "hideName", title: "Hide name" }, empty: { id: "", title: "", release: !1 } }, r); ! function() { _.map(m, i) }(); var d = function(t, e) { this.m_type = t, this.execute = e }; d.prototype.getType = function() { return this.m_type }, d.prototype.isDynamic = function() { return !1 }; var l = function(t, e) { var i = { value: void 0 }; t || e || (t = function() { return i }, e = function(t) { i = t }), this.m_getState = t, this.m_setState = e, this.m_dirty = !1, this.$ = $(this), this.onValueChangedEventName = "onValueChanged" }; l.prototype.init = function() { this.$.triggerHandler(this.onValueChangedEventName, { state: this.m_getState() }) }, l.prototype.getState = function() { return this.m_getState ? this.m_getState() : void generic.statusLogging("State.m_getState is null") }, l.prototype.setState = function(t) { return this.m_setState ? void(this.getState().value != t.value && (this.m_setState(t), this.$.triggerHandler(this.onValueChangedEventName, { state: t }), this.m_dirty = !0)) : void generic.statusLogging("State.m_setState is null") }, l.prototype.isDirty = function() { return this.m_dirty }, l.prototype.clean = function() { this.m_dirty = !1 }, l.prototype.on = function(t, e) { this.$.on(this.onValueChangedEventName, e, t) }, l.prototype.off = function(t) { t ? this.$.off(this.onValueChangedEventName, t) : this.$.off(this.onValueChangedEventName) }; var u = function(t, e, i, n) { this.m_type = t, this.execute = e, i && (i = i.bind(this, this.m_type)), n && (n = n.bind(this, this.m_type)), this.m_state = new l(i, n), void 0 === this.getState().value && this.setState(this.m_type["default"]) }; u.prototype.init = function() { this.m_state.init() }, u.prototype.getType = function() { return this.m_type }, u.prototype.isDynamic = function() { return !0 }, u.prototype.getState = function() { return this.m_state.getState() }, u.prototype.setState = function(t) { this.m_state.setState(t) }, u.prototype.isDirty = function() { return this.m_state.isDirty() }, u.prototype.clean = function() { this.m_state.clean() }, u.prototype.on = function(t, e) { this.m_state.on(t, e) }, u.prototype.off = function(t) { this.m_state.off(t, parameters) }, t.Command = function(t, e) { return new d(t, e) }, t.StateCommand = function(t, e, i, n) { return new u(t, e, i, n) }; var c = {}; for (var p in r) { var h = r[p], f = null; f = h.blinkid ? t.StateCommand : t.Command, c[p] = o(f, h, a) } c.empty = o(t.Command, m.empty, function() {}), t.defaultCommandHandler = a, t.createCommandType = n, t.addCommandType = s, t.CommandType = m, t.Commands = c, t.State = l }(window.commands), defineNamespace(window, "commands.ui"), function(t) { function e(t, e, i, n) { t.on(e, function(t) { i(t, n) }) } var i = { getView: function(t, e) { var i = {}; return void 0 === e || null === e || void 0 === e.value || null === e.value ? i.text = t.title : e.value === !0 || e.value === !1 ? (i.highlighted = e.value, i.text = t.title) : (i.text = e.text, i.value = e.value), i } }, n = { uiStates: $.extend({}, remoteColors.presetValues), getView: function(t, e) { return isDot2() ? $.extend({ image: "./images/d2ui_values_only.png", checked: "Output" == e.value ? !0 : !1 }, this.uiStates[e.value]) : $.extend({ text: t.title + " (" + e.text + ")" }, this.uiStates[e.value]) } }, s = { uiStates: { "true": { image: "./images/ma_logo_checked.png" }, "false": { image: "./images/ma_logo.png" } }, getView: function(t, e) { return $.extend({ checked: e.value }, this.uiStates[e.value]) } }, a = { "default": i }; a[commands.CommandType.presetValue.id] = n, a[commands.CommandType.ma.id] = s; var o = function(t) { return a[t.id] || a["default"] }, r = function() {}; r.prototype.init = function(t) { this.m_command = t, this.m_presenter = o(t.getType()), this.m_$item && this.dispose(), this.m_$item = null; var e = [], i = this.m_command.getType(); i.press && e.push(Touch.maTouchDown), i.release && e.push(Touch.maTouchUp), i.longPress && e.push(Touch.maLongTap), i.change && e.push("change"), this.m_events = e.join(" "), this.m_handler = function(t, e) { this.m_command.execute(this.m_command, t.type, e) }.bind(this) }, r.prototype.getItem = function() { return this.m_$item }, r.prototype.update = function(t) {}; var m = function() { m.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; generic.extend(m, r), m.prototype.init = function(t) { m.superclass.init.call(this, t), this.m_$item = $("
    "), this.m_$item.on(this.m_events, this.m_handler), this.update(null) }, m.prototype.update = function(t) { var e = this.m_presenter.getView(this.m_command.getType(), t); $(".content", this.m_$item).text(e.text) }, m.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_$item.off(this.m_events, this.m_handler) }; var d = function() { d.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; generic.extend(d, r), d.prototype.init = function(t) { d.superclass.init.call(this, t), this.m_$item = $("
    "), this.m_$item.on(this.m_events, this.m_handler), this.update(this.m_command.getState ? this.m_command.getState() : void 0) }, d.prototype.update = function(t) { var e = this.m_presenter.getView(this.m_command.getType(), t); e.highlighted ? this.m_$item.addClass("highlighted") : e.highlighted === !1 && this.m_$item.removeClass("highlighted"), e.checked ? this.m_$item.addClass("checked") : e.checked === !1 && this.m_$item.removeClass("checked"), $(".content", this.m_$item).text(e.text) }, d.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_$item.off(this.m_events, this.m_handler) }; var l = function() { l.superclass.constructor.call(this), this.m_itemTemplateChecked = _.template('
    '), this.m_itemTemplate = _.template('
    ') }; generic.extend(l, r), l.prototype.init = function(t) { l.superclass.init.call(this, t), assert(this.m_command.m_type.states && this.m_command.m_type.states.length, "UIRadioStateButton was initialized with stateless command", !0); var i = this.m_command.m_state.getState(); this.m_$item = $("
    "); for (var n = 0; n < this.m_command.m_type.states.length; n++) { var s = this.m_command.m_type.states[n], a = null; a = $(s.value == i.value ? this.m_itemTemplateChecked({ text: s.text, value: s.value, id: this.m_command.m_type.id }) : this.m_itemTemplate({ text: s.text, value: s.value, id: this.m_command.m_type.id })), e(a, this.m_events, this.m_handler, s), this.m_$item.append(a) } this.m_$buttons = $("[data-type=radio-button]", this.m_$item) }, l.prototype.getItem = function() { return this.m_$buttons }, l.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_$buttons.off(this.m_events, this.m_handler) }; var u = function() { u.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; generic.extend(u, r), u.prototype.init = function(t) { u.superclass.init.call(this, t), this.m_$item = $("
    "), this.m_$item.on(this.m_events, this.m_handler), this.update(this.m_command.getState ? this.m_command.getState() : void 0) }, u.prototype.update = function(t) { var e = this.m_presenter.getView(this.m_command.getType(), t); e.checked ? this.m_$item.addClass("checked") : e.checked === !1 && this.m_$item.removeClass("checked"), $(".logo", this.m_$item).attr("src", e.image) }, u.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_$item.off(this.m_events, this.m_handler) }; var c = function() { c.superclass.constructor.call(this), this.m_dropDownSignURL = "./images/dropDownSign.svg" }; generic.extend(c, r), c.prototype.init = function(t) { c.superclass.init.call(this, t), this.m_$item = $(''), this.m_innerDropDown = new window.uiTypes.DropDownButton(this.m_$item), this.m_$container = $(''), this.m_$items = t.getType().states.map(function(t) { var e = $(""); return e.on(this.m_events, function(e) { this.m_handler(e, t), this.m_innerDropDown.close() }.bind(this)), e }.bind(this)), this.m_innerDropDown.updateListData(this.m_$items), this.m_innerDropDown.init({ OnTap: this.m_handler, canExecuteDropDown: function() { return !0 }, $container: this.m_$container, createItem: function(t) { return t } }), this.update(this.m_command.getState ? this.m_command.getState() : void 0) }, c.prototype.update = function(t) { var e = this.m_presenter.getView(this.m_command.getType(), t); this.m_innerDropDown.rename(e.text), $(".button-content", this.m_$item).css("background-color", e.activeBackgroundColor), $(".button-content", this.m_$item).css("border-color", e.borderColor), this.m_$container.css("border-color", e.borderColor) }, c.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_innerDropDown && (this.m_innerDropDown.dispose(), this.m_innerDropDown = null); for (var t = 0; t < this.m_$items.length; t++) this.m_$items[t].off(this.m_events) }, t.UICommandElement = function() { return new r }, t.UILabel = function() { return new m }, t.UIMultiStateButton = function() { return new d }, t.UIStateImageButton = function() { return new u }, t.UIDropDown = function() { return new c }, t.UIRadioStateButton = function() { return new l }, t.initCommandUIElementPair = function(t, e, i) { t.uiElement.init(t.command) }, t.fetchUIElementItems = function(t) { return { $item: t.$item || t.uiElement.getItem() } }, t.disposeUIElements = function(t) { t.forEach(function(t, e, i) { t.uiElement && t.uiElement.dispose() }) }, t.defaultCommandExecute = function(t, e, i) { var n = null; if (void 0 === i) { var s = t.getState(); n = t.getType().getNextState(s) } else n = i; t.setState(n) } }(window.commands.ui), function(t) { function e(t, e, i) { t.command.clean() } var i = window.timers.GlobalTimers, n = function() { this.m_commands = [], this.m_commandGroupHash = {}, this.m_blinkState = 0, this.m_refreshTimer_context = this.refreshTimer.bind(this), this.m_blinkTimer_context = this.blinkTimer.bind(this) }; n.prototype.refreshCommandArray = function(t) { this.m_commands.length = 0; for (var e in this.m_commandGroupHash) for (var i = this.m_commandGroupHash[e], n = 0; n < i.length; n++) i[n].command.isDynamic() && this.m_commands.push(i[n]) }, n.prototype.addCommands = function(t, e) { var n = this.m_commands.length <= 0 && e.length > 0; this.m_commandGroupHash[t] && (window.generic.statusLogging("Command Group " + t + " already exists and will be replaced"), delete this.m_commandGroupHash[t]), this.m_commandGroupHash[t] = e, this.refreshCommandArray(), n && (i.AddRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.m_refreshTimer_context), i.AddBlinkTimerEventHandler(this.m_blinkTimer_context)) }, n.prototype.removeCommands = function(t) { if (!this.m_commandGroupHash[t]) return void window.generic.statusLogging("Attempt to remove nonexisting command group " + t); delete this.m_commandGroupHash[t]; var e = this.m_commands.length > 0; this.refreshCommandArray(); var n = e && this.m_commands.length <= 0; n && (i.RemoveRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.m_refreshTimer_context), i.RemoveBlinkTimerEventHandler(this.m_blinkTimer_context)) }, n.prototype.refreshTimer = function() { for (var t = 0; t < this.m_commands.length; t++) { var i = this.m_commands[t]; "b" === i.command.getState().value ? i.uiElement.update({ value: this.m_blinkState }) : i.command.isDirty() && i.uiElement.update(i.command.getState()) } this.m_commands.forEach(e) }, n.prototype.blinkTimer = function() { this.m_blinkState = !this.m_blinkState }, n.prototype.dispose = function() { i.RemoveRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.m_refreshTimer_context), i.RemoveBlinkTimerEventHandler(this.m_blinkTimer_context) }; var s = function() { s.superclass.constructor.call(this), this.m_buttonStateDataHandler = { name: "ButtonStateDataHandler", handler: function(t) { return t.responseType != Server.requestTypes.getdata ? !1 : (this.m_commands.length > 0 && this.dataHandler(t.data), !0) }.bind(this) }, DataHandlerManager.Register(this.m_buttonStateDataHandler) }; generic.extend(s, n), s.prototype.blinkTimer = function() { s.superclass.blinkTimer.call(this); for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this.m_commands.length; e++) this.m_commands[e].command.getType().blinkid && t.push(this.m_commands[e].command.getType().blinkid); t.length > 0 && Server.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.getdata, data: t.join(",") }) }, s.prototype.dataHandler = function(t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) for (var i in t[e]) for (var n = t[e][i], s = 0; s < this.m_commands.length; s++) this.m_commands[s].command.getType().blinkid === i && ("0" === n ? n = !1 : "1" === n && (n = !0), this.m_commands[s].command.getState().value !== n && this.m_commands[s].command.setState({ value: n })) }, s.prototype.dispose = function() { DataHandlerManager.Unregister(this.m_buttonStateDataHandler.name) }, t.CommandManager = n, t.ServerCommandManager = s }(window.commands); window.uiTypes.CommandLineComponent = function() { var t = generic.globs.config, e = React.createClass({ displayName: "CommandLineComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { prompt: "", command: "", promptColor: remoteColors.commandLine.color, dirty: !1 } }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(t, e) { return this.state.dirty = e.dirty, this.state.prompt != e.prompt || this.state.command != e.command || this.state.promptColor != e.promptColor }, render: function() { return this.state.dirty = !0, window.isDot2() ? React.createElement("div", { className: "command-line-holder", ref: "cmdline" }, React.createElement("input", { className: "cmdline-input", type: "text", placeholder: "Command Line", ref: "cmdlineTextbox" })) : React.createElement("div", { className: "command-line-holder", ref: "cmdline" }, React.createElement("img", { className: "cmdline-history-button", ref: "historyButton", alt: "history", src: "images/btncontext.png" }), React.createElement("div", { className: "cmdline-prompt", ref: "cmdlinePrompt" }, this.state.prompt), React.createElement("input", { className: "cmdline-input", type: "text", ref: "cmdlineTextbox" })) }, componentDidMount: function() { var t = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlineTextbox); if (t.addEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyUp), document.addEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress), window.isDot2()) t.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.onHistoryButtonPress); else { var e = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.historyButton); e.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.onHistoryButtonPress) } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { var t = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlineTextbox); if (t.removeEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyUp), document.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress), window.isDot2()) t.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.onHistoryButtonPress); else { var e = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.historyButton); e.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.onHistoryButtonPress) } }, componentDidUpdate: function() { var t = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlineTextbox), e = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlinePrompt); e && (e.style.color = this.state.promptColor), t.value = this.state.command }, onKeyPress: function(e) { var n = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlineTextbox), o = e.charCode; t.keyboardCaptured && n != document.activeElement && o && 13 != o && (n.focus(), this.setState({ command: this.state.command + "" + String.fromCharCode(o) }), e.preventDefault()) }, onKeyUp: function(e) { var n = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cmdlineTextbox), o = n.value, i = e.keyCode; if (t.keyboardCaptured) { this.setState({ command: n.value }); var s = this.keyToCommandMap[i], r = s ? s(o) : void 0; r && (this.props.dispatcher && this.props.dispatcher.trigger({ type: this.props.dispatcher.actions.COMMAND_ENTER, data: r }), this.setState({ dirty: !1 })) } }, keyToCommandMap: { 13: function(t) { return { command: t } }, 27: function(t) { return { command: "ESC" } }, 38: function(t) { return { keyname: "UP", value: 1 } }, 40: function(t) { return { keyname: "DOWN", value: 1 } } }, onHistoryButtonPress: function() { this.props.dispatcher && this.props.dispatcher.trigger({ type: this.props.dispatcher.actions.HISTORY_BUTTON_PRESSED }) }, getCommand: function() { return this.state.command }, getDirty: function() { return this.state.dirty } }); return e }(), window.uiTypes.CommandLine = function() { var t = function(t) { this.m_container = t, this.m_dispatcher = Dispatcher() }; return t.prototype.init = function() { this.cmdlineComponent = React.render(React.createElement(window.uiTypes.CommandLineComponent, { dispatcher: this.m_dispatcher }), this.m_container), this.m_dispatcher.actions = { COMMAND_ENTER: "COMMAND_ENTER", HISTORY_BUTTON_PRESSED: "HISTORY_BUTTON_PRESSED" }, this.m_actions = [{ type: this.m_dispatcher.actions.COMMAND_ENTER, handler: this.onCommandEnter }, { type: this.m_dispatcher.actions.HISTORY_BUTTON_PRESSED, handler: this.onHistoryButtonPressed }], this.m_dispatcher.register(this.m_actions) }, t.prototype.dispose = function() { this.m_dispatcher.unregister(this.m_actions), this.m_actions = null, React.unmountComponentAtNode(this.m_container) }, t.prototype.render = function(t, e, n, o) { var i = {}; t && t.length > 0 && (i.prompt = t), e && (i.promptColor = e), (o || n && n.length > 0) && (i.command = n || "", log("Command Line set command: " + n)), this.cmdlineComponent.setState(i) }, t.prototype["do"] = function(t) { this.cmdlineComponent.getDirty() && (t.cmdlineText = this.cmdlineComponent.getCommand(), this.cmdlineComponent.setState({ dirty: !1 })), Server.send(t) }, t.prototype.getText = function() { return this.cmdlineComponent.getCommand() }, t.prototype.clear = function() { this.cmdlineComponent.setState({ command: "" }) }, t.prototype.onCommandEnter = function(t, e) { Server.send(e) }, t.prototype.onHistoryButtonPressed = function() { window.generic.globs.pageManager.TogglePage(window.uiTypes.pages.CommandHistory.id, { modal: !0 }) }, t.prototype.isEmpty = function(t) { return 0 === this.getText().length }, t }(); defineNamespace(window, "generic.globs"), $(document).ready(function() { var e = window.timers.GlobalTimers; if (!fullSupport) return void $("#body").hide(); try { window.applicationCache.addEventListener("updateready", function(e) { window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY && window.location.reload(!0) }, !1) } catch (n) { console.error(n) } e.Init(), $.Layout.init(), generic.globs.commandLine = new uiTypes.CommandLine(document.getElementsByClassName("header-left-top")[0]), generic.globs.commandLine.init(), commands.Commands.oops = function() { return commands.Command(commands.CommandType.oops, function(e, n) { generic.globs.commandLine.isEmpty() ? commands.defaultCommandHandler(e, n) : n === Touch.maTouchUp && Server.send({ command: generic.globs.commandLine.getText(), backspace: 1 }) }) }, commands.Commands.ma = function() { var e = commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.ma, function(e, n) { commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute(e, n), commands.defaultCommandHandler(e, e.getState().value ? Touch.maTouchDown : Touch.maTouchUp) }); return function() { return e } }(), generic.globs.serverCommandManager = new commands.ServerCommandManager, generic.globs.pageManager = new uiTypes.pages.PageManager(generic.globs.commandLine, window.Server, generic.globs.GlobalSettings), generic.globs.pageManager.Init(), new uiTypes.Wheel("DIM", $(".dimmer-wheel")).init(), $("body").bind("touchmove", function(e) { e.preventDefault() }), window.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) { e.preventDefault() }, { passive: !1 }), window.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), void 0 != e.target && ("INPUT" == e.target.nodeName ? e.target.focus() : e.target.click()) }, { passive: !1 }), Server.connect() }), $(window).unload(function() { generic.globs.pageManager && generic.globs.pageManager.dispose(), generic.globs.commandLine && generic.globs.commandLine.dispose(), Server.closeAllConnection() }); window.uiTypes.canvas.MouseEvent = function() { var t = function() {}; return t.down = 0, t.up = 0, t.move = 0, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.Shape = function() { var t = function(t, e) { this.m_rect = t, this.m_renderer = e }; return t.prototype.hitTest = function(t, e) { return window.generic.IsPointInRect(t, this.m_rect) ? this : !1 }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.Button = function() { var t = function(e, r) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, r), this.m_frameSize = 0, this.m_roundedCornerRadius = 0, this.m_backgroundColor = remoteColors.scrollBar.backgroundColor, this.m_backgroundColorPressed = remoteColors.scrollBar.backgroundColorPressed, this.m_strokeColor = remoteColors.scrollBar.strokeColor, this.m_pressed = 0, this.m_over = 0, this.m_pressedCallback = 0, this.m_moveCallback = 0, this.m_releaseCallback = 0, this.m_arrowLineWidth = 3 }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.Shape), t.prototype.draw = function() { this.m_renderer.drawRect(this.m_rect, this.m_strokeColor, this.m_frameSize, this.m_pressed && this.m_over ? this.m_backgroundColorPressed : this.m_backgroundColor, this.m_roundedCornerRadius) }, t.prototype.hitTest = function(e, r) { var i = t.superclass.hitTest.call(this, e, r); return this.m_over = i, r.up ? (this.m_pressed = !1, this.m_releaseCallback && this.m_releaseCallback(e)) : i && r.down && (this.m_pressed = !0, this.m_pressPoint = e, this.m_pressedCallback && this.m_pressedCallback(e)), this.m_pressed && r.move && this.m_moveCallback && this.m_moveCallback(e), i }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.Arrow = function() { var t = function(e, r, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, i), this.m_direction = r }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.Button); var e = { up: [5, 1, 7], down: [0, 6, 2], left: [2, 3, 7], right: [0, 4, 5] }; return t.prototype.draw = function() { t.superclass.draw.call(this); var r = .3 * this.m_rect.width, i = [{ x: this.m_rect.left + r, y: this.m_rect.top + r }, { x: this.m_rect.left + this.m_rect.width / 2, y: this.m_rect.top + r }, { x: this.m_rect.left + (this.m_rect.width - r), y: this.m_rect.top + r }, { x: this.m_rect.left + r, y: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height / 2 }, { x: this.m_rect.left + (this.m_rect.width - r), y: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height / 2 }, { x: this.m_rect.left + r, y: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.width - r }, { x: this.m_rect.left + this.m_rect.width / 2, y: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height - r }, { x: this.m_rect.left + (this.m_rect.width - r), y: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height - r }]; this.m_renderer.drawLines([i[e[this.m_direction][0]], i[e[this.m_direction][1]], i[e[this.m_direction][2]]], this.m_strokeColor, 0, this.m_arrowLineWidth) }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.Caret = function() { var t = function(e, r, i, s) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, s) }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.Button), t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.ScrollBar = function() { var t = function(e, r, i, s) { var o = this; t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, s), this.m_defaultSettings = { defaultWheelCoef: 10, roundedCornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: remoteColors.scrollBar.backgroundColor, frameSize: 0, strokeColor: remoteColors.scrollBar.strokeColor, minCaretBreadth: 50, visible: !0 }, this.m_parent = r, this.m_offset = 0, this.m_inverted = i, this.m_arrowBack = 0, this.m_caret = 0, this.m_arrowForward = 0, this.m_caretPressedPoint = 0, this.m_caretPressedOffset = 0, this.stepCallback = 0, this.stepPageCallback = 0, this.wheelStartCallback = 0, this.wheelCallback = 0, this.wheelEndCallback = 0, this.init = function() { this.m_arrowBack = new window.uiTypes.canvas.Arrow(this.GetBackArrowRect(), this.backArrowName, this.m_renderer), this.m_arrowBack.m_pressedCallback = function() { this.step("back") }.bind(this), this.m_caret = new window.uiTypes.canvas.Caret(this.GetCaretRect(), 0, 0, this.m_renderer), this.m_caret.m_pressedCallback = function(t) { this.m_caretPressedPoint = t, this.m_caretPressedOffset = this.GetOffset(), this.wheelStartCallback && this.wheelStartCallback() }.bind(this), this.m_caret.m_moveCallback = function(t) { this.dragCaret(t) }.bind(this), this.m_caret.m_releaseCallback = function(t) { this.m_caretPressedPoint = 0, this.m_caretPressedOffset = 0, this.wheelEndCallback && this.wheelEndCallback() }.bind(this), this.m_arrowForward = new window.uiTypes.canvas.Arrow(this.GetForwardArrowRect(), this.forwardArrowName, this.m_renderer), this.m_arrowForward.m_pressedCallback = function() { o.step("forward") } }, this.setColorSettings = function(t) { t.roundedCornerRadius && (this.m_arrowForward.m_roundedCornerRadius = this.m_caret.m_roundedCornerRadius = this.m_arrowBack.m_roundedCornerRadius = this.m_defaultSettings.roundedCornerRadius = t.roundedCornerRadius), t.backgroundColor && (this.m_defaultSettings.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColor), t.buttonsBackgroundColor && (this.m_arrowForward.m_backgroundColor = this.m_caret.m_backgroundColor = this.m_arrowBack.m_backgroundColor = t.buttonsBackgroundColor), t.buttonsPresedBackgroundColor && (this.m_arrowForward.m_backgroundColorPressed = this.m_caret.m_backgroundColorPressed = this.m_arrowBack.m_backgroundColorPressed = t.buttonsPresedBackgroundColor), t.frameSize && (this.m_arrowForward.m_frameSize = this.m_caret.m_frameSize = this.m_arrowBack.m_frameSize = this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize = t.frameSize), t.strokeColor && (this.m_arrowForward.m_strokeColor = this.m_caret.m_strokeColor = this.m_arrowBack.m_strokeColor = this.m_defaultSettings.strokeColor = t.strokeColor) }, this.hitTest = function(e, r) { if (this.m_defaultSettings.visible) { var i = t.superclass.hitTest.call(this, e, r); return i && (i = this.m_arrowBack.hitTest(e, r) || this.m_caret.hitTest(e, r) || this.m_arrowForward.hitTest(e, r), !i && r.down && this.stepPage(window.generic.IsPointInRect(e, this.GetBeforeCaretRect()) ? "back" : "forward")), i } return !1 }, this.draw = function() { this.m_defaultSettings.visible && (this.m_renderer.drawRect(this.m_rect, this.m_defaultSettings.strokeColor, this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, this.m_defaultSettings.backgroundColor, this.m_defaultSettings.roundedCornerRadius), isDot2() || this.m_arrowBack.draw(), this.m_caret.draw(), isDot2() || this.m_arrowForward.draw()) }, this.getDirection = function(t) { if (this.m_inverted) { if ("forward" === t) return "back"; if ("back" === t) return "forward" } return t }, this.step = function(t) { this.stepCallback && this.stepCallback(this.getDirection(t)) }, this.stepPage = function(t) { this.stepPageCallback && this.stepPageCallback(this.getDirection(t)) }, this.dragCaret = function(t) { var e = { x: t.x - this.m_caretPressedPoint.x, y: t.y - this.m_caretPressedPoint.y }; if (this.m_inverted && (e.x = -e.x, e.y = -e.y), this.wheelCallback) { var r = this.GetCaretFieldLength() - this.GetCaretLength(); r > 0 && this.wheelCallback(this.GetDimensionValue(e) / r) } }, this.scroll = function(t) { if (this.m_inverted || (t.x = -t.x, t.y = -t.y), this.stepCallback) { var e = this.GetDimensionValue(t); this.stepCallback(e >= 0 ? "forward" : "back") } }, this.GetOffset = function() { return this.m_offset }, this.SetOffset = function(t) { this.m_offset = this.m_inverted ? 1 - (this.GetCaretFieldLength() - this.GetCaretLength()) * t : (this.GetCaretFieldLength() - this.GetCaretLength()) * t }, this.GetVisible = function() { return this.m_defaultSettings.visible }, this.SetVisible = function(e) { this.m_defaultSettings.visible != e && (this.m_defaultSettings.visible = e, $.event.trigger({ type: t.visibilityChangedEvent, sender: this })) } }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.Shape), t.visibilityChangedEvent = "visibilityChanged", t.prototype.resize = function(t) { this.m_rect = t, this.m_arrowBack.m_rect = this.GetBackArrowRect(), this.m_caret.m_rect = this.GetCaretRect(), this.m_arrowForward.m_rect = this.GetForwardArrowRect() }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.HorizontalScrollBar = function() { var t = function(e, r, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, r, 0, i), this.backArrowName = "left", this.forwardArrowName = "right" }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.ScrollBar), t.prototype.GetBackArrowRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; return isDot2() && (t = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left, width: t, height: this.m_rect.height } }, t.prototype.GetBeforeCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; return isDot2() && (t = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left + t, width: this.m_offset, height: this.m_rect.height } }, t.prototype.GetCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; isDot2() && (t = 0); var e = Math.min(this.m_parent.GetVisibleScrollableWidth() / this.m_parent.GetFullScrollableWidth(), 1); return { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left + t + this.m_offset, width: Math.max(this.GetCaretFieldLength() * e, this.m_defaultSettings.minCaretBreadth), height: this.m_rect.height } }, t.prototype.GetAfterCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; isDot2() && (t = 0); var e = this.GetCaretRect(); return { top: this.m_rect.top, left: e.left + e.width, width: this.m_rect.width - (e.left + e.width) - t, height: this.m_rect.height } }, t.prototype.GetForwardArrowRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; return isDot2() && (t = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left + this.m_rect.width - t, width: t, height: this.m_rect.height } }, t.prototype.GetCaretFieldLength = function() { var t = this.m_rect.height; return isDot2() && (t = 0), this.m_rect.width - 2 * t }, t.prototype.GetDimensionValue = function(t) { return t.x }, t.prototype.GetCaretLength = function() { return this.GetCaretRect().width }, t.prototype.GetBreadth = function() { return this.m_defaultSettings.visible ? this.m_rect.height : 0 }, t.prototype.resize = function(e) { t.superclass.resize.call(this, e), this.SetVisible(this.m_parent.GetVisibleScrollableWidth() / this.m_parent.GetFullScrollableWidth() >= 1 ? !1 : !0) }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.VerticalScrollBar = function() { var t = function(e, r, i, s) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, r, i, s), this.backArrowName = "up", this.forwardArrowName = "down" }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.ScrollBar), t.prototype.GetBackArrowRect = function(t) { var e = this.m_rect.width; return isDot2() && (e = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: e } }, t.prototype.GetBeforeCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.width; return isDot2() && (t = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top + t, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: this.m_offset } }, t.prototype.GetCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.width; isDot2() && (t = 0); var e = Math.min(1, this.m_parent.GetVisibleScrollableHeight() / this.m_parent.GetFullScrollableHeight()), r = Math.max(parseInt(this.GetCaretFieldLength() * e), this.m_defaultSettings.minCaretBreadth); return { top: this.m_inverted ? this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height - t + this.m_offset - r : this.m_rect.top + t + this.m_offset, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: r } }, t.prototype.GetAfterCaretRect = function() { var t = this.m_rect.width; isDot2() && (t = 0); var e = this.GetCaretRect(); return { top: e.top + e.height, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: this.m_rect.height - (e.top + e.height) - t } }, t.prototype.GetForwardArrowRect = function(t) { var e = this.m_rect.width; return isDot2() && (e = 0), { top: this.m_rect.top + this.m_rect.height - e, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: e } }, t.prototype.GetCaretFieldLength = function() { var t = this.m_rect.width; return isDot2() && (t = 0), this.m_rect.height - 2 * t }, t.prototype.GetDimensionValue = function(t) { return t.y }, t.prototype.GetCaretLength = function() { return this.GetCaretRect().height }, t.prototype.GetBreadth = function() { return this.m_defaultSettings.visible ? this.m_rect.width : 0 }, t.prototype.resize = function(e) { t.superclass.resize.call(this, e), this.SetVisible(this.m_parent.GetVisibleScrollableHeight() / this.m_parent.GetFullScrollableHeight() >= 1 ? !1 : !0) }, t }(); window.uiTypes.canvas.MA2Window = function() { var t = function(t, e, i, s) { this.m_defaultSettings = { roundedCornerRadius: 8, backgroundColor: remoteColors.ma2Window.backgroundColor, buttonsBackgroundColor: remoteColors.ma2Window.buttonsBackgroundColor, frameSize: 2, strokeColor: remoteColors.ma2Window.strokeColor, maxScrollBreadth: 50, minScrollBreadth: 30, scrollBreadth: 45 }, isDot2() && (this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth = 30, this.m_defaultSettings.roundedCornerRadius = 0), this.m_rect = i, this.m_parent = t, this.m_parentPureDOMElement = t[0], this.renderer = e, this.m_dispatcher = s; var r = 0, o = 0, n = 0; this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0, this.GetHScroll = function() { return r }, this.SetHScroll = function(t) { r = t }, this.GetVScroll = function() { return o }, this.SetVScroll = function(t) { o = t }, this.scroll = function(t) { t.ctrlKey || o.scroll({ x: t.deltaX, y: t.deltaY }) }, this.GetHScrollRect = function() { var t = this.GetContentRect(); return { top: this.m_rect.top + t.height, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width, height: this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth } }, this.GetVScrollRect = function() { var t = this.GetContentRect(); return { top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left + t.width, width: this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth, height: t.height } }, this.GetContentRect = function() { return { x: this.m_rect.left, y: this.m_rect.top, top: this.m_rect.top, left: this.m_rect.left, width: this.m_rect.width - (this.GetVScroll() ? this.GetVScroll().GetBreadth() : this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth) - this.m_rect.left, height: this.m_rect.height - (this.GetHScroll() ? this.GetHScroll().GetBreadth() : this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth) - this.m_rect.top } }, this.press = function(e) { var i = window.generic.GetEventPoint(e), s = t.offset(); i.x -= s.left, i.y -= s.top, n = this.hitTestWindow(i, { up: !1, down: !0, move: !1 }) }, this.release = function(e) { var i = window.generic.GetEventPoint(e), s = t.offset(); i.x -= s.left, i.y -= s.top, n ? n.hitTest(i, { up: !0, down: !1, move: !1 }) : this.hitTestWindow(i, { up: !0, down: !1, move: !1 }), n = !1 }, this.over = function(e) { var i = window.generic.GetEventPoint(e), s = t.offset(); i.x -= s.left, i.y -= s.top, this.hitTestWindow(i, { up: !1, down: !1, move: !1, over: !0 }) }, this.move = function(e) { var i = window.generic.GetEventPoint(e), s = t.offset(); i.x -= s.left, i.y -= s.top, n ? n.hitTest(i, { up: !1, down: !1, move: !0 }) : this.hitTestWindow(i, { up: !1, down: !1, move: !0 }) }, this.scrollVisibilityChangedHandler = function(t) { t.sender == this.GetHScroll() ? this.GetVScroll().resize(this.GetVScrollRect()) : t.sender == this.GetVScroll() && this.GetHScroll().resize(this.GetHScrollRect()) }, this.hitTestWindow = function(t, e) { return this.hitTest(t, e) || r.hitTest(t, e) || o.hitTest(t, e) }, this.SetHScrollVisible = function(t) { var e = this.GetHScroll(), i = this.GetVScroll(), s = e.GetVisible(); s != t && (e.SetVisible(t), i.GetVisible() && i.resize(this.GetVScrollRect())) }, this.SetVScrollVisible = function(t) { var e = this.GetHScroll(), i = this.GetVScroll(), s = i.GetVisible(); s != t && (i.SetVisible(t), e.GetVisible() && e.resize(this.GetHScrollRect())) }, this.press_context = this.press.bind(this), this.move_context = this.move.bind(this), this.release_context = this.release.bind(this), this.over_context = this.over.bind(this), this.scroll_context = this.scroll.bind(this), this.m_scrollVisibilityChangedHandler_context = this.scrollVisibilityChangedHandler.bind(this) }; return t.prototype.init = function(t) { isDot2() || (this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth = Math.min(Math.max(this.m_parent.width() / 100 * 2, this.m_defaultSettings.minScrollBreadth), this.m_defaultSettings.maxScrollBreadth)), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.press_context), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchMove, this.move_context), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.release_context), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchOver, this.over_context), this.SetHScroll(new window.uiTypes.canvas.HorizontalScrollBar(this.GetHScrollRect(), this, this.renderer)); var e = this.GetHScroll(); e.stepCallback = this.hStep.bind(this), e.stepPageCallback = this.hStepPage.bind(this), e.wheelStartCallback = this.wheelStart.bind(this), e.wheelCallback = this.hWheel.bind(this), e.wheelEndCallback = this.wheelEnd.bind(this), e.init(), e.setColorSettings(this.m_defaultSettings), this.SetVScroll(new window.uiTypes.canvas.VerticalScrollBar(this.GetVScrollRect(), this, t, this.renderer)); var i = this.GetVScroll(); i.stepCallback = this.vStep.bind(this), i.stepPageCallback = this.vStepPage.bind(this), i.wheelStartCallback = this.wheelStart.bind(this), i.wheelCallback = this.vWheel.bind(this), i.wheelEndCallback = this.wheelEnd.bind(this), i.init(), i.setColorSettings(this.m_defaultSettings), $(this.m_parentPureDOMElement).on("mousewheel", this.scroll_context), document.addEventListener(window.uiTypes.canvas.ScrollBar.visibilityChangedEvent, this.m_scrollVisibilityChangedHandler_context) }, t.prototype.refresh = function() { this.m_redrawWholeCanvas && this.renderer.drawRect(this.m_rect, 0, 0, this.m_defaultSettings.fillStyle) }, t.prototype.hitTest = function(t, e) { var i = window.generic.IsPointInRect(t, this.GetContentRect()) ? this : !1; return i }, t.prototype.resize = function(t, e) { this.m_rect = t, isDot2() || (this.m_defaultSettings.scrollBreadth = Math.min(Math.max(this.m_parent.width() / 100 * 2, this.m_defaultSettings.minScrollBreadth), this.m_defaultSettings.maxScrollBreadth)), this.GetHScroll().resize(this.GetHScrollRect()), this.GetVScroll().resize(this.GetVScrollRect()), this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0 }, t.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.m_rect }, t.prototype.drawScrollBars = function() { this.GetHScroll().resize(this.GetHScrollRect()), this.GetVScroll().resize(this.GetVScrollRect()), this.GetHScroll().draw(this.renderer), this.GetVScroll().draw(this.renderer) }, t.prototype.setConfig = function(t) { $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, t) }, t.prototype.Close = function() { this.m_parentPureDOMElement.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.press_context), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchMove, this.move_context), this.m_parentPureDOMElement.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.release_context), $(this.m_parentPureDOMElement).on("mousewheel", this.scroll_context), document.removeEventListener(window.uiTypes.canvas.ScrollBar.visibilityChangedEvent, this.m_scrollVisibilityChangedHandler_context) }, t }(); window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasContainerWindow = function() { var t = function(e, s, i, o) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, s, i, o), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 5 / 3, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 20 / 3, hScrollVisible: !0, vScrollVisible: !0, lassoEnabled: !0, fillStyle: remoteColors.canvasContainer.fillColor, textColor: remoteColors.canvasContainer.color, cellBackgroundColor: remoteColors.canvasContainer.cell.backgroundColor, cellStrokeStyle: remoteColors.canvasContainer.cell.strokeColor, focusCellFrameSize: 2, focusCellBorderColor: remoteColors.canvasContainer.cell.focusBorderColor, fontFamily: "Helvetica", pixelPerEm: 0, cellFontSize: 0, fixedColumnsCount: 0, titleRows: 0 }), this.m_containerSettings = { cellHeight: 0, cellWidth: 0, cellRenderHeight: 0, cellRenderWidth: 0, colsCount: 0, rowsCount: 0 }, this.m_focusPos = { x: 0 - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, y: 0 }, this.m_containerOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.m_wheelStartPoint = 0, this.GetLassoBorders = function() { var t = this.GetContentRect(); return t.top += this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight * this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows, t.height -= this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight * this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows, t }, this.SetColsCount = function(t) { this.m_containerSettings.colsCount != t && (this.m_containerSettings.colsCount = t, this.SyncHOffset()) }, this.wheelStart = function() { window.generic.statusLogging("wheel Start"), this.m_wheelStartPoint = { focusX: this.m_focusPos.x, focusY: this.m_focusPos.y, offsetX: this.m_containerOffset.x, offsetY: this.m_containerOffset.y }, this.m_focusPos.x < 0 && (this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX = 0, this.setOffset({ x: 0 })) }, this.wheelEnd = function() { this.m_wheelStartPoint = 0 }, this.hStep = function(t) { if ("forward" === t) { var e = Math.min(this.GetVisibleColsCount(), this.m_containerSettings.colsCount); this.m_focusPos.x < e - 1 ? this.setFocus({ x: this.m_focusPos.x + 1 }) : this.m_containerOffset.x + this.m_focusPos.x + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount < this.m_containerSettings.colsCount - 1 && this.setOffset({ x: this.m_containerOffset.x + 1 }) } else "back" === t && (0 == this.m_focusPos.x && this.m_containerOffset.x > 0 ? this.setOffset({ x: this.m_containerOffset.x - 1 }) : this.m_focusPos.x > -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount && this.setFocus({ x: this.m_focusPos.x - 1 })) }, this.hStepPage = function(t) { return "forward" === t ? 10 : "back" === t ? -10 : 0 }, this.hWheel = function(t) { if (t) if (0 > t) t = parseInt(-t * this.m_containerSettings.colsCount), this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX >= t ? this.setFocus({ x: this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX - t }) : (t -= this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX, this.setFocus({ x: 0 }), this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX >= t ? this.setOffset({ x: this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX - t }) : (t -= this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX, this.setOffset({ x: 0 }), this.setFocus(this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount >= t ? { x: -t } : { x: -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount }))); else { var e = this.GetVisibleColsCount(); t = parseInt(t * this.m_containerSettings.colsCount), t < e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX ? this.setFocus({ x: this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX + t }) : (t -= e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusX, this.setFocus({ x: e - 1 }), this.setOffset(t < this.m_containerSettings.colsCount - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount - e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX ? { x: this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX + t } : { x: this.m_containerSettings.colsCount - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount - e })) } }, this.SyncHOffset = function() { var t = this.GetHScroll(); if (t.GetVisible()) { var e = this.m_containerSettings.colsCount; if (1 >= e) t.SetOffset(0); else { var s = this.m_focusPos.x + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount + (this.m_focusPos.x >= 0 ? this.m_containerOffset.x : 0); t.SetOffset(s / (e - 1)) } } }, this.vStep = function(t) { if ("forward" === t) { var e = Math.min(this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), this.GetRowsCount()); this.m_focusPos.y < e - 1 ? this.setFocus({ y: this.m_focusPos.y + 1 }) : this.m_focusPos.y + this.m_containerOffset.y < this.GetRowsCount() - 1 && this.setOffset({ y: this.m_containerOffset.y + 1 }) } else "back" === t && (this.m_focusPos.y > 0 ? this.setFocus({ y: this.m_focusPos.y - 1 }) : this.m_containerOffset.y > 0 && this.setOffset({ y: this.m_containerOffset.y - 1 }), this.SyncVOffset()) }, this.vStepPage = function(t) { return "forward" === t ? 10 : "back" === t ? -10 : 0 }, this.vWheel = function(t) { if (t) { if (0 > t) t = parseInt(-t * this.GetRowsCount()), this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY >= t ? this.setFocus({ y: this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY - t }) : (t -= this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY, this.setFocus({ y: 0 }), this.setOffset(this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetY >= t ? { y: this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetY - t } : { y: 0 })); else { var e = this.GetVisibleRowsCount(); t = parseInt(t * this.GetRowsCount()), t < e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY ? this.setFocus({ y: this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY + t }) : (t -= e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.focusY, this.setFocus({ y: e - 1 }), this.setOffset(t < this.GetRowsCount() - e - this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetY ? { y: this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetY + t } : { y: this.GetRowsCount() - e })) } this.SyncVOffset() } }, this.SyncVOffset = function() { var t = this.GetVScroll(); if (t.GetVisible()) { var e = this.GetRowsCount(); t.SetOffset(1 >= e ? 0 : (this.m_focusPos.y + this.m_containerOffset.y) / (e - 1)) } }, this.GetFocus = function() { return this.m_focusPos }, this.GetOffset = function() { return this.m_containerOffset }, this.ResetFocusAndOffset = function() { this.setFocus({ x: -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, y: 0 }), this.setOffset({ x: 0, y: 0 }) }, this.GetCommandState = function(t) { var e = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load(t.id, t["default"]); return e.value ? e : t["default"] }, this.SetCommandState = function(t, e) { return this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Save(t.id, e, !0) }, this.itemSelectedEvent = "itemSelected" }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.MA2Window), t.prototype.init = function() { t.superclass.init.call(this), this.SetHScrollVisible(this.m_defaultSettings.hScrollVisible), this.SetVScrollVisible(this.m_defaultSettings.vScrollVisible), this.setFontSize(), window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.setBorders(this.GetLassoBorders()), window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.setParent(this.m_parent) }, t.prototype.setFontSize = function() { var t = utility.getDefaultFontSize(); this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize = t, this.m_defaultSettings.pixelPerEm = t / 1, this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight = parseInt(this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize * this.m_defaultSettings.fontSizeToCellHeightCoef), this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth = parseInt(this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize * this.m_defaultSettings.fontSizeToCellWidthCoef), this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0 }, t.prototype.setFocus = function(t, e) { if (t) { var s = void 0 != t.y && t.y != this.m_focusPos.y; (s || e) && (this.m_focusPos.y = Math.max(t.y, 0), this.SyncVOffset()); var i = void 0 != t.x && t.x != this.m_focusPos.x; (i || e) && (this.m_focusPos.x = Math.max(t.x, -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount), this.SyncHOffset()), (s || i) && this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Save("focus", this.m_focusPos) } }, t.prototype.setOffset = function(t, e) { if (t) { (t.x < 0 || t.y < 0) && (window.generic.statusLogging("Offset is invalid (x: " + t.x + ", " + t.y + ")"), t.x = Math.max(t.x, 0), t.y = Math.max(t.y, 0)); var s = void 0 != t.y && t.y != this.m_containerOffset.y; (s || e) && (this.m_containerOffset.y = t.y, this.SyncVOffset()); var i = void 0 != t.x && t.x != this.m_containerOffset.x; (i || e) && (this.m_containerOffset.x = t.x, this.SyncHOffset()), (s || i) && (this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0, this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Save("offset", this.m_containerOffset)) } }, t.prototype.getFocusAndOffset = function() { return { focus: { x: 0, y: 0 }, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } } }, t.prototype.resize = function(e, s) { t.superclass.resize.call(this, e, s), this.SetColsCount(this.GetVisibleColsCount()); var i = s ? { focus: this.GetFocus(), offset: this.GetOffset() } : this.getFocusAndOffset(); this.setFocus(i.focus, !0), this.setOffset(i.offset, !0), window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.setBorders(this.GetLassoBorders()) }, t.prototype.GetVisibleScrollableWidth = function() { return this.GetContentRect().width }, t.prototype.GetVisibleScrollableHeight = function() { return this.GetContentRect().height - this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight * this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows }, t.prototype.GetFullScrollableHeight = function() { return this.GetRowsCount() * this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight }, t.prototype.GetFullScrollableWidth = function() { return 0 }, t.prototype.GetVisibleRowsCount = function() { return parseInt(this.GetContentRect().height / this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight) - this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows }, t.prototype.GetDataOffsetX = function() { return this.m_containerOffset.x + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount }, t.prototype.hitTest = function(e, s) { var i = t.superclass.hitTest.call(this, e, s); if ((i || s.up) && this.m_defaultSettings.lassoEnabled) { var o = this.GetContentRect(), n = 0; if (s.down ? (window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.init(e.x, e.y), n = window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.getSize()) : s.move ? (window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.expand(e.x, e.y), n = window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.getSize()) : s.up && (window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.expand(e.x, e.y), n = window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.getSize(), window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.Close(), n && (n.startX -= o.left, n.startY -= o.top, n.endX -= o.left, n.endY -= o.top), this.SelectRange(n, e, window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.getHDirection(), window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.getVDirection())), n) { var f = this.GetCellIndicesFromPoint({ x: n.endX, y: n.endY }); if (f.row < this.GetRowsCount() && 0 <= f.col && f.col < this.m_containerSettings.colsCount && s.up) if (this.m_focusPos.x == this.GetVisibleColsCount()) this.setFocus({ x: this.m_focusPos.x - 1, y: this.m_focusPos.y }), this.setOffset({ x: this.m_containerOffset.x + 1, y: this.m_containerOffset.y }); else { var r = { x: f.col - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount - this.m_containerOffset.x, y: f.row - this.m_containerOffset.y }; - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount <= r.x && r.x <= this.m_containerSettings.colsCount - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount - this.m_containerOffset.x && r.y >= 0 && this.setFocus(r) } } } return i }, t.prototype.onItemSelected = function(t) { $(this).triggerHandler(this.itemSelectedEvent, t) }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasGrid = function() { var t = function(e, s, i, o) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, s, i, o), $.extend(this.m_containerSettings, { columnWidth: [] }) }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasContainerWindow), t.prototype.getFocusAndOffset = function() { return e(this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), this.GetVisibleColsCount(), this.GetRowsCount(), this.m_containerSettings.colsCount, this.m_containerOffset, this.m_focusPos) }; var e = function(t, e, s, i, o, n) { var f = { focus: { x: 0, y: 0 }, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, r = o.y + n.y; window.generic.statusLogging("selectedRow: " + r); var l = Math.max(0, s - t); window.generic.statusLogging("maxRowOffset: " + l), l >= r ? o.y <= r && r <= o.y + t ? (f.offset.y = o.y, f.focus.y = n.y) : (f.offset.y = r, f.focus.y = 0) : (f.offset.y = l, f.focus.y = r - l), window.generic.statusLogging("result.offset.y: " + f.offset.y), window.generic.statusLogging("result.focus.y: " + f.focus.y); var c = o.x + n.x; if (window.generic.statusLogging("selectedCol: " + c), c >= 0) { var h = i - e; window.generic.statusLogging("maxColOffset: " + h), h >= c ? o.x <= c && c <= o.x + e ? (f.offset.x = o.x, f.focus.x = n.x) : (f.offset.x = c, f.focus.x = 0) : (f.offset.x = h, f.focus.x = c - h) } else f.offset.x = o.x, f.focus.x = n.x; return window.generic.statusLogging("result.offset.x: " + f.offset.x), window.generic.statusLogging("result.focus.x: " + f.focus.x), f }; return t.prototype.GetFullScrollableWidth = function() { for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length; e++) t += this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[e]; return t }, t.prototype.GetMaxVisibleColsCount = function() { for (var t = 0, e = this.GetContentRect().width, s = 0; s < this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount && s < this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length && (e -= this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[s], !(0 > e)); s++) ++t; for (var s = this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount + this.m_containerOffset.x; s < this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length && (e -= this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[s], !(0 > e)); s++) ++t; for (; e >= this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth;) e -= this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth, ++t; return t }, t.prototype.GetVisibleColsCount = function() { var t = this.GetVisibleColsArray().length - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount; return 0 >= t && (t = this.GetMaxVisibleColsCount()), t }, t.prototype.GetVisibleColsArray = function() { for (var t = [], e = this.GetContentRect().width, s = 0; s < this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount && s < this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length && (e -= this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[s], !(0 > e)); s++) t.push(s); for (var s = this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount + this.m_containerOffset.x; s < this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length && (e -= this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[s], !(0 > e)); s++) t.push(s); return t }, t.prototype.GetDataOffsetY = function() { return this.m_containerOffset.y }, t.prototype.GetRowsCount = function() { return this.m_containerSettings.rowsCount }, t.prototype.SetColsCount = function(t) { this.m_containerSettings.colsCount != t && (this.m_containerSettings.colsCount = t, this.SyncHOffset()) }, t.prototype.GetCellIndicesFromPoint = function(t) { var e = { col: -1, row: -1 }, s = this.GetContentRect(); if (e.row = Math.ceil((t.y - s.top) / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows - 1, e.row >= 0) e.row += this.m_containerOffset.y; else if (e.row >= Math.min(this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), this.GetRowsCount())) return !1; for (var i = this.GetVisibleColsArray(), o = t.x - s.left, n = 0; n < i.length; n++) if (o -= this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[i[n]], 0 >= o) { e.col = i[n]; break } return o > 0 && this.m_containerOffset.x + i.length < this.m_containerSettings.colsCount && (e.col = i[i.length - 1] + 1), e }, t.prototype.SetRowsCount = function(t) { this.m_containerSettings.rowsCount != t && (this.m_containerSettings.rowsCount = t, this.SyncVOffset()) }, t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasBlockBox = function() { var t = function(e, s, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, s, i), this.m_selectedItemIndex = 0, $.extend(this.m_containerSettings, { itemsCount: 0 }), this.Stretch = function() { var t = this.GetContentRect(), e = parseInt(t.width / this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth), s = t.width - e * this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth, i = this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth + s / e, o = parseInt(t.height / this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight), n = t.height - o * this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight, f = this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight + n / o, r = !1; this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth != i && (this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth = i, r = !0), this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight != f && (this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight = f, r = !0), r && window.generic.globs.selectionOverlay.setBorders(this.GetLassoBorders()) } }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasContainerWindow), t.prototype.setFocus = function(e, s) { t.superclass.setFocus.call(this, e, s), e && (this.m_selectedItemIndex = (this.m_focusPos.y + this.m_containerOffset.y) * this.GetVisibleColsCount() + this.m_focusPos.x) }, t.prototype.setOffset = function(e, s) { t.superclass.setOffset.call(this, e, s), e && (this.m_selectedItemIndex = (this.m_focusPos.y + this.m_containerOffset.y) * this.GetVisibleColsCount() + this.m_focusPos.x) }, t.prototype.getFocusAndOffset = function() { return e(this.m_selectedItemIndex, this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), this.GetVisibleColsCount(), this.GetRowsCount(), this.GetVisibleColsCount(), this.m_containerOffset) }; var e = function(t, e, s, i, o, n) { var f = { focus: { x: 0, y: 0 }, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; f.offset = n; var r = i * o - 1, l = e * s - 1, c = -1; if (l >= r) f.offset.x = 0, f.offset.y = 0, c = 0; else if (t > r - s) f.offset.x = 0, f.offset.y = i - e, c = r - e * s + 1; else { c = n.y * s; var h = (n.y + e) * s - 1; if (t >= c && h >= t) f.offset = n; else for (f.offset.y = 0, c = 0, h = e * s - 1, c > t && c >= 0 && alert("!AAA!"); t > h && r > h;) c += s, h += s, ++f.offset.y } return f.focus.y = Math.floor((t - c) / s), f.focus.x = t - (f.focus.y + f.offset.y) * s, window.generic.statusLogging("result.offset.x: " + f.offset.x), window.generic.statusLogging("result.focus.x: " + f.focus.x), window.generic.statusLogging("result.offset.y: " + f.offset.y), window.generic.statusLogging("result.focus.y: " + f.focus.y), f }; return t.prototype.GetFullScrollableWidth = function() { return this.GetVisibleScrollableWidth() }, t.prototype.GetVisibleRowsCount = function() { return Math.min(Math.floor(this.GetContentRect().height / this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight), Math.ceil(this.GetItemsCount() / this.GetVisibleColsCount())) }, t.prototype.GetVisibleColsCount = function() { return parseInt(this.GetContentRect().width / this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth) - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount }, t.prototype.GetVisibleItemsCount = function() { return this.GetVisibleColsCount() * this.GetVisibleRowsCount() }, t.prototype.GetDataOffsetY = function() { return this.m_containerOffset.y * this.GetVisibleColsCount() }, t.prototype.GetRowsCount = function() { return Math.ceil(this.m_containerSettings.itemsCount / this.GetVisibleColsCount()) }, t.prototype.GetItemsCount = function() { return this.m_containerSettings.itemsCount }, t.prototype.SetItemsCount = function(t) { this.m_containerSettings.itemsCount = t, this.SyncVOffset() }, t.prototype.GetCellIndicesFromPoint = function(t) { var e = { col: -1, row: -1 }, s = this.GetContentRect(); e.row = Math.ceil((t.y - s.top) / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows - 1 + this.m_containerOffset.y; for (var i = t.x - s.left, o = 0; o < this.GetVisibleColsCount(); o++) if (i -= this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth, 0 >= i) { e.col = o; break } return e }, t }(); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), function(t) { var e = function() { var t = function(t) { this.m_defaultSettings = { fontSize: utility.getDefaultFontSize(), leading: .3, fontFamily: "Helvetica", margin: { top: .02, left: .02, bottom: .02, right: .02 }, padding: { top: .02, left: .02, bottom: 0, right: .02 }, bgColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.backgroundColor, textColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.color }, isDot2() ? (this.element = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1, noncontent: !0, bgColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.backgroundColor }, this.stateStripe = { enabled: !1, noncontent: !0, pointFrom: { x: .4, y: .1 }, pointTo: { x: .8, y: .1 }, width: .04, color: remoteColors.pools.cell.stateStripe.color }, this.border = { color: remoteColors.pools.cell.border.color, size: 1, focusColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.border.focusColor, focusSize: 4, roundedCornerRadius: 0 }) : (this.topHalf = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: .5, noncontent: !0, color: remoteColors.pools.cell.topHalf.backgroundColor }, this.bottomHalf = { x: 0, y: .5, width: 1, height: .5, noncontent: !0, gradient1: remoteColors.pools.cell.bottomHalf.backgroundColor1, gradient2: remoteColors.pools.cell.bottomHalf.backgroundColor2 }, this.stateStripe = { enabled: !1, noncontent: !0, pointFrom: { x: 0, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: 1, y: .5 }, width: .04, color: remoteColors.pools.cell.stateStripe.color }, this.border = { color: remoteColors.pools.cell.border.color, size: 2, focusColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.border.focusColor, focusSize: 4, roundedCornerRadius: 8 }), this.index = { x: 0, y: 0, width: .5, height: .2, halign: "center", valign: "middle", defaultColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.index.color, referencedColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.index.referencedColor }, isDot2() && (this.index.halign = "left", this.index.x = .05, this.index.y = .02), this.title = { x: 0, y: .5, width: 1, height: .5, halign: "center", valign: "middle" }, isDot2() && (this.title.y = .18, this.title.height = .82), this.rects = { "default": {}, cell: {}, innerCell: {}, content: {} }, this.renderer = t }; return t.prototype.calculateWidth = function(t) { var e = t.noncontent ? this.rects.innerCell : this.rects.content; return e.width * t.value }, t.prototype.calculateHeight = function(t) { var e = t.noncontent ? this.rects.innerCell : this.rects.content; return e.height * t.value }, t.prototype.calculateLocation = function(t, e) { if (!this.rects.content) throw generic.statusLogging("PoolCell.prototype.getLocation invalid member variable this.rects.content"), Error(); var o = e || (t.noncontent ? this.rects.innerCell : this.rects.content); return t.pointFrom && t.pointTo ? CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationLine(t, o) : t.center && t.radius ? CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationCircle(t, o) : CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationRect(t, o) }, t.prototype.drawTopHalf = function(t) { t.text && this.renderer.drawRect(this.calculateLocation(this.topHalf), 0, 0, this.topHalf.color, { topLeft: this.border.roundedCornerRadius, topRight: this.border.roundedCornerRadius, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0 }) }, t.prototype.drawBottomHalf = function(t) { t.text && this.renderer.drawRect(this.calculateLocation(this.bottomHalf), 0, 0, this.bottomHalf.gradient1, { topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: this.border.roundedCornerRadius, bottomRight: this.border.roundedCornerRadius }) }, t.prototype.drawBackground = function() { isDot2() && this.renderer.drawRect(this.calculateLocation(this.element), 0, 0, this.element.bgColor, { topLeft: 0, topRight: 0, bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0 }) }, t.prototype.drawName = function(t) { var e = t.text; if (void 0 !== e) { var o = this.calculateLocation(this.title); this.renderer.fillText(o, e, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily, size: this.m_defaultSettings.fontSize }, t.color || this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, this.title.halign, this.title.valign) } }, t.prototype.drawBorder = function(t, e) { var o = e ? this.border.focusSize : this.border.size, i = CanvasRenderer.transformRectToBorderRect(this.rects.cell, o); this.renderer.drawRect(i, e ? t.focusCellBorderColor || this.border.focusColor : t.borderColor || this.border.color, e ? this.border.focusSize : this.border.size, 0, e ? 0 : this.border.roundedCornerRadius) }, t.prototype.drawMiscRects = function(t) { if (this.miscRects && t.miscRects) for (var e = 0; e < t.miscRects.length; e++) if (!isDot2() || 3 == e) { var o = t.miscRects[e]; if (o) { var i = $.extend(!0, {}, this.miscRects.array[e]); o.width && (i.pointTo.x = (i.pointTo.x - i.pointFrom.x) * o.width); var r = this.calculateLocation(i), n = utilities.math.round(this.calculateHeight({ value: i.width })); this.renderer.drawLine(r.pointFrom, r.pointTo, i.color, n) } } }, t.prototype.drawStateStripe = function(t) { if (this.stateStripe.enabled && t.text) { var e = this.calculateLocation(this.stateStripe), o = utilities.math.round(this.calculateHeight({ value: this.stateStripe.width, noncontent: this.stateStripe.noncontent })); this.renderer.drawLine(e.pointFrom, e.pointTo, t.stateStripeColor || this.stateStripe.color, o) } }, t.prototype.drawIndex = function(t) { var e = t.index; if (void 0 === e) return void window.generic.statusLogging("index is undefined!!!"); var o = this.calculateLocation(this.index), i = t.isReferenced ? this.index.referencedColor : this.index.defaultColor; this.renderer.fillText(o, e, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, i, this.index.halign, this.index.valign) }, t.prototype.draw = function(t, e) { t.data; this.rects["default"] = { x: utilities.math.round(t.x), y: utilities.math.round(t.y), width: utilities.math.round(t.width), height: utilities.math.round(t.height) }, this.rects.cell = CanvasRenderer.applyOffset(this.rects["default"], this.m_defaultSettings.margin); var o = utilities.math.getMinMax(this.border.focusSize, this.border.size); this.rects.innerCell = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(this.rects.cell, o.min), this.rects.content = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(this.rects.cell, o.max), this.rects.content = CanvasRenderer.applyOffset(this.rects.content, this.m_defaultSettings.padding), isDot2() ? this.drawBackground() : (this.drawTopHalf(t.data), this.drawBottomHalf(t.data)), isDot2() ? (this.drawIndex(t.data), this.customDraw({ pixelPerEm: t.pixelPerEm, data: t.data }), this.drawMiscRects(t.data), this.drawBorder(t.data, e), this.drawName(t.data), this.drawStateStripe(t.data)) : (this.drawIndex(t.data), this.drawName(t.data), this.drawStateStripe(t.data), this.customDraw({ pixelPerEm: t.pixelPerEm, data: t.data }), this.drawMiscRects(t.data), this.drawBorder(t.data, e)) }, t.prototype.customDraw = function(t) {}, t }(); t.PoolCell = e }(window.uiTypes.canvas); window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolWindow = function() { var t = function(e, i, s, o) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, i, s), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 4.5, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 4.5 * 1.2, cellBackgroundColor: remoteColors.pools.cell.backgroundColor, lassoEnabled: !1, hScrollVisible: !1, vScrollVisible: !0, fixedColumnsCount: 0, titleRows: 0 }), this.m_selectedItem = -1, this.cellObject = new o(i) }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasBlockBox), t.prototype.init = function() { t.superclass.init.call(this), this.SetColsCount(this.GetVisibleColsCount()); var e = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("offset", { x: 0, y: 0 }), i = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("focus", { x: 0, y: 0 }); this.setOffset(e), this.setFocus(i) }, t.prototype.refresh = function(e) { t.superclass.refresh.call(this, e), e && (this.Stretch(), this.m_selectedItem >= 0 && (this.onItemSelected({ id: this.m_selectedItem }), this.m_selectedItem = -1), this.draw(e), this.drawScrollBars()) }, t.prototype.draw = function(t) { for (var e = t.data, i = (this.GetItemsCount(), this.GetVisibleColsCount()), s = i * this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), o = 0, n = this.GetFocus(), l = 0, r = 0, c = 0; s > c; c++) { var a = { x: this.m_rect.left + r * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth, y: this.m_rect.top + l * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight }, h = e ? e[c] || {} : {}; if (h.i || (h.i = c + 1 + this.m_containerOffset.y * i), t.maxCnt && h.i > t.maxCnt) break; a.data = this.getItem(t, h), a.width = this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth, a.height = this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, a.pixelPerEm = this.m_defaultSettings.pixelPerEm, r == n.x && l == n.y ? (o = a, o.data.focusCellBorderColor = this.m_defaultSettings.focusCellBorderColor) : this.cellObject.draw(a), ++r, r >= i && (r = 0, ++l) } o && this.cellObject.draw(o, !0) }, t.prototype.SetDataSource = function(t) { var e = t.cnt; !t.maxCnt && isDot2() && (t.maxCnt = 999); var i = this.GetVisibleColsCount(); if (i) { var s = (i - e % i) % i; this.m_defaultSettings.minEmptyItems > s && (s += Math.ceil((this.m_defaultSettings.minEmptyItems - s) / i) * i), e += s, t.maxCnt && (e = Math.min(t.maxCnt, e)) } this.SetItemsCount(e); var o = this.GetRowsCount(); if (this.m_containerOffset.y > o) { var n = this.GetVisibleRowsCount(); this.m_containerOffset.y = o - n } return this.refresh(t), !0 }, t.prototype.hitTest = function(t, e) { var i = window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasContainerWindow.superclass.hitTest.call(this, t, e); if (i && e.down && e.down) { var s = this.GetCellIndicesFromPoint(t); this.setFocus({ x: s.col - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount - this.m_containerOffset.x, y: s.row - this.m_containerOffset.y }), this.m_selectedItem = s.row * this.GetVisibleColsCount() + s.col + 1 } }, t.prototype.getItem = function(t, e) { return { text: e.t, index: e.i, borderColor: e.bdC || t.bdC, color: e.c || t.c } }, t.prototype.selectItem = utilities.emptyFunction, t.prototype.GetVisibleRowsCount = function() { return Math.floor(this.GetContentRect().height / this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight) }, t.prototype.GetRowsCount = function() { return Math.max(this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), t.superclass.GetRowsCount.call(this)) }, t.prototype.close = function() { this.cellObject && (delete this.cellObject, this.cellObject = null), t.superclass.close.call(this) }, t }(); window.uiTypes.pages.Command1 = function() { var m = function(n, a, o) { m.superclass.constructor.call(this, n, a, o), this.requirements = { showDimmerWheel: !0 }, this.$buttonsContainer = $.createItem({ "class": "button-container" }), this.pageCommands = isDot2() ? [{ command: commands.Commands.fixtureGroupPresetSwitcher(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.oops(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.esc(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._7(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._8(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._9(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.plus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._4(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._5(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._6(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.thru(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._1(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._2(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._3(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.minus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._0(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.dot(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._if(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.at(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.storeUpdateSwitcher(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.execCueSwitch(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.please(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }] : [{ command: commands.Commands.channelFixtureSwitcher(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.oops(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.esc(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._7(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._8(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._9(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.plus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._4(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._5(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._6(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.thru(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._1(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._2(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._3(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.minus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._0(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.dot(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._if(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.at(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.full(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.solo(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.please(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }], this.pageCommands.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), this.commandItems = this.pageCommands.map(commands.ui.fetchUIElementItems), this.$page.append(this.$buttonsContainer) }; return window.generic.extend(m, window.uiTypes.pages.Page), m.prototype.Show = function() { m.superclass.Show.call(this), ui.Layout.Place(this.$buttonsContainer, this.commandItems, { grid: { columnsCount: 4 } }), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageCommands) }, m.prototype.Close = function() { m.superclass.Close.call(this), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.removeCommands(this.id), commands.ui.disposeUIElements(this.pageCommands) }, m.id = "command1", m.title = isDot2() ? "Command" : "CMD 1", m.content = '
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    ', m.maButtonState = !1, m }(); window.uiTypes.pages.FixtureSheet = function() { var t = window.uiTypes.pages.Page, e = function(t, i, o) { e.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    Sorry, your browser is not supported.
    " }), t, i, o), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, {}), this.m_commandLine = t, this.m_commandExecutor = i, this.itemSelected_context = this.ItemSelected.bind(this) }; return window.generic.extend(e, window.uiTypes.pages.CanvasPage), e.prototype.CreateWindow = function() { this.m_ma2window = new window.uiTypes.canvas.FixtureSheetWindow(this.canvas, window.CanvasRenderer(this.canvas[0].getContext("2d")), { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.canvas[0].width, height: this.canvas[0].height }), this.m_ma2window.init(), $(this.m_ma2window).bind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), DataHandlerManager.Register({ name: this.id + "DataHandler", handler: this.m_ma2window.SetDataSource.bind(this.m_ma2window) }), $(this).triggerHandler(t.events.pageButtonsChanged, { buttons: this.CreatePageButtons() }) }, e.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { if (!this.pageButtons) { var t = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState.bind(this.m_ma2window), e = this.m_ma2window.SetCommandState.bind(this.m_ma2window), i = function(t, e) { commands.defaultCommandHandler(t, e), this.m_ma2window.ResetFocusAndOffset() }.bind(this); this.pageButtons = isDot2() ? [{ command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.presetValue, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, t, e), uiElement: commands.ui.UIStateImageButton(), icon: "images/btncontext.png" }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }] : [{ command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.presetValue, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, t, e), uiElement: commands.ui.UIDropDown() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.progOnly, i), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.featureSort, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, t, e), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.fixtureSort, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, t, e), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], this.pageButtons.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageButtons) } return this.pageButtons }, e.prototype.GetPayloadObject = function() { var t = e.superclass.GetPayloadObject.call(this); return t.requestType = Server.requestTypes.fixtureSheet, t.cntCols = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleColsCount() + 1, t.cntRows = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleRowsCount(), t.offCol = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetX(), t.offRow = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetY(), t.layerMode = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.presetValue).value, t.sortFea = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.featureSort).value ? "1" : "0", t.sortFix = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.fixtureSort).value ? "1" : "0", t }, e.prototype.ItemSelected = function(t, e) { var i = e.ids instanceof Array ? e.ids.join("+") : e.ids, o = e.attribute ? "attribute" : "fixture"; this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: o + " " + i }) }, e.prototype.Close = function() { $(this.m_ma2window).unbind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), e.superclass.Close.call(this) }, e.id = "fixtureSheet", e.title = "Fixture Sheet", e.content = '
    ', e }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.FixtureSheetWindow = function() { var t = function(e, i, o) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, i, o), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 5 / 3, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 20 / 3, headerCellBackgroundColor: remoteColors.fixtureSheet.headerCellBackgroundColor, cellBackgroundColor: remoteColors.fixtureSheet.cellBackgroundColor, cellBackgroundColor2: remoteColors.fixtureSheet.cellBackgroundColor2, headerSelectedAttributeColor: remoteColors.fixtureSheet.headerSelectedAttributeColor, headerSelectedPresetColor: remoteColors.fixtureSheet.headerSelectedPresetColor, hScrollVisible: !0, vScrollVisible: !0, fixedColumnsCount: 2, titleRows: 1, storage: Storage.AddSection("FixtureSheet") }), isDot2() && (this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyle = remoteColors.fixtureSheet.borderColor, this.m_defaultSettings.focusCellBorderColor = remoteColors.fixtureSheet.focusBorderColor), this.m_selectedRows = [], this.m_selectedHeaderColumn = -1, this.init = function() { t.superclass.init.call(this); var e = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("offset", { x: 0, y: 0 }), i = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("focus", { x: 0, y: 0 }); this.setOffset(e), this.setFocus(i), this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0 }, this.SetDataSource = function(t) { if (!t || t.responseType != Server.requestTypes.fixtureSheet) return !1; var e = t, i = e.cntCols, o = e.cntRows; if (void 0 === i || void 0 === o) return !1; this.SetColsCount(i), this.SetRowsCount(o); for (var s = Math.min(i - 1, this.m_containerOffset.x + this.m_focusPos.x), n = Math.min(o - 1, this.m_containerOffset.y + this.m_focusPos.y), a = this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), r = this.GetMaxVisibleColsCount(), m = { x: Math.min(Math.min(i - 1, r - 1) - this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, this.m_focusPos.x), y: Math.min(Math.min(o - 1, a - 1), this.m_focusPos.y) }, l = { x: s - m.x, y: n - m.y }; a + l.y > o && l.y > 0;) --l.y, m.y < o - 1 && ++m.y; for (; r + l.x > i && l.x > 0;) --l.x, m.x < i - 1 && ++m.x; this.setFocus(m, !0), this.setOffset(l, !0); for (var d = [], h = 0; h < e.cntCols; h++) d[h] = this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth; return d.length > 0 && (d[0] = this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth / 2), this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth = d, this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0, this.refresh(e), !0 }, this.refresh = function(e) { if (t.superclass.refresh.call(this), e) { if (this.Stretch(), this.m_selectedRows.length > 0) { for (var i = [], o = 0; o < this.m_selectedRows.length; ++o) { var s = this.m_selectedRows[o]; if (s >= 0 && s < e.data.length) { var n = e.data[s][0][0], a = n.split(":"); a[0] && i.push(a[0]) } } this.onItemSelected({ ids: i }), this.m_selectedRows.length = 0 } if (0 <= this.m_selectedHeaderColumn && this.m_selectedHeaderColumn - this.m_containerOffset.x < e.cols.length) { var r = e.cols[this.m_selectedHeaderColumn - this.m_containerOffset.x].id; this.onItemSelected({ ids: r, attribute: !0 }), this.m_selectedHeaderColumn = -1 } this.draw(e), this.drawScrollBars() } }, this.draw = function(t) { var e = t.cols, i = Math.min(this.GetVisibleColsCount() + 1 + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, e.length); if (this.m_redrawWholeCanvas) { for (var o = 0, s = 0; i > s; s++) { var n = this.getColumnWidth(s), a = e[s] ? e[s].n : "", r = this.m_defaultSettings.textColor; e[s].sAtt ? r = this.m_defaultSettings.headerSelectedAttributeColor : e[s].sPre && (r = this.m_defaultSettings.headerSelectedPresetColor), this.drawCell(isDot2() ? { offsetX: o, row: 0, cellWidth: n, text: a, textColor: r, cellBackgroundColor: this.m_defaultSettings.headerCellBackgroundColor } : { offsetX: o, row: 0, cellWidth: n, text: a, textColor: r, cellBackgroundColor: this.m_defaultSettings.cellBackgroundColor }), o += n } this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !1 } for (var m = t.data, l = m.length, d = 0, o = 0, h = 0; l > h; h++) { var c = m[h], u = i; o = 0; for (var s = 0; u > s; s++) { var f, g = c[s], n = this.getColumnWidth(s); f = isDot2() ? h % 2 == 0 ? this.m_defaultSettings.cellBackgroundColor : this.m_defaultSettings.cellBackgroundColor2 : this.m_defaultSettings.cellBackgroundColor; var r = this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, a = ""; g && (g[0] && (a = g[0], isDot2() && 0 == s && (a = a.substr(0, a.length - 1))), g[1] && (r = g[1]), g[2] && (f = g[2])); var C = { offsetX: o, col: s, row: h + 1, cellWidth: n, text: a, textColor: r, cellBackgroundColor: f }; s == this.m_focusPos.x + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount && h == this.m_focusPos.y ? d = C : this.drawCell(C), o += n } } d && (d.borderColor = this.m_defaultSettings.focusCellBorderColor, this.drawCell(d)) }, this.getColumnWidth = function(t) { return t < this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount ? 0 > t || this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length <= t ? (window.generic.statusLogging("getColumnWidth invalid argument " + t), 0) : this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[t] : t + this.m_containerOffset.x < 0 || this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length <= t + this.m_containerOffset.x ? (window.generic.statusLogging("getColumnWidth invalid argument " + t), 0) : this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[t + this.m_containerOffset.x] }, this.drawCell = function(t) { var e = !t.text, i = this.GetContentRect(), o = i.left + t.offsetX, s = i.top + t.row * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, n = { x: o, y: s, width: t.cellWidth, height: this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight }; isDot2() ? this.renderer.drawRect(n, t.borderColor || this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyle, this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, t.cellBackgroundColor) : this.renderer.drawRect(n, t.borderColor || this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyle, this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, e ? 0 : t.cellBackgroundColor); var a = { x: n.x + this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, y: n.y + this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, width: n.width - 2 * this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, height: n.height - 2 * this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize }, r = "center"; isDot2() ? 1 == t.col && (r = "left") : (0 == t.col || 1 == t.col) && (r = "left"), this.renderer.fillText(a, t.text, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily, size: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, t.textColor, r, "middle", !0) }, this.Stretch = function() { var t = this.GetContentRect(), e = parseInt(t.height / this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight), i = t.height - e * this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight; this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight = this.m_containerSettings.cellHeight + i / e } }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasGrid), t.prototype.SelectRange = function(t, e, i, o) { if (t) { if (this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight <= 0) return; var s = Math.ceil(t.startY / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - 2, n = Math.ceil(t.endY / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - 2; if (s > n) { var a = s; s = n, n = a } if (this.m_selectedRows.length = 0, o == window.uiTypes.VerticalDirection.BottomToTop) for (var r = n; r >= s; --r) r >= 0 && r < this.GetRowsCount() && this.m_selectedRows.push(r); else for (var r = s; n >= r; ++r) r >= 0 && r < this.GetRowsCount() && this.m_selectedRows.push(r) } var m = this.GetCellIndicesFromPoint(e); this.m_selectedHeaderColumn = -1 == m.row && m.col >= 0 ? m.col : -1 }, t }(); window.uiTypes.pages.ChannelSheet = function() { var e = window.uiTypes.pages.Page, t = function(e, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    Sorry, your browser is not supported.
    " })), this.requirements = { showDimmerWheel: !0 }, this.m_commandLine = e, this.m_commandExecutor = i, this.itemSelected_context = this.ItemSelected.bind(this), this.notificationHandler_context = this.notificationHandler.bind(this), this.m_notifyCommands = {}, this.m_actualNotifications = {} }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.pages.CanvasPage), t.prototype.CreateWindow = function() { this.m_ma2window = new window.uiTypes.canvas.ChannelSheetWindow(this.canvas, uiTypes.canvas.ChannelSheetCell, CanvasRenderer(this.canvas[0].getContext("2d")), { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.canvas[0].width, height: this.canvas[0].height }), this.m_ma2window.init(), $(this.m_ma2window).bind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), DataHandlerManager.Register({ name: this.id + "DataHandler", handler: this.m_ma2window.SetDataSource.bind(this.m_ma2window) }), this.CreatePageButtons(); for (var t = 0; t < this.pageButtons.length; t++) this.pageButtons[t].command.on(this.notificationHandler_context, { id: this.pageButtons[t].command.getType().id }), this.m_actualNotifications[this.pageButtons[t].command.getType().id] = void 0, this.pageButtons[t].command.init(); $(this).triggerHandler(e.events.pageButtonsChanged, { buttons: this.pageButtons }) }, t.prototype.RefreshTimerCallback = function() { t.superclass.RefreshTimerCallback.call(this), this.m_ma2window && void 0 !== this.m_actualNotifications[commands.CommandType.hideName.id] && (this.m_ma2window.hideNamesChanged(), this.m_actualNotifications[commands.CommandType.hideName.id] = void 0) }, t.prototype.GetPayloadObject = function() { var e = new Object; return e.requestType = Server.requestTypes.channelSheet, e.cntCols = 3, e.cntRows = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleItemsCount(), e.offRow = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetY(), e.offCol = 0, e.layerMode = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.presetValue).value, e.sortCh = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.channelSort).value ? "1" : "0", e }, t.prototype.notificationHandler = function(e, t) { t && void 0 !== t.state && e.data && void 0 !== e.data.id && (this.m_actualNotifications[e.data.id] = t.state) }, t.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { if (!this.pageButtons) { var e = this.m_ma2window.GetCommandState.bind(this.m_ma2window), t = this.m_ma2window.SetCommandState.bind(this.m_ma2window), i = function(e, t) { commands.defaultCommandHandler(e, t), this.m_ma2window.ResetFocusAndOffset() }.bind(this); this.pageButtons = [{ command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.presetValue, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, e, t), uiElement: commands.ui.UIDropDown() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.progOnly, i), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.channelSort, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, e, t), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.StateCommand(commands.CommandType.hideName, commands.ui.defaultCommandExecute, e, t), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], this.pageButtons.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageButtons) } return this.pageButtons }, t.prototype.Init = function() { t.superclass.Init.call(this), this.$page.append(this.canvasContainer) }, t.prototype.ItemSelected = function(e, t) { var i = t.ids instanceof Array ? t.ids.join("+") : t.ids; this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: "channel " + i }) }, t.prototype.Close = function() { $(this.m_ma2window).unbind(this.m_ma2window.itemSelectedEvent, this.itemSelected_context), t.superclass.Close.call(this) }, t.id = "channelSheet", t.title = "Channel Sheet", t.content = '
    ', t }(), function(e) { var t = function(e, i, n, a) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, n, a), this.config = { hideName: { "true": { fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 3, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 4 }, "false": { fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 4, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 4 } } }, $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { hScrollVisible: !1, vScrollVisible: !0, fixedColumnsCount: 0, titleRows: 0, storage: Storage.AddSection("ChannelSheet") }), this.cellBuilder = new uiTypes.canvas.CellBuilder(i.model), this.cell = new i(this.renderer), this.m_selectedItems = [] }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.CanvasBlockBox), t.prototype.init = function() { $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, this.config.hideName[this.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.hideName).value]), t.superclass.init.call(this), this.SetColsCount(this.GetVisibleColsCount()); var e = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("offset", { x: 0, y: 0 }), i = this.m_defaultSettings.storage.Load("focus", { x: 0, y: 0 }); this.setOffset(e), this.setFocus(i) }, t.prototype.hideNamesChanged = function() { var e = this.GetCommandState(commands.CommandType.hideName).value; $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, this.config.hideName[e]), this.setFontSize(), e ? this.cellBuilder.hide("name") : this.cellBuilder.show("name") }, t.prototype.SetDataSource = function(e) { if (!e || e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.channelSheet) return !1; var t = e; return this.SetItemsCount(t.cntRows), this.refresh(t), !0 }, t.prototype.refresh = function(e) { if (t.superclass.refresh.call(this), e && e.data) { if (this.Stretch(), this.m_selectedItems.length > 0) { for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this.m_selectedItems.length; ++n) { var a = this.m_selectedItems[n]; if (a >= 0 && a < e.data.length) { var s = e.data[a][0][0], o = s.split(":"); 1 == o.length ? i.push(o) : o[1] && i.push(o[1]) } } this.onItemSelected({ ids: i }), this.m_selectedItems.length = 0 } this.draw(e.data), this.drawScrollBars() } }, t.prototype.draw = function(e) { for (var t = this.GetVisibleColsCount(), i = this.GetFocus(), n = 0, a = 0, s = this.cellBuilder.build(), o = { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth, height: this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, focused: !1 }, l = e.length + (this.GetVisibleColsCount() - e.length % this.GetVisibleColsCount()) % this.GetVisibleColsCount(), d = 0; l > d; d++) o.x = a * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth, o.y = n * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, o.focused = a == i.x && n == i.y, o.data = this.getCellData(e[d]), this.cell.draw(o, s), ++a, a >= t && (a = 0, ++n) }, t.prototype.getCellData = function(e) { if (!e) return {}; var t = { index: { text: e[0][0], color: e[0][1], background: e[0][2] }, name: { text: e[1][0], color: e[1][1], background: e[1][2] } }; return e[2] && (t.value = { text: e[2][0], color: e[2][1], background: e[2][2] }), t }, t.prototype.SelectRange = function(e, t, i, n) { if (e) { var a = { x: Math.ceil(e.startX / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth) - 1, y: Math.ceil(e.startY / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - 1 - this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows }, s = { x: Math.ceil(e.endX / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderWidth) - 1, y: Math.ceil(e.endY / this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight) - 1 - this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows }; if (a.y > s.y || a.y == s.y && a.x > s.x) { var o = a; a = s, s = o } this.m_selectedItems.length = 0; var l = a.y * this.GetVisibleColsCount() + a.x, d = s.y * this.GetVisibleColsCount() + s.x; if (n == window.uiTypes.VerticalDirection.BottomToTop || i == window.uiTypes.HorizontalDirection.RightToLeft) for (var m = d; m >= l; --m) this.m_selectedItems.push(m); else for (var m = l; d >= m; m++) this.m_selectedItems.push(m) } }, t.prototype.Close = function() { this.cellBuilder.dispose(), t.superclass.Close.call(this) }, e.ChannelSheetWindow = t }(window.uiTypes.canvas), function(e) { var t = function(e) { this.m_renderer = e, this.m_defaultSettings = { fontSize: 1, leading: .3, fontFamily: "Helvetica", bgColor: remoteColors.channelSheet.cell.backgroundColor, textColor: remoteColors.channelSheet.cell.color }, this.m_elements = { border: { color: remoteColors.channelSheet.cell.border.color, size: 2, focusColor: remoteColors.channelSheet.cell.border.focusedColor, focusSize: 4, roundedCornerRadius: 8 }, index: { halign: "center", valign: "middle" }, name: { halign: "center", valign: "middle" }, value: { halign: "center", valign: "middle" } }, this.m_rects = { "default": {}, cell: {}, innerCell: {}, content: {} } }; t.model = '
    ', t.prototype.calculateLocation = function(e, t) { if (!this.m_rects.content) throw generic.statusLogging("ChannelSheetCell.prototype.getLocation invalid member variable this.m_rects.content"), Error(); var i = t || (e.noncontent ? this.m_rects.innerCell : this.m_rects.content); return e.pointFrom && e.pointTo ? CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationLine(e, i) : e.center && e.radius ? CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationCircle(e, i) : CanvasRenderer.calculateLocationRect(e, i) }, t.prototype.drawBackground = function() { this.m_renderer.drawRect(this.m_rects["default"], 0, 0, this.m_defaultSettings.bgColor) }, t.prototype.drawIndex = function(e, t) { if (t.index && e.index) { var i = this.calculateLocation($.extend(this.m_elements.index, t.index)); this.m_renderer.fillText(i, e.index.text, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, e.index.color || this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, this.m_elements.index.halign, this.m_elements.index.valign) } }, t.prototype.drawName = function(e, t) { if (t.name && e.name) { var i = this.calculateLocation($.extend(this.m_elements.name, t.name)); this.m_renderer.fillText(i, e.name.text, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily, size: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, e.name.color || this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, this.m_elements.name.halign, this.m_elements.name.valign) } }, t.prototype.drawValue = function(e, t) { if (t.value && e.value) { var i = this.calculateLocation($.extend(this.m_elements.value, t.value)), n = this.calculateLocation(t.value, this.m_rects.innerCell); e.value.background && this.m_renderer.drawRect(n, null, 0, e.value.background), this.m_renderer.fillText(i, e.value.text, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, e.value.color || this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, this.m_elements.value.halign, this.m_elements.value.valign) } }, t.prototype.drawBorder = function(e, t, i) { var n = i ? this.m_elements.border.focusSize : this.m_elements.border.size, a = CanvasRenderer.transformRectToBorderRect(this.m_rects.cell, n); this.m_renderer.drawRect(a, i ? this.m_elements.border.focusColor : this.m_elements.border.color, i ? this.m_elements.border.focusSize : this.m_elements.border.size, null) }, t.prototype.draw = function(e, t) { var i = e.data; this.m_rects.cell = this.m_rects["default"] = utilities.math.roundRect(e); var n = utilities.math.getMinMax(this.m_elements.border.focusSize, this.m_elements.border.size); this.m_rects.innerCell = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(this.m_rects.cell, n.min), this.m_rects.content = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(this.m_rects.cell, n.max), this.drawBackground(), this.drawIndex(i, t), this.drawName(i, t), this.drawValue(i, t), this.drawBorder(i, t, e.focused) }, e.ChannelSheetCell = t }(window.uiTypes.canvas); var e = window.timers.GlobalTimers; window.uiTypes.pages.Wheels = function() { var t = window.uiTypes.pages.Page, s = window.Server, i = s.requestTypes, r = function(e, t, s) { r.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, t, s), this.requirements = { presetTypeBar: !0 }, this.topRightButtonText = $(".top-right-button .text"), this.full_preset_type_init = !1, this.PresetTypeArray = [], this.wheels = [], this.wheelsCountPerPage = 4, this.wheelsContainer = $("#wheelContainer", this.$page), this.allWheels = $(".allWheels", this.wheelsContainer); var a = '", this.$featureButton = $(a), this.featureButton = new window.uiTypes.DropDownButton(this.$featureButton), this.featureDropDownEnabled = !1, this.$wheelTemplate = $("*[data-rel=wheel-template]", this.wheelsContainer), this.fakeFeaturesSuffixes = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ", this.wheelMaxSpace = 1 / 9, this.wheelMinWidth = 60, this.currentPresetTypeId = -1, this.currentFeatureId = -1, this.refresh_context = null, this.wheelSelected_context = this.WheelSelected.bind(this), this.attrBtnClicked_context = this.AttrBtnClicked.bind(this), this.Refresh = function() { this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: i.presetTypes, type: this.full_preset_type_init ? "full" : "update" }), this.full_preset_type_init = !1 }, this.AddWheels = function(e, t) { if (!(0 >= e)) for (var s = t; t + e > s; s++) { var i = this.$wheelTemplate.clone(); i.attr("id", "wheel" + s), this.allWheels.append(i), this.wheels[s] = new window.uiTypes.Wheel("", i), this.wheels[s].init(), this.wheels[s].WheelSelectedCallback = this.wheelSelected_context, this.wheels[s].AttrButtonCallback = this.attrBtnClicked_context } }, this.PresetTypesRender = function(e) { if (e.responseType != i.presetTypes) return !1; for (var t = null, s = 0; s < this.PresetTypeArray.length; s++) { var r = this.PresetTypeArray[s]; r.s && (t = r) } switch (e.type) { case "full": return this.PresetTypeArray = e.pre, this.PresetTypeArray.length <= 0 ? void this.wheelsContainer.hide() : (this.wheelsContainer.show(), this.setupFeatureFull(t), !0); case "update": return $.extend(!0, this.PresetTypeArray, e.pre), this.setupFeatureFull(t), !0; default: assert("Wheels.PresetTypesRender: invalid argument 'type'") } return !1 }, this.setupFeatureFull = function(e) { if (e) { var t = this.wheelsCountPerPage; this.wheelsCountPerPage = Math.min(Math.floor(1 / this.wheelMaxSpace), Math.max(Math.floor(this.wheelsContainer.width() / this.wheelMinWidth), 1)); for (var s = 0, i = e.fea, r = i.length, a = 0; r > a; a++) if (i[a].s) { s = a; break } for (var n = i[s], h = 0, o = 0, l = n.att, a = 0; a < l.length; a++) if (l[a].s) { h = l[a].i, o = a; break } var u = Math.floor(o / this.wheelsCountPerPage), d = u * this.wheelsCountPerPage, c = Math.min(this.wheelsCountPerPage, n.att.length - d), p = n.att.length > this.wheelsCountPerPage; this.featureButton.rename(n.np + (p ? " " + this.fakeFeaturesSuffixes[u] : "")), this.featureDropDownEnabled = p || r > 1, this.allWheels.hide(), this.AddWheels(c - this.wheels.length, this.wheels.length); var f = 100 / this.wheelsCountPerPage * c, w = 100 / c; this.allWheels.css("width", f + "%"); for (var a = 0; c > a; a++) { var g = n.att[d + a]; this.wheels[a].setAttribute({ id: g.n, name: g.np, encoder_resolution: g.encoder_resolution, value: g.t, bgColor: g.bC, color: g.c }), this.wheels[a].m_wheelControl.css("width", w + "%"), this.wheels[a].show() } for (var a = c; a < this.wheels.length; a++) this.wheels[a].hide(); this.allWheels.show(); var m = this.currentPresetTypeId !== e.i || this.currentFeatureId !== n.i || t !== this.wheelsCountPerPage; this.currentPresetTypeId = e.i, this.currentFeatureId = n.i, m && this.featureButton.updateListData(this.FeatureListUpdate()) } }, this.FeatureButtonPressed = function() { for (var e = this.PresetTypeArray.length, t = 0; e > t; t++) if (this.PresetTypeArray[t].s) { for (var s = this.PresetTypeArray[t], i = s.fea, r = i.length, a = 0; r > a; a++) { var n = i[a]; if (n.s) { for (var h = 0; h < n.att.length; h++) { var o = n.att[h]; if (o.s) { var l = Math.floor((n.att.length - 1) / this.wheelsCountPerPage + 1), u = Math.floor(h / this.wheelsCountPerPage); if (l - 1 > u) { var d = n.att[(u + 1) * this.wheelsCountPerPage]; this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: this.m_commandLine.getText() + " Att " + d.i }) } else { var c = this.m_commandLine.getText(); if ("" != c) { var p = i[a]; this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: this.m_commandLine.getText() + " FEA " + p.i }) } else { a = (a + 1) % r; var f = i[a]; this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: "FEA " + f.i }) } } break } } break } } break } }, this.FeatureListUpdate = function() { for (var e, t = this.PresetTypeArray.length, s = 0; t > s; s++) if (this.PresetTypeArray[s].s) { e = this.ReorderFeatures(this.PresetTypeArray[s].fea); break } return e }, this.ReorderFeatures = function(e) { for (var t = [], s = 0; s < e.length; s++) if (e[s].att.length <= this.wheelsCountPerPage) t.push(e[s]); else for (var i = e[s].att.length, r = 0; i > 0; ++r) t.push({ att: e[s].att.slice(r * this.wheelsCountPerPage, Math.min((r + 1) * this.wheelsCountPerPage, e[s].att.length)), p: e[s].p + " " + this.fakeFeaturesSuffixes[r], np: e[s].np + " " + this.fakeFeaturesSuffixes[r], i: e[s].i }), i -= this.wheelsCountPerPage; return t }, this.getFeatureDropDownEnabled_context = this.getFeatureDropDownEnabled.bind(this), this.FeatureSelected_context = this.FeatureSelected.bind(this), this.featureButtonCreateItem_context = this.featureButtonCreateItem.bind(this) }; return window.generic.extend(r, window.uiTypes.pages.Page), r.id = "wheels", r.title = "Wheels", r.content = '
    ', r.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { return this.pageButtons || (this.pageButtons = [{ $item: this.$featureButton }]), this.pageButtons }, r.prototype.WheelSelected = function(e) { this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: "Att " + e }) }, r.prototype.AttrBtnClicked = function(e) { this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: this.m_commandLine.getText() + " Att " + e }) }, r.prototype.getFeatureDropDownEnabled = function() { return this.featureDropDownEnabled }, r.prototype.FeatureSelected = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var t = $(e.data).attr("attributeId"); t && this.m_commandExecutor.send({ command: "ATT " + t }), this.featureButton.close() }, r.prototype.featureButtonCreateItem = function(e) { var t = $(""); return t.bind(Touch.maTouchDown, t, this.FeatureSelected_context), t }, r.prototype.Show = function() { r.superclass.Show.call(this), this.OnResize(), this.full_preset_type_init = !0, this.refresh_context = this.Refresh.bind(this), e.AddRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.refresh_context), DataHandlerManager.Register({ name: this.id + "DataHandler", handler: this.PresetTypesRender.bind(this) }), this.AddWheels(this.wheelsCountPerPage, 0), this.topRightButtonText.text("Back"), this.featureButton.init({ OnTap: this.FeatureButtonPressed.bind(this), canExecuteDropDown: this.getFeatureDropDownEnabled_context, $container: $(''), createItem: this.featureButtonCreateItem_context }), $(this).triggerHandler(t.events.pageButtonsChanged, { buttons: this.CreatePageButtons() }) }, r.prototype.OnResize = function() { r.superclass.OnResize.call(this), window.generic.statusLogging("resize"), this.featureButton.updateListRect({ left: Math.floor(this.$page.offset().left), top: Math.floor(this.$page.offset().top), width: Math.floor(this.$page.width()), height: Math.floor(this.$page.height()) }) }, r.prototype.Close = function() { r.superclass.Close.call(this), this.refresh_context || window.generic.statusLogging("I'm memory leak"), e.RemoveRefreshTimerEventHandler(this.refresh_context), this.refresh_context = null, DataHandlerManager.Unregister(this.id + "DataHandler"), this.featureButton && (this.featureButton.dispose(), this.featureButton = null), this.topRightButtonText.text("Wheels"); for (var t = 0; t < this.wheels.length; t++) this.wheels[t].dispose() }, r }(); window.uiTypes.pages.MainMenu = function() { var t = function(n, o, e) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, n, o, e), this.requirements = { presetTypeBar: !0 }, this.columnsCount = 3, this.m_pressLoginButton_context = this.pressLoginButton.bind(this), this.m_pressConnectDisconnectButton_context = this.pressConnectDisconnectButton.bind(this), this.m_pressSettingsButton_context = this.pressSettingsButton.bind(this) }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.pages.Page), t.id = "mainMenu", t.title = "Main Menu", t.content = '
    ', t.prototype.Init = function() { t.superclass.Init.call(this), this.m_loginButton = document.getElementById("loginButton"), this.m_connectButton = document.getElementById("connectButton"), this.m_settingsButton = document.getElementById("settingsButton"), this.m_loginButton && this.m_loginButton.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressLoginButton_context), this.m_connectButton.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressConnectDisconnectButton_context), this.m_settingsButton.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressSettingsButton_context) }, t.prototype.pressConnectDisconnectButton = function() { this.m_commandExecutor.IsConnected() ? (window.ui.forcedDisconnect = !0, this.m_commandExecutor.disconnect()) : (window.ui.forcedDisconnect = !1, this.m_commandExecutor.connect()) }, t.prototype.pressLoginButton = function() { window.Server.SetLoginState(!1), window.ui.loginForm.Show() }, t.prototype.pressSettingsButton = function() { window.generic.globs.pageManager.TogglePage(window.uiTypes.pages.Settings.id, { modal: !0 }) }, t.prototype.Show = function() { t.superclass.Show.call(this); for (var n = window.generic.globs.pageManager.getPageChain(), o = [], e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { var i = n[e]; o.push({ text: i.title, bind: this.openPage.bind(this, i.id) }) } var s = $(".basic-js .navigationPanel", this.$page), c = "
    ", a = $(""); $.ButtonBlock.create(o, this.columnsCount, s, a, c) }, t.prototype.openPage = function(t, n) { n[0].addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, function(n) { window.generic.globs.pageManager.ShowPage(t) }) }, t.prototype.Close = function() { t.superclass.Close.call(this), this.m_loginButton && this.m_loginButton.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressLoginButton_context), this.m_connectButton.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressConnectDisconnectButton_context), this.m_settingsButton.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.m_pressSettingsButton_context) }, t }(); window.uiTypes.pages.CommandHistory = function() { var t = function(e, i, s) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    Sorry, your browser is not supported.
    " }), e, i, s), this.requirements = {}, this.CreateWindow = function() { this.m_ma2window = new window.uiTypes.canvas.CommandHistoryWindow(this.canvas, window.CanvasRenderer(this.canvas[0].getContext("2d")), { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.canvas[0].width, height: this.canvas[0].height }), this.m_ma2window.init(!0), DataHandlerManager.Register({ name: this.id + "DataHandler", handler: this.m_ma2window.commandHistoryRender.bind(this.m_ma2window) }) }, this.GetPayloadObject = function() { var t = new Object; return t.requestType = Server.requestTypes.commandHistory, t.cntCols = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleColsCount(), t.cntRows = this.m_ma2window.GetVisibleRowsCount(), t.offCol = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetX(), t.offRow = this.m_ma2window.GetDataOffsetY(), t } }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.pages.CanvasPage), t.prototype.Init = function() { t.superclass.Init.call(this), this.$page.append(this.canvasContainer) }, t.id = "commandHistory", t.title = "Command History", t.content = '
    ', t }(), window.uiTypes.canvas.CommandHistoryWindow = function() { var t = function(e, i, s) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, e, i, s), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { cellFontSize: 0, fontSizeToCellHeightCoef: 5 / 3, fontSizeToCellWidthCoef: 10 / 3, horzScrollWidthFactorOfWindowWidth: 3, backgroundColor: remoteColors.commandHistory.backgroundColor, fillStyle: remoteColors.commandHistory.fillStyle }), this.m_contentSettings = { colsCount: 0, rowsCount: 0, cellHeight: 0, cellWidth: 0 }, this.m_offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.m_wheelStartPoint = 0, this.init = function(e) { t.superclass.init.call(this, e), this.setFontSize(), this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0 }, this.setFontSize = function() { var t = utility.getDefaultFontSize(); this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize = t, this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight = parseInt(this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize * this.m_defaultSettings.fontSizeToCellHeightCoef), this.m_contentSettings.cellWidth = parseInt(this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize * this.m_defaultSettings.fontSizeToCellWidthCoef), this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0 }, this.resize = function(e, i) { t.superclass.resize.call(this, e, i), this.SyncHOffset(), this.SyncVOffset() }, this.commandHistoryRender = function(t) { if (!t || t.responseType != Server.requestTypes.commandHistory) return !1; var e = t; return this.m_contentSettings.colsCount = e.cntCols, this.m_contentSettings.rowsCount = e.cntRows, this.refresh(e), !0 }, this.refresh = function(e) { if (t.superclass.refresh.call(this), e) { var i = e.data, s = i.length; this.renderer.drawRect(this.GetContentRect(), 0, 0, this.m_defaultSettings.backgroundColor); for (var n = 0; s > n; n++) { var o = i[n]; this.commandHistoryDrawLine(n + 1, o[0]) } this.drawScrollBars() } }, this.commandHistoryDrawLine = function(t, e) { var i = this.GetContentRect(), s = i.width - i.x, n = { x: i.x, y: i.y + i.height - t * this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight, width: s, height: this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight }; this.renderer.drawRect(n, 0, 0, remoteColors.commandHistory.lineBackgroundColor), this.drawCommandLine(n.x - this.GetDataOffsetX(), n.y + this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight / 2, e) }, this.drawCommandLine = function(t, e, i) { var s = "left", n = "middle", o = "Courier", h = i.indexOf("#"); if (-1 != h) { var r = []; r[30] = "#000000", r[31] = "#7B0007", r[32] = "#1D830C", r[33] = "#7E8211", r[34] = "#14007E", r[35] = "#14007E", r[36] = "#257C7B", r[37] = "#BBBBBB"; for (var l = 0, a = ""; h >= 0;) { h > 0 && 0 == l && (a = i.substring(0, h), this.renderer.fillText({ x: t + l, y: e, height: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, a, { family: o }, r[37], s, n), l += this.renderer.measureText(a, this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize + "px" + o).width); var f = i.indexOf("m", h + 2), c = i.substring(h + 2, f); h = i.indexOf("#[", h + 1), a = -1 != h ? i.substring(f + 1, h) : i.substring(f + 1), this.renderer.fillText({ x: t + l, y: e, height: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, a, { family: o }, r[c], s, n), l += this.renderer.measureText(a, this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize + "px" + o).width } } else this.renderer.fillText({ x: t, y: e, height: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, i, { family: o }, remoteColors.commandHistory.color, s, n) }, this.wheelStart = function() { this.m_wheelStartPoint = { offsetX: this.m_offset.x, offsetY: this.m_offset.y } }, this.wheelEnd = function() { this.m_wheelStartPoint = 0 }, this.hStep = function(t) { "forward" === t ? (this.m_offset.x < this.GetFullScrollableWidth() && (this.m_offset.x += this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight, this.m_offset.x = Math.min(this.GetFullScrollableWidth(), this.m_offset.x)), this.SyncHOffset()) : "back" === t && (this.m_offset.x > 0 && (this.m_offset.x -= this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight, this.m_offset.x = Math.max(0, this.m_offset.x)), this.SyncHOffset()) }, this.hStepPage = function(t) { return "forward" === t ? 10 : "back" === t ? -10 : 0 }, this.hWheel = function(t) { t && (this.m_offset.x = Math.min(this.GetFullScrollableWidth(), Math.max(0, this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetX + t * this.GetFullScrollableWidth())), this.SyncHOffset()) }, this.SyncHOffset = function() { this.GetHScroll().SetOffset(this.m_offset.x / this.GetFullScrollableWidth()) }, this.vStep = function(t) { if ("forward" === t) { var e = Math.max(0, this.m_contentSettings.rowsCount - this.GetVisibleRowsCount()); this.m_offset.y < e && ++this.m_offset.y, this.SyncVOffset() } else "back" === t && (this.m_offset.y > 0 && --this.m_offset.y, this.SyncVOffset()) }, this.vStepPage = function(t) { return "forward" === t ? 10 : "back" === t ? -10 : 0 }, this.vWheel = function(t) { if (t) { var e = Math.max(this.m_contentSettings.rowsCount - this.GetVisibleRowsCount(), 0); this.m_offset.y = Math.min(e, Math.max(0, parseInt(this.m_wheelStartPoint.offsetY + t * e))), this.SyncVOffset() } }, this.SyncVOffset = function() { var t = this.m_contentSettings.rowsCount - this.GetVisibleRowsCount() || this.m_offset.y; this.GetVScroll().SetOffset(this.m_offset.y / t) }, this.GetVisibleScrollableWidth = function() { return this.GetContentRect().width - this.m_contentSettings.cellWidth }, this.GetVisibleScrollableHeight = function() { return this.GetContentRect().height - this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight }, this.GetFullScrollableWidth = function() { return 3 * this.GetVisibleScrollableWidth() }, this.GetFullScrollableHeight = function() { return this.m_contentSettings.rowsCount * this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight }, this.GetVisibleColsCount = function() { return 2 }, this.GetVisibleRowsCount = function() { return Math.floor(this.GetContentRect().height / this.m_contentSettings.cellHeight) - 1 }, this.GetDataOffsetX = function() { return this.m_offset.x }, this.GetDataOffsetY = function() { return this.m_offset.y } }; return window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.MA2Window), t }(); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(m) { var n = function(m, a, o) { n.superclass.constructor.call(this, m, a, o), this.requirements = { showDimmerWheel: !0 }, this.$buttonsContainer = $.createItem({ "class": "complex-button-container" }), this.pageCommands = isDot2() ? { left: [{ command: commands.Commands.pause(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.goback(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.go(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.on(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.off(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands["goto"](), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._delete(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.copy(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._empty(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.edit(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.update(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._empty(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.page(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.exec(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.cue(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.group(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.preset(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.time(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], right: [{ command: commands.Commands.fixture(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.oops(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.esc(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._7(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._8(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._9(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.plus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._4(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._5(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._6(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.thru(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._1(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._2(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._3(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.minus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._0(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.dot(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._if(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.at(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.store(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.full(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.please(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }] } : { left: [{ command: commands.Commands.on(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.off(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.select(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._empty(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.assign(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.copy(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._delete(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.time(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands["goto"](), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.sequence(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.cue(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.exec(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.macro(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.page(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.group(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.preset(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.ma(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIStateImageButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.edit(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.update(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.store(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], right: [{ command: commands.Commands.channelFixtureSwitcher(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.oops(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.esc(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands._7(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._8(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._9(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.plus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._4(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._5(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._6(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.thru(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._1(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._2(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._3(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.minus(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._0(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.dot(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands._if(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.at(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.full(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }, { command: commands.Commands.solo(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.please(), uiElement: commands.ui.UILabel() }] }, this.pageCommands.left.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), this.pageCommands.right.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), this.commandItems = { left: this.pageCommands.left.map(commands.ui.fetchUIElementItems), right: this.pageCommands.right.map(commands.ui.fetchUIElementItems) }, this.$page.append(this.$buttonsContainer) }; window.generic.extend(n, window.uiTypes.pages.Page), n.prototype.Show = function() { n.superclass.Show.call(this), this.$leftContainer = $.createItem({ "class": "cmd-button-container" }), this.$rightContainer = $.createItem({ "class": "cmd-button-container" }), isDot2() ? ui.Layout.Place(this.$leftContainer, this.commandItems.left, { grid: { columnsCount: 3 } }) : ui.Layout.Place(this.$leftContainer, this.commandItems.left, { grid: { columnsCount: 4 } }), ui.Layout.Place(this.$rightContainer, this.commandItems.right, { grid: { columnsCount: 4 } }), isDot2() ? ui.Layout.Place(this.$buttonsContainer, [{ $item: this.$leftContainer, location: { x: "0%", y: "0%", width: "50%", height: "100%" } }, { $item: this.$rightContainer, location: { x: "50%", y: "0%", width: "50%", height: "100%" } }]) : ui.Layout.Place(this.$buttonsContainer, [{ $item: this.$leftContainer, location: { x: "0%", y: "16.66%", width: "50%", height: "83.34%" } }, { $item: this.$rightContainer, location: { x: "50%", y: "0%", width: "50%", height: "100%" } }]), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageCommands.left.concat(this.pageCommands.right)) }, n.prototype.Close = function() { n.superclass.Close.call(this), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.removeCommands(this.id), commands.ui.disposeUIElements(this.pageCommands.left), commands.ui.disposeUIElements(this.pageCommands.right) }, n.id = "FullCommand", n.title = isDot2() ? "Command" : "CMD", n.content = '
    ', n.maButtonState = !1, m.FullCommand = n }(window.uiTypes.pages); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(t) { var e = window.uiTypes.pages.Page, o = function(t, e, n) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    " }), t, e, n) }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.pages.PoolPage), o.prototype.GetWindowClass = function() { return window.uiTypes.canvas.GroupPoolWindow }, o.prototype.CreateWindow = function() { o.superclass.CreateWindow.call(this), $(this).triggerHandler(e.events.pageButtonsChanged, { buttons: this.CreatePageButtons() }) }, o.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { return this.pageButtons || (this.pageButtons = [{ command: commands.Commands.high(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], this.pageButtons.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageButtons)), this.pageButtons }, o.prototype.ItemSelected = function(t, e) { var n = e.id, s = this.m_commandLine.getText(); this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.pool_itemSelected, pool: o.shortId, id_1: n, cmdlineText: s }) }, o.id = "groupPool", o.shortId = "group", o.title = isDot2() ? "Groups" : "Group Pool", o.content = '
    ', t.GroupPool = o }(window.uiTypes.pages), function(t) { var e = function(o, n, s) { e.superclass.constructor.call(this, o, n, s, t.GroupPoolCell), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { storage: Storage.AddSection("GroupPool") }) }; window.generic.extend(e, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolWindow), e.prototype.getItem = function(t, o) { var n = e.superclass.getItem(t, o); return $.extend(n, { stateStripeColor: o.stateStripeC, isReferenced: o.isRef, miscRects: o.cntNotInWorld ? [{ width: o.cntNotInWorld }] : void 0 }), n }, e.prototype.SetDataSource = function(t) { return t.responseType != Server.requestTypes.pool ? !1 : "group" != t.pool ? !1 : e.superclass.SetDataSource.call(this, t) }; var o = function(t) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, t), isDot2() ? $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { margin: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }, padding: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 } }) : $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, {}), isDot2() || (this.stateStripe.enabled = !0, this.miscRects = { array: [{ color: remoteColors.groupPool.cell.miscRects.color, pointFrom: { x: 0, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: 1, y: .5 }, width: .06 }] }) }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolCell), t.GroupPoolWindow = e, t.GroupPoolCell = o }(window.uiTypes.canvas); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(e) { var t = window.uiTypes.pages.Page, o = function(e, t, r) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    " }), e, t, r), window.poolViewVisible = !0, this.requirements = { presetTypeBar: !0 } }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.pages.PoolPage), o.prototype.GetWindowClass = function() { return window.uiTypes.canvas.PresetPoolWindow }, o.prototype.CreateWindow = function() { o.superclass.CreateWindow.call(this), $(this).triggerHandler(t.events.pageButtonsChanged, { buttons: this.CreatePageButtons() }) }, o.prototype.CreatePageButtons = function() { return this.pageButtons || (this.pageButtons = [{ command: commands.Commands.store(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }, { command: commands.Commands.clear(), uiElement: commands.ui.UIMultiStateButton() }], this.pageButtons.forEach(commands.ui.initCommandUIElementPair), generic.globs.serverCommandManager.addCommands(this.id, this.pageButtons)), this.pageButtons }, o.prototype.ItemSelected = function(e, t) { var r = t.id, i = t.presetTypeId, s = this.m_commandLine.getText(); this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.pool_itemSelected, pool: o.shortId, id_1: r, id_2: i, cmdlineText: s }) }, o.id = "presetPool", o.shortId = "preset", o.title = isDot2() ? "Presets" : "Preset Pool", o.content = '
    ', e.PresetPool = o }(window.uiTypes.pages), function(e) { var t = function(o, r, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, o, r, i, e.PresetPoolCell), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { storage: Storage.AddSection(window.uiTypes.pages.PresetPool.id) }), this.m_currentPresetTypeId = -1 }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolWindow), t.prototype.getItem = function(e, o) { var r = t.superclass.getItem(e, o); return $.extend(r, { stateStripeColor: o.stateStripeC || e.stateStripeC, isReferenced: o.isRef, symbol: { wheelColor: o.symbol ? o.symbol.wheelC : "", mixColor: o.symbol ? o.symbol.mixC : "", color: o.symbol ? o.symbol.c : "", hasWheelSlots: o.symbol ? o.symbol.hasWheelSlots : !1 }, amountOfUsed: o.amountOfUsed, dimmer: o.dimmer, specialChars: [o.hasSelectiveData, o.hasGlobalData, o.hasUniversalData, o.hasEmbedded], miscRects: [o.hasValues, o.hasFades, o.hasDelays, o.hasEffect] }), r }, t.prototype.SetDataSource = function(e) { return e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.pool ? !1 : "preset" != e.pool ? !1 : (this.m_currentPresetTypeId = e.presetType, t.superclass.SetDataSource.call(this, e)) }, t.prototype.onItemSelected = function(e) { e.presetTypeId = this.m_currentPresetTypeId, t.superclass.onItemSelected.call(this, e) }; var o = function(e) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, e), isDot2() ? $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { margin: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }, padding: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 } }) : $.extend(this.border, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.borderColor }), this.title.width = .94, this.stateStripe.enabled = !0, this.amountOfUsed = { x: 0, y: .24, width: 1, height: .24, halign: "left", valign: "middle", color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.amountOfUsed.color }, this.symbol = isDot2() ? { x: .55, y: .04, width: .6, height: .6, borderWidth: 1, bigCircle: { center: { x: .4, y: .4 }, radius: .4 }, bigSquare: { x: 0, y: 0, width: .8, height: .8 }, littleCircle: { center: { x: .65, y: .65 }, radius: .15 }, littleSquare: { x: .4, y: .4, width: .5, height: .5 } } : { x: .75, y: .08, width: .3, height: .3, borderWidth: 1, bigCircle: { center: { x: .4, y: .4 }, radius: .4 }, bigSquare: { x: 0, y: 0, width: .8, height: .8 }, littleCircle: { center: { x: .65, y: .65 }, radius: .15 }, littleSquare: { x: .4, y: .4, width: .5, height: .5 } }, this.dimmer = isDot2() ? { x: .95, y: .05, width: .05, height: .9, border: 1, background: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.dimmer.backgroundColor, color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.dimmer.color } : { x: .95, y: .54, width: .05, height: .46, border: 1, background: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.dimmer.backgroundColor, color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.dimmer.color }, isDot2() || (this.specialChars = { x: .5, y: 0, width: .25, height: .48, array: [{ color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.specialChars[0].color, "char": "S", halign: "center", valign: "top" }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.specialChars[1].color, "char": "G", halign: "center", valign: "top" }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.specialChars[2].color, "char": "U", halign: "center", valign: "top" }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.specialChars[3].color, "char": "E", halign: "center", valign: "top" }] }), this.miscRects = { array: [{ color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[0].color, pointFrom: { x: 0, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .25, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[1].color, pointFrom: { x: .25, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .5, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[2].color, pointFrom: { x: .5, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .75, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[3].color, pointFrom: { x: .75, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: 1, y: .5 }, width: .06 }] }, isDot2() && (this.miscRects = { array: [{ color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[0].color, pointFrom: { x: 0, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .25, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[1].color, pointFrom: { x: .25, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .5, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[2].color, pointFrom: { x: .5, y: .5 }, pointTo: { x: .75, y: .5 }, width: .06 }, { color: remoteColors.presetPool.cell.miscRects[3].color, pointFrom: { x: .05, y: .3 }, pointTo: { x: .058, y: .8 }, width: .06 }] }) }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolCell), o.prototype.drawAmountOfUsed = function(e, t) { if (e.amountOfUsed) { var o = this.calculateLocation(this.amountOfUsed), r = e.amountOfUsed; "" !== r && void 0 !== r && this.renderer.fillText(o, r, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, this.amountOfUsed.color, this.amountOfUsed.halign, this.amountOfUsed.valign) } }, o.prototype.drawSymbol = function(e) { if (e.symbol) { var t = this.calculateLocation(this.symbol), o = e.symbol.wheelColor, r = e.symbol.mixColor, i = e.symbol.color, s = e.symbol.hasWheelSlots; if (t.width = t.height = Math.min(t.width, t.height), r && !o) { var l = this.calculateLocation(this.symbol.bigSquare, t); this.renderer.drawRect(l, 0, 0, i) } else { var a = this.calculateLocation(this.symbol.bigCircle, t); this.renderer.drawCircle(a.center, a.radius, 0, 0, i) } if (o && (r || s)) { var c = this.calculateLocation(this.symbol.littleCircle, t); this.renderer.drawCircle(c.center, c.radius, 0, 0, o) } if (r && (o || s)) { var n = this.calculateLocation(this.symbol.littleSquare, t); n = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(n, this.symbol.borderWidth), this.renderer.drawRect(CanvasRenderer.transformRectToBorderRect(n, this.symbol.borderWidth), r, this.symbol.borderWidth, 0) } } }, o.prototype.drawDimmerBar = function(e) { var t = e.dimmer; if (void 0 !== t) { var o = this.calculateLocation(this.dimmer); this.renderer.drawRect(o, 0, 0, this.dimmer.background); var r = CanvasRenderer.getContentRect(o, this.dimmer.border), i = r.height * t; r.y = r.y + r.height - i, r.height = i, this.renderer.drawRect(r, 0, 0, this.dimmer.color) } }; var r = function(e, t) { if (0 > e || e > 3) throw generic.statusLogging("PresetPoolCell.getNextRect invalid parameter index"), Error(); return { x: t.x + e % 2 * t.width / 2, y: t.y + (e > 1 ? t.height / 2 : 0), width: t.width / 2 * .9, height: t.height / 2 * .9 } }; o.prototype.drawSpecialChars = function(e) { if (e.specialChars) for (var t = this.calculateLocation(this.specialChars), o = 0, i = 0; i < e.specialChars.length; i++) if (e.specialChars[i]) { var s = r(o, t), l = this.specialChars.array[i]; this.renderer.fillText(s, l["char"], { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, l.color, l.halign, l.valign), ++o } }, o.prototype.customDraw = function(e) { isDot2() || this.drawAmountOfUsed(e.data, e.pixelPerEm), this.drawSymbol(e.data), this.drawDimmerBar(e.data), isDot2() || this.drawSpecialChars(e.data) }, e.PresetPoolWindow = t, e.PresetPoolCell = o }(window.uiTypes.canvas); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(e) { var t = function(e, o, i) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    " }), e, o, i) }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.pages.PoolPage), t.prototype.GetWindowClass = function() { return window.uiTypes.canvas.MacroPoolWindow }, t.prototype.ItemSelected = function(e, o) { var i = o.id, r = this.m_commandLine.getText(); this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.pool_itemSelected, pool: t.shortId, id_1: i, cmdlineText: r }) }, t.id = "MacroPool", t.shortId = "macro", t.title = "Macro Pool", t.content = '
    ', e.MacroPool = t }(window.uiTypes.pages), function(e) { var t = function(o, i, r) { t.superclass.constructor.call(this, o, i, r, e.MacroPoolCell), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, { storage: Storage.AddSection("MacroPool") }) }; window.generic.extend(t, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolWindow), t.prototype.getItem = function(e, o) { var i = t.superclass.getItem(e, o); return $.extend(i, { isReferenced: o.isRef, line: o.line, runState: o.runState, isRecording: o.isRecording }), i }, t.prototype.SetDataSource = function(e) { return e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.pool ? !1 : "macro" != e.pool ? !1 : t.superclass.SetDataSource.call(this, e) }; var o = function(e) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, e), $.extend(this.m_defaultSettings, {}) }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.canvas.PoolCell), o.activeMacroLine = { x: 0, y: .27, width: 1, height: .245, halign: "center", valign: "middle" }, o.recordingSymbol = { x: .8, y: 0, width: .2, height: .2 }, o.playPauseSymbol = { x: .8, y: 0, width: .2, height: .2 }, function() { var e = { recordingSymbol: { rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20 }, center: { x: 10, y: 10 }, radius: 10, fillColor: "#A80707" }, playSymbol: { rect: { x: 20, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20 }, points: [{ x: 20, y: 0 }, { x: 35, y: 10 }, { x: 20, y: 20 }], color: "#F4B532", fillColor: "#F4B532" }, pauseSymbol: { rect: { x: 40, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20 }, points: [{ x: 45, y: 0 }, { x: 45, y: 20, end: !0 }, { x: 55, y: 0 }, { x: 55, y: 20 }], width: 6, color: "#F4B532" } }, t = document.createElement("canvas"); t.width = 60, t.height = 60; var i = t.getContext("2d"), r = window.CanvasRenderer(i); r.drawRect({ x: 0, y: 0, width: t.width, height: t.height }, null, 0, CanvasRenderer.transparent), r.drawCircle(e.recordingSymbol.center, e.recordingSymbol.radius, null, 0, e.recordingSymbol.fillColor), r.drawLines(e.playSymbol.points, e.playSymbol.color, e.playSymbol.fillColor, 1), r.drawLines(e.pauseSymbol.points, e.pauseSymbol.color, null, e.pauseSymbol.width), o.offScreenCanvas = t, o.prerenderedItems = e }(), o.prototype.drawActiveMacro = function(e) { if (e.line) { var t = "Line " + e.line; if (void 0 !== t) { var i = this.calculateLocation(o.activeMacroLine); this.renderer.fillText(i, t, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily }, this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, o.activeMacroLine.halign, o.activeMacroLine.valign) } } }, o.prototype.drawSymbols = function(e) { if (e.isRecording) { var t = this.calculateLocation(o.recordingSymbol); this.renderer.drawImage(t, o.offScreenCanvas, o.prerenderedItems.recordingSymbol.rect) } if (e.runState) { var i = null; e.isRecording ? (i = $.extend({}, o.playPauseSymbol), i.x -= o.recordingSymbol.width) : i = o.playPauseSymbol; var t = this.calculateLocation(i); this.renderer.drawImage(t, o.offScreenCanvas, "play" == e.runState ? o.prerenderedItems.playSymbol.rect : o.prerenderedItems.pauseSymbol.rect) } }, o.prototype.customDraw = function(e) { this.drawActiveMacro(e.data), this.drawSymbols(e.data) }, e.MacroPoolWindow = t, e.MacroPoolCell = o }(window.uiTypes.canvas); defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.canvas"), defineNamespace(window, "uiTypes.pages"), function(e) { var o = function(e, t, r) { o.superclass.constructor.call(this, $.createItem({ "class": "canvas-container", html: "
    " }), e, t, r) }; window.generic.extend(o, window.uiTypes.pages.PoolPage), o.prototype.GetWindowClass = function() { return window.uiTypes.canvas.WorldPoolWindow }, o.prototype.ItemSelected = function(e, t) { var r = t.id, s = this.m_commandLine.getText(); this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.pool_itemSelected, pool: o.shortId, id_1: r, cmdlineText: s }) }, o.id = "WorldPool", o.shortId = "world", o.title = "World Pool", o.content = '
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this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth * u : this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth * u } else c[m] = 2 * this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth; return c.length > 0 && (c[0] = this.m_containerSettings.cellWidth / 3 * 2), this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth = c, this.m_redrawWholeCanvas = !0, this.m_forceAutoScroll = e.activeI >= 0 && this.m_lastActiveIndex != e.activeI, this.m_lastActiveIndex = e.activeI, this.refresh(e), !0 }, e.prototype.getLayout = function() { return generic.globs.config.activeLayout || generic.globs.config.layout["default"].id }, e.prototype.refresh = function(t) { e.superclass.refresh.call(this), t && (this.stretch(), this.draw(t), this.drawScrollBars()) }, e.prototype.draw = function(t) { var e = Math.min(this.GetVisibleColsCount() + 1 + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, this.m_filteredColumns.length), i = t.rows, s = 0, o = { rowStart: void 0, rowEnd: void 0 }, n = 0, r = []; if (i) for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var l = i[a].cells, h = i[a].prop; h && h.s && (void 0 == o.rowStart && (o.rowStart = a), o.rowEnd = a), n = 0; for (var c = -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount; c < this.m_containerOffset.x + e; c++) { 0 == c && (c = this.m_containerOffset.x); var m = c + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, d = this.m_filteredColumns[m]; if (d) { var u = l[d.id] || {}, f = c < this.m_containerOffset.x ? 0 : this.m_containerOffset.x, g = this.getColumnWidth(m - f), _ = u.v; "Number" == d.n && void 0 !== o.rowStart && o.rowStart <= a && a <= o.rowEnd && r.push({ rowNumber: parseInt(_), rowIndex: a }), "Name" != d.n && u.pgs && (_ = Math.floor(u.pgs) + ""); var C = { offsetX: n, row: a + 1, cellWidth: g, text: _, textColor: u.c || t.c || this.m_defaultSettings.textColor, cellBackgroundColor: u.bC || t.bC || remoteColors.executorSheet.cellBackgroundColor, progressColor: u.pgsC, progressValue: u.pgs, progressPercent: u.pgsProc, inverted: u.inv }; C.borderColor = C.cellBackgroundColor != this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyle ? this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyle : this.m_defaultSettings.cellStrokeStyleAlternative, c == f + this.m_focusPos.x && a == this.m_focusPos.y ? s = C : this.drawCell(C), n += g } } } n = 0; for (var c = -this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount; c < this.m_containerOffset.x + e; c++) { 0 == c && (c = this.m_containerOffset.x); var m = c + this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount, d = this.m_filteredColumns[m]; if (d) { var f = c < this.m_containerOffset.x ? 0 : this.m_containerOffset.x, g = this.getColumnWidth(m - f), S = $.normalizeConsoleString(d ? d.n : ""), w = this.m_defaultSettings.textColor; d.sAtt ? w = this.m_defaultSettings.headerSelectedAttributeColor : d.sPre && (w = this.m_defaultSettings.headerSelectedPresetColor), this.drawCell({ isTitle: !0, offsetX: n, row: 0, cellWidth: g, text: S, textColor: w, cellBackgroundColor: this.m_defaultSettings.headerCellBackgroundColor, borderColor: this.m_defaultSettings.headerCellStrokeStyle }), n += g } } void 0 !== o.rowStart && this.renderer.drawRect({ x: 0, y: (o.rowStart + this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows) * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, width: n, height: (o.rowEnd - o.rowStart + this.m_defaultSettings.titleRows) * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight }, remoteColors.executorSheet.selectedBorderColor, this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize), s && (s.borderColor = this.m_defaultSettings.focusCellBorderColor, this.drawCell(s)) }, e.prototype.getColumnWidth = function(t) { return t < this.m_defaultSettings.fixedColumnsCount ? 0 > t || this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length <= t ? (window.generic.statusLogging("getColumnWidth invalid argument " + t), 0) : this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[t] : t + this.m_containerOffset.x < 0 || this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth.length <= t + this.m_containerOffset.x ? (window.generic.statusLogging("getColumnWidth invalid argument " + t), 0) : this.m_containerSettings.columnWidth[t + this.m_containerOffset.x] }, e.prototype.drawCell = function(t) { var e = this.GetContentRect(), i = e.left + t.offsetX, s = e.top + t.row * this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight, o = { x: i, y: s, width: t.cellWidth, height: this.m_containerSettings.cellRenderHeight }; if (this.renderer.drawRect(o, t.borderColor, this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, t.cellBackgroundColor), t.progressColor) { var n = o.width * t.progressPercent, r = { x: o.x, y: o.y, width: n, height: o.height }; t.inverted && (r.x = o.x + o.width - r.width), this.renderer.drawRect(r, null, 0, t.progressColor) } var a = { x: o.x + this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, y: o.y + this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, width: o.width - 2 * this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize, height: o.height - 2 * this.m_defaultSettings.frameSize }; this.renderer.fillText(a, t.text, { family: this.m_defaultSettings.fontFamily, size: this.m_defaultSettings.cellFontSize }, t.textColor, t.isTitle ? 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Value: " + t.value) }, c.prototype.__buttonPressed = function(e, t) { this.m_commandExecutor.send({ requestType: Server.requestTypes.playbacks_userInput, cmdline: this.m_commandLine.getText(), execIndex: t.execIndex, pageIndex: this.pagesNavigationBar.getPagesData().index, buttonId: t.buttonId, pressed: t.pressed || !1, released: t.released || !1, type: 0 }), log("Button " + t.buttonId + "." + t.execIndex + " pressed") }, c.prototype.__pageSizeChanged = function(e, t) { if (isDot2()) { var a = t.pageSize; t.pageSize = []; for (var s = this.pagesNavigationBar.getMode().itemsType.length, o = 0; s > o; o++) t.pageSize.push(a) } this.pagesNavigationBar.getMode().itemsStep = t.pageSize, this.pagesNavigationBar.setParameters(this.pageNavigationModel, !this.__pageInitialized), this.model && this.window && this.window.setModel(this.model) }, c.prototype.__requestData = function() { this.m_commandExecutor.send(this.getPayloadObject()) }, c.prototype.__dataResponseReady = function(e) { if (!e || e.responseType != Server.requestTypes.playbacks) return !1; 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d.events = { onPageSizeChanged: "onPageSizeChanged" }, d.prototype.init = function() { this.onResize_context || (this.onResize_context = this.onResize ? this.onResize.bind(this) : Function.constructor, generic.globs.$window.on("resize", this.onResize_context)) }, d.prototype.setParent = function(e) { this.parent = e }, d.prototype.setModel = function(e) { this.model = e }, d.prototype.onResize = Function.constructor, d.prototype.dispose = function() { generic.globs.$window.off("resize", this.onResize_context), this.onResize_context = null }; var c = React.createClass({ displayName: "ButtonComponent", getInitialState: function() { return this.itemData = {}, { data: this.props.data } }, initialized: !1, shouldComponentUpdate: function(t, a) { if (!this.initialized) return this.initialized = !0, !0; var s = e(this.props.data, "s", t.data) || e(this.props.data, "t", t.data) || e(this.props.data, "bdC", t.data) || e(this.props.data, "c", t.data); return s }, render: function() { var e = "exec-button"; 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e.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.buttonPressed), e.addEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.buttonPressed) }, componentWillUnmount: function() { var e = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.item); e.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchDown, this.buttonPressed), e.removeEventListener(Touch.maTouchUp, this.buttonPressed) }, buttonPressed: function(e) { a.trigger({ type: s.EXEC_BUTTON_ACTION, data: { execIndex: this.props.execIndex, buttonId: this.props.buttonId, pressed: e.type == Touch.maTouchDown, released: e.type == Touch.maTouchUp } }) }, componentDidUpdate: function() { var e = this.itemData, a = this.leftLEDData, s = this.rightLEDData; if (isDot2()) { var o = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.item); t(this.props.data, "c", e, "color") && "#FFFF00" == e.color && (o.style.backgroundColor = "#808080") } else { var o = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.item); t(this.props.data, "bdC", e, "borderColor") && (o.style.borderColor = e.borderColor), t(this.props.data, "c", e, "color") && (o.style.color = e.color); 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(e = this.props.data.t ? this.props.data.t : "", e = -1 != e.search("%") ? "" : e.trim()) : e = this.props.data ? this.props.data.t : "", isDot2() ? 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"#707039" : "#38381C" : "#C0C0C0" == e.borderColor ? e.borderColor = this.props.data.isRun ? "#567701" : "#2B3B00" : "#E8A901" == e.borderColor ? e.borderColor = this.props.data.isRun ? "#775601" : "#3B2B00" : "#80FFFF" == e.borderColor && (e.borderColor = this.props.data.isRun ? 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React.createElement("div", { className: "executor-block" }, React.createElement(l, { data: this.props.data.button1, execIndex: this.props.data.iExec, buttonId: 0 })) : React.createElement("div", { className: "executor-block" }, e) } }), f = React.createClass({ displayName: "SectionComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { data: this.props.data } }, render: function() { var e = this.props.data.iExec, t = [React.createElement(u, { data: this.props.data, viewMode: this.props.viewMode, execButtonViewMode: this.props.execButtonViewMode, execIndex: e, buttonId: 0, commandLine: this.props.commandLine })], a = []; if (this.props.data.executorBlocks) { for (var s = 0; s < this.props.data.combinedItems; s++) { var o = this.props.data.executorBlocks ? this.props.data.executorBlocks[s] : null; o.iExec = e + s, a.push(React.createElement(g, { key: s, data: o, viewMode: this.props.viewMode })) } t.push(React.createElement("div", { className: "executor-blocks" }, a)) } return React.createElement("div", { className: "playbacks_item-block_section", "data-colspan": this.props.data.combinedItems || 1 }, t) } }), v = React.createClass({ displayName: "BlockComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { data: this.props.data } }, render: function() { var e = []; if (this.props.data) for (var t = 0; t < this.props.data.length; t++) { var a = this.props.data[t]; isDot2() ? 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a = this.state.data : this.props.data && (a = this.props.data), a) { var t = a ? a.tt : null, s = a ? a.itemGroups : null; if (s) for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (s[i] && s[i].items && s[i].items.length && 2 == s[i].itemsType) { var n = s[i].items; isDot2() && this.childsWidthSet && this.childsCount != n.length && (this.childsWidthSet = !1); for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var d = n[r]; isDot2() ? e.unshift(React.createElement(v, { key: r, data: d, viewMode: o.faders, execButtonViewMode: this.props.execButtonViewMode, commandLine: this.props.commandLine })) : e.push(React.createElement(v, { key: r, data: d, viewMode: o.faders, execButtonViewMode: this.props.execButtonViewMode, commandLine: this.props.commandLine })) } var c = n[0] && n[0][0] && n[0][0].i ? n[0][0].i.t : "?", l = n[n.length - 1], p = l ? l[l.length - 1] : null, h = p && p.i ? p.i.t : c; isDot2() || (t = "Fader " + a.iPage, a.tt && (t += ' - "' + a.tt + '"'), t += " (" + c + "..." + h + ")") } } return React.createElement("div", { className: "playbacks_faders" }, React.createElement(E, { title: t }), React.createElement("div", { className: "playbacks_faders-row" }, e)) } }), y = React.createClass({ displayName: "ButtonsPageComponent", getInitialState: function() { return { data: this.props.data } }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (isDot2() && !this.childsWidthSet) { var e = this.getDOMNode(); if (e && e.childNodes[1] && e.childNodes[1].childNodes.length > 0) { for (var t = e.childNodes[1].childNodes, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { var s = t[a].childNodes, o = s.length; this.childsCount = o; for (var i = 0; o > i; i++) s[i].style.maxWidth = 100 / o + "%" } this.childsWidthSet = !0 } } }, render: function() { var e = [], t = "", a = null; if (this.state.data ? a = this.state.data : this.props.data && (a = this.props.data), a) { var s = a ? a.itemGroups : null; if (s) for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (s[i] && s[i].items && s[i].items.length && 3 == s[i].itemsType) { var n = s[i].items, r = (a.layout ? a.layout.rowSize : 0) || 1; isDot2() && (r > n.length && (r = n.length), this.childsWidthSet && this.childsCount != n.length && (this.childsWidthSet = !1)); for (var d = n.length / r, c = 0; d > c; c++) { for (var l = [], p = 0; r > p; p++) { var h = c * r + p; isDot2() ? l.unshift(React.createElement(v, { key: h, data: n[h], viewMode: o.buttons, execButtonViewMode: this.props.execButtonViewMode, commandLine: this.props.commandLine })) : l.push(React.createElement(v, { key: h, data: n[h], viewMode: o.buttons, execButtonViewMode: this.props.execButtonViewMode, commandLine: this.props.commandLine })) } e.push(isDot2() ? 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