

Robilem dzis formata, i nie zdazylem jeszcze zainstalowac Delphi, a musze cos sprawdzic na jutro. Jak ktos moglby mi powiedziec jak sprawdzic jakie funkcje i procedury sa DLL'ku za pomoca TDump'a to bede wdzieczny.


Za pomocą tego programu możesz odczytać listę importów, eksportów i dużo więcej, dla wybranego dll-a, bpl-a, exe-a...

A propos TDump-a:
tdump.exe /?


Tylko mowie ze nie nie mam Delphi. Plytke zostawilem u kolegi, a na jutro porzebujego tego parametru TDump'a


tdump.exe /? (z Delphi 7):

[code]Turbo Dump Version Copyright (c) 1988, 2000 Inprise Corporation
Syntax: TDUMP [options] [InputFile] [ListFile] [options]
-a Display file in 8-bit ASCII
-a7 Display file in 7-Bit ASCII
-b# Offset into file for display
-C Display COFF OBJ or LIB file
-d Display 32-bit debug info in OMF OBJ or LIB
-e Display file as Executable (EXE/DLL, DOS, Win16, OS/2, PE)
-eiID Include only .EXE table ID (HDR, OBJ, FIX, NAM, ENT)
-ee[=x] List Exports only from EXE/DLL (opt. x lists matches only)
-em[=x] List Imports only from EXE/DLL (opt. x lists matches only)
-em.[x] List Imported modules only from EXE/DLL (opt. search string)
-ed Disable EXE debug info
-el Disable EXE line numbers
-ep Disable EXE PE header display
-er Disable EXE relocation records
-ea[:v] Display All Exports unsorted, or (:v) sort by RVA
(default dumps only named exports, sorting on the name)
-ex Disable New Executable display
-h Display file in hexadecimal
-iID Include debug table(s) "ID" (ID=[?/abc...rst])
-xID Exclude debug table(s) "ID" (ID=[?/abc...rst])
-l Display file as an OMF Library (.LIB)
-le[=x] Display EXPDEF comment records (opt. x lists matches only)
-li[=x] Display IMPDEF comment records (opt. x lists matches only)
-m Disable C++ de-mangling
-o Display file as an OMF Object (.OBJ)
-oc Do OMF CRC check
-oiID Include OMF record "ID" (ID=? for a list of record names)
-oxID Exclude OMF record "ID" (ID=? for a list of record names)
-q Suppress copyright message
-r Raw dump of records
-R Display PE relocation table
-s[xx] Display viewable strings. Optional xx can be:
# - minimum string length to look for (default: 4)
b# - Beginning file offset (-b# is the same as -sb#)
e# - Ending file offset
f - Format (wrap) long strings
s - Search string with case sensitivity (default: no)
u - unix format: no offset (else decimal offs., -h for hex)
=x - x = search string
-um Unmangled & display mangled names in input file (1 per line)
-v Verbose dump of some OMF and COFF records

TDUMP can read its input from stdin by redirecting or piping.
TDUMP will display the following file types & information:
DOS Executable files, New Executable files, Linear eXecutable files,
Portable Executable files (EXE/DLL/BPL), OMF files (.OBJ & .LIB)
COFF files (.OBJ & .LIB)
Borland & Microsoft symbolic debug information[/code]

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