Dwa monitory a pozycja formatki



Formatki tworzone są dynamicznie w DLLach.
Na wszystkich formatkach ustawione jest DefaultMonitor.dmActiveForm
oraz Position.poDesktopCenter.
Oczywiście takie ustawienie powoduje, że w przypadku dwóch monitorów wszystkie formatki wyświetlane są po połowie na każdym z monitorów.

Które z własności, umożliwiają wyświetlanie kolejnych formatek centralnie w stosunku do formatki wywołującej?

Przestawiając DefaultMonitor oraz Poisition na wszelkie sposoby nie mam możliwości uzyskania ww efektu.

Zwracam uwagę, że w DLLu nie ma Form_Main :-(
Ustalanie dla każdej formatki Top i Left odpada.



Represents the size and placement of the form.

Delphi syntax:

type TPosition = (poDesigned, poDefault, poDefaultPosOnly, poDefaultSizeOnly, poScreenCenter, poDesktopCenter, poMainFormCenter, poOwnerFormCenter);

C++ syntax:

enum TPosition { poDesigned, poDefault, poDefaultPosOnly, poDefaultSizeOnly, poScreenCenter, poDesktopCenter, poMainFormCenter, poOwnerFormCenter };

Delphi syntax:

property Position: TPosition;

C++ syntax:

__property TPosition Position = {read=FPosition, write=SetPosition, stored=IsForm, default=poDesigned};


Use Position to get or set the size and placement of the form. Position can have one of the following TPosition values:

Value Meaning

poDesigned The form appears positioned on the screen and with the same height and width as it had at design time.
poDefault The form appears in a position on the screen and with a height and width determined by the operating system. Each time you run the application, the form moves slightly down and to the right. The right side of the form is always near the far right side of the screen, and the bottom of the form is always near the bottom of the screen, regardless of the screen's resolution.

poDefaultPosOnly The form displays with the size you created it at design time, but the operating system chooses its position on the screen. Each time you run the application, the form moves slightly down and to the right. When the form can no longer move down and to the right and keep the same size while remaining entirely visible on the screen, the form displays at the top-left corner of the screen.
poDefaultSizeOnly The form appears in the position you left it at design time, but the operating system chooses its size. The right side of the form is always near the far right side of the screen, and the bottom of the form is always near the bottom of the screen, regardless of the screen's resolution.

poScreenCenter The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the screen. In multi-monitor applications, the form may be moved from this center position so that it falls entirely on one monitor, as specified by the DefaultMonitor property.
poDesktopCenter The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the screen. No adjustments are made for multi-monitor applications.
poMainFormCenter The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the application’s main form. No adjustments are made for multi-monitor applications. This position should only be used with secondary forms. If set for a main form, it acts like poScreenCenter.

poOwnerFormCenter The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the form specified by the Owner property. If the Owner property does not specify a form, this position acts like poMainFormCenter.



Przecież napisałem:

Przestawiając DefaultMonitor oraz Poisition na wszelkie sposoby nie mam możliwości uzyskania ww efektu.

Przy dwóch monitorach koleje formatki wyświetlaną się odpowiednio do ustawionegych DefaultMonitor oraz Poisition ale nigdy w stosunku do formy wywołującej :-(

Zapomniałem dodać: program wywołujący po uruchomieniu przesuwam na monitor #2 i chciałbym aby wszystkie następne formy też się tam wyświetlały.


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