Problem z THGG


Mam problem z Komponentem THGG zainstalowałem Indy.... i Pojawiły się następne errory ;/

Oto ich treść

[Error] HGG.pas(300): Cannot override a static method
[Error] HGG.pas(798): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(822): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(835): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(905): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(930): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(945): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(984): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadInteger'
[Error] HGG.pas(985): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadInteger'
[Error] HGG.pas(991): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadInteger'
[Error] HGG.pas(1015): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1020): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1025): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1030): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1037): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1041): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1050): Undeclared identifier: 'ReadBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1220): Declaration of 'Create' differs from previous declaration
[Error] HGG.pas(1222): This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types
[Error] HGG.pas(1223): Undeclared identifier: 'FUsers'
[Error] HGG.pas(1224): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1225): Undeclared identifier: 'PingHandler'
[Error] HGG.pas(1226): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1227): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1228): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1228): Undeclared identifier: 'DoPing'
[Error] HGG.pas(1229): Undeclared identifier: 'DelayHandler'
[Error] HGG.pas(1230): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1231): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1232): Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] HGG.pas(1232): Undeclared identifier: 'DoDelay'
[Error] HGG.pas(1233): Undeclared identifier: 'FHost'
[Error] HGG.pas(1234): Undeclared identifier: 'FPort'
[Error] HGG.pas(1235): Undeclared identifier: 'PubDirNextGGNumber'
[Error] HGG.pas(1273): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1306): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1348): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1444): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1457): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Error] HGG.pas(1492): Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBuffer'
[Hint] HGG.pas(287): Private symbol 'DoPing' declared but never used
[Hint] HGG.pas(288): Private symbol 'DoDelay' declared but never used
[Fatal Error] dclusr.dpk(38): Could not compile used unit 'HGG.pas'


A skad go masz...? sciagnij z 4programmers . Prawdopodobnie masz zły kod komponentu. Jesli cos to u mnie instalowanie indy i thgg to poszlo bez ort!
kłopotów. I jaki <ort>kompilator</ort> masz? delphi 7?


Mam Delphi 7 Personal

I używam THGG z Downloadu 4programmers


złe indy musiałeś zainstalować albo coś zmieniałeś w kodzie

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