Tyci błądek...


Mały błądek... wyskakuje podczas linkowania (Visual C++ 7 for .Net). Ma treść:
Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referencet in function _mainCRTStartup
Fatal Error 1120: 1 unresolved externals

Kodzio wtgląda tak:

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <gl/glu.h>
#using <mscorlib.dll>

typedef struct
	int ident;
	int version;
	int skinwidth;
	int skinheight;
	int framesize;
	int numSkins;
	int numXYZ;
	int numST;
	int numTris;
	int numGLcmds;
	int numFrames;
	int offsetSkins;
	int offsetST;
	int	offsetTris;
	int offsetFrames;
	int offsetGLcmds;
	int offsetEnd;
} modelHeader_t;

typedef struct
	float point[3];
} vector_t;

vector_t operator-(vector_t a, vector_t b)
	vector_t c;

	c.point[0] = a.point[0] - b.point[0];
	c.point[1] = a.point[1] - b.point[1];
	c.point[2] = a.point[2] - b.point[2];

	return c;

vector_t operator*(float f, vector_t b)
	vector_t c;

	c.point[0] = f * b.point[0];
	c.point[1] = f * b.point[1];
	c.point[2] = f * b.point[2];

	return c;

vector_t operator/(vector_t a, vector_t b)
	vector_t c;

	c.point[0] = a.point[0] / b.point[0];
	c.point[1] = a.point[1] / b.point[1];
	c.point[2] = a.point[0] / b.point[2];

	return c;

vector_t operator+(vector_t a, vector_t b)
	vector_t c;

	c.point[0] = a.point[0] + b.point[0];
	c.point[1] = a.point[1] + b.point[1];
	c.point[2] = a.point[0] + b.point[2];

	return c;

typedef struct
	float s;
	float t;
} texCoord_t;

typedef struct
	short s;
	short t;
} stIndex_t;

typedef struct
	unsigned char v[3];
	unsigned char normalIndex;
} framePoint_t;

typedef struct
	float scale[3];
	float translate[3];
	char name[16];
	framePoint_t fp[1];
} frame_t;

typedef struct
	unsigned short meshIndex[3];
	unsigned short stIndex[3];
} mesh_t;
class Tang
	float speed;
	float X;
	float Y;
	float Z;
	void Shoot();
	void LoadFromMD2();
	void Display();

Spodziewam się, że nie dołączyłem biblioteki .lib. ALE JAKIEJ?! JAKI TO PLIK!



// a swoją droga to jak chcesz skompilować program jesli masz zadeklarowane wywołanie, a nie masz samego ciała funkcji?

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