[Problem] Kompilacja kodu


Wywala mi takie errory:

1>  Main.cpp
1>  CCommandLine.cpp
1>  CDebug.cpp
1>  CExceptionHandler.cpp
1>  CLog.cpp
1>  CUtils.cpp
1>  Input.cpp
1>  StdInc.cpp
1>  CChatbox.cpp
1>CChatbox.cpp(22): error C2660: 'D3DXCreateFont' : function does not take 12 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(66): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(69): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(72): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(75): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(78): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(81): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(84): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(87): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(90): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(93): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(97): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(104): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(107): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(110): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(113): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(116): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CChatbox.cpp(175): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>  CGraphic.cpp
1>CGraphic.cpp(30): error C2660: 'D3DXCreateFont' : function does not take 12 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(55): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(61): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(83): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(87): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(94): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(97): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(101): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(104): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(108): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(111): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(122): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(126): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(130): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(133): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(137): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(140): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(149): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(152): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(155): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(158): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(161): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(164): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(196): error C2065: 'D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND' : undeclared identifier
1>CGraphic.cpp(196): error C2065: 'D3DXSPRITE_SORT_TEXTURE' : undeclared identifier
1>CGraphic.cpp(196): error C2660: 'ID3DXSprite::Begin' : function does not take 1 arguments
1>CGraphic.cpp(199): error C3861: 'D3DXMatrixTransformation2D': identifier not found
1>CGraphic.cpp(201): error C2039: 'SetTransform' : is not a member of 'ID3DXSprite'
1>          c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\include\d3dx9core.h(213) : see declaration of 'ID3DXSprite'
1>CGraphic.cpp(202): error C2660: 'ID3DXSprite::Draw' : function does not take 5 arguments
1>  CStatsGraph.cpp
1>CStatsGraph.cpp(19): error C2660: 'D3DXCreateFont' : function does not take 12 arguments
1>CStatsGraph.cpp(41): error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextA' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>  CGUI.cpp
1>CGUI.cpp(128): error C3861: 'D3DXMatrixTransformation2D': identifier not found
1>CGUI.cpp(130): error C2039: 'SetTransform' : is not a member of 'ID3DXSprite'
1>          c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\include\d3dx9core.h(213) : see declaration of 'ID3DXSprite'
1>CGUI.cpp(134): error C2065: 'D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND' : undeclared identifier
1>CGUI.cpp(135): error C2660: 'ID3DXSprite::Draw' : function does not take 5 arguments
1>  CETSCamera.cpp
1>CETSCamera.cpp(25): error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'ETSCamera' to 'ETSCamera *'
1>          No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called

No, trzeba poprawić te błędy, żeby aplikacja się skompilowała.

Generalnie (po chwili googlowania) problem jest taki, że wziąłeś przykład, którzy korzysta ze starszej wersji API DirectX 9 niż masz w systemie.


Ogólnie to jestem zielony, jeśli mógłby mi ktoś wytłumaczyć jak to naprawić byłbym wdzięczny.


Naucz się pisać w C++, to będziesz w stanie naprawić kod.
Poza tym, póki nam go nie pokażesz nie usłyszysz innych odpowiedzi, niżeli "Musisz poprawić kod".



#include "StdInc.h"

extern CClient * g_pClient;

CChatbox::CChatbox(IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3DDevice)
	m_pD3DDevice = pD3DDevice;
	m_pCommand   = NULL;

	for(int x = 0; x != 10; x++)
		//memset(szLine[x], 0, 256);
		m_pLines[x] = new SChatLine;
		memset(m_pLines[x]->szMessage, 0, 256);

	szInputBuffer[0] = '\0';

	// Set default varibles.
	m_bShowed = true;
	m_bTypping = false;

	// Create command instance.
	m_pCommand = new CCommand();

	// Ustawianie domyślnej pozycji.
	RECT rect;
	GetWindowRect(g_pClient->GetGameWindow(), &rect);
	SetPosition(5.0f, (float)(rect.bottom-210.0f));

CChatbox::~CChatbox ()

	for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++)

void CChatbox::DrawLine(int i, float fX, float fY)
	if(!m_pLines[i]) return;

	RECT rct = { 0 };
	if(m_pLines[i]->iType == TYPE_MESSAGE)
		//Rysowanie wiadomości
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX+1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX-1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY+1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY-1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, m_pLines[i]->dwColor); 
	} else if (m_pLines[i]->iType == TYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE) {
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX+1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX-1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY+1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY-1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL,  m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, ((m_pLines[i]->dwPlayerColor >> 8) | 0xFF000000)); 

		//Obliczanie długości nicku.
        RECT rPosition;
        m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szNick, -1, &rPosition, DT_CALCRECT, 0xFF000000);
        float fDlugosc = (float)(rPosition.right - rPosition.left);

		fX += fDlugosc+3.0f;

		//Rysowanie wiadomości
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX+1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 
		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX-1, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY+1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY-1, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, 0xFF000000); 

		SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY, 0, 0);
		m_Font->DrawText(NULL, m_pLines[i]->szMessage, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, m_pLines[i]->dwColor);

void CChatbox::Render()
	if(m_bShowed && m_Font)
		RECT rct = { 0 };
		float fX = m_fX;
		float fY = m_fY;

		//Rysowanie lini czatu.
		for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
			DrawLine(i, fX, fY);
			fY += 18.0f;

			// Add some pixels for input box.
			fY += 2.0f; 
			// Define input text.

			CString szType;
			szType.Format("%s%s_", SAY_PERFIX, szInputBuffer);

			// Add some for input label.
			//fY += 2.0f;

			// Draw input background.
			float fWidth = 700.0f, fHeight = 20.0f;
			float fPad = 2.0f;
			g_pClient->GetGraphic()->DrawRectangle(fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, 0xF8000000);
			g_pClient->GetGraphic()->DrawRectangle(fX + (fPad), fY + (fPad), (fWidth - (fPad*2)), (fHeight - (fPad*2)), 0x3CC0C0C0);

			fX += 4.0f;
			fY += 1.0f;
			/* Draw input shadow.
			SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX+1, (LONG)fY, (LONG)fX, 0);
			m_Font->DrawText(NULL, szType.Get(), -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); 

			// Draw input shadow.
			SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX-1, (LONG)fY, (LONG)fX, 0);
			m_Font->DrawText(NULL, szType.Get(), -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); 

			// Draw input shadow.
			SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY+1, (LONG)fX, 0);
			m_Font->DrawText(NULL, szType.Get(), -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); 

			// Draw input shadow.
			SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY-1, (LONG)fX, 0);
			m_Font->DrawText(NULL, szType.Get(), -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); */

			// Draw input
			SetRect(&rct, (LONG)fX, (LONG)fY, (LONG)fX, 0);
			m_Font->DrawText(NULL, szType.Get(), -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255)); 

void CChatbox::OnLostDevice()

void CChatbox::OnResetDevice()

void CChatbox::AddDebugMessage(const char* szString, ...)
	char szBuffer[2048];
	va_list v_Args;
	va_start(v_Args, szString);
	vsnprintf ( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szString, v_Args );
	AddChatMessage(szBuffer, 0xC0C0C0FF);

void CChatbox::AddChatMessage(const char* szString, DWORD dwColor)
	dwColor = (dwColor >> 8) | 0xFF000000;

	for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i ++ )
		m_pLines[i]->dwColor = m_pLines[i+1]->dwColor;
		m_pLines[i]->dwPlayerColor = m_pLines[i+1]->dwPlayerColor;
		m_pLines[i]->iType = m_pLines[i+1]->iType;
		strcpy(m_pLines[i]->szMessage, m_pLines[i+1]->szMessage);
		strcpy(m_pLines[i]->szNick, m_pLines[i+1]->szNick);

	strcpy(m_pLines[9]->szMessage, szString);
	m_pLines[9]->dwColor = dwColor;
	m_pLines[9]->iType = TYPE_MESSAGE;

	CLog::Printf("(Chat) %s", szString);

void CChatbox::AddPlayerMessage(int iPlayerId, const char *szString)
	//dwColor = (dwColor >> 8) | 0xFF000000;

	for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i ++ )
		m_pLines[i]->dwColor = m_pLines[i+1]->dwColor;
		m_pLines[i]->dwPlayerColor = m_pLines[i+1]->dwPlayerColor;
		m_pLines[i]->iType = m_pLines[i+1]->iType;
		strcpy(m_pLines[i]->szMessage, m_pLines[i+1]->szMessage);
		strcpy(m_pLines[i]->szNick, m_pLines[i+1]->szNick);

	CPlayer *pPlayer = g_pClient->GetNetworkManager()->GetPlayerManager()->GetAt(iPlayerId);

		strcpy(m_pLines[9]->szNick, CString("%s: ", pPlayer->GetName().Get()));
		m_pLines[9]->dwPlayerColor = pPlayer->GetColor();
	} else {
		strcpy(m_pLines[9]->szNick, CString("%s: ", g_pClient->GetNetworkManager()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetName().Get()));
		m_pLines[9]->dwPlayerColor = g_pClient->GetNetworkManager()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetColor();

	strcpy(m_pLines[9]->szMessage, szString);
	m_pLines[9]->dwColor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	m_pLines[9]->iType = TYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE;

	CLog::Printf("(Chat %d) %s: %s", iPlayerId, m_pLines[9]->szNick, szString);

void CChatbox::AddChar(unsigned char ucChar)
	if(!m_bTypping) return;
	if(ucChar < ' ') return;
	int iCurBufferLen = strlen(szInputBuffer);
	if(iCurBufferLen < MAX_INPUT) 
		szInputBuffer[iCurBufferLen] = ucChar;
		szInputBuffer[iCurBufferLen+1] = '\0';

void CChatbox::ProcessInput()
		if(strlen(szInputBuffer) > 0)
			if(szInputBuffer[0] == '/')
				// Proces komendy do CCommand
				if ( !m_pCommand->ProcessCommand ( szInputBuffer ) )
						RakNet::BitStream bitStream;
						bitStream.Write(szInputBuffer, 256);
						g_pClient->GetNetworkManager()->Call("Player_Command", &bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY,RELIABLE, 0, TRUE);
			} else {
					RakNet::BitStream bitStream;
					bitStream.Write(szInputBuffer, 256);
					g_pClient->GetNetworkManager()->Call("Player_Chat", &bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY,RELIABLE, 0, TRUE);				
				} else {
					AddDebugMessage("Nie jesteś podłaczony/podłączona do żadnego serwera!");

		szInputBuffer[0] = '\0';

void CChatbox::BackSpace()

	int iCurBufferLen = strlen(szInputBuffer);
	if(iCurBufferLen > 0) {
		szInputBuffer[iCurBufferLen - 1] = '\0';

void CChatbox::Disable()
	m_bTypping = false;

void CChatbox::Enable()
	m_iInputLines = 1;
	m_bTypping = true;

Zostały mi już tylko te errory:
1> CGraphic.cpp
1>CGraphic.cpp(200): error C3861: 'D3DXMatrixTransformation2D': identifier not found
1> CGUI.cpp
1>CGUI.cpp(128): error C3861: 'D3DXMatrixTransformation2D': identifier not found
1> CETSCamera.cpp
1>CETSCamera.cpp(25): error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'ETSCamera' to 'ETSCamera *'
1> No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called


void CGraphic::DrawRectangle ( float fX, float fY, float fWidth, float fHeight, unsigned long ulColor )

    D3DXMATRIX matrix;
    D3DXMatrixTransformation2D(&matrix, NULL, 0.0f, &D3DXVECTOR2(fWidth, fHeight), NULL, 0.0f, &D3DXVECTOR2(fX, fY));

    m_pDXSprite->Draw(m_pDXPixelTexture, NULL, NULL, NULL, ulColor);


void CTexture::Draw ( )
	if ( m_bShowed )
		D3DXVECTOR2 vTransformation = D3DXVECTOR2( m_fX, m_fY );

		D3DXVECTOR2 vScaling( ( 1.0f ), ( 1.0f ) );
		/*if(m_fWidth >= 0 && m_TexDesc.Width > 0) vScaling.x = vScaling.x*m_fWidth/m_TexDesc.Width;
		if(m_fHeight >= 0 && m_TexDesc.Height > 0) vScaling.y = vScaling.y*m_fHeight/m_TexDesc.Height;*/

		if(m_fWidth >= 0.0f && m_TexDesc.Width > 0) vScaling.x = vScaling.x*m_fWidth/m_TexDesc.Width;
		if(m_fHeight >= 0.0f && m_TexDesc.Height > 0) vScaling.y = vScaling.y*m_fHeight/m_TexDesc.Height;

		D3DXMATRIX mainMatrix;
		D3DXMatrixTransformation2D( &mainMatrix, 0, 0, &vScaling, 0, 0, &vTransformation );

		m_pSprite->SetTransform( &mainMatrix );

		DWORD dwColor = D3DCOLOR_ARGB ( m_iAlpha, 255, 255, 255 );

		m_pSprite->Begin( D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND );
		m_pSprite->Draw( m_pTexture, 0, 0, 0, dwColor );


m_camera = *(ETSCamera *)(0x614CA8);
  1. Znajdź plik w którym masz D3DXMatrixTransformation2D.
  2. Zamiast m_camera = *(ETSCamera *)(0x614CA8); to m_camera = (ETSCamera *)(0x614CA8);

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