[c++] Wartości własne macierzy


Witam serdecznie

Musze napisać program wyznaczający wartości własne macierzy. Znalazłem przykład,który podobno oblicza wartości i wektory własne, ale nie jestem w stanie go odpalić, ponieważ pokazuje mi pewne błędy, których niestety z moją "wiedzą" (raczej niewiedzą) z c++ nie jestem w stanie naprawić. Program składa sie z 4 plików (1 cpp główny, drugi cpp z definicją funkcji jacobiego która oblicza te wartości, oraz z dwóch plików o rozszerzeniu.h ,które nie wiem co robią, bo sie nie znam na tym :/ )

Problem polega na tym ze podczas kompilacji dostaję ostrzeżenie:

[C++ Warning] ujacobi.cpp(20): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: code in header

UJACOBI.cpp to plik zawierajacy definicje funkcji jacobiego

a przy próbie odpalenia programu wyskakuje mi:

[Linker Error] Unresolved external 'vminit()' referenced from D:\DOKUMENTY\STUDIA DOC\PSM\ZALICZENIE\TUJACOBI.OBJ
[Linker Error] Unresolved external 'vmalloc(void *, int, unsigned int, unsigned int)' referenced from D:\DOKUMENTY\STUDIA DOC\PSM\ZALICZENIE\TUJACOBI.OBJ
[Linker Error] Unresolved external 'vmfree(void *)' referenced from D:\DOKUMENTY\STUDIA DOC\PSM\ZALICZENIE\TUJACOBI.OBJ

TUJACOBI.cpp to plik głowny

pracuje w Builderze 6

Poniżej podam kody tych wszystkich plików.

Byłbym wdzięczny gdyby ktoś pomógł mi rozszyfrować te błędy, ponieważ jest to moja pierwsza styczność z programem składającym sie z wielu plików, więc pewnie popełniam jakiś głupi błąd. :|
Niestety na zajęciach robiliśmy proste programiki liczące pierwiastki funkcji kwadratowej, a na zaliczenie dostalem takie cudo. [glowa]


*        Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric            *
*                square matrix by JACOBI'S METHOD                    *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
*   Uses function Jacobi of module ujacobi.cpp.                      *
*                                                                    *
*                                       C++ version by J-P Moreau    *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* SAMPLE RUN:                                                        *
* Input file (elpro4.dat):                                           *
*                                                                    *
*  4                                                                 *
*   4 -2 -1  0                                                       *
*      4  0 -1                                                       *
*         4 -2                                                       *
*            4                                                       *
*                                                                    *
* Output file (elpro.lst):                                           *
*                                                                    *
* ---------------------------------------------------                *
*  Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real, symmetric                 *
*     square matrix by Jacobi's iterative method                     *
*             (with dynamic allocations)                             *
* ---------------------------------------------------                *
*                                                                    *
*  Dimension of matrix:     4                                        *
*                                                                    *
*  Symmetric matrix is:                                              *
*                                                                    *
*     4.000000    -2.000000    -1.000000     0.000000                *
*    -2.000000     4.000000     0.000000    -1.000000                *
*    -1.000000     0.000000     4.000000    -2.000000                *
*     0.000000    -1.000000    -2.000000     4.000000                *
*                                                                    *
*  Eigenvalues:                                                      *
*     7.00000000                                                     *
*     1.00000000                                                     *
*     3.00000000                                                     *
*     5.00000000                                                     *
*                                                                    *
*  Eigenvectors (in lines):                                          *
*     1.000000    -1.000000    -1.000000     1.000000                *
*     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000                *
*     1.000000     1.000000    -1.000000    -1.000000                *
*    -1.000000     1.000000    -1.000000     1.000000                *
*                                                                    *
*  Number of rotations:     25                                       *
* ---------------------------------------------------                *
*                                                                    *
Version with dynamic allocations (to link with files basis_r.cpp and
vmblock.cpp).                                                        */

#include "ujacobi.cpp"             //for function Jacobi()

void main()  {

  int dimen;                       // Dimension of square matrix
  int nrot;                        // Number of matrix rotations
  int  i,j;                        // loop variables
  double vmax;                     // normalization value

  REAL   **Mat;                    // given square symmetric matrix
  REAL   *Eigenvalues;             // eigenvalues solution vector
  REAL   **Eigenvectors;           // eigenvectors solution matrix

  FILE *fp1, *fp2;

  void *vmblock = NULL;

  // open input/output files
  fp1 =fopen("elpro4.dat","r");    // read mode
  fp2 =fopen("elpro.lst","w");     // write mode

  //read size of matrix from input file
  fscanf(fp1,"%d", &dimen);

  //allocate vector and matrices
  vmblock = vminit();
  Mat          = (REAL **) vmalloc(vmblock, MATRIX,  dimen+1, dimen+1);  
  Eigenvalues  = (REAL *)  vmalloc(vmblock, VEKTOR,  dimen+1, 0);
  Eigenvectors = (REAL **) vmalloc(vmblock, MATRIX,  dimen+1, dimen+1);

  //read data from input file
  for (i=1; i<=dimen; i++)         // read only upper half triangle
	for (j=i; j<=dimen; j++) {
      fscanf(fp1,"%lf", &Mat[i][j]);

  //print title and input matrix
  fprintf(fp2," Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real, symmetric\n");
  fprintf(fp2,"    square matrix by Jacobi's iterative method\n");
  fprintf(fp2,"             (with dynamic allocations)\n");
  fprintf(fp2," Dimension of matrix: %d\n\n", dimen);
  fprintf(fp2," Symmetric matrix is:\n");
  for (i=1; i<=dimen; i++) {
	for (j=1; j<=dimen; j++)  
      fprintf(fp2,"%10.6f", Mat[i][j]);


  //print results to output file
  fprintf(fp2,"\n\n Eigenvalues:\n");
  for (i=1; i<=dimen; i++)
    fprintf(fp2,"%14.8f\n", Eigenvalues[i]);
  fprintf(fp2,"\n\n Eigenvectors (in lines):\n");
  for (j=1; j<=dimen; j++) {
	for (i=2; i<=dimen; i++)
	  if(fabs(Eigenvectors[i][j])>fabs(vmax))  vmax=Eigenvectors[i][j];
    for (i=1; i<=dimen; i++)
      fprintf(fp2,"%10.6f", Eigenvectors[i][j]/vmax);
  fprintf(fp2,"\n\n Number of rotations: %d\n", nrot);
  printf("\n Program done.\n");
  printf(" Results in file elpro.lst.\n\n");



// end of file tujacobi.cpp


#include "basis.h"
#include "vmblock.h"

* This subroutine computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors *
* of a real symmetric square matrix A(N,N). On output, ele- *
* ments of A above the diagonal are destroyed. D(N) returns *
* the eigenvalues of matrix A. V(N,N) contains, on output,  *
* the eigenvectors of A by columns. THe normalization to    *
* unity is made by main program before printing results.    *
* NROT returns the number of Jacobi matrix rotations which  *
* were required.                                            *
* --------------------------------------------------------- *
* Ref.:"NUMERICAL RECIPES IN FORTRAN, Cambridge University  *
*       Press, 1986, chap. 11, pages 346-348" [BIBLI 08].   *
*                                                           *
*                         C++ version by J-P Moreau, Paris. *
void Jacobi(REAL **A,int N,REAL *D, REAL **V, int *NROT) {
REAL  *B, *Z;
double  c,g,h,s,sm,t,tau,theta,tresh;
int     i,j,ip,iq;

void *vmblock1 = NULL;

  //allocate vectors B, Z
  vmblock1 = vminit();
  B = (REAL *) vmalloc(vmblock1, VEKTOR,  100, 0);  
  Z = (REAL *) vmalloc(vmblock1, VEKTOR,  100, 0);

  for (ip=1; ip<=N; ip++) {  //initialize V to identity matrix
    for (iq=1; iq<=N; iq++)  V[ip][iq]=0; 
  for (ip=1; ip<=N; ip++) {
  for (i=1; i<=50; i++) {
    for (ip=1; ip<N; ip++)    //sum off-diagonal elements
      for (iq=ip+1; iq<=N; iq++)
	if (sm==0) {
      return;       //normal return
    if (i < 4)
    for (ip=1; ip<N; ip++) {
	  for (iq=ip+1; iq<=N; iq++) {
// after 4 sweeps, skip the rotation if the off-diagonal element is small
        if ((i > 4) && (fabs(D[ip])+g == fabs(D[ip])) && (fabs(D[iq])+g == fabs(D[iq])))
		else if (fabs(A[ip][iq]) > tresh) {
	      if (fabs(h)+g == fabs(h))
		  else {
	        if (theta < 0)  t=-t;
	      Z[ip] -= h;
	      Z[iq] += h;
	      D[ip] -= h;
	      D[iq] += h;
		  for (j=1; j<ip; j++) {
	        A[j][ip] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
	        A[j][iq] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
		  for (j=ip+1; j<iq; j++) {
	        A[ip][j] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
	        A[j][iq] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
		  for (j=iq+1; j<=N; j++) {
	        A[ip][j] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
		    A[iq][j] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
		  for (j=1; j<=N; j++) {
	        V[j][ip] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
	        V[j][iq] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
		} //end ((i.gt.4)...else if
      } // main iq loop
    } // main ip loop
    for (ip=1; ip<=N; ip++) {
      B[ip] += Z[ip];
  } //end of main i loop
  printf("\n 50 iterations !\n");
  return;  //too many iterations

// end of file ujacobi.cpp


// Header file of basis_r.cpp

*                                                                      *
* Basic functions: Declarations file (with types and macros)           *
* ----------------------------------------------------------           *
*                                                                      *
* Programming language: ANSI C                                         *
* Compiler:             Turbo C 2.0                                    *
* Computer:             IBM PS/2 70 with 80387                         *
* Author:               Juergen Dietel, Computer Center, RWTH Aachen   *
*                       [BIBLI 11].                                    *
* Date:                 9.30.1992                                      *
*                                                                      *

* Make preparations in case this declarations file is included more    *
* than once in a source code                                           *


* Include a few other declarations file here.                          *
* We include the standard declarations files here mainly so that only  *
* this file needs to be included in the C modules of the Numerical     *
* Library in order to have access to all standard names and variables. *
* Moreover modifications for nonstandard compilers may then be limited *
* to this file only.                                                   *

#ifdef __EMX__            /* emx 0.9b with GNU CC 2.7.2?              */
#if __GNUC__ == 2         /* To prevent a compiler crash in           */
#if __GNUC_MINOR__ == 7   /* `15\gax.c' while compiling with LDOUBLE, */
#define EMX09B            /* by defining the macro _WITH_UNDERSCORE   */
#define _WITH_UNDERSCORE  /* the special variants of the mathematical */
#define fabsl _fabsl      /* functions for `long double' in `math.h'  */
#define sqrtl _sqrtl      /* are activated and their use further      */
#define powl  _powl       /* below in shape of the macros FABS, SQRT, */
#define sinl  _sinl       /* ... is prepared here; which seems quite  */
#define cosl  _cosl       /* useful even without the affair with the  */
#define expl  _expl       /* crashing compiler.                       */
#define logl  _logl
#define atanl _atanl
#define acosl _acosl
#define coshl _coshl

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>     /*  for  fabs, sqrt, pow, exp, sin, cos, log,   */
                      /*       atan, acos                             */
#include <float.h>    /*  for  DBL_EPSILON, DBL_MAX */ 
#include <string.h>
#ifdef sun            /*  for  GNU CC under SunOS                     */
#include <unistd.h>   /*  for  SEEK_END                               */
#ifdef amigados       /*  for  GNU CC on an Amiga                     */
#include <unistd.h>   /*  for  SEEK_END                               */
#ifndef SEEK_END      /* SEEK_END not yet defined (such as for        */
                      /* GNU CC 2.1 for an i386 MS-DOS computer)?     */                            

* Predefine the desired precision for floating point arithmetic:       *
* If the macro FLOAT has been defined, we compute in single precision  *
* (data type float), for LDOUBLE we compute in maximal precision       *
* (data type long double), otherwise we use double precision (data type*
* double). LDOUBLE only adds precision on those compilers for which    *
* long double is different from double such as on Turbo C, but not on  *
* QuickC compilers for example.                                        *
* For input and output of floating numbers the macros LZS (length      *
* prefix for scanf()) and LZP (length prefix for printf()) should be   *
* used (obviously two different ones), since according to the ANSI C   *
* Standard the output of double values should be done without the      *
* length declaration "l" in contrast to the input where this "l" is    *
* needed.                                                              *
* NOTE:    If the compiler used does not know the macros FLT_MAX,      *
*          (which can usually be found in float.h), the user must      *
*          insert suitable values at the locations marked with !!!!.   *

#ifdef FLOAT                     /* single precision ? ...............*/

typedef float     REAL;          /* Standard floating point type float*/
typedef double    LONG_REAL;     /* more precise floating point type  */
/*.IX{LONG\unt REAL}*/

#ifdef FLT_EPSILON               /* ANSI C compiler ? ................*/
/*.IX{MACH\unt EPS}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MACH_EPS  mach_eps()     /* machine constant .................*/

#ifdef FLT_MAX_EXP               /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define MAX_EXP   FLT_MAX_EXP    /* Binary exponent of POSMAX ........*/
/*.IX{MAX\unt EXP}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MAX_EXP   128            /* make adjustments here !!!! .......*/

#ifdef FLT_MAX                   /* ANSI C compiler? ................ */
#define POSMAX    (REAL)FLT_MAX  /* largest floating point number ... */
/*.IX{POS\unt MAX}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? ........ */
#define POSMAX    1e38f          /* adjust here !!!! ................ */

#ifdef FLT_MIN                   /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define POSMIN    (REAL)FLT_MIN  /* smallest positive floating point  */
/*.IX{POS\unt MIN}*/
                                 /* number ...........................*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define POSMIN    posmin()

#define LZS       ""             /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* input of floating point numbers ..*/
#define LZP       ""             /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* output of floating point numbers .*/

#ifdef LDOUBLE                   /* maximal precision ? ..............*/

typedef long double  REAL;       /* Standard floating point type      */
                                 /* long double                       */
typedef long double  LONG_REAL;  /* "more precise" floating point type*/
/*.IX{LONG\unt REAL}*/

#ifdef LDBL_EPSILON              /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
/*.IX{MACH\unt EPS}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MACH_EPS  mach_eps()     /* machine constant .................*/

#ifdef LDBL_MAX_EXP              /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define MAX_EXP   LDBL_MAX_EXP   /* Binary exponent of POSMAX ........*/
/*.IX{MAX\unt EXP}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MAX_EXP   1023           /* adjust here !!!! .................*/

#ifdef LDBL_MAX                  /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define POSMAX    (REAL)LDBL_MAX /* largest floating point number ....*/
/*.IX{POS\unt MAX}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define POSMAX    1e100l         /* adjust here !!!! .................*/

#ifdef LDBL_MIN                  /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define POSMIN    (REAL)LDBL_MIN /* smallest positive floating point  */
/*.IX{POS\unt MIN}*/                /* number ...........................*/
#else                            /* not an  ANSI C compiler ? ........*/
#define POSMIN    posmin()

#define LZS       "L"            /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* input of floating point numbers ..*/
#define LZP       "L"            /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* output of floating point numbers .*/

#else                            /* double precision ? ...............*/

typedef double       REAL;       /* Standard floating point type      */
                                 /* double                            */
typedef long double  LONG_REAL;  /* more precise floating point type  */
/*.IX{LONG\unt REAL}*/

#ifdef DBL_EPSILON               /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
/*.IX{MACH\unt EPS}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MACH_EPS  mach_eps()     /* machine constant .................*/

#ifdef DBL_MAX_EXP               /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define MAX_EXP   DBL_MAX_EXP    /* Binary exponent of POSMAX ........*/
/*.IX{MAX\unt EXP}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define MAX_EXP   1023           /* adjust here !!!! .................*/

#ifdef DBL_MAX                   /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#define POSMAX    (REAL)DBL_MAX  /* largest floating point number ....*/
/*.IX{POS\unt MAX}*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define POSMAX    1e100          /* adjust here !!!! .................*/

#ifdef DBL_MIN                   /* ANSI C compiler? .................*/
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#if __BORLANDC__ <= 0x0200       /* Borland C++ 2.0 for DOS? .........*/
                                           /* because the value       */
#define POSMIN    2.2250738585072017E-308  /* 2.2250738585072014E-308 */
#else                                      /* from `float.h' is       */
                                           /* regarded as zero!       */
#define POSMIN    DBL_MIN        /* smallest positive floating point  */
#endif                           /* number ...........................*/
#define POSMIN    DBL_MIN        /* smallest positive floating point  */
/*.IX{POS\unt MIN}*/                /* number ...........................*/
#else                            /* not an ANSI C compiler ? .........*/
#define POSMIN    posmin()

#define LZS       "l"            /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* input of floating point numbers ..*/
#define LZP       ""             /* length prefix for formatted       */
                                 /* output of floating point numbers .*/

* declare several important data types                                 *

#undef boolean
#undef FALSE
#undef TRUE
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} boolean;

/* function pointer types for approximation in chapter 8 .............*/
typedef REAL (*ansatzfnk) (int i, REAL x);
typedef REAL (*approxfnk) (REAL c[], REAL x);
typedef void (*ableitfnk) (REAL x, REAL c[], REAL *d);

/* Type of function, which evaluates the right hand side of an .......*/
/* explicit ordinary differential equation  y' = f(x,y)        .......*/
typedef REAL (*dglfnk)(REAL x, REAL y);

/* Type of function, which evaluates the right hand side .............*/
/* of a system of differential equations  y' = f(x,y)    .............*/
typedef void (*dglsysfnk)(REAL x, REAL y[], REAL f[]);

/* Type of function, which computes the boundary value r(ya, yb) .....*/
/* of a two-point first order boundary value problem             .....*/
typedef void (*rndbedfnk)(REAL ya[], REAL yb[], REAL r[]);

/* enumeration type for classification of error codes that are  ......*/
/* returned from most of the functions that realize a numerical ......*/
/* method                                                       ......*/
typedef enum { KEIN_FEHLER, WARNUNG, UNBEKANNT, FATAL } fehler_t;
/*.IX{KEIN\unt FEHLER}*/
/*.IX{fehler\unt t}*/

typedef REAL abl_mat1[4][2];     /* used to evaluate splinefunctions  */
/*.IX{abl\unt mat1}*/
typedef REAL abl_mat2[6][2];     /* in spliwert ......................*/
/*.IX{abl\unt mat2}*/

typedef REAL mat4x4[4][4];       /* type for bicubic splines          */

 * Type declarations by Albert Becker                                 *

 /* Real functions ...................................................*/
 typedef REAL (* REALFCT)  (REAL);

 /* Real multi-dimensional functions .................................*/
 typedef int (* FNFCT)  (int, REAL [], REAL []);

 /* Functions for finding the Jacobi matrix ..........................*/
 typedef int (* JACOFCT)  (int, REAL [], REAL * []);

* define sevaral important macros                                      *
* NOTE:    Borland C++ offers floating point standard functions        *
*          suitable for long double type from version 3.0 on such as   *
*          expl() instead of exp(), sinl() instead of sin() etc. But   *
*          Borland C++ 3.0 does not seem to define a macro that lets   *
*          the user differentiate it from  Borland C++ 2.0 and below,  *
*          the user is forced to do so himself: If using Borland C++   *
*          3.0 and long double the user should define the macro BC3    *
*          before compiling. Only in this case will the new maximally  *
*          precise floating point functions be used.                   *

#define BASIS     2               /* Basis of number representation   */
#define EPSROOT   epsroot()       /* square root of MACH_EPS          */
#define EPSQUAD   epsquad()       /* square of MACH_EPS               */
#define MAXROOT   maxroot()       /* square root of the largest       */
                                  /* floating point number            */
#ifndef PI
#define PI        pi()            /* pi = 3.14...                     */
#define EXP_1     exp_1()         /* e = 2.71...                      */
/*.IX{EXP\unt 1}*/

#define ZERO      (REAL)0.0       /* declare names for recurring      */
#define ONE       (REAL)1.0       /* floating point numbers           */
#define TWO       (REAL)2.0
#define THREE     (REAL)3.0
#define FOUR      (REAL)4.0
#define FIVE      (REAL)5.0
#define SIX       (REAL)6.0
#define EIGHT     (REAL)8.0
#define NINE      (REAL)9.0
#define TEN       (REAL)10.0
#define HALF      (REAL)0.5

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#if __BORLANDC__ >= 0x0400          /* a BC distinguishable from BC2  */
                                    /* and with long double functions */
                                    /* (at least Borland C++ 3.1 or   */
                                    /* Borland C++ 1.00 for OS/2)?    */
#define BC3                         /* define `BC3' automatically     */

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER     >= 0x0258          /* a MC distinguishable from QC2  */
                                    /* and with long double functions */
                                    /* (at least Microsoft C 6.00A)?  */
#define MC6                         /* define MC6 automatically       */

#if defined(LDOUBLE) &&                     /* Borland C++ 3.0 or    */\
    (defined(BC3) || defined(MC6) ||        /* Microsoft C 6.0 or    */\
     defined(EMX09B))                       /* emx 0.9b (GCC272) with */
                                            /* maximal precision?     */
#define FABS(x)    fabsl((x))               /* use the long double    */
#define SQRT(x)    sqrtl((x))               /* versions of the basic  */
#define POW(x, y)  powl((x), (y))           /* floating point         */
#define SIN(x)     sinl((x))                /* functions              */
#define COS(x)     cosl((x))
#define EXP(x)     expl((x))
#define LOG(x)     logl((x))
#define ATAN(x)    atanl((x))
#define ACOS(x)    acosl((x))
#define COSH(x)    coshl((x))

#else                                       /* less precision or not a*/
                                            /* BC3 and not a MC6 ?    */
#define FABS(x)    (REAL)fabs((double)(x))  /* declare names of basic */
#ifdef LONG_DOUBLE_USED                     /* floating point         */
#define SQRT(x)    sqrtlong((x))            /* functions that can be  */
#else                                       /* used in each of the    */
#define SQRT(x)    (REAL)sqrt((double)(x))  /* three precisions       */
#define POW(x, y)  (REAL)pow((double)(x), \
/*.IX{POW}*/                              \
#define SIN(x)     (REAL)sin((double)(x))
#define COS(x)     (REAL)cos((double)(x))
#define EXP(x)     (REAL)exp((double)(x))
#define LOG(x)     (REAL)log((double)(x))
#define ATAN(x)    (REAL)atan((double)(x))
#define ACOS(x)    (REAL)acos((double)(x))
#define COSH(x)    (REAL)cosh((double)(x))

#undef sign
#undef min
#undef max
#define sign(x, y) (((y) < ZERO) ? -FABS(x) :     /* |x| times     */  \
/*.IX{sign}*/                                                          \
                                    FABS(x))      /* sign of y     */
#define min(a, b)        (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a, b)        (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define SWAP(typ, a, b)                    /* swap two objects of   */ \
/*.IX{SWAP}*/                                                          \
  { typ temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } /* arbitrary type        */

/* ------------------ Macros by Albert Becker ----------------------- */
#define ABS(X) (((X) >= ZERO) ? (X) : -(X))    /* Absolute value of X */
#define SIGN(X,Y) \
/*.IX{SIGN}*/     \
             (((Y) < ZERO) ? -ABS(X) : ABS(X))    /* sign of Y times  */
                                                  /* ABS(X)           */
#define SQR(X) ((X) * (X))                     /* square of X         */

#define FORMAT_IN      "%lg"               /* Input format for  REAL  */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt IN}*/
#define FORMAT_LF      "% "LZP"f "         /* Format l for  REAL      */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt LF}*/
#define FORMAT_126LF   "% 12.6"LZP"f "     /* Format 12.6f for  REAL  */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt 126LF}*/
#define FORMAT_2010LF  "% 20.10"LZP"f "    /* Format 20.10f for  REAL */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt 2010LF}*/
#define FORMAT_2016LF  "% 20.16"LZP"f "    /* Format 20.16f for REAL  */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt 2016LF}*/
#define FORMAT_LE      "% "LZP"e "         /* Format e for REAL       */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt LE}*/
#define FORMAT_2016LE  "% 20.16"LZP"e "    /* Format 20.16e for REAL  */
/*.IX{FORMAT\unt 2016LE}*/

* declare all external functions defined in basis.c                    *

int basis(void);             /* find basis for number representation  */

REAL mach_eps(void);         /* find machine constant                 */

REAL epsroot(void);          /* find square root of machine constant  */

REAL epsquad(void);          /* find square of machine constant       */

REAL maxroot(void);   /* Root of the largest representable number ....*/

REAL posmin(void);           /* find smallst positive floating point  */
                             /* number                                */

REAL pi(void);               /* find  pi                              */

REAL exp_1(void);            /* find e                                */

REAL sqr(REAL x);            /* square a floating point number        */

void fehler_melden   /* Write error messages to stdout and stderr ....*/
                   char text[],          /* error description ........*/
                   int  fehlernummer,    /* Number of error ..........*/
                   char dateiname[],     /* file with error  .........*/
                   int  zeilennummer     /* file name, row number ....*/

int umleiten            /* Perhaps redirect stdin or stdout to a file */
             int argc,       /* number of arguments in command line ..*/
             char *argv[]    /* Vector of arguments ..................*/
            );               /* error code ...........................*/

void readln(void);             /* Skip the remainder of line in stdin */

void getline          /* Read one line from stdin ....................*/
             char kette[],    /* Vector with the read text ...........*/
             int limit        /* maximal length of kette .............*/

int intervall    /* Find the number for a value inside a partition ...*/
              int n,         /* lenght of partition ..................*/
              REAL xwert,    /* number whose interval index is wanted */
              REAL x[]       /* partition ............................*/
             );              /* Index for xwert ......................*/

REAL horner        /* Horner scheme for polynomial evaluations .......*/
            int n,                         /* Polynomial degree ......*/
            REAL a[],                      /* Polynomial coefficients */
            REAL x                         /* place of evaluation ....*/
           );                              /* Polynomial value at x ..*/

REAL norm_max      /* Find the maximum norm of a REAL vector .........*/
              REAL vektor[],               /* vector .................*/
              int  n                       /* length of vector .......*/
             );                            /* Maximum norm ...........*/

REAL skalprod           /* standard scalar product of two REAL vectors*/
         REAL v[],                 /* 1st vector .....................*/
         REAL w[],                 /* 2nd vector .....................*/
         int  n                    /* vector length...................*/
        );                         /* scalar product .................*/

void copy_vector        /* copy a REAL vector ........................*/
                 REAL ziel[],            /* copied vector ............*/
                 REAL quelle[],          /* original vector ..........*/
                 int  n                  /* length of vector .........*/

 * Basic functions chapter 1 (by Albert Becker) ......................*

long double sqrtlong  (long double x);

int comdiv              /* Complex division ..........................*/
            REAL   ar,            /* Real part of numerator ..........*/
            REAL   ai,            /* Imaginary part of numerator .....*/
            REAL   br,            /* Real part of denominator ........*/
            REAL   bi,            /* Imaginary part of denominator ...*/
            REAL * cr,            /* Real part of quotient ...........*/
            REAL * ci             /* Imaginary part of quotient ......*/

REAL comabs             /* Complex absolute value ....................*/
               REAL  ar,          /* Real part .......................*/
               REAL  ai           /* Imaginary part ..................*/

void quadsolv           /* Complex quadratic equation ................*/
               REAL    ar,        /* second degree coefficient .......*/
               REAL    ai,
               REAL    br,        /* linear coefficient ..............*/
               REAL    bi,
               REAL    cr,        /* polynomial constant .............*/
               REAL    ci,
               REAL *  tr,        /* solution ........................*/
               REAL *  ti

void SetVec             /* initialize vector .........................*/
           (int n, REAL x[], REAL val);

void CopyVec            /* copy vector ...............................*/
            (int n, REAL source[], REAL dest[]);

int ReadVec             /* read vector from input index starts at zero*/
           (FILE *fp, int n, REAL x[]);

int ReadVec1            /* read vector from input index starts at one */
           (FILE *fp, int n, REAL x[]);

int WriteVec            /* write vector to output index starts at zero*/
           (FILE *fp, int n, REAL x[]);

int WriteVec1           /* write vector to output index starts at one */
           (FILE *fp, int n, REAL x[]);

void SetMat             /* initialize matrix .........................*/
           (int m, int n, REAL * a[], REAL val);

void CopyMat            /* copy matrix ...............................*/
            (int m, int n, REAL * source[], REAL * dest[]);

int ReadMat             /* read matrix from input index starts at zero*/
           (FILE *fp, int m, int n, REAL * a[]);
int ReadMat1            /* read matrix from input index starts at one */
           (FILE *fp, int m, int n, REAL * a[]);

int WriteMat            /* write matrix to output index starts at zero*/
            (FILE *fp, int m, int n, REAL * mat[]);
int WriteMat1           /* write matrix to output index starts at one */
            (FILE *fp, int m, int n, REAL * mat[]);

int WriteHead  (FILE *fp, char *s); /* write header to file   ........*/

int WriteEnd  (FILE *fp);         /* write separator to file   .......*/

void LogError           /* write error message to stdout .............*/
             (char *s, int rc, char *file, int line);


/* -------------------------- END basis.h --------------------------- */


// --------------------- DECLARATIONS vmblock.h ------------------------
// Header file of vmblock.cpp


* symbolic names that let the user choose the kind of dynamical data   *
* structure to be allocated upon calling vmalloc()                     *

#define VEKTOR   0                /* for a REAL vector                */
#define VVEKTOR  1                /* for a vector with elements       */
                                  /* of given size                    */
#define MATRIX   2                /* for a REAL matrix                */
#define IMATRIX  3                /* for an int matrix                */

#define MMATRIX  4                /* for a matrix of 4x4 matrices     */
                                  /* (with elements of type `mat4x4') */
#define UMATRIX  5                /* for a lower triangular matrix    */

#define PMATRIX  6                /* for a matrix of points in R3     */

* operations on a vector matrix list                                   *

void *vminit         /* create an empty vector/matrix list ...........*/
        );                      /* address of list ...................*/

void *vmalloc        /* create a dynamic vector or matrix ............*/
         void   *vmblock,       /* address of a vector/matrix list ...*/
         int    typ,            /* kind of vector or matrix ..........*/
         size_t zeilen,         /* length (vector) or number of rows .*/
         size_t spalten         /* number of columns or element size .*/
        );                      /* address of the created object .....*/

bool  vmcomplete     /* check vector/matrix list for lack of memory ..*/
         void *vmblock          /* address of list ...................*/
        );                      /* no lack of memory? ................*/

void vmfree          /* free the memory for a vektor/matrix list .....*/
         void *vmblock          /* address of list ...................*/


/* ------------------------- END vmblock.h -------------------------- */

tam cie nie chcieli http://peb.pl/programowanie/738778-c-wartosci-wlasne-macierzy.html
to przyszedłeś tu spamować


Jeśli masz napisać taki program i oddasz takie cos to zostaniesz wyśmiany...
Weź kartkę w dłoń, zobacz jak sie owe wartości wlasne wyznacza i POMYŚL.
Wyznaczenie wartości własnych to kwestia policzenia wyznacznika i rozwiazania równania.


takie coś to załatwia się poprzez wizytę w bibliotece (na uczelni), ksero rozdziału z Numerical Recipes i problem rozwiązany. Mało tego można to znaleźć na sieci.

MarekR22 napisał(a)

takie coś to załatwia się poprzez wizytę w bibliotece (na uczelni), ksero rozdziału z Numerical Recipes i problem rozwiązany. Mało tego można to znaleźć na sieci.

Dzieki za linka, ale niestety moj angielski jest za słaby by to ogarnąc ;-\ Coż pomysle moze cos wykombinuje.

Shalom napisał(a)

Jeśli masz napisać taki program i oddasz takie cos to zostaniesz wyśmiany...

Doskonale o tym wiem. chciałem tylko zobaczyć czy to działa i może jakoś wyłuskać z tego to co jest mi potrzebne.

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