Member cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead (Visual Studio)?


Witam. Jestem w trakcie tworzenia gry strategicznej w Visual Studio 2015.

Na samym początku przytoczę błąd:

Member 'Form1.Ship.ship_name' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead

Otóż posiadam form1, a tam klasa, służąca do 'obsługi' moich okrętów:

namespace Second_Tutorial

public partial class Form1 : Form
      private static Ship[] submarine; // nie mogę z tego usunąć 'static' ponieważ wywala błąd: "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Form1.submarine'"
      internal static ShipControl FormShipControl;
      internal static Form1 form1;
      public static int selected_ship = 0; // indeks, do wyświetlania w ShipControl elementu tablicy submarine[selected_ship].jakieś_pola

public partial class Ship
            public static string ship_name; // name of a ship
            public double ship_posX; // position X on map
            public double ship_posY; // position Y on map
            public int ship_heading; // current heading
            public int ship_surf_speed_max; // max speed of a surfaced ship
            public int ship_submerged_speed_max; // max speed of a submerged ship
            public int ship_current_speed; // current speed of a ship
            public string ship_class_type; // surface or submarine
            public string ship_class_name; // name of class; for example Gato or Balao
            public string ship_foe; // friend or enemy?
            public bool is_controllable; // is controllable by player?
            public int ship_depth; // current depth of a submarine (if a submarine)
            public bool ship_alive; // is ship "alive"

            // initialize instance of 100 ships in array
            // without this there will be errors

            public static void Initial()
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    submarine[i] = new Ship();

            // create method of ship moving

            public void move(int heading, int speed)
                if (heading == 0) ship_posY -= speed; // ship is heading NORTH
                if (heading == 45) // ship is heading NORTH-EAST
                    ship_posX += speed; ship_posY -= speed;
                if (heading == 90) ship_posX += speed; // ship is heading EAST
                if (heading == 135) // ship is heading SOUTH-EAST
                    ship_posX += speed; ship_posY += speed;
                if (heading == 180) ship_posY += speed; // ship is heading SOUTH
                if (heading == 225) // ship is heading SOUTH-WEST
                    ship_posX -= speed; ship_posY += speed;
                if (heading == 270) ship_posX -= speed; // ship is heading WEST
                if (heading == 315) // ship is heading NORTH-WEST
                    ship_posX -= speed; ship_posY -= speed;

            // create ship and give him a starting position

            public void create_ship(string name, double posx, double posy, int heading, int surf_speed_max, int submerged_speed_max, int current_speed, string class_type, string class_name, string foe, bool controllable, int depth, bool alive)
                ship_name = name; // own ship name
                ship_posX = posx; // position X on map
                ship_posY = posy; // position Y on map
                ship_heading = heading; // current heading
                ship_surf_speed_max = surf_speed_max; // max speed of a surfaced ship
                ship_submerged_speed_max = submerged_speed_max; // max speed of a submerged ship
                ship_current_speed = current_speed; // current speed of a ship
                ship_class_type = class_type; // surface or submarine
                ship_class_name = class_name; // name of class; for example Gato or Balao
                ship_foe = foe; // friend or enemy?
                is_controllable = controllable; // is controllable by player?
                ship_depth = depth; // current depth of a submarine (if a submarine)
                ship_alive = alive;
        } // END OF class SHIP

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // forms load == game starts
            submarine = new Ship[100];

            // ==========================================================
            // ==========================================================
            // ================== CREATE SHIPS HERE =====================
            // ==========================================================
            // ==========================================================

            // 1 - name; 2 - position X; 3 - position Y; 4 - heading; 5 - surf speed max; 6 - sub speed max;
            // 7 - current speed;

            Ship.Initial(); //         1         2       3  4    5   6  7
            submarine[0].create_ship("USS Sargo", 780,  200, 0, 21, 9, 2, "surf", "Sargo", "friend", true, 0, true);
            submarine[1].create_ship("USS Saury", 2200, 450, 0, 21, 9, 2, "surf", "Sargo", "friend", true, 0, true);

Chciałbym wyświetlić form ShipControl za pomocą kliknięcia w PictureBox, co mi się udaje:


private void PictureBoxSub1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            selected_ship = 0;
            ShipControl FormShipControl = new ShipControl();

A w ShipControl chciałbym mieć możliwość wyświetlić w label.Text zawartości np submarine[0].ship_name:

namespace Second_Tutorial
    public partial class ShipControl : Form
        int displaying_ship = Form1.selected_ship; // odczytuję z Form1 zmienną public static int selected_ship = 0;

        public ShipControl()
             poniższa linijka wywala błąd:
            Member 'Form1.Ship.ship_name' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead
            string displaying_name = Form1.submarine[displaying_ship].ship_name;
            labelUnitName.Text = displaying_name;

             za to działa to, co poniżej:
             ale w tym wypadku wyświetla mi tylko submarine[1].ship_name o ile displaying_ship będzie równe 1
             problem pojawi się, jeśli z Form1 przekazana zmienna selected_ship będzie == 0

            string displaying_name2 = Form1.Ship.ship_name;

Ok. Wyświetlony mam ShipControl a następnie w różnych labelach chciałbym móc wyświetlić np submarine[0].ship_name lub pozostałe z klasy z Form1. Jak zmodyfikować kod? Dziękuję za pomoc.


Na początek to wywal klasę Ship z Form1. Unikaj zagnieżdżania klas.
Dane między formami najlepiej przekazywać w konstruktorze a nie tworząc zmienne statyczne.
Nazwy metod piszemy wielką literą.
Nie używaj podkreśleń, to nie PHP.
Po co ci wszędzie te przedrostki ship w klasie Ship ?
Wywal te static'i i zrób to po ludzku.

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