wszystkow kontekscie Windows.Forms
mam kontrolke AddressControl, na niej text box na nazwe ulicy tbStreet
mam tez wlasciwosc Address - i pole protected Address _address - ktore zwaraca/ustawia properta Address

chce uzywajac mechanizmow Binding "polaczyc" textbox z polem z Address

klasa Address implementuje INotifyPropertyChanged

wiec skoro ControlUpdateMode i DataSourceUpdateMode sa na OnPropertyChanged, to spodziewalbym sie ze kiedy w textbox tbStreet ktos cos wpisze to w _address.Street zostanie to zaktualizowane oraz ze kiedy ktos (z kodu) zmodyfikuje addressCtrl1.Address.Street = "bla"; to wartosc w tbStreet sie zaktualizuje

czy zle mysle, czy tylko cos zle zrobilem? pewnie gdzies jakas glupote zrobilem, ale juz nie widze gdzie

public partial class AddressControl : UserControl
	public AddressControl()
		_address = new Address();
		Binding b = new Binding("Text", _address, "Street", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
		b.ControlUpdateMode = ControlUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged;

	protected Address _address;

	public Address Address
			if (_address == null) _address = new Address();
			return _address; 
			_address = value??new Address();

public class Address : INotifyPropertyChanged
	protected string _street;
	public string Street
		get { return _street; }
			if (_street != value)
				_street = value;
	public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

	private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
		if (PropertyChanged != null)
			PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));