Przyporządkowywanie zmiennej nadrzędnej do zmiennej podrzędnej


Nie wiem do końca jak temat nazwać. Generalnie mój problem jest taki. Piszę gierkę tekstową dla zabawy:
W skrócie wygląda to tak.
Na początku mamy input powitalny z 3 możliwymi opcjami:
a, b, c.
Po wybraniu b pokazuje się 5 opcji
po wybraniu dowolnej liczba opcji się zmniejsza. Nie mniej finalną opcja jest opcja wyjściowa.
Czyli w pierwszym kroku wybieramy b, potem a, znowu a aż w końcu wybranie a automatycznie jest równe opcji c z pierwszego wyboru.

if beginning == "a":
    marketX = input("Welcome on the market of Xarthas, what you plan to do? \n [a] Go to horse merchant,\n "
                    "[b] Go to armor merchant,\n[c]Go to wine merchant,\n [d]Go to weapon merchant "
                    "\n[e] Go to wheat merchant \n[f] Try to sell your goods")
    if marketX == "a":
        print("Greetings, are you looking for new steed?")
    elif marketX == "b":
        print("Greetings, I see that you are not warrior, please let me show you my best crafts")
    elif marketX == "c":
        print("Here, take a look at the finest wines in Xarthas")
    elif marketX == "d":
        print("Welcome in the finest armory of this city")
    elif marketX == "e":
        print("Welcome in Jacobsen & Sons")
    elif marketX == "f":
        print("You set up your stool and wait for buyer of your stuff")
elif beginning == "b":
    tavernX = input("Welcome in Hanging Bear. You can: \n [a] buy a beer for 5 talars. \n "
                    "[b] buy food for you for 15 talars .\n "
                    "[c] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [d] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n [e] leave tavern.")

    if tavernX == "a":
        totalMoney = totalMoney - beerPriceX
        tavernXa = input("You feel happier, yet your pocket is lighter. You have " + str(totalMoney) + " total"
                         " Do you wish to do anything else? You can:\n [a] buy food for you for 15 talars. \n "
                         "[b] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [c] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n "
                         "[d] leave tavern.")
        if tavernXa == "a":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - foodPriceX
            tavernXaA = input(" You feel healthier, but your money bag contains only " + str(totalMoney) + " now. "
                              "You can either:\n [a]rent a room for 1 gulden. \n "
                              "[b] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens."
                              "\n [c] leave tavern. ")
            if tavernXaA == "a":
                totalMoney = totalMoney - rentPriceX
                tavernXaAa = input("Yaawn, that was good night Now you posses only a mere " + str(totalMoney) + ""
                                   " guldens. You can: \n [a] feed your horses for 2 guldens.\n [b] leave the tavern.")
                if tavernXaAa == "a":
                    totalMoney = totalMoney - horseFoodX
                    tavernXaAaA = input("Now you have " + str(totalMoney) + " guldens and your horses are well feed. "
                                        "Having none activities here, you decided to leave tavern. Now you can :\n"
                                        "[a] go to market \n[b] leave the city")
                    if tavernXaAaA == "a":
                        tavernXaAaA = marketX
                        tavernXaAaA = outskirtsX

           elif beginning == "c":
    outskirtsX = input("You are at outskirts of the city")

Jak najszybciej/najprościej zrobić by zmienna lokalna tavernXaAaA zwracała input ze zmiennej outskirtsX? Co robię źle?


Najpierw robisz override zmiennej tavernXaAaA przypisując do niej to, co siedzi w outskirtsX, a potem do outskirtsX wrzucasz coś nowego - czyli input użytkownika. Trochę tak, jakbyś w C napisał:

int a = 10;
int b = 20;
b = a;
a = 30;
printf("%d", b);

I oczekiwał, że zobaczysz 30 :)


Musisz mieć jakiś ogólny handler, który 'skanuje' obecny status i wykonuje przypisane akcje. Mozesz zaimplementować to za pomocą pętli while. Jest to nie jako state machine (wygooglaj koncepcję). Np.:

while True:
    if beginning == "a":
        marketX = input("Welcome on the market of Xarthas, what you plan to do? \n [a] Go to horse merchant,\n "
                        "[b] Go to armor merchant,\n[c]Go to wine merchant,\n [d]Go to weapon merchant "
                        "\n[e] Go to wheat merchant \n[f] Try to sell your goods")
        if marketX == "a":
            print("Greetings, are you looking for new steed?")
        elif marketX == "b":
            print("Greetings, I see that you are not warrior, please let me show you my best crafts")
        elif marketX == "c":
            print("Here, take a look at the finest wines in Xarthas")
        elif marketX == "d":
            print("Welcome in the finest armory of this city")
        elif marketX == "e":
            print("Welcome in Jacobsen & Sons")
        elif marketX == "f":
            print("You set up your stool and wait for buyer of your stuff")
    elif beginning == "b":
        tavernX = input("Welcome in Hanging Bear. You can: \n [a] buy a beer for 5 talars. \n "
                        "[b] buy food for you for 15 talars .\n "
                        "[c] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [d] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n [e] leave tavern.")

        if tavernX == "a":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - beerPriceX
            tavernXa = input("You feel happier, yet your pocket is lighter. You have " + str(totalMoney) + " total"
                             " Do you wish to do anything else? You can:\n [a] buy food for you for 15 talars. \n "
                             "[b] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [c] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n "
                             "[d] leave tavern.")
            if tavernXa == "a":
                totalMoney = totalMoney - foodPriceX
                tavernXaA = input(" You feel healthier, but your money bag contains only " + str(totalMoney) + " now. "
                                  "You can either:\n [a]rent a room for 1 gulden. \n "
                                  "[b] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens."
                                  "\n [c] leave tavern. ")
                if tavernXaA == "a":
                    totalMoney = totalMoney - rentPriceX
                    tavernXaAa = input("Yaawn, that was good night Now you posses only a mere " + str(totalMoney) + ""
                                       " guldens. You can: \n [a] feed your horses for 2 guldens.\n [b] leave the tavern.")
                    if tavernXaAa == "a":
                        totalMoney = totalMoney - horseFoodX
                        beginning = input("Now you have " + str(totalMoney) + " guldens and your horses are well feed. "
                                            "Having none activities here, you decided to leave tavern. Now you can :\n"
                                            "[a] go to market \n[b] leave the city")
    elif beginning == "c":
        outskirtsX = input("You are at outskirts of the city")

Zrobiłem to tak:

beerPriceX = float(0.05)
foodPriceX = float(0.15)
rentPriceX = float(1.00)
horseFoodX = float(2.00)
name = input("Please, insert your name ")
beginning = input("Hello " + name + ", after long time spent on foreign university, your uncle sent "
                  "you a letter with horrible news"
                  "\ndue to recent disease your father and mother deceased. What is worse, after their death, "
                  "your home was caught by fire \nAll what remained is pair of old horses, "
                  "old cart  and 50 feet of linen cloth for sale and 40 guldens and 30 talars."
                  "\nFinally you reclaimed what you possess. What will you do?"
                  " You are next to your old home and you feel saddened. "
                  "You can:\n[a] Go to market,\n[b] Go to tavern, "
                  "\n[c]Leave the city.""Choose your option by choosing letters ")
while beginning:

    if beginning == "a":
        marketX = input("Welcome on the market of Xarthas, what you plan to do? \n [a] Go to horse merchant,\n"
                        "[b] Go to armor merchant,\n[c]Go to wine merchant,\n [d]Go to weapon merchant "
                        "\n[e] Go to wheat merchant \n[f] Try to sell your goods")
        if marketX == "a":
            print("Greetings, are you looking for new steed?")
        elif marketX == "b":
            print("Greetings, I see that you are not warrior, please let me show you my best crafts")
        elif marketX == "c":
            print("Here, take a look at the finest wines in Xarthas")
        elif marketX == "d":
            print("Welcome in the finest armory of this city")
        elif marketX == "e":
            print("Welcome in Jacobsen & Sons")
        elif marketX == "f":
            print("You set up your stool and wait for buyer of your stuff")
    elif beginning == "b":
        tavernX = input("Welcome in Hanging Bear. You can: \n [a] buy a beer for 5 talars. \n "
                        "[b] buy food for you for 15 talars .\n "
                        "[c] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [d] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n "
                        "[e] leave tavern.")

        if tavernX == "a":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - beerPriceX
            tavernXa = input("You feel happier, yet your pocket is lighter. You have " + str(totalMoney) + " total"
                             " Do you wish to do anything else? You can:\n [a] buy food for you for 15 talars. \n "
                             "[b] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [c] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n "
                             "[d] leave tavern.")
            if tavernXa == "a":
                totalMoney = totalMoney - foodPriceX
                tavernXaA = input(" You feel healthier, but your money bag contains only " + str(totalMoney) + " now. "
                                  "You can either:\n [a]rent a room for 1 gulden. \n "
                                  "[b] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens."
                                  "\n [c] leave tavern. ")
                if tavernXaA == "a":
                    totalMoney = totalMoney - rentPriceX
                    tavernXaAa = input("Yaawn, that was good night Now you posses only a mere " + str(totalMoney) + ""
                                       " guldens. You can: \n [a] feed your horses for 2 guldens.\n [b] leave the "
                    if tavernXaAa == "a":
                        totalMoney = totalMoney - horseFoodX
                        tavernXaAaA = input("Now you have " + str(totalMoney) + " guldens and your horses "
                                            "are well feed."
                                            "Having none activities here, you decided to leave tavern. Now you can :\n"
                                            "[a] go to market \n[b] leave the city")
                        if tavernXaAaA == "a":
                            tavernXaAaA = (beginning == "a")
                            tavernXaAaA = (beginning == "c")
            elif tavernXa == "b":
                totalMoney = totalMoney - rentPriceX
                tavernXaA = input("Yaawn, that was good night Now you posses only a mere " + str(totalMoney) +
                                  " guldens. Now you can:"
                                  "\n [a] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens \n [b] leave the tavern")
            elif tavernXa == "c":
                totalMoney = totalMoney - horseFoodX
                print("Now you have only " + str(totalMoney) + " guldens, but at least your horses are well feed")
                print("You left tavern, What do you plan to do?")

        if tavernX == "b":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - foodPriceX
            print("Your stomach is full and you are ready for upcoming events. You have " + str(totalMoney) + " left")
        elif tavernX == "c":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - rentPriceX
            print("You got some rest. But your pocket contains now " + str(totalMoney) + " coins")
        elif tavernX == "d":
            totalMoney = totalMoney - horseFoodX
            print("Your horses are well feed now and healthier. You have now " + str(totalMoney))
    elif beginning == "c":
        outskirtsX = input("You are at outskirts of the city")
        beginning = input("Choose your option by choosing letters ")

Niby wraca mi na początek ale jedynie na początek "tavernX"
Chciałbym by wracało do wyboru nadrzędnego


Możesz zacząć refaktoring od drobnych zmian. Np. przenieść tfragmenty kodu do funkcji. Stworzę też bardzo prostą klasę State która będzie przechowywać obecne miejsce i stan $:


class State:
    def __init__(self):
        # look into decimal class for better money related numbers calcs = float(40.30) = None
        self.inventory = {
        'old horse': 2,
        'old cart': 1,
        'linen cloth': 50

state = State
beerPriceX = float(0.05)
foodPriceX = float(0.15)
rentPriceX = float(1.00)
horseFoodX = float(2.00)
name = input("Please, insert your name ") = input("Hello " + name + ", after long time spent on foreign university, your uncle sent "
                  "you a letter with horrible news"
                  "\ndue to recent disease your father and mother deceased. What is worse, after their death, "
                  "your home was caught by fire \nAll what remained is pair of old horses, "
                  "old cart  and 50 feet of linen cloth for sale and 40 guldens and 30 talars."
                  "\nFinally you reclaimed what you possess. What will you do?"
                  " You are next to your old home and you feel saddened. "
                  "You can:\n[a] Go to market,\n[b] Go to tavern, "
                  "\n[c]Leave the city.""Choose your option by choosing letters ")

def market(state):
    marketX = input("Welcome on the market of Xarthas, what you plan to do? \n [a] Go to horse merchant,\n"
                    "[b] Go to armor merchant,\n[c]Go to wine merchant,\n [d]Go to weapon merchant "
                    "\n[e] Go to wheat merchant \n[f] Try to sell your goods")
    if marketX == "a":
        print("Greetings, are you looking for new steed?")
    elif marketX == "b":
        print("Greetings, I see that you are not warrior, please let me show you my best crafts")
    elif marketX == "c":
        print("Here, take a look at the finest wines in Xarthas")
    elif marketX == "d":
        print("Welcome in the finest armory of this city")
    elif marketX == "e":
        print("Welcome in Jacobsen & Sons")
    elif marketX == "f":
        print("You set up your stool and wait for buyer of your stuff")
   return state

def buy_food(price, state): -= price
    print("Your stomach is full and you are ready for upcoming events. You have " + str( + " left")
    return state
def buy_beer(price, state): -= price
    print("You feel happier, yet your pocket is lighter. You have " + str( + " total")
    return state
def rent_room(price, state): -= price
    print("Yaawn, that was good night Now you posses only a mere " + str( + " guldens")
def buy_horse_food(price, state): -= price
    print("Now you have " + str( + " guldens and your horses are well feed.")
def tavern(state)
    while tavernX!='e':
        tavernX = input("Welcome in Hanging Bear. You can: \n [a] buy a beer for 5 talars. \n "
                        "[b] buy food for you for 15 talars .\n "
                        "[c] rent a room for 1 gulden. \n [d] buy food for your horses for 2 guldens. \n "
                        "[e] leave tavern.")
        if tavernX=='a':
            state = buy_beer(beerPriceX, state)
        elif tavernX=='b':
            state = buy_food(beerPriceX, state)
        elif tavernX=='c':
            state = rent_room(beerPriceX, state)
        elif tavernX=='d'
            state = buy_horse_food(beerPriceX, state)

while state:
    if == "a":
        state = market(state)
    elif == "b":
        state = tavern(state)
    elif == "c":
        print("You are at outskirts of the city")
    else: = input("Choose your option by choosing letters ")

Nie testowałem tego kodu po prostu napisałem w poście więc mogą być literówki lub drobne błędy.


W sumie to w ogóle jeśli fabuła tej gry jest taka "drzewiasta", to może logicznie byłoby machnąć sobie w kodzie jakieś drzewo/graf lokacji / zdarzeń powiązanych na zasadzie przyczyna (akcja) -> skutek (nowy stan/lokacja/konwersacja/whatever) z nowymi opcjami czy coś zamiast jakichś turbo-ifo-pętli :P Może łatwiej byłoby Ci żonglować stanami w czymś takim :)


Powiedzmy że machniesz sobie taki building block - w dużym uproszczeniu:

class Node:
  def __init__(self, description=None):
    self.description = description or 'Unknown location'
    self._visited = False
    self._children = {}
  def add_child(self, child, key):
    if key in self._children .keys():
      raise KeyError('Key "{}" is already taken'.format(key))
    self._children [key] = child
  def get_child(self, key):
    return self._children.get(str)
  def options(self):
    return list(self._children.keys())
  def visit(self):
    self._visited = True

No i cyk, masz coś w stylu drzewka które możesz poskładać do kupy. Od biedy dałbyś radę chodzić po tym i/lub poskładać to w jakiś graf:

>>> question = Node('The Drunken Merchant tells you a really bad joke. How do you respond?')
>>> a = Node('"Hahaha" - you try to sound as believably as possible. The Drunken Merchant is so drunk he wouldn\'t notice, but better safe than sorry. You get your bargain.')
>>> b = Node('"He.. he..." - you force yourself to laugh. The Drunken Merchant is too drunk to notice and gives you a bargain.')
>>> c = Node('"That wasn\'t funny at all!" - you fuss at the merchant. "Get lost, loser!" - the Drunken Merchant responded and stumbled away.')
>>> question.add_child(a, 'A) Laugh')
>>> question.add_child(b, 'B) Laugh half-heartedly')
>>> question.add_child(c, 'C) Tell the merchant his joke was bad')
>>> question.options
['A) Laugh', 'B) Laugh half-heartedly', 'C) Tell the merchant his joke was bad']

Choć być może lepiej byłoby ich nie składać do kupy w jedną wielką strukturę, tylko trzymać te węzły osobno i w każdym tylko np. identyfikatory dzieci, albo w ogóle zrobić osobną macierz połączeń między takimi elementami fabuły, a stan gry trzymać obok, albo dorzucić do węzła info kto jest rodzicem... no możliwości masz od kopa.

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